HOLD ON TO THE 250MPH TRAIN! (Gang Beasts)

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there's a new map if we're on a train should we go the green container is probably the best one isn't it guys isn't it the best I'm still human falafel something wait what the train just split up guys how about we all walk to the front I think the Mosel gonna break I don't know Josh guys let go I have a problem now what's up okay Jordi are you all right buddy okay actually a Jordi Jordi do you need a hand should I stop it I was really thirty-nine look onto something three four wait what's that coming up danger guys there's rocks gonna rocks are gonna fall down I just get over here give me a hug give me a hug Josh no I'm all right guys don't trust to me Scott a hook all right guys got a hook telling you what's at the end of the track Josh we need to save that for this return of the video okay [Music] hauling off not alright I'm quitting really you are Josh let's say no let's just make that issue real quick yeah that's okay let's be friends don't you gonna be friends Josh friends can die together jelly no no Josh that is what oh my god is suing uh you're right what are we doing Jordi's stop it Jordi Jordi at 38 on the floor it's on the floor and now it's a draw choo choo guys welcome to my pirate ship [Applause] like I'm not sure how far away we are from water but me said no that's water that's water who's the best diver that's water down here can you swim dirty he's a pirate anyway swim swim right guys yeah green containers are the best kind of containers okay guys I feel like the Train separates at the same part every single round so we're just gonna stand on the green container for now a ballerina I'm not on anything for the punch oh no that's not happening dance routine oh I don't want to be part of your team actually want to make sure that you guys can stop dancing I hate it when you do this Josh watch you can see I'm not wearing underwear today hey there's no way you're gonna lift me all right wool 20 song with the hood dirty I got you I got you [Music] Jilly I need help am i holding you on your hook I think I am yes you're holding the I am so sorry would make Oh Josh is gone Josh is gone all right we're just gonna continue the dance I could just let go of you yeah impossible wrong hand wait yeah this is awesome can we walk along the training open it Oh Georgie honey you're in trouble buddy hey guys I have a challenge or something break it you saw something grace well I have a challenge all right the one who can hold on the longest wins whoa yeah and we all have to go with our own color container guys guys come on - nice Amell I think Jordi's dead side of the tree I got back on it Josh if you fall down at the front and you can just jump on I in right Josh they come all right guys okay I'm Shauna is my train I am still on it whoo I'm kind of in the back though Wow nice oh okay see you later guys Darwin's okay okay guys what's the plan pretty far before we stay on need to work together okay we've we've seen we've seen a sign with rocks guys but I haven't actually seen any of them falling down I want to see these rocks me too I want to see all them wrong hey guys could you stop you - how that's right that's right don't get your head buddy I'm sorry I'm sorry okay oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you started the rock Josh you can judge by the hot guys the real question is could you take my hat off yeah you don't think so whoa okay No ah I character like glint stop chilly take my hand excuse video without him no I wanted to see the end I'm joking Jeff chilly come on come on all right then holding on to you Jordy I'm holding on sit down everybody sitting what is up with these motors are moving so much okay guys yeah we're like kind of moving hold on how about you just hold on to the Train yeah guys I can only hold on with one hand buddy Darcys are magnets whoa Josh your brain looks like it's like a magnet touched me okay well guys what a player do I think that's the wrong way around I am down let me ride you Jessica whoo there's one thing though don't throw me off please pull them apart guys this is animal abuse gosh what are you doing Josh I don't read the rocks [Laughter] we'll get there on they will get there was anyone make it to this fall like playing the JIT okay get in the blue on the blue container guys I have a question where is Jordi's container there's mine there's some Josh's but where's Geordi can we get in the container no no no you can okay don't even try and wait Josh there's nothing you should experiment with you fallen off way too many times we want to see the rocks we want to see what's at the end Josh can't leave the Hat we've seen what happens to have is insane I'm dead guys I'm dead I don't know someone locked me out wake up oh whoa guys I'm doing yoga leave me alone yeah is that the sound you make when you're doing yoga Jory that's a across the rocks yeah there's a there's a sign there's a sign am I the only one who's a little bit confused why this cow ready cameras wearing a white t-shirt guys the rocks are about to come out okay okay Oh Josh Josh we talked about this jelly jelly Milani hold on hold on we're late guys we're going home Billy Billy come on hey Cal I got you I got you late okay hold on to each other okay hold on to each other oh my goodness knocked out if we get hit by a rock guys oh my goodness that's a big one wait luckily and jelly first what happens again whatever head I strap what a rock no guys we're doing within again oh my goodness guys I want to get further away from the wall okay whoa that was insane what happens here I have no idea gosh hold on oh that oh oh oh my god the train just gets derailed that's it what guys hold the train together hold it together but the plank high on this side anybody grab me grab me quick I'm trying trying oh how are we supposed to grab you like hold the Train yeah it ain't always separates Josh hold on bulldog like why her Josh Waldo Jenny hold on to me can he hold on to me okay in the container hold onto the container jelly well you said hey you said hold on to you why is my fault guys stretch your arms out right arm hold the right one on the left contain right in oh you didn't you were holding the black container hold on to the plane okay oh okay I'm holding on extra-strength okay oh it's actually working is it you guys are both holding on to the crap we just do real entire dream wait there's explosions George first win congratulations [Music] I'm sorry I grabbed on guys okay okay okay grab the container just grab the container jelly grab the kid I'm trying it's fine it's not fine let's go again we got to be quick because it separates after Wang yeah so what do I do grab grab Jordi I'm trying to try it's like a magnet this thing's like a magnet I can't see that mister why does he even have a hat Josh all you have to do is grab the green container now yes yes you guys Manatee jelly get up here you know Jenny pull us off okay turbulence okay is this gonna work guys I think this might work I had to grab whatever had the firmest grip thanks for watching Gabby's 10,000 likes you do so long at least that's what I heard someone say right thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly store.com [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 9,994,857
Rating: 4.8445163 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, gangbeasts, jelly, game, funny, comedy, new, HOLD ON TO THE 250MPH TRAIN, gang beasts, multiplayer, challenge
Id: qK8p15x_Yb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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