Hitched & Ditched Lovers - 26/1/2015

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Bakula Lee the wedding day the happiest day in every bride's life every girl's dreams to get married have the lovely dress and have all your family there but with 42% of marriages now ending in divorce at the time I don't want to live lose at one smell just want to smash my car up not everyone gets their happy ever after it was always that the man I was dating and the man I married were like two opposite people nearly half of those divorces happen in the first 10 years just as Amish wife master how can you be his wife and I oh nice wife too and 1% don't even make it to their first wedding anniversary it wasn't perhaps you would expect for wedding as in I think me and my mic room didn't really spend any time together tonight we meet the brides who no sooner made it down the aisle then found their husbands made for the door just months weeks days and even hours after they got hitched I can't trust nobody because I'm like I'm always thinking the back of my mind Oh what if they're gonna cheat [Music] meet faith Bleasdale a 41 year old writer who lives in devon with her five-year-old son Xavier my son is just the most wonderful little boy he has Down syndrome but I don't I don't really let that affect our lives but he makes me laugh every single day and that's all I could ask for he's like my perfect man after moving away from London in 2008 faith and Xavier set up a new life in Devon I got a really nice group of friends quite a nice life and we you know we were quite well established and I'd say yeah we were happy at the time faith didn't date at all because they've been so special and important to me it would have to be someone really amazing that was allowed to sort of come to I you know come into our little unit and we were a little unit Bart in 2012 they thought she'd met her perfect match on a birthday night out at a local pub towards the end I think when people were leaving and him and his friends stayed we may or may not have had a little bit too much to trade right then and then they walked us home back to my house and that was bananas obviously at some point gave him my phone number he got in touch and they started dating what we liked about him was that he seemed so uncomplicated you know there was no game playing there was no I'll call you and there now and they're not calling if he said he was gonna call he'd call you know all the things that you that never happened normally in my dating life in my whole dating history he was like the antithesis of that faith couldn't believe her luck and neither could her friends or family waiting my mum my mum those nice people she's not the person of character because he was so charming not only charming he also seemed loving and caring and faith felt that this was the man to make her family complete I suddenly felt that I was able to give Xavier a family and that was the one thing I hadn't been able to give him before I go from everything else but I couldn't give him a family unit it wasn't just the way he was we save here it was actually the way that Xavier was with him because David seemed to take to him straight away nice to see someone enjoying being a parent my child other than me faith was being swept completely off her feet at the beginning we flowers there would be wine because of babysitting he would generally cook dinner for me at my house he was being you know well he's been pretty perfect really so when he popped the question a mere eight months into their relationship the answer was obvious this is the house I lived in when we met we got engaged here what surprised me most was how easy it will felt and how natural and how normal in health inevitable so yeah so I didn't even I didn't even have any hesitation or any of any reluctance or any reservations it felt like everything was falling into place it was lovely when I met someone I really felt like oh my goodness I'm gonna have the family that I always wanted but not just for myself but also for my son but faiths dream of happy families would soon turn out to be a living nightmare I write fiction for a living and what comes next if I wrote an outline for a book that that was what happened to me it's funny expect everyone to say well that's ridiculous no one's gonna believe that because I I can't I still can't believe it to be completely honest with you coming up what caused faiths panic only hours into her wedding it wasn't perhaps you would expect for wedding as in I think me and my groom didn't really spend any time together as soon as sort of which the dinner had finished we pretty much went separate ways and the shocking story of a woman ditched only 24 hours after saying I do I just feel like I was just used for that reason really just to get my his papers and go faith Bleasdale was living in devon and had been engaged to the man of her dreams for four months I did really enjoy planning the wedding and you know talking about it and and I think will say you know perhaps our relationship was really good because I was so excited and that made our relationship even better in a way and soon the big day finally arrived this Red Lion Hotel in Crivelli which is where I got married we actually had the service in this room but they'd only been married for a matter of minutes when faith started noticing something strange was happening it wasn't perhaps you would expect for wedding as in I think me and my groom didn't really spend any time together you know we said our vows standing next to each other then we sat next to each other at dinner but I would think probably as soon as sort of which the dinner had finished we we pretty much went separate ways her new husband was far from attentive I was partying with friends till about four o'clock in the morning he had passed out at about 8:00 8:30 in the hotel sofa downstairs because he was so very drunk and much to her horror faiths new husband went through a dramatic transformation within weeks of their marriage he would come home from work