HoB Livestream #16 - Blender Addons I use

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all right guys hello hello everybody uh i hope everything's working let me know in the chat if everybody's here sorry for the delay i seem to have not uh yeah i had some technical issues so i'm a little delayed here but but i hope everybody's who wanted to see this one is here and welcome to live stream number 16. in it i'd like to present to you very quickly some of the add-ons that i frequently use uh the thing is uh in the last live stream if you've been here i actually uh streamed about how i render my stuff how i composite it in blender and i kept promising you that i will show you uh how i use uh a certain add-on for rendering and i never got around to it so yeah uh i promised it like six times and i didn't even mention it in the end so that's my fault and i was thinking okay what should i do what should i do to correct it either i could make a whole live stream about just one add-on but that would be like 10 minutes so that wasn't really a good idea i think uh so i decided that i will actually let me let me just quickly render this scene here for you just a quick render preview to see what i'm working with but this scene actually is not connected to what i want to present to you today hello everybody in the chat hi from hi from czech republic anton and yeah sorry sorry for the technical issues uh they're always there when you least need them but uh i think the stream is now working properly and in this live stream number 16 i will present to you all of my add-ons that i frequently use so i hope this will be interesting for you i hope everybody is sitting nicely in your chair enjoying maybe a glass of wine like me cheers to you and let me start this presentation uh this is just a one of those scenes that yeah i am using uh for heroes of bronze uh let me know everybody if everything's working so that i can start and it seems the chat is filling with people so that's good good uh for those of you who know me how i work you probably also know that i use a lot of pictures so this scene that looks like this is made of a lot of those pictures the closer i get to the camera the more 3d stuff gets and yeah here's a 3d statue of zeus and some pedestal from actually this one is from mega scans i think and here's the main hero nikki frost i don't really want to show him from the front because he looks atrocious i didn't really finish him but uh yeah i'm just showing him in this scene from behind so it doesn't really matter that much and i have a special shot for the for the close-up so never mind uh there are columns in this scene i textured them in one of the previous live streams so yeah not gonna talk about this tonight uh then there are some walls and some was like floor and some emphasis uh but that's not the topic for today as i said i will be detailing uh some of the add-ons that i use and guys uh really this is not this is not a product placement nobody uh none of those creators of those add-ons know that i'm presenting their add-ons tonight so this is really just tools that i like to use that i really wanted to present because why not it might be useful to somebody and by the way it's still friday the black friday so a lot of those add-ons that i will be showing you i think are discounted so yeah let's have a look okay let's go to preferences and let's see i have checked this enabled add-ons only so these are my add-ons that i'm using and this will not be a tutorial this will be just a quick presentation of what i'm frequently using so okay let's start with the proxify add-on i think i posted a i think i posted a link here sorry in the chat but yeah proxify add-on let me switch to the shaded view and let me show what it does let's say i have this zoo statue here somebody in the chat at the beginning when i had technical issues sorry asked where the scene is this scene is actually in olympia because in olympia at the olympic games each contestant has to swear that they will uphold the rules of the contest and that they will conduct them some uh conduct themselves fairly so that's what nico frost is doing here swearing under the statue of hero of zeus and this statue if i have a look it has like 200 000 faces which yeah something about that if you wanted to scatter a lot of these across your scene it would basically take all your performance so that's not really ideal so let me let me yeah this is much nicer so there is a way to make your workflow much faster in viewport and that's with this proxify add-on which was the first on my list it is free you can download it let me find it actually proxify proxify there is a whole special discussion on blender artists so let me paste it there yeah and this is where you can get proxify add-on for free what it does is apart from you can basically take your object and when you go to this object properties menu here go to viewport display and there is in the viewport display menu you can see there's this proxify menu here a lot of options here let's say i don't know i wanna instead of this zoo statue i just wanna have a cube so i add a cube put it here make it about the same size as my buddy zoos here yeah okay i can even make it just wireframe displays wireframe and you know if i wanted to have this cube here in the scene instead of the zeus statue which has this has like this this is very low poly and this is very high poly i don't want to take any of the performance of the scene in the viewport so i just with the proxify i just define this cube and then then where did it go ah what yeah sorry i i broke it okay and then i can basically just deactivate the zeus in the scene i have just a cube this is of course not the main functionality this is the most stupid way to use this instead what i most often do i go to the proxify add-on i set a fair amount of this decimation here let's say i don't know 0.005 and i click decimate wait a bit see it