History of Machine Tools

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no one wants a handmade engine block or jet turbine we want precision things made by machines the machine tools built our modern world our lifestyle wouldn't exist without now machine tools on modern marvels [Applause] [Music] simply put machine tools are power driven machines of all shapes and sizes primarily used to create metal parts those metal parts might be the steel mold for a plastic automobile headlight they might be the aluminum supports for a jet airplane body or they might be parts to another machine tool machine tools have left their legacy cut stamped and shaped into the metal of every imaginable product that produces thousands of parts that go into the make up of various items that we use lies every day if there's no machine tool everything would have to be shaped by hand and scraped fitted or filed into a specific shape to fit into mating parts all these inventions that came about in the late 19th early 20th century might not have come about as easily as they had if it were not for machine tools machine tools are at their core tools if you think about it tool like a hand drill a machine tool takes that drills process and mechanize it and performs it more precisely and more efficiently than a human ever could the most widely used machine tools today are called machining centers they perform a host of operations from drilling to milling to boring a roll block of metal goes in a finished part comes out one place where this began was the Cincinnati screw and tap company founded in 1884 by George Mueller and Fred holes today the company they started is one of the world's leading machine tool manufacturers what we do here in Cincinnati is we design manufacture and assemble all of our machine tools built in the United States this particular machine is called the u5 because it can operate on five sites of apart and these days our customers in trying to reduce set up they want to complete a part in one operation hence they want to be able to operate on all five sides of the part typical customers of this kind of machine tool are toulon dye manufacturers the machine would come in and would actually shape the dye for example in the shape of a doorframe for a car there are two penny and micro processors running the computer that runs this computer numerical control machine the computer directs all the operations of the machine so there might be up to 50,000 unique tool points all blended together in one motion you can store literally hundreds of thousands of data points in a machine like this machine tools don't come cheap this one starts at close to a million dollars and that price can quickly double as features erratic also building the machine tool business was our Kayla blonde which opened in Cincinnati in 1887 with just a handful of employees today it's the Makino company one of the largest machine tool manufacturers in the world among other things it's tools make precision parts for the space shuttle program this is one of the stages of an impeller for the main shuttle engine what happens is we take three of these stack them together and together they'll generate about 76,000 horsepower running at 36,000 rpm this is a turbo pump for the oxygen on the main shuttle engine it is the ability to drain a swimming pool Olympic sized swimming pool in 59 seconds the part is machined from a solid piece of titanium that can cost as much as $50,000 the machining Center cuts it to precise extremely complex specifications [Music] it takes about 13 or 14 days great just the mill this part so this is probably as difficult as it gets [Music] machine tools are really extensions of man's most basic tools the human hand and the human mind primitive forms of machine tools have been around for thousands of years crude bracelets were turned as early as 100 BC by the Latin Celts there are drawings of sword grinders dating back to the Dark Ages in the 1600s sawmills and gristmills early forms of machine tools were built next to streams and powered by falling water in the 1680s Peter the Great collected simple machine tools that could decorate watches and trinkets but the story of modern machine tools those strong enough to shape heavy metal begins with the Industrial Revolution in England in the 1700s these tools depended upon a new source of power steam in 1765 James Watt created a steam engine dependable enough to power a machine his engine harnessed the up-and-down action of the piston and used it to turn a crankshaft a process called rotary power once rotating crankshaft would be what powered the first modern machine tools the real beauty of the steam engines at least related to the machine industry is that you could put a steam engine anywhere you didn't need a water source you didn't need a mill run to operate a wheel you could put a steam engine of any size in your factory and do machining it was really an innovation to have a steam engine that it could be hooked up almost anywhere steam engines however were difficult to run they took a long time to get started they had to be well lubricated they were loud unfortunately they were quite dirty they were surely not safe in spite of their shortcomings within 50 years of watt steam engine all the basic modern machine tools would be invented most of them powered by steam some would be adaptations of earlier woodworking tools some would be completely new ideas the mid 1700s through the early 1900's would be the single greatest period of machine tool invention and design we think that we are so far advanced today and we are so clever and so smart and have so much technology behind us and yet the early