Holiday Mad Lib Theater with Chris Pratt and John Cena | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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-Hi, Santa. -Hello, Ding Dongs. -You're looking at me like I'm on your naughty list. -Well, I was counting my toys and was one doinker short. -I'm going to ask you for some silly words -- nouns, verbs, adjectives, et cetera -- and as you do that, they're going to be written onto cue cards. And then we're going to act out a dramatic Mad Libs scene. You ready for this? -Yes, sir. -Okay. Type of dessert. -Ding Dong. -Ding Dong. Plural or... -Yeah, Ding Dongs. Like, you know -- -Yeah, Ding Dongs. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I love them. -A silly word. -Doinker. -Another word for father. -Well, doinker, but...papa. -Aww. Give me give me a year. -200 A.D. -Celebrity name. -Jennifer Lawrence. [ Cheers and applause ] Whoo! -Type of plant. tree. It's a plant. -Yeah, sure. I guess you plant it, yeah, outside as a tree. Yeah, you do. Absolutely. -I should have said fern. -That's alright. Adjectives. -Demure. -Demure. Something you'd name a pet. -Pickles. -Name of a band. -The Roots! [ Cheers and applause ] -Plural animal. -Gerbils. -Verb ending in "-ing." -Spanking. [ Laughter ] I don't know. [ Cheers and applause ] -Give me... Give me a number. -22. -Measurement of time. -Century. -Centuries. -Centuries. -Centuries. A body part. ♪♪ -The nad. [ Laughter ] "The nad." A type of beer. -Milwaukee's Best Ice. -[ Laughs ] -The good stuff. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Milwaukee's Best Ice better send me some Milwaukee's Best Ice. -Type of doctor. -Pediatrician. -One-syllable noise. -Ugh! Is that right? -Yeah. -It's a syllable. -No, that "Ugh" is good. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, this is all good. There's no wrong answers. -Okay. -Plural noun. -Plural noun. -Mm-hmm. -Forks. -There's only two more. Mode of transportation. -Starship. -And holiday. -Christmas. [ Cheers and applause ] Whew! -We filled out the words for the scene. Are you ready to perform it? -Okay, yes. -Let's go. Here we go. Let's do it. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Bells jingling ] ♪♪ -Hi, Santa. -Hello, Ding Dongs. -You're looking at me like I'm on your naughty list. -Well, I was counting my toys and was one doinker short. I believe you stole it. -But, Papa... -I started making that toy in 200 A.D. What will the little Jennifer Lawrences think when she wakes up on Christmas morning with nothing under the apple tree? -I would never steal such a demure toy. -Where were you the night before Christmas? -I was with Pickles. We were listening to The Roots' holiday album and making snow gerbils. -Nice. -Pickles is very... -Hmm. Mm-hmm! Then why did Rudolph see you spanking on the roof? ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] 22 centuries before the toy was missing. -That's a coincidence. -The reason I work so hard is because I get to spread joy to millions of people and go sit by the fire, shaking my nad. [ Laughter ] -What?! -The little... -I know, I know, I know. -Tiny, little guy. -Yeah, yeah. -While eating cookies and drinking Milwaukee's Best Ice. -Fine. I stole the toy. [ High-pitched ] But I only did it... -Wait. [ Laughter ] -I was using a fake voice earlier. -Oh. -I'm an elf. I forgot I was an elf. -Oh, right. Oh, and I'm Santa. Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! -That's right. Ding Dongs. Ho-ho. You're silly. -I sold the toy. I only did it because I wanted to impress my pediatrician. -Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Every time there's a holiday miracle, I sing my favorite Christmas song, "Jingle Forks." [ Bells jingling ] ♪ Jingle forks, Jingle forks ♪ ♪ Jingle all the way ♪ ♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪ ♪ In a one-horse open starship ♪ -Merry Christmas, Santa! Hey! -Yeah! -Scene! [ Laughs ] ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] -Okay, here we go. -Okay, this is great. -Right? -Yeah. -Give me an adjective. -Ah, flamboyant. [ Laughter ] -Flamboyant. -Mm-hmm. Really making our cue-card guys work. Pet name. -Winston. -Wow, that was really fast. Nickname for a kid. -Jimmy Bill Bob. [ Laughter ] -What? That's a nickname for a kid? -Yeah. Jimmy Bill Bob. -Type of profession. -Late-night host. [ Laughter ] -What would you shout if you stubbed your toe? -Falafel! [ Laughter ] -Give me a number. -6-8-0-1. -Gosh. [ Laughter ] Give me a made-up fact about chickens. -They can fly. -Oh. -Two words that rhyme. -Fallon, talon. [ Laughter ] -You don't have to make the whole thing about me. Type of food. -Ooh! That's a tough one. I'll let you go with that one. -What? No. -I have to do it? -This is a game. It's fun. It's John Cena saying any food. -Ballpark hot dog. -Ballpark hot dog. [ Laughter ] These are the most interesting answers I've ever played. Type of drink. -A Rob Roy. [ Laughter ] -What?! -It's a Manhattan with a -- -I know what that is, but no kid knows what a Rob Roy is! -They do now. Rob Roys for everyone! -Rob Roys