quite late he would go straight up to his study and so he would be barely acknowledged say via or me it was almost like the man I was dating and the man I married were like two opposite people they were nothing like each other if you put them in the same room they wouldn't you wouldn't expect them to get on together because they they couldn't have been more different although she didn't like his behavior they began working towards a brighter future together we sort of made a deal I would pay the rent and the bills and he would be pushing money away into joint account so it would save up money for a deposit on a house but that was that was our deal but just six months after their wedding faith made a shocking discovery there was no money he didn't pay one single bill in the time that we were together you know there was no savings in a joint account there was no joint account there was there was nothing stunned to discover there was no money the arguments began it was just after saviours birth day and when Martha hits rain on front very extravagant birthday party for a five-foot it was lovely but it was her money it was her present to him it was her decision and he started having a go at me about it and he was determined that we would have a massive fight you know when someone's determined so he basically turned around I said the worst thing that anyone could ever say to me which is I didn't marry Xavier I married you it was like a dagger through her heart he didn't just marry me he married me and Xavier that was that was the whole understanding from the moment I let him start dating me the reason I let him in was cause he understood that this child would always be the biggest part of my life and if he wanted to be in my life it would have to he'd have to become the most important person to him as well a wounded faith struggled on trying to keep her family together but by Christmas and only eight months after they Wed things got much much worse had the perfect Christmas tree presents were rewarded turkey was ordered and then out of the blue nowhere he just disappeared and disappeared without a trace panicked faith called the hospitals his parents and the police to try to work out where he was what if he's lying there and you know and he can't he's phone's dead because he's back you know all these things go to your mind I thought this something was wrong with him but the truth was stranger than any fiction novel got a phone call at 2 o'clock in the morning saying your husband is alive and well but he doesn't want you to know where he is what kind of man walks out on a five-year-old child 2 weeks before Christmas no one abandoned at what should be the happiest of times faith had to acknowledge that she had been cruelly duped it was it was like somebody flipped on a switch in my brain the person that I fell in love with didn't exist in reality he had ditched her and disappeared I didn't have a clue that that wasn't the case because I trusted him I had no reason not to you know I've said I've spoken to people and I was speaking to even even the police actually and said to them I can't believe I was such an idiot and they said well no you why would you marry someone if you don't trust them still unable to track down her husband faith filed for divorce just months after her wedding obviously if I had a time machine and you could take me back to pre my birthday drinks and he walked in now and he walked in I would get the biggest bargepole I could find and put it between us oh absolutely tell myself not to marry him I tell myself not to even go and have a drink with him you know No and her son was once again without a father I just sort of said he knows it's just me and you again now and that and that was that was really yeah he's a tough little cookie like his mother when previously contacted faith sacks said he regrets the breakdown of the marriage he denies he lived rent-free and regularly contributed to living expenses he also points out he does not drink to excess meet Michelle a 38 year old dog lover from Birmingham in 2001 she met a new man on a night out with friends he was just standing quiet on his own watching and he came over asked he was alright and then just started dancing and chatting we was nice how we permit it was like kind of love at first sight and it did dog did get butterflies in my stomach the couple quickly fell for each other it was gentle quiet carry and charming it was just different to anybody I've been out with before brother-in-law Ian was impressed to television look it over laugh with him he introduced me to the rest of his family and he was always really welcoming happy guy hugs and kisses every Tommy not me it was a whirlwind romance and after only a couple of months together they got engaged he'd asked me to marry him and he said what we have to go to Gambia to get married and I was like why we can't get married here and he said oh because I need to stop my visa and stuff out so we have to go back home me to get married they can't do it here it wasn't exactly Michelle's dream wedding but her fiance was eager to return to his hometown I was deeply in love with my ex and I would what did gold like to come here to marry because that's how much I did love him but Michelle's special day was not the traditional wedding with a big white dress it's going to be hot there I didn't want to carry massive big dress in a bag and it was like and I thought it's just gonna be a small wedding people are going to be small so just when it's up it's simple to wear the long-distance aramony meant none of Michelle's family including nice Yasmine were able to attend what was the wedding like then it was nice but it was like scary at the same time and because it's like loads of people didn't know then I went to small wedding and when I got there's like hundreds and hundreds of people and I was like oh who are these people on their return the couple were eager to start a family family's always been something that I wanted to have so we knew from when we first met with both when you