people that devised the first machine tools really were very very bright individuals it was a by guessing by golly type of thing that eventually produced something of value he didn't have the the college degrees that are evident today but by golly they had a lot of ingenuity and they used it [Music] machine tools changed the world by making possible the manufacturer of all kinds of goods which prior to the Industrial Revolution had only been within the realm of the wealthy suddenly they could be produced in vast quantities at low cost the machine tools that made this possible can be broken down into seven basic types merely estar the turning machines also known as lathes and boards the second were the planers and shapers built to work with metal much like a carpenter's plane third was the most durable of all machine tools the milling machine like the planer and shaper it smooths and shapes metal parts for other tools round out the seven drilling machines grinders power saws and large metal shaping tools known as punch presses all were invented by men working with little more than intuition and a deadline when we come back we'll take a look at them all the earliest object ever found made by a turning machine was a bowl discovered in Italy made in 700 BC machine tools will return on modern marvels it is difficult to trace the development of a machine tool in a single clear line people invented machine tools for their own private use to make some specific product never intending to sell them also early machinists were concentrated together as they visited one another shops they saw and borrowed ideas there was little respect for patents and low as the protected machine tools were hard to enforce still it is clear that the first modern machine tool to be invented was the turning machine commonly called a boring machine [Music] it's invention is credited to John Wilkinson known in the 1760s is the great Stafford iron master because of his skill casting iron Wilkinson had been pouring iron castings since his 20s when he built his first blast furnace in 1775 realizing it would help to make cannons if he could bore the inside of the rough barrel smooth he used Watts steam engine to construct the first boring machine other boring machines soon followed most were used to make cannons weapons were often the first use for machine tools however wilkinson's machine was also used to improve the steam engine by boring larger Pistons like many machine tools it improved the machine that had helped give it life Wilkinson's boring machine was soon followed by a metal cutting layer the lathe is probably the most versatile machine and most widely used of all the machine tools because so many things are cylindrical in nature and its primary purpose is to cut metal down to a specific diameter this is important if you're going to make an axle shape for instance for a wagon so that the wagon wheel would fit on it's important in the manufacture of any type of automobile parts transmissions engines virtually everything is basically cylindrical in nature and this is turned on a lathe Wilkinson however did not invent the lathe that fell to another Englishman Henry Maudsley had apprenticed to the famous lock maker Joseph Bramah in 1791 Mosley soon became rama's foreman but when Maudsley was refused a raise he struck out on his own in 1797 inspired by the early wooden lathes Maudsley created the first metal lathe it was used to cut screws in the early 1800s an American named Tom Blanchard created a new kind of lathe to machine heavy wood gun stocks it was called a pattern laid he would put in essentially a pattern piece in the top of the Machine and the lathe would follow this pattern to create another identical gun stock in 20 25 minutes it was this type of machine II that they were going for especially in the firearms industry where you could pump out these pieces and then assemble them lathes became the focus of early productivity experts their handles were moved to one side so machinists wouldn't have to walk around them in 1845 Stephen Fitch of Middlefield Connecticut built the first turret lathe in which several tools could be held and rotated as the cutting progressed [Music] in 1887 the RK Leblond company opened in Cincinnati Ohio a city that would become famous for machine tool manufacturing Leblon would become the largest manufacturer of lathes in the world this is the 1903 RK Leblon lathes manufactured here in Cincinnati the lathe is the oldest form of all machine tools the idea of actually turning an object to shape it into a round shape or a smoother round shape goes back millennia even to the time of the first wheels to critical aspects of all legs are their speed the rate at which the stock turns and their feed how fast the tool is moved as it cuts the speed of the lathe is controlled by the pulley size which is set on the on the lathe itself the smaller the pulley wheel that is set on the lathe the faster the higher the RPMs the larger the slower there's another pulley wheel system which controls the feed rate the rate that the tool moves either one direction or another on the stock it's being worked while their power has evolved from steam to diesel and now electric blades still look much the same as they did 100 years ago you can make a machine tool faster you can make them more accurate you can make them more precise but the principles behind cutting shaping and finishing a piece of metal have remain the same the principles may have remained the same but lathes did grow in size the spindles on some reaching over 40 feet and is with all machine tools they were at their busiest during both world wars as far as the arcade