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[Music] [Music] data berlman has built a fabulous model Railway near the town of fryborg in Brisa in Southwestern [Music] Germany The Fabulous hog schwartzal model Railway represents the famous Hulan talban or the hell Valley Railway which lies in the Black Forest the towns of furg V and noada modeled as the spectacular Rena VOD duct and the gak Bridge Kel gak Brooker station is represented by a hidden staging yard also modeled is the branch line between Kel kutak Brooker and bond off there was a reversing station at lensar and trains could proceed to bond off only after the engines had switched ends [Music] looking at the track plan typical operations involve a train emerging from the staging yard to enter Fryburg VRA moving out it passes over the Rena VCT before making it to noise start from here it passes over the gak broker and enters the staging yard via the finu tunnel the staging yard lies below the station of bond it represents present the station of Kel gak Brooker and the rest of the line to Don shingan alternatively trains can also move on to lensk through the staging yard upon arrival at lensar the engine has to run around the train before it can proceed to bond off the layout is housed in a typical Black Forest barn and creates an ideal setting with its high ceilings we pick up an early morning passenger coming in from fryborg and on its way to noad over the Rena [Music] [Music] f [Music] oh [Music] [Music] construction of the Hulen Taliban was started in 1882 and noar station was inaugurated in [Music] 1887 by 1901 the line to Don shingan was completed and noar became a through [Music] station a good shed and loading ramp was constructed for the Mixed fat serving noise start black forest was famous for its clocks and there was a clock factory nearby [Music] the hotel noof was opened in 1899 and still stands today in spite of a major fire in 1975 in 1930 the line from fryberg to noad was electrified trains proceeding to and from donash shingan had the traction changed here [Music] a three stall shed was constructed for housing the electric locomotives the Steam and Diesel locomotives got a two stall shed [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] y [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] w [Music] he he [Music] [Music] the line to bond off was opened in 1907 and saw service for 70 years before it was closed in 1977 the track was removed and there exists a biking path in its place today lensk was famous for its clock making industry and was home to the lensk clock Factory founded in 1851 the St Nicholas church Tower is another landmark in lensk and has been Faithfully modeled on the layout the station buildings and track layouts of leners and bond off have also been very accurately [Music] recreated at its speak the bond DOA bar as it came to be known would see five pairs of trains daily these trains would stop at almost all the stations on the route from fryborg and the journey would take almost 3 hours there was a lot of freight on the line as well and we pick up one here entering lens scar come [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come e [Music] [Music] [Music] no model Railway is ever complete and the HW Schwartz W Barn is no exception work continues on the fryberg virus section of the layout the tracks have been laid and tested while the structures based on actual buildings in the area have also been completed data enjoys tinkering around the layout as any Model Railroader does and continues to improve upon its various [Music] aspects ysf brandle is the person behind all the beautiful landscapes seen on the layout and will be working on the fryberg wira section as well the layout has seen a lot of press attention in Germany and rightly so it is indeed a fabulous model Railway and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to visit it [Music]
Channel: vikas chander
Views: 277,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vikas chander, model trains, model railways, model railroads, dieter bertelsmann, josef brandl, hoellentalbahn, höllentalbahn, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, modellbahn, Ho scale, great model railroads, gutachbrücke, ravenna viadukt
Id: CuC_LPDG6uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 24 2014
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