made this model a lot more low poly and this this actually did not delete any of your any of your mesh the high poly mesh don't worry all your textures all your mesh is still there it's just replaced by the proxy you can always make it on and off you can change the you can decimate with with other methods so you can add i don't know a cube or cone instead of that and you can even you know very quickly duplicate all this and then if you want you can deactivate it in just one of these duplicates so that's that's very good actually if you're for example filling your scene with a lot of particles and those particles are slowing the scene a lot you can basically just take those base particles uh proxify them and then scatter them and that will you know speed up your workflow a lot and this is free so yeah really love it by the way uh if you now switch to the rendered mode let me do it very quickly jsm is asking if um it works with linked objects i don't know but i can try so yeah let's try let me actually wait for the render preview here see in the in the viewport it was modified but here it is it is final so that's what happens when you hit render very handy very handy add-on let me actually link something here so link i don't know let me link the statue actually i still have the zoo statue in another scene so let me link it where is it what ah no so that did not work uh i don't know let me link something else temple let's see let's see how fast it is yeah this is really big so this is linked and let's test it make local and proxify let's see decimate and it does not work so sorry no it doesn't it seems it doesn't work for linked objects but you can definitely try to check it out and see if you find out something better than me i actually never tried it on linked objects but that's a good question so yeah you can just download it and try it yourself the link is above so proxify that's my first add-on okay let me deactivate it nice and let's go back to the preferences and here next add-on from the very same guy this bd 3d guy created a scatter add-on some of you may know this let me see for example i might have here look sorry i might have here these this pottery greek pottery and fry and for us i'm not sure if it's m for us or m4i but yeah these four uh pottery vases from ancient greece i want to have a plane and let's just let's theoretically let's just say i want to fill this ground with a lot of m4i lying on it let me just subdivide it first like 80 subdivisions apply the scale and sure i could go in create a create a particle settings make it here go into i don't know render collection pottery it's small and it it's you know it's just i can't really control how it is distributed over the terrain so i just change the options here but it doesn't really do too much in other words i'm trying to say that this is tedious so that's why there is scatter add-on with it this particle settings is actually much better in my opinion it is it is created much better the menus are much more conveniently structured and you can find it here if you have it active in the shelf menu so when you hit n you will find the scatter menu and the the steps are actually very simple you just define your target where you want your where you want your particles to be distributed so i put this plane here then you select all the particles so if you had i don't know if you had million particles here you would just select them all in my case i have just these just these amphorae and then you hit scatter of course this is the important part there are methods to distribute all these so you can just choose whichever method you like there are presets for graphs there are presets for it seems like woods yeah what's here there are precess presets for objects and plants and everything so with this you probably choose whichever one you like tiny let's try it and hit scatter here it is and this is very fast and as you can see it's creating very nice patterns right of the bed so yeah and of course down here in the tweaking menu you have first layer if you wanted to add more layers you just you know change this for example and again select this or just three of them and scatter again and it added another layer see and you can change the settings of course of these so you can change display percentage for example you can change the emission count that's probably something you know from the basic settings but but here it is actually quite conveniently structured i think you can activate children i have children and i love the clumping here yeah this is very convenient clumping setting maybe this is all a little bit you know there's a lot of settings at the same place so maybe you won't find it that convenient but once you get used to it it really is a great auto add-on and hopefully okay let's see let's put the camera here and see what it does uh let's say i have a camera like this i'm just pointing this way and all of these particles are not really needed because they are out of the frame so let's say i want to create mask based on the clipping and it's not really working yeah i had i had selected camera so let me select the camera selected camera now it's not really working i'm not sure why but i had some problems with this clipping but basically in the in the previous versions of the add-on that i tried uh with just one click you were able to create a mask based on just of the view of your camera so that's awesome but yeah not really working now not sure what i'm doing wrong but of course you have other options for masks here so that's awesome clustering yeah that's the noise type basically that controls the pattern in which those particles are distributed so you can play around with that a lot and all this in the normal particles menu you would have to play a lot with this and this add-on basically allows you to do it with just one click so i really really like it you can change even the bitmaps that are driving the density