have children they started trying for a baby straight away but there was a problem we was trying to get pregnant awkwardness catch so I went to the doctors and they said oh you need to go for tests they then said the only thing I could do was go through IVF and after three tries it still hadn't worked we went to consume they said we could do it again but it would cost like five or six thousand that time because they'd have to do it a different way it was actually done appointment but myself as I don't do it no more it's too much stress because you have to go through all the injections and then it do it way to find out you're pregnant he doesn't work that's when Michelle felt things change in their relationship Mohammed was going out more and more more then all of a sudden a cousin came along they start speaking on the phone boy I'd never heard him mentioned his cousin before Michelle grew suspicious and when she discovered photos online of her husband his supposed cousin and a baby she was horrified this picture of him her and Bible people and the pictures tagged on his Facebook and people commenting lot congratulations don't want to asked him about it anybody's denying denying denying it then he eventually said okay yes I am the dad with the baby tragically whilst Michelle had been desperate to fall pregnant her husband had already fathered a child after discovered that he was the delta baby and we've been arguing about for two weeks about it I need bad saying he's not gonna see her again and I said no no no and then he kept on so in the end I did forgive him Michelle was utterly devastated but her husband persuaded her that she was the only woman for him to be in love with someone even though you know they're treating you not proper I don't know something blind you from like seeing that it's just like you love him that much you can't fault them whatever they do you just loved him that much and forgive them for anything Michelle put the past behind her and the couple worked hard to rebuild their marriage after all this tough economy we found about hema carried on of our lives we decided to renew our wedding vows 10-year wedding murmurs that was like boys minds if I never had all that first time when big dress and I think so we had everything I won why I thought everything was behind of what obviously it wasn't on the day Michelle's brother-in-law Ian noticed her husband acting strangely it wouldn't have any photos he was just being I fall down and he was just murder you didn't want any photos taken with Michelle or any of the kids and Michelle's the spected why the girl which is the morph of his baby kept fernand ruin that guy as soon as you got outside he disappeared again within 24 hours of her wedding renewal Michelle had been ditched everybody was shocked and that's what those like Oh matter couldn't believe it and I was like why Marisol go to a party why didn't he tell you before he's gonna leave before why didn't play was going on so don't know what was going through his head but Michelle soon came to a shocking conclusion we've been trying to get his visa and then a few months before we did the wedding we knew of ours that's when he got his visa which means he can stay in the country as long as they want you kind of could see his plan and how much he needed chalet so as soon as he was done with Shelly you got what he wanted you know sure way in Boca answer Michelle was cut to pieces by his cruel deception because his fees are in the July to me I think he was waiting for that before he left he went oh don't think he would have gone until Accola I just feel like I was just used for that reason really just to get my his papers and go I hope that we would have like a family and I didn't I never thought we're gonna get divorced before we still be together enough Michels dream was shattered and she is still scarred by the events it's like I can't trust nobody I can't trust nobody because I'm like I'm always thinking the back of my mind Oh what if they're gonna cheat when previously approached for comment her ex said yes Michelle thought my other woman was my cousin I'm no longer with her I'm with someone else coming up this woman gets the shop news that no bride wants to hear she says I'm his wife so how can you be his wife and I'm his wife - and what does it feel like when you're the one doing the ditching we got into bed and basically he said to me there's something not right are you seeing somebody else and I just said yeah I've been seeing Gordon again we met up and and I'm leaving you meet an a 55 year old divorcee from Devon in September 2011 and after being single for two years and began looking for romance online I found that it encouraged me and tell me about internet dating and the computer like so we said come on we'll give it a go ultimate apprehensive her first one of the first people to get in touch was Mike a couple of fellas contacts with me but it was more persistent in sending me messages I'm trying to get my attention and get my eyes I felt nice to have somebody phoning you and telling your troubles and talking to each other and it did feel just feel good yeah and soon they were chatting every day determined about his occupation his home its marriage what happened to his knowledge although he had a wife Mike assured Anne he was going through a divorce and within days of their first chat the couple decided to meet up in person on the way there are singing gosh am i doing the right thing but they're not I thought I got me car if anything did go wrong I thought was just making excuse and leave the prospect of dating again got Anne's heart racing remember you nervous nervous more it mainly but I managed to relax in Mike's company it was just nice to go nuts American Panisse never talked and was delighted with her date and the pair arranged to meet again three months later he said he's got a weekend off he's coming down he said 20 a weekend in Torquay I said yeah that's fine wonderful I felt like it's it's been so nice to me yes there was something here I am falling