Holes - Chapters 1-5

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hello and welcome to michael reads we are going to be reading holes by louis carr uh let's jump right into it i've seen the movie we shia labeouf good movie i've heard that the movie and book are actually really closely tied together and follow almost the exact same points moment by moment and the only real difference is uh they didn't make shia labeouf fat in the movie so anyways chapter one there is no lake at camp green lake there once was a very large lake there the largest lake in texas that was over a hundred years ago now it's just a dry flat wasteland there used to be a town of green lake as well the town shriveled and dried up along with the lake and the people who lived there during the summer the daytime temperature hovers around 95 degrees in the shade if you can find any shade there's not much shade in a big dry lake the only trees are two old oaks on the eastern edge of the lake a hammock is stretched between the two trees and a log cabin stands behind that the campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock it belongs to the warden the warden owns the shade out on the lake rattlesnakes and scorpions find shade under rocks and in the holes dug by the campers here's a good rule to remember about rattlesnakes and scorpions if you don't bother them they won't bother you usually being bitten by a scorpion or even a rattlesnake is not the worst thing that can happen to you you won't die usually sometimes a camper will try to be bitten by a scorpion or even a small rattlesnake then he will get to spend a day or two recovering in his tent instead of having to dig a hole out on the lake but you don't want to get bitten by a yellow spotted lizard that's the worst thing that can happen to you you will die a slow and painful death always if you get bitten by a yellow spotted lizard you might as well go into the shade of the oak trees and lie in the hammock there's nothing anyone can do to you anymore and that is the end of chapter one and i'll give you uh a brief summary of this like one and a half page kind of deal here to kind of understand what's going on and better understand why we're reading this book so this is uh the story or at least this part of the story takes place on what was a lake a few hundred years ago but has since dried up it is now just a flat lake bed that is like cracked and barren and the only parts of shade and comfort you can find is owned by the warden so since there's a warden we can see that it's some kind of prison it's some kind of uh what's it called like penitentiary kind of like um a place where you send people so they need somebody looking over them so it's i mean i know what it is it's definitely like a juvenile detention center um it's basically like hard labor will cure your illness of committing crimes um and make you a better kid uh i think that's specifically anyways let's keep going uh yeah so they're in a dry lake uh the warden owns the shade you in the lake you'll find rattlesnakes and scorpions but the only real certain death you find out there other than being burned and dying of the heat is the yellow spotted lizard that they mentioned which isn't a lizard that exists in real life so you don't have to worry about them but for the case of this book a yellow spotted lizard bite will always lead to death and that's gonna be important for the story later we can assume there are the only trees in the area are the oak trees and there's a hammock there and that is owned by the warden you can't go there and the kids that go to this juvenile detention area thing they dig holes that is their purpose that's why this book is called holes that's why there's holes in a shovel on the cover of the book is because uh that's what they do that's their manual labor to kind of atone for their crimes uh and rehabilitate them and the warden oversees these kids and their rehabilitation so yeah that is everything you need to know about the first chapter and sets up the story for later also they keep mentioning bitten by a scorpion being bitten by a scorpion is not really a concern with a scorpion i mean i'm sure a scorpion can bite you but more dangerously is the stinger on the back you get stung by scorpions i guess you can get bitten but i don't think they're like venomous in the mouth i think the venom comes from their tail anyways that's all that for chapter one um and of course you gotta worry about snakes i don't think anyone would try and get bitten by a snake a rattlesnake that's too dangerous but they will get bitten by scorpions to get out of working for a day um but anyways yeah that's everything we need to know for that so that is all of chapter one i think maybe i should just do a bunch of chapters in one video just because of how short each chapter is i think we're gonna do all five chapters in one video so from here we'll move on to chapter two summary of chapter two then chapter three summary of chapter three and so on and so forth so chapter two is only like two paragraphs um chapter two the reader is probably asking why would anyone go to camp green lake most campers weren't