History of Porsche Documentary

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[Music] these cars are animals to drive its fat it's nice and chunky at the back a quick spurt down the road and it's like sawing a bucket full of adrenaline the car is definitely a design I gotta have a big bank balance it's a martini car anytime anyplace anywhere although the first portion of motorcar wasn't sold until 1949 the Porsche name had been famous throughout the 20th century dr. Porsche started by designing electric cars in Austria but his most famous exploit in the 1930s was to be the designer of the world-famous VW Beetle during the war VW had spent his time building military vehicles the factory had then been flattened by the Allied air forces and in 1945 dr. Porsche himself was quite unfairly put in jail he son ferry gathered the remnants of the work force around him went back to the family estate in Austria and set about literally designing anything that would pay the bills by about the end of 1948 there was enough time to sit down and design the sports car they'd always promised they would build for themselves now Porsche was a small company with little money behind them they said to themselves fine we want to make a motor car with our own Porsche badge on it but it must be based on the beetle the result was what they called project 356 and this is where the name of the original very famous rear engine Porsche came from well I originally had lotuses and new ones but they kept breaking down like very interesting charting with dead friend of mine lent me a three five six cabaret to go up to the British Grand Prix in 1978 and Silverstone and it was wonderful we had two small kids and we slotted them into the back in there Peter storm suits and we drove it up with the top down even though it's quite cold and it was just wonderful and I fell in love with it so I looked out for a three five six specifically a cab relay and I found one in exchange in Mart in London and I went and had a look at it it'd been snowing the top was tall and it the back was all full of snow but I thought yes this is this is it so I bought it in many ways the three five six was a very advanced car for this period most sports cars still had front engines driving the rear wheels most sports cars were still open to the elements here was something new the engine was behind the rear wheels so the traction was phenomenal the body style was very advanced that car never went anywhere near a wind tunnel it was a very wind changing body they've got the shape right straightaway not cheap to buy but very efficient car with a reliable high geared engine for the amount of power it had it was quite phenomenally fast [Music] well the Cabriolet of course has just got the ordinary 1600 CC pushrod engine very reliable air-cooled back for maintaining it once a year change the oil they'll go on for hundreds of thousands of miles very reliable the Carrera 2 engine is very specialized it's got four overhead camshafts or bevel gear and shaft driven very complicated very expensive engine you've really got to look after it it's almost like a racing car on the road you've got to check it regularly serviced it regularly you tend to listen for every little noise get a bit paranoid and you've got to have a big bank balance [Music] they they were very expensive in their day and so only people with quite a lot of money could afford them and they tended just a zoom off in them didn't look after them very well and you used to find that they would do about 20-25 thousand miles and then the engine would go wrong it'd be taken out the car taken apart and then they'd find out how much it costs to repair so they thought oh we don't like this so they'd sell the car wrong with the engine in pieces and then the next owner would go through the same scenario find out how much it would cost so you'd it would change hands three or four times with the engine in pieces so you usually find the Carrera to have done a very low mileage to drive the cab rail on a day like this is wonderful top-down wind in your hair what you've got that's great are you great [Music] early portion aterial was comparatively flimsy you knew the kind of car you were buying in advance you didn't bother with expensive brochures and indeed the company couldn't afford to produce such materials the 1950s materials were generally single sheets in one color and if you were comparing a Jaguar with a Porsche you were paying twice the money for a Porsche so you had to make a very definite and deliberate decision and you weren't likely to be influenced by sales literature you were influenced by its pedigree and its reputation [Music] occasionally you get the thing always at the beetle which is definitely the wrong thing to say they're both rearranged they're both air-cooled and four early three five six is used a lot of the same components same engine same suspension by the end of the 1950's the 356 had shed almost all its old beetle heritage part by part new porsche pieces had arrived Porcia then spent a lot of time looking for a new generation motorcar the result was a motor-car evolving in the early 1960s which started a new series of car much bigger much more powerful and if you like the start of a completely new generation of Porsches it was a bit of a stir at Porsche the French car makers Peugeot raised an objection to the model designation 901 claiming that any combination of three digits with a naught in the middle was theirs protected by patent porsche reacted promptly and from then on the new sports car was marketed around the world as the porsche 911 when the world saw the 911 in 1963 most observers said that they could see where the heritage came from the styling cues the shape the