line company is concerned they had tremendous role in World War one and World War two they produce what we call a gun boring lathe for the various artillery pieces that were used throughout the war the big hot sirs many believe World War two could not have been won without American machine tools without the quality of machines that we had which produce quality parts we never could have provided the warm material for England France and the Australians the Canadians they all used American equipment I think they made the difference between our winning the water or possibly losing a war if we had not been able to supply virtually the rest of the world with the necessary war material we might be saluting the Nazi flag today computers were added to lathes in the 1960s as they developed into the modern machining centers of today most mining turning machines are computer-controlled you have originally spindle speeds of 3 to 4,000 rpm now you're talking 20 to 30,000 rpm almost all the things that rely on motion from electric motors involve parts that spin and most of those parts are produced on lathes and turning machines lathes and boring machines did not develop in a vacuum other very different machine tools were developed at the same time the second category cleaners and shapers at one time were some of the most important machine tools cleaners and shapers can be compared to the Carpenters plane used to smooth and cut flat metal surfaces with planers the work moves under the tool with shapers the tool moves over the work James Fox a one-time country Butler turned machinist is credited with building one of the first metal planners in 1814 one of the oldest planers is at the american precision museum in Windsor Vermont home to one of the world's largest collection of machine tools that Madison is its founder promising here most of the early machine tools have no makers name on they were made by the people that need them rather than the people that were making a market out of selling we have an iron plan operated entirely by hand and it was made with fire was cast rough shaping their product all the shapes you can make on a lathe James Naismith was an Englishman who worked for Henry Maudsley the same Henry Moseley who invented the first lathe after monthlies death in 1831 Naismith moved to Edinburgh and opened his own shop he specialized in making paddle wheels for steamboats parts too large to move under a planer so in 1839 he invented a tool that moved over the part he called it a steam hammer in fact was the first metal shaper this is a shaper from the American Tool Works built in 1906 right here in Cincinnati the shaper does a real basic type of job for people it basically shapes a piece of stock it goes through an enormous amount of movement just to perform this simple task though shapers can eliminate simple filing it can also make keyways or notches for fitted pieces as the stock is moved left or right the cutting tool is moved back and forth when the cutting tool moves to the home positions to the rear the table moves over gradually and then the cutting tool moves forward again and takes another bite off of the stock itself shapers and planners played a critical role not just in creating new products but in creating new machine tools one of those tools was the milling machine the third category of machine tools unlike previous machine tools milling machines would not get their start in England but in the newly independent United States in the 1800s eeehm remington and Sons used their machine tools not only to make guns but also to make typewriters machine tools will return on modern marvels after the American Revolution the British tried to maintain their industrial superiority by prohibiting machine tool exports to the United States after the Revolutionary War a lot of the technology was banned from the United States in the same way that we have embargoes against Cuba or people would like in boggers against China today if the political situation had changed then the technology would have come in not very freely we released the up-and-coming Yankees England often looked down upon the United States in the types of machines they produce that they were inferior they would have the quality of the British machines and in some respects that's very true we didn't produce the types of these large sturdy machine tools that the British did but in many respects that worked in our favor because the machine tool industry changed so rapidly in the 19th century that we could afford to build little cheaper machines was in 10 to 20 years they were onto something new and different and those machines were replaced whereas I think many instances the British stayed with the reliable machines and we surpassed them credit for inventing the milling machine is usually given to the famous American inventor Eli Whitney but its credit some say he doesn't deserve Whitney was born in Westborough Massachusetts in 1765 and became famous for his new cotton Jim used to remove the seeds from raw cotton plants while Whitney held the cotton gin patent and the machines were legally his alone to make the ease with which they could be copied made them the target of pirates to cover his legal bills defending the cotton jim whitney started manufacturing rifles he built the first milling machine to help fulfill a government contract calling for him to manufacture ten thousand muskets in a record-breaking two years but some say the great Eli Whitney borrowed his design from another American gun manufacturer John Hall government contract said any machine tools used in gun manufacture could be copied by others so long as they were used to help make more guns [Music] many believe Hall had the first milling machine and that Whitney simply borrowed his design but being more famous Whitney ended up with the credit I don't think they worried too much about whether somebody stole a patent or not simply because communications aren't what they are today I think that there is a tremendous amount of adaptation from one building to another in many ways milling machines do the work of a planer or shaper metal is cut smooth by a spinning blade but unlike a planer or shaper a milling machine does not have to back up after each cut and that makes it faster [Music] the milling machine is pretty much the brains of the machine tool shop it's used for making precise cuts this one is a horizontal mill or what's sometimes referred to as a slab mill you can adjust the stock that you're working on on any axis this table is moving the stock against the rotating sharpened steel tool the steel tool basically chips away or scrapes away small particles the metal any slab of metal that need to be milled off to a uniform height would be milled on a horizontal mill like this the cincinnati screw and tap company built its first milling machine in 1878 the company would soon become the largest manufacturer of milling machines in the world a really big break for the company came just about the turn of the century with with the advent of manufacturers of bicycles and bicycle parts of course are made of metal and there was a need in the growing bicycle industry to have milling machines to make the components for bicycles milling machines also became a key part of the early automotive industry when Henry Ford used them in his factory to help manufacture the first Model T's [Music] because the milling machine was more efficient than planers and shapers by the mid 1900s it had replaced them in most machine shops World War 1 and World War 2 propelled milling machine manufacturers to make unprecedented numbers of these valuable machines the production of airplanes or the production of jeeps or the production of personnel carriers power the production of tanks or even the production of guns and arms is all dependent on metal parts mass-produced metal parts in World War one Cincinnati was very busy making basic machine tools and we were making them for the factories that made or goods in World War two we were also extremely busy here and in making those same machine tools to support not just the US but we were also supporting the Allies with with machine tools during that period and we were actually making components portions of tanks portions of of personnel carriers we're actually making those components in the factory at the same time we were making machine tools after the war milling machines will retool to make consumer goods one of the reasons for the explosion in the standard of living in the 1950s within decades milling machines had reached heights of precision and power never dreamed of before modern milling machines evolved into complete machining centers that could perform multiple functions on a part as it was milled the precision with which you can make metal parts that fit together in a tight fashion is solely dependent on the precision accuracy capabilities of the machine tool that you use to make those parts the more accurate the machine tool is the more precisely you can control the dimensions of parts that ultimately mate together in an engine or or in an aircraft or whatever the case may be precise interchangeable parts or a concept we now take for granted but prior to Whitney's milling machine supposedly identical parts would always differ slightly a machinist would have to shave the park for a match Whitney claimed his milling machine was so precise that any part from any musket could be interchanged with any other he called the concept interchangeable parts Thomas Jefferson accepted Whitney's claims after examining ten muskets although some say Whitney overstated the interchangeability of his parts they were terrible Jefferson was enthusiastic amateur birds a lozenge II didn't know and one thing he didn't know about was to the changeability but he made one young and 10lakhs it supposedly would fit it well that's easy enough to do see if you spend time enough money enough to do it and he saved the contract that way he fooled Jefferson and the War Department [Music] nevertheless the concept of interchangeable hearts was here to stay soon many gun manufacturers including Robbins & Lawrence Springfield and Colt had achieved it while the milling machine brought about a new precision in the products are created it didn't accomplish this feat alone there were four other machine tools that played a critical role he'll I Whitney's milling machine was so well designed it did not change for a hundred and fifty years machine tools will return on modern marvels drilling is a very old art the crudest form of drilling is the bow a method familiar to most Boy Scouts one of the earliest improvements in drilling was a bit with a twisted groove so shavings would rise from the hole the blacksmith's post drill was one of the earliest modern drills this is a post drill and as with any tool it eliminates a lot of work from your task instead of having to push down a drill you might have to push down with your shoulder and get maybe an inaccurate hole the post drill mouse firmly and securely on a post in a shop and then the power is kept constant when you're turning it by the flywheel it was a simple step to connect the drills flywheel to a steam-powered belt soon power drills were in every machine shop they became the fourth type of machine tool for drills advancement came not so much in the improvement of