for everyone here, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] Rob Roy is great. A verb ending in "-ing." -Uh, begrudging? No, that's begrudgingly? No, no. Uh... Um, running, running, running. -Running, very good. Running. -I had to go basic. I was trying to go complicated. -Advice that you would give a shy teenager. -Stay golden, Pony Boy. [ Laughter and applause ] -These are the best answers ever. Stay golden, Pony Boy. Oh, my gosh. -It's a safe one. -Another good reference. Oh, my gosh. [ Laughing ] Body part. -Perineum. [ Laughter ] -I'm gonna have to give my cue-card guy mouth-to-mouth after perineum. -Well, I can't -- I mean, that's -- You want to go medical on that. -No, no, perineum. Is that something? -Oh, it's the space between -- -Okay, got you. [ Laughter ] That's not what that song is about. That's not what that song is about. -That is for me. -No, it is not. -That's how Dave Matthews speaks to me! -That's not what it's about. Oh, my gosh. -Here we are. This is your game. -No, I know. This is great. Object. -Protractor. [ Laughter ] -A plural noun. -Puppies. -Aww. -Puppies. -Aww. -Plural animals. -Dragons. [ Laughter ] -What would you say if you found out you got an A-plus on your chemistry test? -"Teacher, my name's not Dave!" [ Laughter ] -Oh, my gosh. -'Cause I wouldn't -- I would never... -Got it. Alright, we're almost done. Give me a color. -Hmm, sea breeze. [ Laughter ] -Sea breeze is a color? I got to get my Crayola set. Another profession. -WWE superstar. -Hey! [ Cheers and applause ] -Alright! Couple of fans in the house. -Yeah. -Appreciate it. -Two more. Another body part. -[ Laughs ] -Can I say anus? -No! Yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can say it. -It's a part. -And a verb. -Uh, jump. -There we go. Perfect. Alright, we filled it out. We are ready for our scene. I'm gonna hand this in to the computer. [ Laughter ] And then they're going to go on the cue cards. Are you ready to perform our scene? -Let's do this! -Yes! Let's go! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Ah, I love Christmas. It's the most flamboyant time of the year. [ Laughter ] [ Chuckles ] Hey, what's wrong? -There's something I have to tell you, Winston. -What is it, Jimmy Bill Bob? [ Laughter ] I'm your brother and your best late-night host. You can tell me anything. -Well, this isn't easy, but here it goes. I don't believe in Santa Claus. -Falafel! [ Laughter ] -Hey, hey. I understand why you would react that way. We've been writing Santa letters every day for the past 6-8-0-1 decades. [ Laughter ] -This is more shocking than when I found out chickens can fly. [ Laughter ] What made you stop believing? -All I wanted for Christmas was the most popular toy everyone had, the Fallon Talon. [ Laughter ] I left Santa a plate of ballpark hot dogs and a glass of Rob Roy, but on Christmas morning, there was nothing under the tree. So I ran to my room and started running. [ Laughter and applause ] -[ Chuckles ] [ Laughter continues ] -Little bro, I'm gonna tell you the same thing Dad used to tell me every night before bed. [ Laughter ] -[ Breathes deeply ] [ Laughter continues ] -[ Coughing ] -Yes? What -- What is that? -Stay golden, Pony Boy. [ Laughter and applause ] [ Cymbal crashes ] Stay golden -- Stay golden, Pony Boy. [ Laughter ] -Truer words have never been spoken. -Look, all you have to do is look deep... [ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] ...within your per-- [ Laughter ] "Perenium." -Perineum. -Perineum. [ Laughter and applause ] You remember Dad used to say that, as well. [ Laughter ] You got to look deep... for the holiday spirit. Come on, man. You can do it. -You're right, brother. The holidays are magical. Decorating the Christmas protractor. [ Laughter ] Hanging the puppies on the mantel. [ Laughter ] And spending time with all my dragons. [ Laughter ] I believe again! There is a Santa Claus! -Teacher, my name's not Dave! -You know, the best part about believing in Santa is getting to sing my favorite song with you. -[ Laughs ] You sure you don't want to do it by yourself? [ Laughter ] -Which is...? -What is the song? -"Rudolph the Sea-Breeze-Nosed WWE Superstar." [ Laughter ] Man, I screwed myself on that. -That is my favorite song. Let's sing! [ Clears throat ] ♪ Rudolph the sea-breeze-nosed WWE Superstar ♪ ♪ Had a very shiny anus ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ And if you ever saw it ♪ -Jumped. -♪ You would even say it jumped ♪ And scene. Go run to your room. Go run to your room.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,018,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, Holiday, Chris Pratt, John Cena, Mad Lib Theater, Mad Libs, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, games with guests, wrestling, WWE, wrestler, sports, fitness, WWE Raw, you can't see me, john cena meme, john cena theme song, Suicide Squad, Guardians of the Galaxy, Parks and Recreation, Avengers, The Tomorrow War, The Lego Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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