given a choice camp green lake is a camp for bad boys if you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun it will turn him into a good boy that was what some people thought into camp before and that is the end of chapter two where we're introduced to our protagonist our main character here stanley yelnats basically this is reiterating what we already learned in chapter one is that stan leonette's is our main character that's the only new information we have uh he went to a judge and the ju after he committed a crime allegedly uh so he commits a crime allegedly a judge says you can either go to jail or you can go to camp green lake so camp green lake is where he'll be rehabilitated into not wanting to commit crimes anymore he says well i'm poor and i've never been to a camp before so let's go to camp probably not understanding the implications of wanting to go to this camp where the campers are actually slaves because you're working for free anyways that is the choice he made and um well we'll just see where that leads him right yeah cool and that is the end of chapter two chapter three stanley l nets was the only passenger on the bus not counting the driver or the guard the guard sat next to the driver with his seat turned around facing stanley a rifle lay across his lap stanley was sitting about 10 rows back handcuffed to his armrest his backpack lay on the seat next to him it contained his toothbrush toothpaste and a box of stationary his mother had given him he'd promised to write to her at least once a week he looked out the window although there wasn't much to see mostly fields of hay and cotton he was on a long bus ride to nowhere the bus wasn't air-conditioned and the hot heavy air was almost as stifling as the handcuffs stanley and his parents had tried to pretend that he was just going away to camp for a while just like rich kids do when stanley was younger he used to play with stuffed animals and pretended the animals were at camp camp fun and games he called it sometimes he'd have them play soccer with a marble or other sometimes other times they'd run an obstacle course or go bungee jumping off a table tied to broken rubber bands now stanley tried to pretend he was going to camp fun and games maybe he'd make some friends he thought at least he'd get to swim in the lake he didn't have any friends at home he was overweight and the kids in his middle school often teased him about his size even his teachers sometimes made cruel comments without realizing it on his last day of school his math teacher mrs bell taught ratios as an example she chose the heaviest kid in the class and the lightest kid in the class and had them weigh themselves stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy mrs bell wrote the ratio on the board three to one unaware of how much embarrassment she had caused both of them stanley was arrested later that day you see it's the teacher's fault i'm just kidding anyways stanley was arrested later that day he looked at the guard who had slumped in his seat and wondered if he had fallen asleep the guard was wearing sunglasses so stanley couldn't see his eyes stanley was not a bad kid he was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted he just been in the wrong place at the wrong time it was all because of his no-good dirty rotten pig stealing great-great-grandfather he smiled it was a family joke whenever anything went wrong they always blamed stanley's no-good dirty rotten pig stealing great-great-grandfather supposedly he had a great great grandfather who had stolen a pink pig from a one-legged gypsy and she put a curse on him and all his descendants stanley and his parents didn't believe in curses of course but whenever anything went wrong it felt good to be able to blame someone things went wrong a lot they always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time he looked out the window at the vast emptiness he watched the rise and fall of a telephone wire in his mind he could hear his father's gruff voice softly singing to him if only if only the woodpecker sighs the bark on the tree was just a little bit softer while the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only it was a song his father used to sing to him the melody was sweet and sad but stanley's favorite part was when his father would howl the word moon the bus hit a small bump and the guard sat up instantly alert stanley's father was an inventor to be a successful invent inventor you need three things intelligence perseverance and just a bit of luck stanley's father was smart and had a lot of perseverance once he started a project that he would work on it for years often going days without sleep he just never had any luck every time an experiment failed stanley could hear him cursing his dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather stanley's father was also named stanley yelnats stan lee's father's full name was steli stanley yelnats iii our stanley is stanley elnats iv everyone in the family had always liked the fact that stan lee elnats was spelled the same frontwards and backwards so they kept naming their son stanley stanley was an only child as was