Hogwarts Legacy | Study Themes from the Official Soundtrack | Full Album - 4K Video | WaterTower
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: WaterTower Music
Views: 23,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie soundtracks, movie soundtracks playlist, movie soundtracks 2019, movie soundtracks 2020, movie soundtracks best, best movie soundtracks of all time, movie soundtracks instrumental, watertower music, film soundtrack, Music, Soundtrack, Movie Score, movie soundtracks 2021, movie soundtracks 2022, movie soundtracks 2023, WizardingWorld, HogwartsLegacy, Hogwarts, WBGames, Avalanchesoftware, 4K, game soundtracks
Id: L77xxR02STE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 36sec (7176 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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