Hitchens Destroys the Cult of Ayn Rand

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conclusive answer what if it's random then why why be interested yeah I'm invited to be unpleasant the expensive iron round and and and objectivism well that's easy well the novel's first I mean as I keep trying to say that you know it might be there's more morality in a novel by George Eliot than there is in any of the four Gospels or the four of them put together I care very much about literature as the as the place where the real dilemmas ethical dilemmas are met and public so to have novels as transcendently awful as the shrugged and the faffing that sort of undermines my project and then though I have some respect for the virtue of selfishness a collection of essays and I've argued about them with them the chairman of the Federal Reserve as a matter of fact by the way a state Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the libertarian protract though mr. greenspan seems a bit iffy about this self-evident proposition I don't think there's any need to have essays advocating selfishness among human beings I don't know what your impression has been but some things require no further reinforcement neither Lillian Lillian Hellman was once in her declining years on talking at some campus and she would appear out over the crowd with her very thick glasses and it was a squawking question from the somewhere in the back said miss Hellman why haven't you endorsed gay rights eluded Helen so clearly please appear gated and drew herself up and said well I wanted a word I'm allowed to use in this bogus company I'll quote her directly then she said the forms of do not require my endorsement I wasn't that much of a fan of Miss Helen she could be a real but but I thought that said it more or less all so have a book strenuously recommending the people be more self-centered seems to me as the Anglican Church used to say this critique of Catholicism a work of super irrigation it's too strenuous let's start with Jim Peters
Channel: DefenceSpeech
Views: 1,385,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Objectivism, Ayn, Rand, Christopher, Hitchens, Atlas, Shrugged, The, Fountainhead
Id: 4wYR6e9Z6es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2009
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