every other stanley elnett's before him all of them had something else in common despite their awful luck they always remained hopeful a stanley's father liked to say i learned from failure but perhaps that was part of the curse as well if stanley and his father weren't always hopeful then it wouldn't hurt so much every time their hopes were crushed not every not every stanley yell nets has been a failure stanley's mother often pointed out whenever stanley or his father became so discouraged that they actually started to believe in the curse the first stingling yelnats stanley's great grandfather had made a fortune in the stock market he couldn't have been too unlucky at such time she neglected to mention the bad luck that befell the first stanley yelnets he lost his entire fortune when he was moving from new york to california his stagecoach was robbed by the outlaw kissing kate barlow if it weren't for that stanley's family would now be living on a mansion on a beach in california instead they were crammed in a tiny apartment that smelled of burning rubber and foot odor if only if only the apartment smelled the way it did because stanley's father was trying to invent a way to recycle old sneakers the first person who finds a use for old sneakers of the first one the first person to find use for old sneakers he said will be a very rich man it was the latest project that led to stanley's arrest the bus ride became increasingly bumpy because the road was no longer paved actually stanley had been impressed when his first round when his first found when he first found out that his great grandfather was robbed by kiss and kate barlow true he would have preferred living on the beach in california but it was kind of cool to have someone in your family robbed by a famous outlaw kate barlow didn't actually kiss stanley's great-grandfather that would have been really cool but she only kissed the men she killed instead she robbed him and left him stranded in the middle of the desert he was lucky to have survived stanley's mother was quick to point out the bus was slowing down the guard grunted as he stretched his arms welcome to camp green lake said the driver stanley looked out the dirty window he couldn't see a lake and hardly anything was green and that's the end of chapter three this is the chapter of exposition which means it is leading us into all of the backstory of our character here we learned that he didn't actually commit a crime um and we learned that his family has a like family curse and the family curse is due to the fact that his great grandfather or great-great-grandfather yeah great-great-grandfather stole a pig from a gypsy and then she cursed him uh basically to have bad luck forever and all his generations but below him and he said well his mother reminds him well actually not every stella stanley yelnets has been a fa a failure because your great-grandfather his your great-great-grandfather's son uh he actually made a bunch of money in the stock market unfortunately he lost all that money because kissing kate barlow who is a famous outlaw from the wild west i guess she stole all of his money in a stagecoach robbery after he won all the money so yes they do actually still have that family curse on them and i think for the purposes of this story curses are real and his family actually does have a curse um his father stanley el naz's father stanley yelnats iii uh he's an inventor and it's clearly stated that an inventor only needs three things to succeed they need perseverance they need intelligence and they need luck and the only thing he's missing is luck and of course they're believing it's because of that curse because of his no-good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather uh yeah that's exactly what that is um and our character stanley he thinks that it's actually kind of cool he's sad that his great grandfather got robbed and lost all the money because now they couldn't be you know living wealthy in california or whatever but he also thinks it's kind of cool to have that part of history um is a part of his life because you know it's not everybody that has a family member that survived kissing kate barlow this outlaw robbing them because she's called kissing kate because she kisses people and then kills them that's how she got the name kissing kate because she the people she kills have like a lipstick mark of a kiss on them anyways uh there's also a song in this that will show up later in the book i'm pretty sure uh his his father's his father's has a song and i think this song has been passed down through the generations it's if only if only the woodpecker sighs the bark on the tree was a little bit softer while the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only and i'm sure uh there's there's a much better way to sing that than the way i sang it um you know it's saying it and do a good job seeing it but anyways that is everything from chapter three i think summarized here for you our character arrives at green lake to realize it's not actually green or a lake uh it's just a dry desert and he's like okay and he's on on the bus with a guard and a driver but he's