low nose the long fastback even the noise of the 911 was similar it was the son of in so many ways it was technologically quite a lot more advanced than the three five six unfortunately that meant that it was going to be expensive as well but portion knew that he could more or less name his price for a car of this character the Americans in particular were fighting for it and from the word go there was always a big queue [Music] this is a 1973 911 2.7 RS Carrera I've had early 911s and their production models this particular version was developed racing purposes they had to make 500 production bodies in order to qualify it for homologation to group for for the GT series they designed the car from the outset to be as light as possible so very little under seal was applied to the car they made the car lighter by using thinner gauge metal it was point 8 millimeters thickness that at point eight eight meters they then further lighten the car by using thin material for the carpets the lightest seats they used thinner glass as well this endowed Amala Gatien car with a weight of less than 900 kilograms the marketing department were worried that they wouldn't sell the first 500 cars and who had want a car without in the under seal and Spartan interior so they offered the Touring spec which is basically the luxury items from the then production car at the time this meant that the car was driven straight off the production line down to the Stuttgart city weighing station and then brought back and all the lightweight bumper and trimmed so for to remove from the car and the car was then finished as per their customers specification to Touro spec in the sixties and seventies Porsche were much more confident in their marketing the cars were presented in much more expensive lavish brochures they were shown with glamorous women Porsche were actually concentrating on the executive sophistication of their buyers not their interest in sports cars early 911s are total driving sense a we've built a few compromises a quick spurt down the road 100 meters and it's like swallowing a bucket full of adrenaline it's like having a fix each time it's a new sensation and a new experience I just love driving it the car isn't just a high-performance sports car the design is also extremely attractive to look at and probably this model 73 RS and it's purposeful lines is probably the most beautiful of them all [Music] [Music] the color especially is a very rare color there are 11 cars and totally produced in this color and only one in right hand drive the rest went to Europe and one way to Mexico as I'm driving along the road especially with the younger people I get them standing by the roadside giving me the thumbs up at the color of the car I get old and senile and in about 30 or 40 years time I have a large house perhaps the IRS will take pride of place in in a room in the house it's certainly an art form and one gets pleasure just from looking at the car without even driving it once the 911 went on sale in 1964 it was clear that Porsche had a long-term plan for this car by the early 1970s the engineers were so confident of the car that they turbocharged the engine produced phenomenal outputs and sent the motor car out to wind sports car races outright all over the world [Music] [Music] in the late 60s and early 70s Porsche were extremely successful with racing turbocharged cars so they decided to put a turbocharger onto a production car [Music] this car is a 1975 9-3 Oh turbo 3 liter this in 93 Oh because when Porsche developed this car they actually wanted to identify it as a separate car from the 911 family this car was actually probably one of the first full-time production cars in the world to actually run a successful and reliable turbocharged system with the extra horsepower they needed to that wider tires on and they had to then to incorporate these larger tires they had to put larger wings on I like the styling of this car because it's fat it's nice and chunky at the back extremely wide arches it looks low it looks meaningful it looks rather sexy and this car is squat and purposeful looking [Music] the car is definitely a design icon it's the recognized sports car after working the world like Ferrari is a name hopefully the distinctive shape in 1975 I bought a copy of car magazine that ran a road test on the Ferrari Berlinetta boxer Lamborghini count - and the Porsche three litre turbo and i sat there reading this article over and over again and realizing that although the other two are extremely glamorous cars the car for me was a three liter turbo it was silver like the one I've got and it was just the one for me I love the lines a lot of natural car a small compact well designed well engineered we didn't know in 1975 that was still gonna be around today but good Lord here it is and I've got one of the early ones one of the first three liter turbo number 58 it's in the family forever much to the discretion of my wife but it will always be with us it's a family heirloom deserves to be looked after now she's 21 years old he's had a love of history which is the love of more history to come so when I'm driving the car and like a kid with a new toy I wipe the grin off my face a couple of hours after because there's such a thrill out of it some of the engines in the wrong place and it's a very hard to master but once you get something right it's fantastic it really does feedback through the world through the steering and the suspension that you're doing the right thing or the wrong thing the Porsche 911 fits into two categories of supercar and everyday transport in terms of the reliability factor you know that this cars never gonna let you down whereas other supercars we know can be temperamental to be