Holguin City Tour | History and Tour | Holguin | Cuba

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hey good day everyone so today is day number two from here in cuba so yesterday we spent the day in havana however last night we caught a bus and take us here to hulkin over 700 kilometers to the east so it's a completely different feel completely different place in cuba we're here to meet with our friends annel and steve and we're just walking to their place now they are very nice to book us a spot not far from where they live and today we have no set plans but we know we're going to dive into the cuban culture day two of our journey was just as exciting as day one after spending 11 hours it took to cross the island on our overnight bus seeing our friends and nell and steve made the trip well worth it although living and working in canada now cuba and specifically holguin was in l's home meeting them at their house we decided to spend some time on the deck during a brief 25 seconds of time we saw the perfect representation of cuba's diversity on its roads yeah new truck horse and buggy old car wow and then you got the old [Music] so we are on one of the many forms of transportation here in cuba and this is obesity and uh we are on our way now to find uh anil and steve we're gonna be heading into the downtown portion of polguin and showing you guys around there so we have been dropped off in uh holgain central square this was all pre-arranged for us so we had no idea a where we were going and b where to find our friends so for now uh i guess we're just going to wait around and see if we can connect with them and we have found the other half of our journey today they have come in the same method as us it was a quick 10-minute bc ride from our place to the city square i was excited to be back in holgain i had the chance to visit here once before on my first ever trip outside of north america it's not often that you get to come to a country like this and have things familiar it was nice stopping for a quick bite to eat and of course a mojito or two we relax at one of the outside patios here we were serenaded by a group of local musicians as we made our way through the city andel took the time to give us a bit of background of not only the city but her country holgain is the fourth largest city in cuba with a population of about 350 000 people the area was home to the taino people prior to the spanish arriving many museums in the area focus on the early part of this country's history telling the story of its indigenous community the city was officially founded in 1523 and was named after the spanish military officer diego rodriguez de silva de vallieres who donated the land holguin has a lot to offer for what many may consider a small city its airport not only connects travelers within the country but also internationally with fights from europe and canada the brewery cervezaria buccaneer is based in the city and makes two of the most common and popular beer brands found within cuba buccaneer and cristal of the two cruisedale is probably the most widespread and would be many of the locals go-to beer it's light and refreshing and would compare to many of the brands seen in north america like molson canadian in canada lebat blue in the usa and seoul in mexico we however prefer the harder to find buccaneer as it had a greater depth taste the central square is where you can find and connect with the history of cuba waller talks about the challenges cuba faced to free itself from the control of other countries monuments to jose marti are often found throughout the country as he spearheaded the revolution only to be finished by fidel castro and others in the late 1950s you can see one of the city's main attractions from the square loma de la cruz or hill of the cross where you can climb the 450 stairs for a view of the entire city in a place you'll get a closer look at in the next video we finished our day by exploring iglesia san jose in 1492 christopher columbus landed on the outskirts of modern day holding and claimed this land for spain the christian religion would have been brought to the island as religious officials attempted to convert the locals today christian churches can be found throughout the country as it's perhaps the most widely practiced religion smaller bands of people also engage in religious services that touch on their african roots finishing up our time in the central plaza of hogan we opted for taking one of the most unique forms of public transportation i've seen anywhere horse and buggy cuba is a place that allows you to go back in time it's a place where life is slow and people embrace the simplicity of life it's a welcome change from the busy lives we lead at home but for me i wonder if i would get bored living here as i'm so used to the wide array of entertainment options back home but i also feel like i would adjust easily to this relaxed way of life what about you curious about traveling through cuba be sure to check our website for more written information about our time here or check out our excursions where we take you to this amazing country with a completely authentic experience find us at joshuatravelguy.ca be sure to share this video if you enjoyed it because together we can share the world
Channel: Destination Earth
Views: 18,336
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Id: utpHrIfhSe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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