the only one on the entire bus aside from the garden driver and he's like okay anyways that's the backstory for our character and our character's history also i think one last thing to mention from this chapter is his dad the inventor is right now trying to find a use for old sneakers a person who can find a use for old sneakers will become rich is what his his dad the inventor is thinking so that might also come up later i might as well mention it and we can move on to chapter four chapter four stanley felt somewhat dazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs and led him off the bus he'd been on the bus for over eight hours be careful the bus driver said to stanley walk down the steps stanley wasn't sure if the bus driver meant for him to be careful going down the steps or if he was telling him to be careful at camp green lake thanks for the ride he said his mouth was dry and his throat hurt he stepped under the hard dry dirt there was a band of sweat across the his waist where the handcuff around his wrist where the handcuffs had been the land was barren and desolate he could see a few run down buildings and some tents further away there was a cabin beneath two tall trees those two trees were the only plant life he could see there weren't any there weren't even weeds the guard led stanley to a small building a sign in front said you're entering camp green lake juvenile correctional facility next to it was another sign which declared that it was a violation of the texas penal code to bring guns explosives weapons drugs or alcohol onto the premises as stanley read the sign he couldn't help but think well duh the guard led stanley into the building where he felt the warm welcome relief of air conditioning a man was sitting with his feet up on a desk he turned his head when stanley and the guard entered but otherwise didn't move even though he was inside he wore sunglasses and a cowboy hat he also had a can of soda and a side of it made stanley even more aware of his own thirst he waited while the bus guard gave the man some papers to sign it's a lot of sunflower seeds the bus guard said stanley noticed a burlap sack filled with sunflower seeds on the floor next to the desk i quit smoking last month said the man in the cowboy hat he had a tattoo of a rattlesnake on his arm and as he signed his name the snake rattle seemed to wiggle i used to smoke a pack a day now i eat a sack of a sack of these every week the guard laughed there must have been a small refrigerator behind his desk because the man in the cowboy hat produced two more cans of soda for a second stanley hoped one might be for him but the man gave one to the guard and said the other was for the driver nine hours here and nine hours back the guard grumbled what a day stanley thought about the long miserable bus ride and felt a little sorry for the guard and the bus driver the man in the cowboy hat spit sunflower seeds shells into a waste paper basket then he walked around the dust to stanley my name is mr sir he said whenever you speak to me you must call me by my name is that clear stanley hesitated uh yes mr sir he said that we couldn't imagine that was the man's name you're not in the girl scouts anymore mr sur said stanley had to remove his clothes in front of mr sir who made sure he wasn't hiding anything he was given two sets of clothes and a towel each set consisted of a long sleeve orange jumpsuit an orange t-shirt and yellow socks stanley wasn't sure if the socks had been yellow originally but was also given white sneakers an orange cap and a canteen made of heavy plastic which unfortunately was empty the cap had a piece of cloth sewn into the back of it for neck protection stanley got dressed the clothes smelled like soap mr sir told a mood where one set to work in one set for relaxation laundry was done every three days on that day his work clothes would be washed then the other set would become his work clothes and he would get clean clothes to wear while resting you want to dig one hole each day including saturdays and sundays each hole must be five feet deep and five feet across in every direction your shovel is your measuring stick breakfast is served at 6 30. sorry breakfast is served at 4 30. stanley must have looked surprised because mr sur went on to explain that they started early to avoid the hottest part of the day no one is going to babysit you he added the longer it takes you to dig the longer we'll be out in the sun if you dig up anything interesting you ought to report it to me or any other counselor when you finish the rest of the day is yours stanley nodded to show he understood this isn't girl scout camp said mr sir he checked stanley's backpack and allowed him to keep it then he led stanley outside into the blazing heat take a look around you mr sur said what do you see stanley looked out across the vast wasteland the air seemed thick with heat and dirt not much he said then hastily added mr sir mr sir laughed you see any god towels no how about an electric fence uh no mr sir there's no fence at all is there no mr sir you want to run away mr sir asked him stanley looked back and i'm unsure what he