the machine but in the metal that made the cutting bed the early steel made of iron and carbon was hard but it could be brittle after crucible steel was invented in 1751 in which alloy Steel's could be created in a sealed furnace drill bits could be made harder and were able to drill holes in harder metal stock by the early 1900s drilling machines were being used to build sewing machines bicycles and watches drills that could cut 30 or more holes at a time were used to machine engine blocks homemaking happens to be the most common metalworking operation in industry we make a lot of holes drilling machines come in all kinds of sizes because we make small holes we make very large holes homemaking is is so common that it's essential to manufacturing in almost every industry I think some of those impressive drilling machines today are those designed for high speed homemaking typically these drill at speeds that almost are you can cannot really see the whole making process it's so fast certain work pieces require hundreds even thousands of holes so the faster this holes can be made the more efficient the drilling machine has to be [Music] the advances of the 1800s have led to better drills also led to a new type of machine tool the grinding machine as early as the 1500s Leonardo da Vinci was drawing sketches of primitive grinders for hundreds of years man has used forms of them to sharpen his tools [Music] in 1837 James Naismith the same Naismith who invented the shaper patented the first machine grinder Charles Norton was one of the most famous manufacturers of grinders when his employers brown and sharp were not interested in developing a large production grinder Norton set out on his own in 1903 he developed the norton grinding machine it could grind out an automobile crankshaft in just 15 minutes a job that previously took five hours it was a tremendous success Henry Ford ordered 35 for his Model T plant grinders are best suited to work an extremely hard metal once steel is machining it is often heated and cooled in a process that can cause distortions grinders are one of the few tools that can machine is heat treated steel grinding is generally a process that's applied when extreme accuracy is very important because grinding can be highly controlled and it can be used to achieve levels of precision that would be impossible with other types of machine tools today grinders are used by the aerospace industry to shape metals like titanium inconel and Hastelloy extremely hard metals designed to resist high temperatures these modern grinders are the most accurate of all machine tools the best can grind apart to within one ten thousandth of an inch the six type of machine tool is the most simple the power saw the first steam-powered sawmill was built in London in 1663 it was built not to cut metal but wood it caused riots among wood cutters who thought the power saw would replace them not to worry it took another century for steam-powered sawmills to reach widespread use by the mid 1700s his blades became harder our saws were installed in most factories - saw metal before it was machine in the early 19th century the invention of a power bandsaw was made possible by the improved flexibility of Steel the saws rotating blade was flexible enough to wrap around rotary wheels yet hard enough to stay sharp power saws are often the first machine tool that raw materials going to counter even though they may not have the same glamour that other types of machines have they're still extremely important parts of the manufacturing process because they essentially create the work pieces that will go to other types of machine tools for complete manufacturing the seventh and final category of machine tool the punch press wasn't designed to cut her shave metal it was made to press it into shape never working is broken down into two different types the one you have the production of parts by the removal of metal in the form of chips and that's what we do on a lathe on a milling machine on a planer but then beyond that you have a form of metalworking which is the forming of metal by pressure so that you use a press then to form it against a die punch presses were one of the final machine tools to be developed they have heavy rams on a flywheel that when triggered West down against a base [Music] they sheet metal over a die a hard metal block that forms the metal into a particular shape when I was young my father would allow me to leave the car door open I've broken the car for some reason I leave me hanging on the hinges nothing good that was a wooden body and he didn't hold his shape so you had to sign the door but nowadays this is another key they'll hang on the lock to it I'll see your body and as the volume of cars made up they started making the parts and presses so woodworking shops again machine tools played a major role in World War one in World War two as punch presses formed parts for tanks jeeps ammunition casings and felt loose other war products today as punch presses have become more complex and precise they are used to shape metal into every conceivable shape for every conceivable use next the new ultra-modern machine tools during world war ii the machine tool industry built 800,000 new machine tools machine tools will return on modern marvels while machine tools remain as a legacy of the Industrial Revolution since the 1960s they have taken on a new level of sophistication rivaling their initial design the most dramatic changes have to do with how they are controlled the earliest machine tools used flywheels to control the position of the tool and the speed at which it cut beginning in the early 1950s those flywheels came