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[Music] brings up the camper my vision falling down in 30min decision my mind won't be still away our time Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that brings wet cold everybody was all hands on deck [Music] I'm on of tratado proper we are worldwide voyage [Music] we just returned from playing Thailand and are now returning to Pongo Pongo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you're gonna let go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we came down here to the Shepherd of our culture just and celebration of a particular [Music] [Music] Nalani manu my loyal I know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why do we do this we love the ocean simple as that when you love a place you look after it [Music] the magic positives that we actually discover how we all have a common unity and that is our ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our dead [Music] this canoe helped a revival of our people the revival of our culture revival of our language I stand here in front of you because of the power of chocolate I want to be able to do it for our people and as we travel along to the rest of the communities we hope we have the same impact on indigenous communities around the world [Music] we speak to the spirit of the life today to know each one of you to welcome you here to the sacred life [Music] the Great Barrier Reef is one of those spotlights that we shine on to the importance of the ocean to them because it's the biggest and oldest living echo logical system on the earth and it comes our school so we intentionally strategically took some mission underwater first time I actually do want to weeks in Australia my regulators fell out of my mouth because I had never seen anything like it to see bees healthy briefs it was mind-blowing [Music] today we just transitioned from lake 12 select 13 and we're preparing the canoe for sale to Bali Indonesia we're here today at Darwin Australia the cells going to be a maximally 900 miles from here the Bali [Music] you know even on a beach that's only populated by birds and nesting Turtles we find stuff like this this is marine debris that's come from far away it's obviously not from this small island [Music] we're just really looking forward to spending time in Bali Indonesia getting to know the people the community here [Music] green school it's kind of in the middle of Bali in Indonesia our schools purpose is making our world sustainable this is a school for leaders this is a school for innovators this is school for the kind of future kind of thinking that we need today [Music] [Music] stop lying Tigers in yes I enjoy when I'm here and I also love the way they check out those people from away [Music] yeah yeah Nina nah no this would be one of the first self catering apartments of modern humans proximately a hundred and thirty-five hundred and forty-five thousand years earlier than any humans that we have human behavior the voyage of the ha players reconnect us each other on a primal level it harks back to our oneness to the starting point of our interconnectedness and our human journey you have left many pleasures throughout your voyage as you have left nothing yet we hope you'll take some blessing Oh [Music] you can see behind us is a little unique situation where we're surrounded by fog definitely making it a little more challenging to navigate this canoe traditionally because we're not even going to be able to see the Sun or the Stars or the moon but we're still continuing on navigating as our ancestors have done for thousands of years [Music] shoutout to our cook Gary Ewing another excellent five-star meal allowing us to stay healthy and positive and keep our bodies on fully nourished that we can do a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] 31 days out of Cape Town a couple different stops at st. Helena Ascension and now we're here I did Fernando about 4,000 miles total distance from there to here [Music] [Music] Bruce's crew from Lake sixteen Cape Town to NATO Brazil just handed over the kuleana to Lake seventeen which is taking the canoe from NATO Brazil to st. John US Virgin Islands whither averaging in the 20-knot range so we're being pushed along at about seven knots and speed so we're making good speed towards our target and like I said the crew is doing well and everything working as best as possible it is a kind of rough condition [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] the ocean has been pillaged and destroyed by mankind for many many years now and Hoke Leah's voyage is drawing attention to this and alerting the world to get out there and do something about it we just left super arced in the British Virgin Islands and we're setting sail for Kula so far we've had really fair winds about 15 to 18 knots [Music] we're not mad at you becuse we visited Old Havana town visited a very surprising organic farm where they're trying to grow food to sustain the community or eating community members engaging in activities and just thoroughly learning about the island culture here so now we push off us Florida and we'll get back in the United States of America like tomorrow [Music] we were in the Everglades National Park yesterday our first touch with the First Nations the Seminole Tribe greeted us as well as the National Park Service we're just so grateful to be in Florida the first date as we make our way up the East Coast we've had wonderful community experiences lots of families lots of Ohana here from Hawaii movement so excited yes and so welcoming inviting us into their home [Music] [Music] I think it's incredibly important that we engage with the indigenous peoples of whatever community we visit it's a different perspective they have been here for thousands of years and when you get to meet them and learn about the communities engaged in a very very deep way about the spirit that the nature of the people who settle designs on behalf of the other scatter way indignation and speaking very homely on behalf of the Earth's mother I wish to welcome their mission of malama Honua is something that each of us can take and apply in our hearts and in our work every day but what they are doing makes it real [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we are now we are or I have a way upon your voyage is a great testament to the power of Island people just one person or even their family or community they seem too small to make difference we can be inspired and by the example of this wonderful vessel hopefully up thank you for giving the time to recognize a voice from the deck of the voyaging canoes this is no overwhelming day we left New York City on Saturday and spent a beautiful night sailing over here we're going to be connecting with the locals for the next couple of days [Music] [Music] I came here on the sacred canoe the kanuda held the hopes and the dreams of other science it's important for us to greet each other in the water so Mahalo for launching your guided canoes welcome we know that when we're arriving here on our canoe it's not just those of us PC it's all of us plus our ancestors who continued to travel on this commune so the lock is basically a big bathtub with two gates on it you open the doors to this huge bathtub you come in and the doors close and it's either going to fill with water or it's going to let water out and it's going to lower you down once you're at the proper level then the doors open and you exit by the end of the lake this could have locked 61 times that's 61 individual times to varying locks [Music] just a Virginia and we're on our way from Carolina it was a very cool but that's always ice on the panel I mean we're on our way down to Key West Florida as McKee we get ready for a check across the Caribbean a lock of all this is leg 26 crew in route the Panama Canal right now we're in the Caribbean Sea I just want to wish our love dogs a call Mele Kalikimaka and hau'oli Makahiki oh oh [Music] we are in the first of two locks the miraflores lock we have one more lock to go and then we'll join with the Pacific Ocean it's the first time back in our trecek ocean Julio's good back home it's a special day it's pretty exciting for everybody this is amazing for indigenous nation our leg is stealing from Volvo Panama through the Galapagos which should take about ten days [Music] we were able to interact I'll type in force with a vana we saw baby sealion with all cheese is really small one Pio came up to us in a swim around all of us they go under water and turning and spinning like look what I can do and like show what's really cute [Music] we're just meeting the island of Santa Cruz which is behind me here in the Galapagos and we have about 1800 miles to go the island of Rapa Nui they're going to open up our mean and see how it goes [Music] as you see around me there crew members on watch looking for Rapa Nui and we are in the hunt we are numbers you should be in the visual range what but today the word of the day is patience is so where we have everybody out on the rails on Washington T for any times of island [Music] likely that's it over to the right there's a little desperate little creepy [Music] Aloha which is pawnees maple annoy and Jason the navigators from leg 28 crews on behalf of our entire crew wanted to give you guys all the big Mahalo for following us as we made our way nonprofit week it was a great effort amongst our entire crew helped us get them to new pilot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the money follow one new oil I know [Music] [Music] [Music] this is where we come from this is our heaven this didn't Mecca this is a cultural center and it hopefully and hopefully stop here before we judge the white [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hawaiian Skies
Views: 38,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LYzRySRtpfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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