meant you want to run away go ahead start running i'm not going to stop you stanley didn't know what kind of game mr sir was playing i see her looking for at my gun don't worry i'm not gonna shoot you he tapped his holster this is for yellow spotted lizards i wouldn't waste a bullet on you i'm not gonna run away stanley said good thinking said mr sir nobody runs away from here we don't need a fence no why because we've got only one we've got the only water for a hundred miles you want to run away you'll be buzzard food in three days stanley could see some kids dressed in orange and carrying shovels dragging themselves towards the tents you thirsty asked mr sir yes mr sir stanley said gratefully well you better get used to it you're gonna be thirsty for the next 18 months that's child abuse anyways that is the end of chapter four so this chapter does give us a little more context as to how the prison prison correctional facility is run um he gets off the bus uh goes to look around he's like wait a minute this isn't a green lake uh and he sees some buildings some tents and he goes over to the oak tree build the building with the oak trees and it's a nice building and he goes in and it's air-conditioned he's like it's been hot glad i'm in here and so the guard's like passing paperwork to this guy sitting behind the desk with a cowboy hat and a rattlesnake on his arm uh yeah so he passes that over to the guy they're signing a bunch of paperwork he's drinking a soda he's got a huge sack of sunflower seeds and the guard asks hey you got a bunch of sunflower seeds there and the man behind the desk who we find out his name mr sir has uh says he quit smoking and the sunflower seeds are to help him with that so he eats a large sack of sunflower seeds every week instead of smoking because it helps with his kind of like uh oral fixation the habit he has there and he has this nice cool soda and he gives two cool sodas to the guard and says here and for a second stanley's like oh my god i'm getting a soda you're not getting a soda he ends up giving it to the guard and both of them and says hey give one of these to the bus driver and the and one's for you and the guard's like thank you it's been a nine hour drive here and now we have to drive nine hours back this is awful and so stanley feels a little bad that he had to go out of his way to do that but obviously committed a crime so he didn't commit a crime actually we get it cleared he's not he didn't commit any crime he was falsely accused of a crime however here he is and so he's like i feel bad i don't want to be responsible for this and so he's given a couple things um clothes that are apparently been worn before that he has two sets of clothes one is for leisure one is for work you wear the dirty one for work and then you shower and do the clean one for leisure uh and then you switch those when the other one's being washed i think um yeah anyways so that's what the plan is for that the clothes smell like soap breakfast is at 4 30 in the morning and the general plan behind the correctional facility we are outlined is there's no fences there's no guards none of that stuff they have the only water for a hundred miles around them so nobody's gonna be running out into the desert to escape because there's nowhere to go you'll just die and so stanley for a second that doesn't matter anyways so our character is thirsty he's like i'm thirsty and the guard's like get used to it basically um and we're also told what the purpose of this correctional facility is or at least hinted at it um you have a five foot long shovel it's like you know five feet long uh tip to tip and that is how you measure the holes you dig you need to dig one hole per day five feet deep five feet in every direction and after you finish up with that uh the reason you start at 4 30 in the morning is so that you avoid the hottest part of the day so you're not digging during the hottest part of the day and so once you dig your 5 foot deep hole you are done and you get to do whatever you want with the rest of the day which i think is kind of nice especially since the hottest part of the day is at like three o'clock so basically work 4 30 to 2 30 and then you have the rest of the day off that sounds awesome the problem is obviously they don't have tv or air conditioning or any of the nice things so obviously it's not a break but i mean it's nicer than working a real job out in the sun i guess uh because what is 4 4 5 36 37 38 39 30 10 30 11 30 12 30 1 30 2 30. that is like 10 hours that's a lot of hours to be working actually that's never mind that's bad i wouldn't want to do that but still at least you get off a little bit early i just go to bed right after that and just sleep my way through this anyways he's on a term for 18 months and that's the last thing we learned from that chapter uh and that's about it for there so we are moving on to chapter five our final chapter for this video so here we go chapter five there were six large gray tents and each one had black letter on it a b c d e or f the first five tenths were for the campers the councilors slept enough stanley was assigned to detent mr podansky