#7 History of JavaScript

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welcome back aliens my name is davin reddy and let's continue with this series on javascript now this video is important but not just that it's also interesting and the topic is the history of javascript see every language doesn't matter is it cc plus java php ruby every language has a history some histories are interesting some are not but javascript has a very interesting history and the history is important because whatever you do whenever you work on a new feature you should know in which version it came and will it work on the browser which you are working with that's very important right so let's talk about the history now to understand that let's go back to 1990 of course that's way back right that's even before javascript was launched now in 1990 one thing got famous which is the internet of course no one was knowing about it everyone just heard about the concept like internet the way you know about blockchain now you're just not the word right you don't know the technology in the same way internet was new not everyone knew about it and even if you ask someone what is internet they will be they will be saying hey uh somewhere you are connecting multiple machines or you're sharing information and that's the idea right internet was all about sharing information but who will use it and that's what we thought hey you know we have a lot of companies and they want to share their information instead of using templates the way you use those yellow papers on the public places you know you distribute the templates in the same way you can share your company information online and anyone can see it so if you have a computer just go to that website and you can see the information and that's why everyone wanted to have their own website provided they have enough money right so let's say if i'm the company i want to have one website i will ask someone to make a website for me and that sound one will be called as a html author i know that sounds weird but that's what they've used to call them the html authors because they used to create web pages they should design pages with the help of content and to do that we just need two things html css designer page you're done and those pages were static pages every time someone goes there they can see a simple page yes there were hyperlinks you can jump to one page and from the other page but then it was it was not interactive and so in 1993 when they wanted to have a good browser of course right to view our web page you need a good browser so we got nozia so mosaic was one of the best browser available at that time so it got famous right and everyone wanted to have their own browsers now so most of the tech companies they thought hey that's a good business let's have our own browser and that's where the founders or the developers of mosaic thought hey why don't we create a company and we'll commercialize this and then they founded a company called as netscape now netscape created their own browser called netscape navigator now it was awesome right but since we got netscape navigator there are other companies as well who thought hey you know we got a new company who are able to get on on browser we are tech giants can we have our own browser i'm talking about microsoft so microsoft thought hey we have a lot of money we have a lot of developers they can build a browser for us and that is internet explorer but the problem was in in the case of netscape you have to buy netscape navigator there was a time where people used to buy browsers right but it was it was worth right when you are able to access the internet that means you are rich that means you have money at that time right so people who are buying netscape navigator the entire business model of netscape was based on the browser they were making money because of netscape navigator but microsoft came into picture and say hey you don't have to pay for internet explorer in the windows os they added a component and then you got a free browser right and netscape here thought hey we need to do something we need to do something so that for for two reasons one they want to stay in the market and second they want to give awesome experience to the users they i mean no one wants to see a a blank page or a page with just content no interactivity and that's why they thought can we create some components which will be displayed on the page so they wanted to have that and they they approached sun microsystems now at that time in 1993 of four java was getting very famous it was not publicly launched but then it was getting used in the enterprise and they thought can we use this language on the browser maybe for the interactivity let's say someone wants to give give some information if they want to see some animations on the on the web page can we do that because java was having applets can we use applet on the screen that was the idea but then it didn't work that way they wanted to go for sun microsystems java but they thought can we create a new language and that's where they hired brendan h brenden each was a developer who was working on scheme language so he knew scheme so he thought can we just build a new language so netscape said hey brendan you have to make a new language using which user will be able to interact with the website just make a language which we use using which you can make beautiful pages not just the way they look but the way they interact and the deadline given as soon as possible maybe if they might have said today itself they want a new language but brendan took 10 days to make a language maybe this is the first language which was developed in 10 days right so we got a new language in 10 days and of course right whenever you have something that quick imagine you're building a language or programming language in 10 days it will have some bugs it will have some issues it will have some awesome features although the only caveat is the language which was developed then is very different from what you're using now it was a small language with less features now you have so many features available right but still it has bugs and the same bugs are still there in the language because the language is backward compatible so enough about the issues let's talk about the language and the name of the language was mocha awesome name right so initially they went with mocha name but while launching they changed the name to live skirt so that was a good name but the only problem is in the internet market it was new not everyone wanted to have their own website so can we just market this language as an awesome