HITMAN 3 | Ambrose Island | A Bridge Too Far, Hippie Ki-Yay, 47 Leagues Under The Sea | Challenges

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[Music] yo what's up guys my name is mr freeze2244 and in this video we'll be covering four challenges overall as well as assange assassin as well so we'll be covering a bridge too far which is a redacted assassination challenge we'll be covering hippie kaye which is another assassination challenge the smuggler which is a discovery challenge and 47 leagues under the sea which is i think is a feat so four challenges overall i'm going to show you how to do it easily and all in one run if you've missed any challenges i've covered so far there'll be a link in the description and a link after the credits on the screen uh showing your full playlist of videos covering all the challenges on rose island for this one i'm going to be using the default loadout nothing special i always bring a lockpick but i don't ever use it anyway so just bring whatever you want suppress pistol is important though so make sure you do bring one of those from the very start what we're going to do is acquire ourselves a wrench and we're going to use that at the very end so make sure you don't make sure you don't uh skip out on this make sure you do grab a wrench it's important a lot of people here would skim through the video and guess most of the way through but you really do need to pay attention and watch every part of the video because just like every part of the video every video so here's the wrench go grab that it's probably one closer but never mind doesn't matter next we're gonna destroy the satellite this reminds me of um the sapienza virus and i've got a feeling this this is going to be the sapienza virus of hitman 3. what i mean by that is means it's going to become a chore every time you play the map because you're going to be doing it the same way the most convenient way possible which is a bit of a shame we're gonna wait for this camera to pan to the left and make sure this uh this guard is walking away from us before we vault over the crates so make sure the camera's panning to the left the guy's now walking away cameras panned all the way to the left now we can vault press against these crates and then subdue the guard from the crate like that drag his body a little bit more towards the wall to make sure his body is completely hidden and then put his disguise on once you've done that we're gonna wait for this guard to turn around and then the guard to the left to walk past this front desk then we can turn the generator off and then sabotage both of these little uh racks right here just pull them both once you've done that you can now destroy the uh the satellite once you've done that what i'm going to do now is help these stairs the satellites once you're at the top of the stairs you're going to follow where i'm going so i'm going to hop here so there's going to be an enforcer up here as well so we're going to hide in the bush right here and wait for him to walk past best to be patient with this no need to take any risks is it nice and stealthy let them go past there we go so in this area there's only one enforcer in the area that's awesome and he's the enforcer there right right there otherwise you don't have to worry about anything next important step is to grab this crowbar important crouch in these bushes pull out your pistol and shoot these monitors right here doesn't matter which one it will all go out and that's going to turn the satellite um the radio signal off so it's going to make sure the satellite dishes go down we're going to run up the stairs now run past that guard as long as we're fast enough he won't spot us we're gonna head down these stairs now there's a camera in front of you we're gonna wait for that to pan all the way to the left all right all the way to the right i should say before we can move forward so what we did did there with the gun is basically we turned off the communications so when no crest calls into you know like a roll call and we're not a roll call but you know what i mean he calls in every now and then he won't be able to do that because the signal's gone so what he'll do he'll run straight there sort out the problem and then he'll walk back over this bridge after we've sabotaged it there and he will fall through it and that's how you do that challenge now that's basically going to take care of itself we are going to do another challenge while that's happening so we're going to do is come over to this tree pull the note from the tree you need that turn on this generator then turn it back off we're doing that just to wake up the hippie and then we're going to hide in the bush because it's enforcer to our disguise while you're in the brush drop your pistol and drop the folding knife out of your inventory we're going to get frisked up ahead so we need to make sure that we don't have any illegal items on us because we need to go and meet akka while wearing the hippie disguise so once we've subdued him i'm gonna put him in the bush we'll put the disguise on we'll get the smuggler challenge completed then we're gonna run past this guy right here and you can make our way to this bridge down here so as you see on the top left crest is running towards where that communications satellite dishes meanwhile you're going to talk to these guards no now you can get yourself uh get frisked without any problems for funding illegal weapons we won't have any problems okay pal so he's quickly running off to go and get echo so she doesn't take too long there's still two guys in the area what we need to do is sabotage this gas canister pick up that submarine um key you're gonna need that uh for the exit for the 47 leagues under the sea challenge so what i'm going to do is just put a coin there drop a coin or place a coin no no we just wanted to turn around that's all just so it gives us enough time to sabotage this gas canister yes i'm awesome there we go once we've done that as long as we didn't get spotted and we grabbed the submarine key we're just gonna wait now for akka to show up so i may as well skip to the point until she's actually here i'm glad you could meet with me okay so i'm glad that you are willing to go so far out of your way no problem what do you need when i heard an experienced smuggler like you working in the area it was too good an opportunity to pass up don't stand near that gas canister it's moving it to open me we'll i do what it takes to get what i need we have that in common if you're interested i need you to take the cargo to a dead drop point due west of here now all that's left that takes care of the hippie challenge so all we've got to do now is find our way down with this these horrible ledges i wish there was like a pipe i understand why there isn't like a drain point but it's a bit frustrating trying to climb down all this stuff but there we go we did it in the end so we're going to do now is at this point it's just uh for null crest to fall through those panels in the floor yeah i wish there was like another way quick way of getting down there unfortunately there isn't now i was wondering if you could actually get back there with this disguise you know any problem is that guy that's hanging around by the 10th season enforcer right there i don't think we have enough time anyway but it'd be good if we could get there and no he's too late so at least he pulled out the knockers he's gonna start walking in our direction there you go that's chris complete the abridged too far challenge and if you haven't done the whole my hair challenge as well that will also complete for you because it's technically a drown kill so that's how that works so if you're wondering where the submarine exit is it's right here just make sure you did grab that key a little bit there we go so you get all them challenges so overall we covered there we covered their bridge too far redacted challenge hippy kaye challenge the smuggler challenge and 47 leagues under the sea challenge so that's four of them overall and uh yeah there we go that's all of them checking off hold my head challenge as well bridge too far hit the kaya done anderson assassin has a while to go with it nice so there we go thank you very much for watching drop a like on this video if it helped you out and subscribe if you are new to the channel and for more videos like this hit the bell notification to be notified of all future videos on live streams consider supporting me on patreon or even becoming a member of the channel by clicking the join button below or clicking the link in the description shout out to andrew phillips bedri wandering when they'd be constantine mueller mark davis and paul at home becoming top tier psycho assassin members i really do appreciate it if you want your name right out in the credits as well just be sure to become a psychoassassin member i'll be reading your name out next month's credits thank you very much for watching i'll see you next video cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrFreeze2244
Views: 15,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitman 3, MrFreeze2244, silent assassin, suit only, Ambrose Island, walkthrough, guide, tips, easy, tutorial, Andaman Sea, shadows in the water, fiber wire, Sinhi, Venthan, Noel, Crest, Akka, gameplay, PS5, 60fps, new map, talk to the hand, a bridge too far, hippie ki-yay, the smuggler, 47 leagues under the sea, redacted, assassination challenge, feats, discovery, hitman 3 ambrose island
Id: AIUVtBhvf14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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