under the control of paper tapes and punch cards used to trigger a precise numerical team that routine could be easily repeated the process was called numeric control American troll was invented in 1947 when John Parsons put a milling machine under the control of an IBM punch card it spawned a whole new world of machine tools biggest changed machine tools occurred with the introduction of numerical control that basically made it possible to automate the entire machining operation instead of relying on the operator turning hand wheels the motion of the machine is basically directed by the numbers that are read off a tape and then translated into corresponding motions that will duplicate the shape that the designer had in mind [Music] everybody thought this was a great innovation where you had a paper tape that ran through a machine and you put your workpiece on one machine it became more automated than they would have one man to set the Machine up and an operator who simply put the workpiece in and push the buttons to start the Machine take the workpiece out put another work piece in and there the responsibility was on the setup man numeric control systems dramatically improved with the addition of computers in the 1960s a training experience resides in the computer that controls the machine tool and that's made it possible for the machine tool to do things that were simply impossible when they were operated by hand we can do things that involve accuracies and in shapes that would simply be beyond the capability of the machinist ability to coordinate eye and hand to turn the wheels that move the workpiece or move the spinning tool against it computer control means more fluid shapes can be made by the machine tools one reason for the new modern fluidity seen in so many products fluidity that first had to be created on a machine tool robots have also been added to machine tools to move parts and change tools the automatic tool change mechanisms are unique mostly to the machining centers in the machine centers they can utilize many many tools of from a 40 tool magazine up to four 500 tools in a magazine my definition the cutting edge of a machine tool must be harder than what it is cutting as metals get harder machine tools have had to adopt ultra modern cutting techniques many machine tools now use a process called electrical discharge machining EDM powered by electricity the machines use electrons to vaporize the material instead of cutting it with a tool they use the energy of a spark to essentially explode a microscopic bit of material away from the surface this is microscopic so it's something you can't see with the eye but is that heat builds up to a certain point as Lisa's hot is the temperature of the Sun a small bubble of gas forms and when that bubble of gas explodes blows away a microscopic bit of metal from the surface like an electronic band saw a microscopically thin wire charged with electricity cuts metal with a very fine edge the cut is extremely smooth eliminating the need for further machining some of the most modern machine tools being developed today don't work with metal at all at Cincinnati machine machine tools that are a combination of many different technologies are being used to create a brand-new fiber material and stronger than titanium yet lighter than aluminum basically for a hundred years machine tool builders have been creating machines that take components such as cast iron steel or titanium and by machining and cutting we remove metal in order to create a finished part this is the reverse process where we take the actual material in this case fiber composite material and we lay it and place it building up the finished part for our customer what I'll show you here is the actual fiber threads that fiber strands that are running through these 32 toes multiple strands allow the fiber to be molded into smooth fluid shapes as it is laid down the fiber is heated perfusing can cut to precise length polls are left for windows and other components the new material is perfect for building lightweight new aircraft I think that in the next 10 years we will still see the computer and communications technologies as the fundamental driver of innovation in the machine tool industry it has been a driver for the last 20 years we expect to see that knowledge start to become embodied in the machine tool itself and it's the computer and the evolution of computer and motion control technologies is allowing that to happen from their earliest days in the small shops of London to the modern computer-controlled machining centers of today machine tools have been at the center of man's industrial evolution there is little doubt machine tools will continue to shape our future just as machine tools undeniably shaped our past you
Channel: Matthew Brady
Views: 1,302,287
Rating: 4.6546903 out of 5
Id: mZ8l9MPAoyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
Reddit Comments

Is there a higher res version of this anywhere?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Cavendish 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

If anyone is interested in videos like this, the chan el Machine Thinking on YouTube has a good video on arguably the first metal lathe from 1751


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HeadyBauer 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Basic primer, but wow, things have come a long way in the years since this video was made.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mojo5375 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CR3ZZ 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
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