so how awesome is that yeah love it anyways this is a great add-on i really recommend it and it's of course on blender market so let's see let's see scatter and i will post a link in the discussion scatter ah it's discounted good so here you go maybe you'll find some use for that uh what's the difference between multi-rest modifier and this thing uh probably by this thing it's meant uh proxify i'm not sure yeah of course multires doesn't have as many options to choose from create decimate in my in my experience it doesn't have as many options but of course you can use multi-res modifier for that as well but definitely if you have a look at proxify let me find it here proxify it allows you to create proxies automatically in much more ways than multires in my experience i may be wrong but this is a really advanced add-on for creating proxies for free so yeah this one was scatter but that's enough about scatter i think we can go on with some more of my favorite add-ons gis of course i made a special i made a special uh let me start a new scene here i made a special live stream just about gis if you activate it you have it here and you can jump into a base map and it's basically google maps so you and you can choose let me load it hope i didn't break it but you can choose any number of locations from the real world scotland i want scotland yeah scotland actually is a great area because it has a nice detail of you know google map definition or texture density uh it has no watermark when you're searching in this and it has beautiful untouched nature almost untouched so i do recommend searching there let me for example hit this area hit e i have a texture right of the bed and get srtm the topography service failed that sometimes happens so let me see what i can do about that i go to the settings of the add-on and there are actually ways open topography for example there are ways to change where the data is sourced so let me see if it works fingers crossed come on what this is supposed to do is give you the elevation data so basically this place ah here we go displays the terrain based on the based on the data from the satellites yeah this is how i make some of my landscapes and there will be a course about this created by me on cgboost next month so watch out for that uh the one whole chapter is based on this workflow so i will go into a lot of detail there let's not go into too much of a detail now i i'm not sure which one which live stream was it but it was definitely in the first series one to ten i think like livestream number eight was all about this add-on so yeah let me have a sip of drink transportation add-on realtimex is asking if i use transportation add-on no not actually so yeah i'll have a look at what you what it is the grove of course everybody should know the groove because it's awesome for creating what is this yeah the grove let me create another scene for the growth add-on because that was awesome as well if you enable grove we actually have a whole new option here in the add menu so let me add it and nothing have nothing happens at first but for that you have to go to this growth menu and you change or you choose which preset for growing trees you want this is all about growing trees if you don't know and i have some presets here so let me choose for example oak and some twig oak yeah so this added tweak and now the magic happens because i can change how many years i want to add to this tree that i'm growing i hit grow and i have added a tree a oak tree that's 10 years old now i click row again and i've added 20 years or 10 years based on this cycle's number to the tree and you can even uh you can even there is a build menu no no not built i think there's an animate record of course you can hit record and it will record the growth of your tree so basically then you just scrub through the timeline and you will have a whole growth of the tree recorded in keyframes that's that's really awesome but uh i better not do it here because this will blow up my computer uh good thing is you just you know if you hit a cpu gpu and if you if you just hit render everything's already textured and it's looking great and quite realistic i'd say so this is grove add-on it allows you to of course there's gazillion ways to adjust this i'm not going into that because there's a lot of it really uh just one of them you know i don't like these if i don't like these branches here i can go to the prune menu and i think i hit yeah if i hit prune now i will get rid of these see no no maybe enter yeah i think enter yes so this is how very easy it is in the previous versions this functioned with uh with the outliner with the with this annotation tool now it seems there is a new tool for that so yeah great let me get rid of these let me get rid of these annotations and of course there's there's many options for this so let me not get into it right now but you can add more trees you can i don't even know how many options there is but i think there is actually it would be better if i went to the if i went to the website of the growth add-on and if you if you check this website you will get all of the all of the information about the releases and what the features of this add-on are so yeah it seems that there are some new tools in blender release nine so new tweaks better mesh building so yeah really great results you can achieve with this add-on it can get pricey but again it seems there is look at this just look at this uh it costs this but it's discounted now so yeah it definitely is worth it uh one of my favorite add-ons in fact for creating trees so yeah that's the growth add-on next one in the line let's see wait to vertex mode ah yeah this is very useful because for example for mapping textures i will be again talking about it in my cg boost landscape course that i will be releasing next month let's say i have a plane here let me create some very quickly let me create some rocks here so sick