for him after a meal on their first evening they returned to their hotel room and I would sit at the window looking at the scene and he went down on one name I thought whatever the matter with him it must have got bad luck or something then he actually asked me if I would marry him I just got smacked at first and I said oh let me think about it let me think about it I'll let you know you know it's just so short assuming Mike was divorced and thought things through and decided to say yes and then the next day he took me out to buy me an engagement ring or oughta me an engagement ring then under Sunday we went down to Dartmouth that's where I found the budding venue what he wanted to give me after two years being single and felt that this was her second chance at love it's a lovely time I can not that way it was a nice time it did make it special for me and me made me feel like I was part of his life I was just shocked cuz I thought nobody wanted me but it was nice and made me feel safe insecure wanted at the time and was living with her son in Devon we decided that we needed to have our own space and we actually found this lovely house here they settled into their new life together and started planning their wedding he was I'm walking away turn the rage that we can't even come home I've been in space I could do what I wanted to do you in the week and when the big day came around best friend Andrea was there to help keep things on track we actually got married in this year Boden here it's all inside that building it's like a registry office so nice wasn't it it's a very small place and there's like there's a shared area at the back here and where they actually do the service which I openly chop the cores right in the top corner so you could get a lovely view with a video camera everything going on it was the perfect day I had a fantastic wedding day from the time I got up they're gonna come down and met all my friends and they all supported me and they know what I've been through and it's absolutely fantastic day but there was one thing about the day that stood out for Andrea all the guests that were here we're all here for you there were all your friends they were all your acquaintances all the people that you worked with all of your family and there was not one person here on my side but just two weeks after their wedding day Mike began behaving strangely Rican didn't come come home he said he was working his phone would be off for days at a time if you serve excuse society was working in the prison or he had to turn his phone off for his bachelor flick despite her worries and wasn't confident enough to confront her new husband I thought maybe he was right and sort of have annoyed me just go along with it and kept on going along with it until one morning eight months later she got the shock of her life I woke up on February 17 and I don't think email so and their emotions and that it was a bigger mess stunned and couldn't believe her eyes and immediately called Mike it's a found his house number and a lady answered the phone I said to him hello I said his Center there and she said yeah I said over here she said I'm his wife that's a how can he be his wife and I'm his wife too and she said it was Mike had never divorced his wife but there was worse news yet for Anne from my email I found out that he was also he was married and that he had a third party lady what he was going to see on weekends when he told me he was aware I came but he wasn't he was going up up the line this third party lady it turned out Mike was not only married he was also having an affair with a third woman nickim on the phone then that's what is it true suggests it's true and if I don't want to be with any of you eat said I want to be with the other one third one so obviously I'd set up and the phone never just contact me again that's come down to me to make matters worse he had also stopped paying the rent on Ann's house when the landlord come to me one day and the runs jeans had our twenty hours to get out of this house and I took my friends own to help me because 20 hours to pack up that house was devastating it just broke my heart between those two weeks I love my lost my husband lost my home lost everything it's just heartbreaking just months after her wedding day Ann's whole world had been destroyed I've had many Ballinger I felt so ashamed so humiliated I thought all my friends would think that I knew all about it I don't know if they're the shame I don't know why you felt the embarrassment or the shame because that that wasn't your fault you know you were take you were swept along the same as we all were you know we all thought that he was a regular guy he was telling the truth we had no reason not to believe him they saw because I lost slightly I tend to take us one minute I thought I was missus yeah and what I was running into the place thinking well what name am I what's my identity now Mike had paid thousands of pounds for a sham wedding and left an was nothing you could just carry don't sue me yeah they wanted to get married he wanted to get married not me and was plunged into the depths of despair at the time I didn't want to live really I just want to smash my car up because I felt so low lost a man that you'd loved he'd left her penniless in debt with the house that you were living in at the time and he just literally washed his hands and walked away every 12 months after their wedding Mike was arrested and tried for bigamy I went just to the court on the day he was sentenced and he sat there he did not look remorseful in any way he looked he had a grin on his face he didn't want offer an apology or anything along the lines about he looked relieved when they the judge gave him his his sentence and he kind of shrugged his shoulders and walked on like he didn't really care but I just want to ask him why he did it for his crime Mike received 200 hours community service I was devastated what can you do we thought you had a marriage and he didn't have a marriage you thought you had a home you thought