was his counselor my name is easy to remember said mr padansky as he shook his hand shook hands with stanley just outside the tent three easy words pen dance key mr sir returned to the office mr botansky was younger than mr sir not nearly as scary-looking the top of his head was shaved so close that it was almost bald but his face was covered with thick curly black beard his nose was badly sunburned mr sirs really isn't really so bad said mr padanski he's just been in a bad mood ever since he quit smoking the person you've got to worry about is the warden there's really only one rule at camp greenlake don't upset the warden stanley nodded as if he understood i want you to know stanley that i respect you mr pinansky said i understand you've made some bad mistakes in your life otherwise you wouldn't be here but everyone makes mistakes you may have done some bad things but that doesn't mean you're a bad kid stanley nodded it seemed pointless to try and tell his counselor that he was innocent he figured that everyone probably said that he didn't want mr podansky spelled out pen dance key to think he had a bad attitude i'm gonna help you turn your life around said his counselor but you're gonna have to help too can i count on your help uh yes sir stanley said mr bernanke said good and then patted stanley on the back two boys each carrying a shovel were coming across the compound mr padanski called to them rex allen i want you to come say hello to stanley he's the newest member of our team the boys glanced wearily at stanley they were dripping with sweat and their faces were so dirty it looked it took stanley a moment to real to notice that one kid was white and the other black what happened to barf bag asked the black kid lewis is in the hospital said mr podansky he won't be returning he told the boys oh he told the boys to come shake stanley's hand and introduce themselves like gentlemen hi the white kid grunted that's alan said mr podansky my name's not alan the boy said it's squid and that's x-ray hey said x-ray he smiled and shook stanley's hand he wore glasses and they were so dirty that stanley wondered how he could see out of them mr podansky told allen to go to the rec hall and then bring the other boys to meet stanley then he led him inside the tent there were seven caught each one less than two feet from the next which was lewis's cut mr podanski asked barf bags left here said x-ray kicking at one of the beds all right stanley that'll be yours said mr padansky stanley looked at the cotton nodded he wasn't particularly thrilled about sleeping in the same cot that had been used by somebody named barf bag seven crates were stacked in two piles at one side of the tent the open end of the crates faced outward stanley pulled put his bat put sorry stanley put his backpack change of clothes and towel in what used to be barf bags crate it was at the bottom of the stack that had three in it squid returned with four other boys the first three were introduced by mr podansky as jose theodore and ricky they call themselves magnet armpit and zigzag they all have nicknames explain mr padansky however i prefer to use the names their parents gave them the names that society will recognize them by when they return home to be useful and hardworking members of society it ain't just a nickname x-ray told mr padansky he tapped the room with his glasses i can see inside you ma i can see inside you mom you've got a big fat heart the last boy either didn't have a real name or else he didn't have a nickname both mr podanski and x-ray called him zero you know why his name is zero asked mr padanski because there's nothing inside his head he smiled and playfully shook zero's shoulder zero said nothing and that's mom a boy said mr podenski smiled at him if it makes you feel better to call me mom theodore go ahead and call me mom he turned to stanley if you have questions theodore will help you you got that theodore i'm dependent on you theodore spit a thin line of saliva between his teeth causing some of the other boys to complain about the need to keep their home sanitary you are all new here once in mr padansky and you all know what it feels like i'm counting on every one of you to help stanley stanley looked at the ground mr podansky left the tent and soon the other boys began to file out as well taking their towels and change of clothes with them stanley was relieved to be left alone but he was so thirsty he felt as if he could die if he didn't get something to drink soon uh hey a theodore he said going after him do you know where i can fill my canteen theodore world and grab stanley by his collar my name's not theodore he said it's armpit he threw stanley to the ground stanley stared up at him terrified there's a water spigot on the wall of the shower stall a thanks armpit said stanley as he watched the boy turned and walked away he couldn't for the life of him figured why anyone would want to be called armpit in a way it made him feel a little better about having to sleep in a cot that had been used a boy named been used by somebody named barf bag maybe it was a term of respect and that is the end of chapter five and i