rocks put them here make a collection rocks okay i make some particles this is just a quick setup for what i want to show and subdivide 100 times okay what's going on ah good and source random order even distribution random ah higher of course yes so that was the this is just a quick setup and now if i want to paint a weight here for you know for these rocks to be distributed on the weight plane only on the weight plane i can do that and then i can just choose the vertex group that i just painted and it sticks to that crown well but sometimes you can't do everything with these weight planes with these vertex groups painting these weight paints uh and you know you want to have a very quick way to con convert everything to texture paint of course now you have no vertex colors here texture paint is vertex colors uh so this is very you know elemental i just want to convert this group vertex group into a vertex color for example if i want it in the shading mode let's say i add a i add a material i add a rgb color one is blue one is green and ev so i plug this green there there and i want to combine these so mix rgb and let me activate these particles so what if i wanted to have this blue color so i just plugged in the green color but what if i wanted to have the blue color underneath the particles this is for example the case if you wanted to make a dry ground underneath your stones but a green grass everywhere else well of course i would need to use this vector and mix in the weight map but it doesn't really work because vertex group is not there i can't really plug in the vertex group that i painted into this shader node but what i can do is plug in a vertex color it would be great if i could somehow convert this vertex group into a vertex color normally it can't be done but there is this great add-on called let me search for it actually what is uh weights to vertex colors add-on and i can just take any vertex group that i have here and in the viewport search for convert i think no wait two i always have trouble finding it but yeah here it is vertex color for weight you click on it and then you go to the texture uh way paint texture paint what sorry ah vertex paint sorry not texture paint vertex paint and you can see i just with one click i took this weight paint here and i converted it to vertex paint so that's a very useful add-on and then i can use it in shading see now it's working nice so this is a very useful add-on that i use all the time and vertex weights to vertex colors it is made by kcar and i will paste it here so that's the next one okay if you find use for that definitely definitely enjoy it because that was something i was looking for for a long time so if you want to really quickly convert your weight paint vertex groups into vertex colors you can do it by using this weight to vertex color add-on and landscape of course that's the next one everybody should know this i will talk about it in my upcoming course where is it ah here landscape and here you can choose a lot of presets for these various landscapes so yeah it's in the menu here and with it you can add different variations of landscapes but let's not go into that the this is uh this is this is one that is built into blender i think by default so yeah auto i now let me use auto i where is it ha here let me delete everything else so this added an i here let me check this in eevee because it works both in eevee i think as well as in cycles and it's a photorealistic eye that i use hmm yeah so let me show it in cycles actually because i forgot how to use it in eevee without that reflection but basically what it does it's uh it's an add-on for eyes as you probably guessed and it adds a it generates an eye for you and here you can change all this stuff very quickly you can change the fibers contrast what detail of various parts here you can even change in the shape keys uh sizes of different stuff so you can make the iris bigger you can make the pupil bigger or smaller yeah so this is a really useful eye add-on probably the best that i can came across and let me find it for you auto i blender let's see how much it costs and it's just 18 go for it people it's an awesome add-on love it and i use it on heroes of bronze so if you want to know what eyes do i use on my project these are the eyes that i use so definitely lucas falcao made a great job on this one so yeah definitely recommend it and by the way you can bake everything what happen what the hell yeah don't bake it like this but you can bake your textures of course so that you don't have this whoa that's an amazing shader uh yeah this is all streamlight in this shader menu but you can of course bake all your textures later so don't worry about it cool so that was my next add-on that i like and that i use and which one's the let's proceed right okay uh autumn i extra objects yeah if you this is a built-in add-on extra object yeah just search for it and if you are wondering where all of these special meshes came from that's the extra objects add-on you can i like this one because it allows you to add different rocks very quickly so that's part of the extra objects add-on rub generator but there are even i think different presets so asteroid and and at end let me actually make fewer number of iterations and ice not too detailed there uh river rock i think you know you get the gist uh it allows you to generate stuff uh basically rocks very quickly because nobody really wants to lose time on the rocks uh there are different marth functions uh gears i like these it allows you to create shapes like this and play around with them something you would not necessarily want to model and this allows you to create it very fast then there's pipe joints for example elbows yeah love that so oh diamond i think it's part of the extra add-ons as well and see so definitely i think this extra add-ons extra objects add-on should be enabled by default but you know it's one of those