you had a husband but what nothing nothing everything we went through it was just nothing in reports of the court proceedings Mike Evans lawyer stated that Mike told Ann he was in the process of divorcing in January and thought his wife was doing all the paperwork and that towards the latter stages of his first marriage there were considerable issues he paid the rent and bills entirely the report on sentencing said that there had been no suggestion from anyone that the second marriage had been entered into for financial gain Mike said he made a foolish mistake we've met the women who have been hitched and ditched but what does it feel like to do the ditching meet Lisa a 53 year old child minder from Hartford sure she was young free and single when a shock rocked her world I'd been on holiday with a group of friends we've been to Corfu and I wasn't feeling at all well on holiday and I was getting hot sweats and feeling sick and I couldn't swallow I went to the doctors and basically turned out to be Hodgkin's lymphoma which is a cancer of the lymph nodes in young people after a month of radiotherapy she was in recovery there was a guy that used to live opposite me flowers were arriving and he just said to me one day oh you know you seem to be getting a lot of flowers you okay and I said all um I'm recovering from cancer and we just sort of got talking I really liked him I thought was a nice bloke Neil and Lisa started dating and soon it got serious we decided to put our money together and go and buy a house together it just seemed the natural progression really and that relationship I want to get married when her family if he wanted the same oh my god there's my house oh my gosh she looks so small now and with the house purchased the couple was set for a lifetime of happiness together I remember coming in from work and there was like flowers and the table was set out for a party and him saying to me oh it's an engagement party it was just all organized and it got me a ring and everything and that was it but Lisa didn't want a big white wedding I think it took me about two years to actually plan something and I didn't want to get married in the church I didn't want to get married where everyone could see me so I thought I know we'll get married on a beach Lisa found Ana Dilek location for her dream beach wedding the place that we looked at that seemed to have really nice features with Margarita Island in Venezuela which was beautiful place it was very it was lovely but when they returned from their beach wedding Neil's family wanted something more the whole family said well we need to see you get married and there was a big sort of hoo-ha about him getting married and not having anything to show for the family so then we had to come here it just got a bigger phone everything I didn't want it to be was definitely that the hats and everything everyone thought they were happy Lisa R knew different today was supposed to be the best day of my life every girl's dreams to get married have the lovely dress have the kids there and have all your family there but to me it wasn't the final piece in the jigsaw Lisa was harboring a secret I did feel a bit guilty I must be honest walking up there thinking I don't really want to do this but I'm here now I have to go through the motions and not really feeling as if it was my wedding looks like somebody else's wedding really coming up the moment Lisa ditched her husband after just three months of marriage we got into bed and basically he said to me there's something not right are you seeing somebody else and I just said yeah I've been seeing Gordon again we met up and and I'm leaving you just days after being Wed in a private ceremony on a romantic venezuelan beach a 33 year old Lisa returned home to have a blessing in front of family it was very hot day I remember the weather was perfect got married the end of May so it was a really beautiful day the church was really pretty but even as Lisa was saying her vows she couldn't stop thinking about an old flame you have to really put these feelings away because you're being too sold to the person you've actually married and you shouldn't really be having these other feelings because you're now married 11 years earlier before she met her newlywed husband Neil Lisa had met pub landlord Gordon when Saracens head in Beaconsfield this is where Gordon nice to me in the afternoons and I met him through a friend of mine and she was going out with somebody in Gordon's pub they started dating but there was a problem unfortunately Gordon was married and I'd fallen for a married man not intentionally but you can't help who you fall in love with and that was the reason why we couldn't be together and in the end Lisa called it off after three years I'm not gonna wait around for all my life and not have a life because that's how it was turning out that I was constantly waiting for that phone to ring constantly staying in not going out not enjoying life because obviously waiting around for this one person that it might never happen she moved on and eight years later had married Neil thinking that she'd never see Gordon again I just said to myself right okay I'm married now to Neil and this is my life and I've just had to carry on and we just go back to work and everything goes back to normal and then we just get on with it and that's what I did hello but when they came back from their honeymoon Lisa got a call from a friend some right at the very end of the conversation she just happens to drop into my lap oh you'll never guess he's been trying to get hold of you and as soon as she said it my heart skipped to be and my stomach just dropped old flame Gordon was newly single and desperate to see her obviously I told him straight away that I wasn't I've got married because obviously my friends hadn't told him it so I've told him straightaway and he was like uh okay they decided to meet up in secret I hadn't seen him for eight years so it was a I was very scared I was very nervous the roles were reversed them because I was