extremely unreliable and you know at the end of the day when you get in this car it will take you from A to B and a to Zed it really doesn't matter times were changing there were critics and said sports cars should not have engines at the rear anymore they should have engines at the front the early 1970s Porsche began a sea change of design the 911 by their standards became unfashionable and behind closed doors in Stuttgart a totally new generation of Porsche began to take shape Porsche had a contract to design a new sports car for VW unhappily VW cancelled that car at an advanced stage Porsche took it up and in 1976 launched the motorcar we now know as the Porsche 19 for [Music] this was totally different from the 911 and in fact was made in a different factory the engine was basically an Audi engine it had water cooling it was at the front and it drove the back wheels but this if only we'd known it was the start of a new generation of sports who plays from Porsche the 92-foot was designed to be a low-end vehicle for more practical use from the day to day use if you like it was there to supplement the 911s the 9/4 all took the original design of the 94 which is still a very successful and very desirable car and put it into a pure Porsche format it's Porsches own engine running gear bodywork the whole bit [Music] this is a portion i-44 luxe 1980 and of the earlier models it's Jim keep it really she's done what a few miles she's a very reliable car and I love it dearly not quite as much as my wife to be but I love it dearly I bought the car for five years ago for five thousand one hundred pounds which there's nothing there top mark car it's a martini car anytime anyplace anywhere it is equally at home doing short trips as it is doing long trips and it's equally as usable these cars are animals to drive they are hysterical Wendy but as a family slow than thinking I'll get into the garage of drive it off it's not difficult to handle it's just you've got to concentrate a bit more they are designed to be driven by people who know how to drive sports cars or by people who want to genuinely learn how to drive sports cars their beautifully balanced you can throw them around the road and know that you're actually thought for good corners on the road all the time very safe very sleek very tight I think even today Porsche is still a dream car for lots of people I don't think a lot of people realize how affordable some of these cars are yes it did have a big image in the eighties of the successful person up in the city the country toy if you like or the Sunday car but if you take that away from it they are still one of the most practical and affordable everyday cars you can have specially the 24s in the 44 [Music] one evening down at our local pub just down the road from here I met somebody who was interested in the car we started talking as you do and one thing has led to another we went out for a number of occasions we took the car out for another run and the friendship that started off as a friendship has now become little bit more permanent she's now my fiance she has a very active interest in the car which is nice because she's building up with it she's she did last service on the car and it's still running [Music] the engines in the front the waters in it some people for me kettles I'm a water-cooled Porsche lover I find people who actually look at the cars and say they're pretend forces or they're not real ones either have a certain jealous streak in them where they really would like to have one that can afford it well they're actually 911 owners who've actually got a nice car and filled with whiffle's a cheeky upstarts always turn rancid them to say what's break because I've got each of the works during these days as we might be boom came along both in Europe and in North America the result was that a new development program for the 911 was started up and towards the end of the 1980s a new generation of 911s came along everything connected with that motorcar was studied again by the engineers new engines new suspension and even styling claim Porsche in the 90s suffered from the yuppie image of the 80s and therefore almost had to remarket themselves the first thing they did was to get rid of ostentatious brochures which seemed to present glamour and seem to present conspicuous consumption and they replaced them with very discreet little booklets which presented serious information to buyers who were intelligent thoughtful and who were not conspicuous consumers for the late 1990s Porsche seems to have abandoned front-engine cars and it seems to have abandoned water-cooled engine cars almost entirely the 911 is going to be replaced fairly soon but I'm told that all enthusiasts will recognize the replacement when it comes along there's also to be a new generation of open car for the Boxster which is very new this again will use developments of the famous flat-six engine [Music] if you cut me in half yes you probably would find the words Porsche written through my body and it's a love affair not just with the mark but all the people associated with it well a Porsche to me means a well engineered car it excellent build quality some people's reactions are quite mixed really some people don't like letting you out at junctions young boys look and stare and point and go wow look at that and other people just look another chap in a Porsche of it at the end of the day I don't really care because I'm an enthusiast I bought the car because of what it is not because of what I think I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheOverkloker
Views: 87,669
Rating: 4.84127 out of 5
Id: fdt2TFbk1Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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