that are hidden in blender and you can definitely go for it there and just activate it you have it built in at any time so definitely use it at your leisure then there's just some import export add-ons that are part of blender again one of them is actually the super useful import images as planes i guess everybody knows that i'm using it a lot for example let's go to cycles and rendered and now whenever i well it does exactly that you basically just go into this import dialog and you have these images as planes here you find some of your textures you like and find find something something that you want to add and you add it on a plane so yeah this is the this is the add-on i use for adding my skies and my mountains on 2d planes not much more to it it just adds a plane and onto it it names it the same name as your texture is called on your disk and also it automatically sets up the shader for you so yeah super useful super fast and i recommend using it a lot next one is mega scans plugin let's not go too much into that but this one is needed if you have if you have the quicksilver bridge installed you just install this one and then you are able to very quickly let me see which ones i have here then you are able to very quickly here export something into blender so yeah that's what it is for so that was mega scans plugin stl format those import export let's not talk about them too much i think uv layout everybody knows about this but i'm not even sure if i actually ever activated this one but just to be sure so that you know what you can do with this basically what whenever you have a uv layout on anything let me create a very quick uv layout on this cube and go to the image editor and i have a uv here i can basically just click on this export uv layout and export it as png so yeah useful if you want to paint over these uvs or these images in photoshop for example next plugin uv layout wave of course import export obj everybody knows that copy attributes oh my god this is so useful this this should be by default copy attributes menu if you should like yeah it's free it's built in and if you should activate one add-on this should be it because what it does have you ever wanted to create basically an object uh have some attribute on it and then copy one single attribute onto a different object well that's what this do by default you can't really do it in blender but let's say i don't know let's create a sphere here and what if i wanted to very quickly copy just location not rotational scale just co just copy the location of this sphere onto this cube or basically yeah so i first select the cube i second shift select the sphere and hit ctrl c and this copy attributes menu appears and i can choose just single single attribute from this sphere to be copied onto the cube so if i could be a location see now the sphere is on the very same location now the cube is very on the very same location as the sphere uh yeah i can't even tell you how many times i tried to learn how to do this in blender of course you can do it with linking control l but it's not really the same because it then forever just creates links with other objects in your scene and it's just not the same thing as basically having this option to just hit ctrl c and copy rotation one object to another and this works also for let me say let me see for example i will have several modifiers here and if i want to copy just one of them i go to this copy select copy selected modifiers and i choose bevel see that's awesome so definitely activate this copy attributes add-on it's one of the most useful ones that i found in this default build in add-ons of blender yeah copy attributes love that okay atmosphere that's another one that i got on blender a blender market and this one just basically very quickly adds an atmosphere to your 3d scene so yeah it's as simple as that i think i have transparency activated here but no so let me actually create a whole new scene for that it's a blender add-on called physical atmosphere so let me find it here physical atmosphere add-on it's quite pricey but i love it because it very quickly adds in a nice simulation of different atmosphere types and time of day so let me very quickly show it to you cycles gpu and with just one click you activate this very nice atmosphere sphere and you can just control everything you need for this so elevation of the sun changes the time of the day you can of course change the density of atmosphere very fast you can change the height where it is basically how high it is above the level of the sea intensity of atmosphere change the colors but the default state is really a physically correct state so yeah really love this this is what i'm using for a lot of my heroes of brawn scenes so definitely recommend it but yeah except for the settings here in the end shelf not much more to it so that's another one okay and we're getting to the end here of course mesh loop tools everybody should know that if you want to model stuff uh let me add a cube here tool where is it edit no item no create edit or loop tools come on ah one has to be in the edit mode uh if you are in the edit mode for any edit for any uh operations in this let's switch to the shaded view let me displace it or extrude it several times there are all sorts of loop tools here that you can use for example let me subdivide this several times make it smooth to see what it can do and let's select all these faces and let's for example select flatten see it very quickly flattened everything or one i really really love let me extrude this and extrude this for example and when i hit circle it creates a perfect circle right of the bat let's see another thing delete these and these and let's select these edges and bridge and it creates a perfect bridge between them and then there is a lot of them that i don't really use that much but relax relaxes all of them space tries to make evenly spaced spaces between all of the