language and of course netscape wanted to market it in such a way that this language will be used only in the netscape navigator and if you want to access the pages you have to buy netscape navigator that was a strategy they renamed the language from livescript to javascript because java was famous right and then can we use the same name so maybe they wanted to show it's a cousin of java technically they have some similarities because netscape approached sun for the language they copied some of the concepts from the c family right c c plus plus java so it has curly brackets so they thought hey that that makes sense right let's have a name as javascript so somewhere in 1995 they released their own language called javascript in the new browser called netscape navigator too and everything was good right so somewhere netscape was actually winning the competition right because all the other companies don't have a language now in this case microsoft says okay you got your language so now that's one zero you are winning but don't worry what net what microsoft did is in fact they have a lot of resources they have people they have money so there's rivers engineered javascript and they created their own language okay now this is a tricky part first of all they reverse engineered the language javascript so of course the new language will be similar to javascript now the second question was what should be the name of a new language they did some research they worked very hard they thought about this for two minutes and they thought hey let's go for the new language called jscrip again so that's how we got a new language called jskip so now we have two languages javascript and jscript the thing is javascript only works on skip navigator jscript only works on ie now as a developer when you are making a website or as a designer when you are making a website which one you will choose so if you are making a website only using javascript it will only work on netscape navigator if you are making a website using jscript it will only work on ie and that's why in fact that was a big diversion and that's why most of the websites they were mentioning at the bottom best viewed in ie or best viewed in netscape navigator so that was a big issue right so first of all they copied the language they copied the name plus they made internet explorer free now when you get the same feature of a browser so let's say if i give you two applications when you have to buy it one is free both are same of course you will go for the free version right and everyone went for ie for two reasons it was free and everyone was using windows that was the only major os available right so windows was having the maximum market share i was getting a lot of market share and at this point let's keep thought okay now that's tricky i e is again winning the competition microsoft is doing the competition now so that's one one that's actually two one because microsoft has market share it has a free ie now in this case netscape went to ecma basically it's a ekma international which stands for european computer manufacturers association so they are responsible to create standards so basically we have two languages doing the same thing and they are not they don't have anything in common so can we create a standard so that javascript will become a standard language which will be used by everyone and that's what happened so ekma used javascript they created a new standard called ecmascript now ecmascript is a standard with definitions and this the protocols so whenever you have a new language it should follow that ecmascript the advantage would be in future if you are using a language irrespective of javascript or some other language but if that is following atma script that means you have something in common you don't have to write best reviewed in ie anymore so that was the idea the amazing part is ecma is not just giving standards to javascript they have multiple technology to give standards to like c sharp and c plus plus cli json so the first part of ecmascript which is ecmascript one was launched in 1997 so somewhere everyone thought now javascript is a main language right it's a primary language so people who are moving towards javascript everything was going good but then in three years of course in three years we got three ecmascript and somewhere microsoft thought that's the future right we have to follow ecmascript but then they had two mindset here first they don't actually wanted to go for ecmascript because it's a representation of javascript but then they were not having any choice right so there was a confusion here but in 1999 something happened in fact in 2000 something happened the dot-com bubble burst because at that point uh as i mentioned before everyone wanted to have their own website right so and then if you have your own website you need someone to build it so as a company if you are responsible to build websites you will be getting with a good amount of investors and the value of your company was high very high it was a bubble actually the way the things are going for dodge coin right so it was a bubble and which got burst in year 2000 the entire tech market was going down not all companies some companies survived and they are the leaders now the company who survived the dot com bubble the the moment you have a dot com bubble everyone lost hope from the tech world at least from the internet world they thought it's not going anywhere but internet is still there websites are still there but it took some time to you know to come into that picture again until that point in in fact in 1999 netscape was so much in loss so netscape got sold and the company who bought netscape was aol so that was the end of netscape but before selling the company what they did they took the source code of netscape navigator and they made it they made it open source any case the the reincarnation of nescam navigator firefox so the firefox browser which you use now is actually the reincarnation of netscape navigator now coming back to ecmascript what happened after 1999 because we got ecmascript 3 what about the next version so we got three versions in three years the next version was on waiting because the next version was ecmascript ford the problem is they in that two years or three years gap they thought we can include a lot of new features looking at other languages we have so many features right we don't have them in javascript can we just use those features this is good this is good this is good and they have their own ideas but the problem is whenever you have this bunch of concepts coming together it's difficult to implement