History Of Sony - Retro corporate film

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the history of Sony Corporation dates back to 1946 when Japan was going through a most trying time in the aftermath of World War two a capital of $527 and a seven-man Stas that was in fact all the resources we had with which to launch an enterprise but even in those years we already had a firm operating principle of opening up new markets with unique new products the Sony building in Ginza Tokyo its Ellen's are always crowded with many Japanese and visitors from all over the world and joined themselves operating and handling various Sony products now let's review some of the highlights in our pioneering product development efforts Sony put on the market the first tape recorder in Japan in 1950 the first transistor radio in Japan in 1955 the world's first transistor TV set in 1960 the 5-inch micro TV sipped in 1962 and the world's first old transistor portable video codec in 1963 the 3d turn-on color TV developed in 1968 one of our most important technical breakthroughs in recent years Trinitron system can produce brighter and sharper pictures than the conventional sits and has set a new standard for color TV picture quality the path we trod was indeed that of a pioneer always devoted to opening up new technological possibilities here at the research center suni's scientists are at work to develop the company's advanced technology which should always be in the lead you this is the Sony head office and she naga plant in tokyo here Sony transistor radios and cassette tape recorders are manufactured Sony's 22 on TV assembly factories this is a 22 on TV picture tube Factory and a sony electronic cube Patrick Sony's Twitter own assembly Factory transistor TV sets are being manufactured here at the color TV Factory in Tokyo the 3-meter on color TV assembly factory in central japan mass-produces two-litre on color TV sets here the most modern facilities in the newest techniques combined to turn out sony products of unique high quality at this factory also in central japan Trinitron color TV picture tubes are being manufactured about 35 miles southwest of Tokyo is a semiconductor Factory where transistors and diodes the heart of Sony products are being mass-produced this plant about 250 miles north of Tokyo produces high quality audio and video magnetic recording tapes the plant is also developing and manufacturing ferrite cores which are of vital importance as transistor radio and TV parts Sooni also has a machine shop of its own to produce the parts needed for its new products and also to design and produce production facilities this machine shop plays a very important role for Sony the path finder at another plant in Tokyo baited lines of audio equipment are being mass-produced you the factory is also equipped with facilities for manufacturing the video coder a product which is of prime importance in the electronics industry the work at assembly lines is efficiently carried out with superb team spirit at each working place the leaders plans and instructions are promptly and smoothly conveyed to each member there and carried out precisely as intended facing up to challenge asked the challenge in the product development in improvement efforts sony engineers have rounds of discussions Sooni attaches great importance to technology but it values people even more highly trying to bring out the best in the individual the company assists its employees in developing their personal potentialities to the fullest this is based on its firm belief that high product quality is the outcome of employees fully motivated work at the production line here at the Sony gakuen High School young employees attend classes in their off hours this officially recognized educational institution offers a science and technology course in a general course students at the school are spending fruitful days with Sony proud of working their way through the high school and materializing what they have learned or acquired into each Sony product you the sunni kindergarten looks after churn aged three to six of marriage female employees it is something more than a day nursery it is an institution where the teachers and mothers do their share for ideal preschool education here English lessons are conducted as well as violin and piano lessons all on the modernized principal of preschool education here is another technological landmark achieved by sony's research and development staff the sony color video cassette system after stirring up a VTR craze all over the world where the development of the compact VTR another world's first sony has developed the video casts it as a prime product of the future comparable to the color TV of today Sony's proven superiority in audio technology it's video technology that has produced the twin eater on and it's excellent all-round research and development stuff with great enthusiasm for product development have all combined to produce the video cassette system opening up a wholly new Vista in color video technology you you Sony's trademark has been registered in over hundred 70 countries and territories throughout the world Sony products live up to the confidence of all people's around the world supported by full customer confidence Sony's extensive network of distribution reaches out to every far corner of the world steadily advancing sonic technology knows no bounds and boundless possibilities are in store for the years ahead worldwide Sony creative all the time Sony will make continued all-out efforts to live up to your confidence and expectation you
Channel: nefesh22
Views: 182,249
Rating: 4.9319963 out of 5
Keywords: Sony;, Japan;, Retro;, Corporate, Film;, Promo;, 60s;, 70s;, cheese
Id: vaskou2gl44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2010
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