faces but it's not something i use too much but it makes it more or less more evenly spaced than before so definitely a great tool for anybody who likes modeling and operations like this really guys this circle option makes it all worth it right this is especially great for anyone doing hard surface modeling so definitely have those loop tools uh active by default okay nodewrangler of course nodewrangler that's a chapter by itself so if you uh this is actually one thing that i really recommend going because uh this one helps you with node work in shader editor and i really do recommend opening this node wrangler here and going into the hotkey list that you can find there to find all of the hotkeys that you can do in the shader editor because one of those i don't know let me let me quickly create an object here i already have one so let me create a shader for it and jump into shader editor for example if i really quickly wanted to create a physically correct texture setup you know by default i would just add an image texture open it up find a find a collection of some you know physically based textures and start adding them and plugging them in one by one well with nodewrangler for example there is this super useful hotkey ctrl shift t you find your collection of textures you select them all at once so roughness metalness normal color you click on this principle texture setup see it does it very fast and it basically just plugs it for you so that's awesome really great option to use uh what else there is for example if i had two shaders i can just hit ctrl shift and right mouse button and drag this line here and it automatically mixes everything i think if i hit ctrl shift yeah star on my numpad it automatically adds multiply node shift right mouse button adds this reroute node so we can you know structure everything while there is so many so many keyboard shortcuts that this node wrangler helps you with in the shader editor really go through them try to learn them it's re really useful and it speeds up the workflow that's the main thing it really speeds up your work in shader editor so that's what i use all the time bool tool basically the same thing as uh as the loop tools but for booleans let's not go into that it basically just helps you with the boolean operations and it's more efficient what i have here next is grass vault my one of my first add-ons that i bought and if you ever wanted to really quickly add a photorealistic grass of course grass vault is for you i use the growth add-on for trees and grassfeld for all my grass needs so basically if you have just any plane here let me subdivide it again vito says that the audio slow i hope it wasn't too low the whole time but yeah i hope it's not that serious so grass felt add-on allows you to with just one click create a awesome collection also awesome basically biome or particle setting uh and just choose from whatever grass you want or plants you want and it adds in let me choose a hdri and it adds in photorealistic plants into your scene and you can of course change which type you want so let me i just clicked on this orchard grass and it adds this grass here and there are different types for all of these so you can make them small you can make them with flour just look at it it looks awesome it looks really awesome and especially if you combine more types of these for example creeping bent grass combined with this grass flower and you can add more density to it and very quickly start filling your scenes with a super realistic awesome looking grass let's have a look how expensive grass weld is it probably is expensive but uh again one of those add-ons that everybody really should have uh yeah roswell personal 36 dollars i'd say it's one of the one of the most important add-ons everybody should have but of course if you don't work with grass it's probably not for you everybody working with big grass you can create sorry really realistic scenes in just a matter of few clicks with this so yeah that's what i use on heroes of bronze as well and of course there's a lot of settings here so yeah create a new group huh very quick you can set up these nice yeah basically it's like a scatter add-on and these two add-ons actually combine together if you use the uh if you use the assets from grasswaldt and add it into the into the scatter add-on this is just a you know super useful super awesome combination and it allows you to create whole biomes very quick all right that was grass vault add-on is the audio quite low that's weird sorry for that maybe maybe that's because i'm next to my next to my microphone not in front of it anyways we're getting to the end of this list here so that was grass vault notify that that's basically the same thing as the proxify so let's not go into that here it's part of the scatter add-on cycles render engine well that's really something that everybody uses so it's not really go to that as well and then there is this uv packmaster i don't know let me very quickly create some object here and create a uv texturing layout and unwrap it no smart uv unwrap so with this smart uv unwrap this is what i got uh it can be an efficient setup let me pack it here but and this might not be visible on such a such a simple object but i have this uv packmaster add-on here which as you probably guessed is for uving and what it does basically based on some some uh settings that you do not even have to set up basically all i ever do is just hit pack and it packs your objects much more efficiently let me actually add more stuff here for it to be seen better and let me apply everything visual geometry to mesh and very quickly unpack this so this will be better visible okay smart uv project and you can see that there's a lot of empty spaces here while if i had a pack see the distribution of the uvs is much more dense and all of the empty spaces are used now uh compared compare it to this default pack algorithm these spaces