now married and he was a single person it was like now I know I knew how he was feeling when he used to sneak out and meet me in the evening and when she saw him again all the old feelings came flooding back I felt the same as what I felt all those years ago obviously I didn't look any different to him I still was the same old sweet thing because that was his nickname for me so it's like nothing had changed really she couldn't resist it and just three months after her wedding they started having an affair so then that was really awful then because then I was lying and I don't even want to lie and it's not in my nature and I felt as if I was being unfaithful well I was being unfaithful and it wasn't what I wanted to do after three weeks of Lisa sneaking around behind his back Neal was beginning to get suspicious we got into bed and basically he said to me there's something not right are you seeing somebody else and I just said yeah I've been seeing Gordon again we met up and and I'm leaving you Neal was devastated he went what now and I went yeah right now he was that saying you can't go now let's talk about it what's going on us no I can't be with you I have to be was Gordon Lisa packed her bags and left her house in the middle of the night so I drove along this road really crying and really upset I think I was trying to find it was actually trying to find a telephone box so I could call Gordon to let him know I've actually left yes I managed to get to this point telephone box was over there got in the telephone box obviously I knew his numbers by heart managed to call him and I said I was crying down faster I've left him he said what I've left him after just three months of marriage Lisa ditched her husband and set up a new life with Gordon I always felt guilty I always felt good even though I loved Gordon and I know that he loved me it was I didn't do that sort of thing it wasn't what I was brought up to do it was yeah awful guilt really but you know you can't really help who you fall in love with Lisa now had to face up to her own betrayal I was scared because I suppose I now had to prove to myself and to all my friends that I'd made the right decision and I think whatever happened this is my bed now I've got to lay in it and sixteen years after her first wedding Lisa got married again we got married on my 50th birthday which is Christmas Eve on 2010 and we'd planned a winter wonderland wedding and we had the most amazing day and I actually cried in the most chocolate I cried when we got married because I didn't think that we were ever going to get to that day and here we were where we are and I still feel exactly the same about him as how I felt all those years ago they were very lucky Neil responded to this story to say he didn't organize an engagement party was unaware of Lisa's feelings for Gordon and didn't know she had any doubts about getting married he also says he didn't know that Lisa did not want a church blessing Neil says he is now happily married with a family since filming all the women we met have managed to move on from their disastrous marriages faith still doesn't know where her ex has gone I'm divorcing the Invisible Man I am and that's really good there's no mutual not that it's always mutual people divorce but usually they've agreed to it least in some way in some way there's something but she's looking to the future there's only three things I have to concentrate on in the future one is myself the second of course is my gorgeous son Xavier and the said is my career she's writing a new book all about her experiences cuz I figure that if you're gonna get divorced and you can't have a really bad marriage and it's gonna cost you a lot of money you must forget book house and she's finally been able to reach the next chapter in her life on the 30th of July I get my decree nice.i and then six weeks later will be a free woman michelle has started a floristry course doing my courses helped because a lot I enjoyed doing it and he's getting me back out with meeting people and doing stuff again and with a new man her love life is also blooming he does show a lot of love and affection and he will he wants to do anything for me her family have rallied around her she's more confident she's more than moved on actually because she's learned her self a good new career actually as a barmaid I'm really proud about cuz she's moving on now and seems a lot happier she's got a new boyfriend she just seems a lot happier now five years ago I'd never think of Shelley putting points to men cracking jokes doing everything because you just saw us quiet and withdrawn but obviously I know there's reasons flirting there and she's finally got her life back on track I've been through it's helped I've got like a family that's really supportive and always there for me because walk white clothes love me my sister my mom my brother they've all been there for me in the ball where we're all really close and it's good that I've got that we've done there and we'll never forget her sham wedding you always think about what why did he do it but I would never know no it's gone man I got to forget about it that's apartment life what's gone it's a food truck not that she's moved on and has met another man online party's lovely it's absolutely fantastic and this time she's met all his friends and family I'm loving life more now than I ever have done in my years you know and it's just thanks to you not got a different chapter in my life now and it's not the old tractor this is a new chapter a new beginning out with the old in with the new she's checked and her new man is definitely not still married [Music] now the gap in our returning series age gap love widens to sugar daddy 82 seeks 24 year old brand new Wednesday at 10 next on Channel five monitoring Perez monitoring the house and bit on the side after the break [Music] you
Channel: DazzleOnTv
Views: 955,950
Rating: 4.3953176 out of 5
Id: RxeVcFebvYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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