think we're gonna stop there let me actually resolve this issue because reading about a desert is making me really thirsty [Music] okay so chapter five this chapter we are introduced to more characters a bunch more characters in fact most of the characters we're going to see from this book are introduced in this chapter i think because we're introduced to mr podansky he's the first one we're introduced to then we meet x-ray and armpit and a bunch of the other ones and of course mr berdansky is he believes that these are good kids that just need to be put right on the right path he thinks these aren't bad kids they've had bad things happen they've done bad things but they can recover and be better and so that's he's like i'm not going to call them by the nicknames they've come up with i'm going to call them by the names that society will accept them as after they finish with their stints here and so we're introduced to each one and all of them are calling mr bedansky mom basically that's the nickname they've given him and they say he's a big heart so i mean i guess he's not actually all that bad but he is there to make sure that they do what they're supposed to do as a counselor he's there to counsel them and take care of them but at the same time we notice when he talks about zero who's the last one he doesn't get a name that society is supposed to give him because mr vadansky actually bullies him essentially and says because he's got nothing in his head it's empty it's zero and so basically he's bullying this kid showing that he's not actually like necessarily a good person um because he's taking some pleasure from having superiority over these kids so we can think he's sort of good but also not necessarily all that good um and zero doesn't speak at all so maybe well we just don't have any context as to why he's not speaking or why he's there or why any of the kids are there anyways after he introduces everybody and our and stanley is given a place to sleep and it's going to be in the place where a person named barf bag is no longer because he went to the hospital and isn't coming back we don't know why he ended up in the hospital could have been a rattlesnake bite could have been a scorpion or it could have been dehydration or something like that we don't know all we know is he isn't coming back and now stanley's gonna be able to sleep in where he was sleeping and our and stanley's also in tent d i think it's wait how many times a b c d e and f um and five of those are for campers and one of them is for counselors so i guess we can assume that maybe the only we don't know how many counselors there are for now we only know of mr sir and podansky and i don't think the warden is sleeping in one of the tents so she probably has her own house so anyways that is everything you need to know about chapter five i think um oh except in the end uh stanley walks up to theodore and says hey can i where can i get water because this whole time he's been dying of thirst me too and so theodore turns around and grabs him by the collar and like throws him to the ground he's like i'm armpit not theodore so basically these names are important to them it's their own identity that they've formed here and disrespecting that is going to lead to them getting angry with him so he's like okay armpit where do i get water and he's like the spigot is by the showers and that is where it ends there that's all we need to know so our character feels a little better about sleeping in a bed named after somebody named barf bag because maybe he didn't barf and barf in the bed or anything like that maybe it's just a term of endearment they had because he threw up one time we don't know any of the details all we know right now is that our character is feeling a little bit lost and i would have so much anxiety as a child if i was in this situation however i think um even though he feels maybe a little bit lost and out of it there's some hope that he can make it through these 18 months and get a positive experience out of it uh he he doesn't seem like he's overwhelmed with anxiety or fear or anything i think he's just trying to make the best of the situation which uh is it seems is a classification of a lot of his family is that they try and uh make make the best of stuff so that is all i think i have for now thank you for joining me we will continue with chapter maybe six seven eight nine i don't know what i'm doing next time but uh that is it for now i will do my best to separate out these chapters for you in time codes below this video i might not do that i might do it we'll see if it's not there somebody comments it in the comments for me i'll pin your comment and you'll be able to click to each chapter as needed but anyways that is all i have for now thank you for joining me i hope to see you in the next chapters goodbye guys sucks that the park on the tree runs as soft as the skies swallow with weights below me hungry he cries to them [Music]
Channel: Micah Reads
Views: 181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mk2AairOzmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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