are not filled these ones these ones these ones not very efficient but with the uv packmaster everything's filled so definitely one of the best add-ons for uving or at least you know packing your uv layers and uv packmaster huh standard nine dollars i'd really go for the standard version really another it's just uh come on it's just ten dollars or nine dollars so yeah i use it all the time i can't really go without it these days and for this price it's one of the best add-ons out there so yeah use it and of course i will put the link into the discussion okay it's really weird guys because i set it up and this audio seemed fine uh i basically set it up the same way i set up the last live stream so i'm kind of confused about the comments or the audio but yeah it's good that you can turn up your volume and it seems fine okay and then there's a last add-on and actually that last one that i'm gonna show you now is the one that i wanted to show you from the very beginning so let's go to the preferences and there is this render set pro add-on let me search for it render set that is the one that i wanted to show you last time in the compositing and rendering setup because we've been setting up a lot of we've been setting up a lot of cameras and basically render setups and passes and everything and it can get quite tedious to set up different passes different layers for different cameras in blender and you really don't have a way to save your settings for another pass when rendering well you actually have an option like this it's a render set render set add-on by polygonic and you can see here in this menu i already have a first scene setup let me actually rename it rename it come on ah here setup one is this camera setting for example i don't know let's set it to 200 like this 50 resolution uh yeah let's i don't know add in different passes and what shall we change and let's add more samples well not too many samples but 500 samples will be okay okay so i now render this and everything will be fine but what if i wanted to render a completely different rendering setup different camera different resolution different lighting different i don't know objects in the scene well with this with this you can actually do that you just hit a completely diff uh add a new setup here let's name it setup two and let's start changing stuff so let's change it to ev let's make it 32 samples deactivate ambient occlusion let's make it 150 change the resolution even and you can change the camera here here so we have this camera uh what else can we do change the passes so add transmittance scatter you get the gist basically if i now click on the first one you see everything jumped into the previous setting so i still have these settings here i have the cycles but when i click on this setup too i mean ev and i can make a setup three and change it to workbench for example medcap and one thousand percent for example 30 oh yeah 30 fps different output different this whatever you change it stores it and it basically then keeps your settings and then if you hit render all it renders everything onto your disk basically whenever you set up different passes different locations for render and then hit render all it renders it automatically onto your disk so this is one of the most useful add-ons for rendering i've ever met in my blender career so yeah definitely try it out okay and i think that's all of the add-ons that i use and i think also that this this is one hour and a half oh that's awesome that's better than i expected so yeah i better look in the discussion now because there are so many comments now hello everybody pavel pavel and david hello everybody i'm glad you were here these were my add-ons and this actually uh one great information for everybody this live stream i will leave as a recording on my channel so no worries you will be able to budget whenever you like because this was an unplanned live stream and i actually missed the live stream two weeks ago so this is something i wanted to add a live stream as a like an extra video for everybody to be able to watch uh the next live stream will be again just for my patrons but i'll think about you know there's a lot of angry people saying that i shouldn't do it like this that i shouldn't uh make my live stream uh available just for my patrons so yeah i don't want to make people angry i'm going to make people happy so i'll think about it and see whether i can change my my the way i do these live streams okay that's it if there are any questions definitely post them now uh tomoya ogawa hello sir everybody uh audio is fine for me so uh says tomoya so that's great david says sounds good here too awesome pavel says just speak louder thank you digital studio hello hello thank you for awesome content i'm glad that this is something useful for you and yeah if you missed this if you missed the start of this live stream you can definitely check it the recording will be available on my youtube for everybody uh top channel asks if this render set pro add-on can render first 100 frames with cycles and then switch to ev yes definitely you basically just set up this first one uh to render one two one uh one to one hundred and the second one 101 to 200. see it stores these informations as well so this is the link for the add-on definitely check it out because i love it it's definitely one of the most important add-ons for rendering that can speed up your workflow significantly that i ever found so yeah very useful okay david david medina says hello martin thank you for sharing thank you for watching i'm glad you are here alum x says i gotta watch from the start some of these are great yes they're all great because i keep using them but these are really the ones i deactivated all the clutter i deactivated everything that i didn't really use that much and i really showed you just the list of add-ons that i normally use on all of my projects or most of my projects so definitely