Hogwarts Legacy Butterbeer Recipe

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as we are about to re-enter into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter the hype has never been so high for fans of the Harry Potter books and movies as well as those who have been waiting for the next major video game release to whisk us away from our day-to-day lives to keep the hype train rolling I decided we would recreate the iconic butterbeer drink from the Half Blood Prince that will be included our Hogwarts Legacy experience as we know we will be able to travel to hogsmeade Village in the game where the three broomsticks Tavern resides while the drink provide players a boost to their stats or will it just be a trip down memory lane who knows we are going to make our own IRL so that we can relive the magic and get mentally right to call off work whip out your wands and let's get down to making some butter beer I don't own a wand but I do own this really sharp knife that I should not be waving around I'm so hyped I have been absolutely craving new Harry Potter content we've never truly had like a great Harry Potter video game experience there's been some good ones there was that uh Quidditch game I think for the PlayStation 2. and honestly gaming in general has been kind of stale recently so this one has a lot of hype for Harry Potter fans and just video Gamers alike much like this drink we're about to make Harry Potter is cozy we love it it makes us feel good we go back to those movies around Christmas time every year so let's try to recreate that feeling in this drink let's go [Music] foreign who are you I'm Gandalf um don't you think you're the wrong Universe buddy to be honest I don't know how I got here well what are you doing here got some butter beer get out of here take a hike sorry about that I really should start locking my doors the ingredients are super simple as you can see here but there is a process to follow to ensure that it all comes together perfectly with only six ingredients this is a cost-effective dessert that is sure to impress even the people that don't really like you that much because we're super fancy and we want to do it right we're going to make our own whipped cream using a very cold Bowl so we're gonna need our heavy cream now as well as our powdered sugar some vanilla extract and probably a hand mixer opening heavy whipping cream in this kind of container always reminds me of elementary school lunches where I would struggle to get to drink my milk I honestly think there were times when I would just give up and accept that I would hit up the water fountains at recess so in a way Harry Potter and I are like the same person the next couple ingredients are ones that you should probably start with a minimal amount and add a little more throughout the process to your own taste the worst case scenario is you end up with a cream and drink that is too sweet and we just don't want that the mixture is looking good so now we can prepare to rev up our hand mixer making whipped cream is super easy but can take a little bit of time to get some nice soft peaks developing into thicken up we went with powdered sugar over regular granulated because in my experience it helps thicken up the cream quicker and makes it more stable you can even add more in throughout the whipping process to adjust the flavor and thickness you can over whip your cream though so once it starts to form Peaks and becomes more of a creamy texture that you're used to keep a very close eye on it it can start to curd and lose the consistency that you're hoping to achieve all right all right now that's looking pretty perfect just mimic this an important step to the process is to try to make sure it tastes good brilliant words my guy oh man perfect hey babe come here real fast and try this with cream oh man that's good I could probably eat an entire bowl of this I'm gonna put this in the fridge for a couple minutes while I make our cream of soda butterscotch mixture I'm gonna have to whip it up real quick I'm gonna bring it back out because as it sits here it might get a little bit more liquidy right so for our mixture we're going near the cream soda the butterscotch topping and some butter you're going to want to take the glass or the mug that you plan to use to consume the butter beer and you're going to fill it up about three-fourths of the way full with the cream soda [Music] the soda is looking crisp so it's time for us to go to town on our soda butterscotch mixture you're going to need about a 1 4 cup of butterscotch top in it even though it's super messy and hard to manage you're going to end up a better person after this experience I guarantee it just be confident the whole time it can sometimes sense your fear which will only make it that much more difficult much like Harry Potter butterscotch holds a special place in my heart because of the butterscotch candies I used to eat at my grandma's house growing up flavors and food are always a great way to capture moments and memories we're going to add some butter into the mixture to give it a more Savory feel and to add some additional flavor some of it will dissolve when mixing but a good bit of it will be strained out once everything is combined we are going to plant our feet Bend our knees and really mix it together try to break out the butter and stay strong all right next we're going to strain out the butter and be left with a beautiful looking drink with a nice color and thickness [Music] tell me that doesn't look incredible I dare you depending on the volume you end up with you might have to add some additional cream soda to fill the mug or glass for presentation purposes let's give it a couple of quick stirs make sure it's smooth and mixed together well we are finally on the home stretch and we need to get the whipped cream out of the fridge to start adding in the first layer as we continue to spread the cream over our delicious concoction we should probably add some additional butterscotch topping in layers to really take it to the next level if you want to get Instagram Facebook mom cooking blog stylistic with it you can add some topping to the edges of the mug and let it drip down this will make your neighbors and loved ones overwhelmed with Envy at the Masterpiece you have created to complete the drink we're going to take some of our remaining whipped cream put it in a Piping Bag and make it look a little bit more fancy on top I'm using the hand mixer to fluff it up a little bit more as it has sat in my fridge for a little bit at this point but now it's ready to be added to our Piping Bag and it's time to channel our inner Great British Bake Off energy and decorate and top our butter beer so that we can look back and say that we gave it close to our all all right [Music] foreign [Music] if you want to get absolutely Bonkers you can add a final layer of butterscotch topping to complete your artistic Vision wow this turned out great [Music] you don't have to make it this voluptuous but go big or go home so let's give it a taste and see how it turned out thank you my opinion it turned out magical it's extremely sweet and savory and it's just exactly what you picture in your mind when you watch them drinking butter beer on film so you should definitely attempt this let me know in the comments should I go light or dark in Hogwarts Legacy I'll see you next video
Channel: Feast On Film
Views: 31,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, harry potter, hogwarts legacy news, butterbeer, harry potter hogwarts legacy, hogwarts, how to make butterbeer from harry potter, how to make butterbeer, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy ps5
Id: VvGFlsmXArw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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