those things in one language in the next version and plus they were not having enough motivation to do that so it was getting delayed and delayed and delayed because no one was able to implement the concept properly and then and it was not able to release so they had those concepts and they kept it aside and then they launched ecmascript 3.1 which was which was having some minor updates but not anything not anything major what happened to ecmascript 4 it was not implemented in javascript but then there was a company called micromedia now macromedia said okay this is our awesome specification let's have our own uh scripting language which is actionscript so micromedia went with accent action script right which is which is ecmascript 4. so things were not going anywhere for javascript it was still called as a client-side language and it was there but nothing major was happening something happened in 2005. in 2005 we got a jax so someone wrote an article someone wrote a paper by saying hey now we can actually change the data in the page itself so example in those days if you want to change the date of a page you have to go to the next page so even if you want to do a small change in the page you have to call the next page but nowadays we have a concept of single page application and that is possible with the help of ajax so it was very famous right so ajax is something which has given the boost javascript needed so again in 2008 when we got some new features in javascript which was it was getting used ajax was getting famous jquery was getting famous someone thought hey can we use these features because see to run a javascript language you need a engine because javascript being a interpreted language that's right it's an interpreted language so what is interpreted language means so whenever you have a source code it doesn't matter which language it is if it is an interpreted language the execution will be done line by line so let's say we have 10 lines of code it will execute line by line the only problem is it is slow because at the time of execution you are passing the lines on the other hand when you say compiled languages the the entire code get compiled right you find errors if there's any errors or not if it is getting successfully compiled that means there is no synthetical errors you just have to create a file and that file will be executed on the machine which is bit faster and javascript was slow because it was interpreted something happened in 2008 google came up with their own browser and every browser have their own engine example in ie we had we had a different engine for modular firefox with a different engine chrome says hey we will give you a different engine a v8 engine what's so amazing about it the amazing thing is now your javascript files will be both compiled and interpreted that's amazing right it introduced something called just in time compiler and that was amazing so now since it is fast can we use javascript on a machine so now it's a easy language and it is fast so they wanted to write javascript application which will run directly on the os and that's where we got a new environment called node.js so it's a node.js node.js is an engine or it's an environment which has a javascript engine so basically using node.js you can build application not just as a browser front-end but the back-end application the desktop application anything you wish which you want and that's where javascript got the boost which you you can see now and in the same year you've got ecmascript five so in 2009 we got ecmascript 5. can you see that the gap of 10 years in 1999 we got ecmascript 3 4 was crap so we got five in 2009 that's amazing and you can imagine how many features we've got and some someone called it as a modern javascript because it has so many features amazing features and then it was getting famous because you can write applications on the desktop you can write application for the websites for the backend servers everything with the help of node.js and then they thought okay now we got some new features in 2015 we got ecmascript 6. now that's a new benchmark so every time you have amazing features you say that's a new benchmark right ecmascript 5 was a benchmark ecmascript 6 was our next benchmark now after that in 2015 as well we got so many new ecmascript versions but still we talk about ecma 66 because it introduced new concepts which is getting used by everyone now the current version of ecommerce script is ecmascript 12. now can you imagine that in six years we got six new versions it's because after es7 they decided to go for yearly versions so every year you will get new version so we got es7 in 2016 we got es8 in 2017. now instead of calling as es7 or the s8 they changed their nomenclature so they said okay let's enough of es5 es6 let's go for the year number now because the updates will be coming every year so officially we can call it as es 2015 es 2016 years 2017. so the current version is not es12 we will not call that we'll say it is 2021 right so it is coming in june i guess uh so that's the latest version which you can use now the question allows if you want to learn javascript which version you will be using you will be using 6 or 10 or 11 or 12 that depends upon the browser compatibility the moment you use new features it will not work on the old browser so the language is backward compatible that means you can still use old features but it's not forward compatible so you can't use new features in the old browsers and that's why we need trans trans compiling where you need a certain libraries which will help you to do that now what happened to jscript what happened to actionscript everything quite scrapped so no one is using jscrip now no one using using actionscript the only language is javascript so what happened to macromedia adobe acquired micromedia what happened to sun microsystem would oracle acquired some ecosystems who owns the trademark of javascript it's oracle why is because remember sun was involved when they wanted to have a language javascript so the trademark was registered by sun or like a watson it's on our treadmill belongs to a michael you can still use it they're not claiming any trademark there but it's worth mentioning so that's it from this video i hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comment section and do something for the videos bye [Music]
Channel: Telusko
Views: 20,781
Rating: 4.9762511 out of 5
Keywords: telusko, navin, reddy, tutorial, java, python, blockchain, django
Id: 4MsfBokJiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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