only useful ones here and pavel says that we should play hunt now so yeah i think i'm gonna slowly end up this this live stream i hope you liked it and this is the list i don't even know how many how many add-ons i have and there seems to be no number here but this is the list proxify scatter definitely important gis great for making add-ons the growth my go-to add-on for making trees weights to vertex colors and this is for converting your weights to vertex colors and then a and t landscape definitely use that for generating landscape landscape sorry for this landscape base meshes auto eye these are eyes that i use on heroes of bronze project the best eyes out there in my opinion import images as planes import images explained surprisingly mega scans plugin allows you to export all of your mega scans assets from the breach make a scans bridge into blender with one click uh uv layout allows you to export your uv layout to i don't know photoshop or krita anywhere else and copy attributes oh man copy attributes please activate copy attributes menu because that's the best built-in add-on that has to be active by default but it's still not active by default i don't know why but definitely ah learn to use this one please atmosphere great for adding physical correct atmosphere to your scenes though with the new nishita sky it's not that useful as it used to be but yeah i love it as well loop tools great for modeling as well as pool tools which helps you with booleans node wrangler a must have for all useful keyboard shortcut operations in blender shader editor then grass vault my go-to add-on for creating grass of course photorealistic grass and render set pro this is the one for storing your different render setups and then rendering them all with just one click and finally uv packmaster which enables you to fill your uv layouts much more efficiently so guys these are my add-ons that i use and topan says that he's interested in watching these live streams not really a blender user well that's all the more awesomeness i'm glad that you think so uh and i hope this was entertaining for you thank you sir uh then julian when you add too much plugins can it be a source of conflict for blender i mean box julian i don't think so i never really had any problems with too many add-ons then again i clean up my add-ons pretty regularly i delete those that i don't use so maybe i never had too many add-ons in my system but i never really like encountered any errors based on you know conflicts between different add-ons so in my experience not really pavel says martin is breathtaking you are breathtaking my friend and yeah alumic says that node wrangler should be default yes yes that's another one that absolutely should be default and i really pity people who never activated it because it's a must david medina says didn't know the copy attributes add-on existed a great one it's the same thing basically as with the node wrangler it should be there built in and automatically activated and since when you've been using blender i've been using blender for like three years now but i had extensive experience in maya before that so it wasn't really that hard to get from maya to blender and i love it i wouldn't change it for anything so definitely recommend it it's just fast and really fast growing and the developers on blender are awesome so i can't recommend it enough that's why i make tutorials about it yeah my go-to 3d software definitely anyways uh i hope you like this this will be available for everybody so if you missed something definitely definitely go through the video that i will later publish and cheers to cheers to you hope you had a lovely sunday and i think this is everything for me today and how to use blender as substance painters ask do you use that actually there's a blender as substance painter well i can't really tell you how to use blender as substance painter but i can tell you that zac reinhardt my boss he has this awesome course i have a i have a course on cgboost about come on i have a slow connection now i have a course here about substance painter but if you want to learn about how to use blender kind of similarly like in substance painter you can buy this blender launchpad course and zack is actually making new chapters even as we speak about texturing in blender it's all the way down here there's a lot of chapters it's like you know gazillion hours in this course so it's definitely worth it and he's adding texture painting fundamentals and texturing fundamentals and remapping fundamentals into this course so these are just amazing and he will show you there how to use it kinda like substance painter so blend your launchpad course definitely check it out that was a bit of product placement but i love zack and he's my boss anyways i will uh i will put a link in the discussion of course and yeah you might find your answers there cool is there any add-ons to create trees come on tophan i just mentioned it no you're probably wearing here but one of those is growth and i use it for my trees needs you just this growth add-on you just add a tree and grow it whoop it's growing and choose a twig and grow it even more and grow it through the roof that's how easy it is to create trees different trees of course uh with this growth add-on so yeah anyways this is it for me uh i hope you like this and next time i will actually have a look in how to create uh real-time hair cards on my characters and i will try to discover how to properly make hair cards in blender so that might be interesting anyways thank you everybody thank you for watching thank you for all your questions and don't forget you're breathtaking bye bye
Channel: Martin Klekner
Views: 5,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, addon, plugin, workflow, grove, graswald, scatter, wrangler, renderset
Id: qtFySPI3zLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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