Historian Reacts - Legends Summarized: Arthur's Knights by Overly Sarcastic Productions

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hey guys all right today we are back with another osp video this time legends summarized arthur's knights and i'm somewhat prepared not really [ __ ] line i have this book the once and future king by t.h white a classic of modern fantasy i haven't read it yet i'm currently i'm currently reading the first two i just finished the first book of uh evan winter's series it's called the rage of dragons was the first book and now i'm working on the fires of vengeance and then i will be reading this book so should i have um waited until i read this book to react to this video probably but i'm gonna wing it we're gonna see what i remember of arthur's knights um the last honestly the last pop pop culture thing that involved arthur's nights that i watched was the bbc show merlin that was the that was the last i think that's the yeah that was the last uh show that i watched that involved king arthur and his knights and merlin um i've also watched i've so for those i don't know king arthur probably my favorite legend flash folk tip you want to call him a folk tale one of my favorite characters in honestly like fantasy ever i really [ __ ] love king arthur um i was obsessed with him as a kid so i used to know so much but because of you know school and getting a bunch of other information in my brain i've kind of forgotten so we'll see how much i remember that's why i like reacting these videos kind of tests what i remember from because a lot of this stuff so i said this before but there are a lot of new people i'm gonna say it again um i watch the miscellaneous myths and these legends summarize because they are essentially what got me into history king arthur and greek mythology are really what got me into uh being interested in history always been a nerd for the medieval kind of stuff um so that's why i watch these because it's bringing it's my little child uh interests coming forth and wanting to learn about this stuff that's why i watch these um should i perhaps change it from historian reacts no because uh in my opinion uh i i am a historian um i've written a thesis i've done the work uh i've done the processes of you know history work and whatnot and um you know it one of the things that i think really and the role models that i had in as in becoming a historian and getting interested in the field teachers that i had in high school and then the professors i've had that i've been lucky to have in university and community college they all the ones that stick with me are are the ones that openly admitted that they didn't know information they were the ones that are like oh i'd love to learn more about this kind of thing right they're experts in their specific field and the thing that they you know got their phd in or whatever you know in the case of my professor um so like i haven't i've had an irish professor he knows a ton about ireland and he can go on tangents for hours on ireland because in fact we had a couple classes where he entirely just went on a tangent on the history of ireland where where the class was a history of um late british empire anytime and of course ireland is a part of that but we were really talking about at that time we were talking about like the british raj we were talking about british controlled india and i guess pakistan and bangladesh are a part of that right and he just ended up connecting it to you know because we had there was a previous unit in that class where we talked about the irish famine of course and he ended up connecting we ended up someone in the class and i'm connecting it to ireland and that caused him to go on a tangent right because you know he can easily talk for hours on the thing he knows whereas you know he may know a good amount of course on british india but not as much as he knows on ireland i don't know why i'm going on this tangent oh this was a five minute tangent i'm sorry let's go ahead and learn about let's have red teach us about arthur's nights i've already talked about how king arthur is so interesting because even though everyone kind of has a feel for the mythos it's actually a huge pain in the butt to find anything concrete about it yes 100 his his mythos has changed oh [ __ ] much it changes with the times and what society really wants from king arthur who's who what's what who's related to who and how are all things that tend to fluctuate from writer to writer and over the centuries the focus got moved off of arthur himself and onto his knights and he had a lot of nights there's no way we can talk about all of them today but let's take a hot minute i think that also has to do with society changing from the focus being on the monarchy and the king and instead the focus being on the people that support the monarchy you know what i mean like it it changed from king isn't all that important it's the people around the king that makes me talk about some of the wacky or well-known knights and some of their representative tales in the greater arthurian mythos lancelot so very early on lancelot's personal character arc when he's got a young knight still going freelance with no idea of his true parents boy i love being single no i don't in his name he accidentally stumbles into a dnd module when he finds himself in a small town under the rule of the nearby that's just a friday night my dude i castle a villainy known simply as dolores guard as he is owned by a convenient damsel industry oh what a life of misery oh i've heard this dolores guard used to be known as joyousguard back when it wasn't the castle of villainy but it is now under the evil rule of lord brandon who despite having a name more fitting of the villain in an 80s sports comedy is apparently a force to be reckoned with further upping the intimidation factor dolores guard is enjoying hey that's that's that's english names for you ended so that any knight trying to gain entry must first fight and defeat 20 knights single-handedly however the damsel by the way i'm actually here to help whoa this never happened distress reveals herself to actually belong to the court of lancelot's foster mother the lady of the lake and informs him that she was planted there to aid him in gaining entry to dolores guard and bring the hold on i recognize that music playing in the background that's the music from witcher 3. castle in the town from installers to aid him in his quest the damsel gives him several enchanted shields that multiply his strength when used and lancelot uses them to defeat the 20 knights guarding the guard instead of squaring up for a boss fight what who villain oh yeah listen so i've got this thing so i'm gonna peace out brandon suddenly remembers an urgent sports movie he has to be in and flees the castle briefly horizon fails to assassinate arthur and overall makes a fool of himself lancelot meanwhile discovers that the previous knights who had tried to free dolores guard who up until this point had been thought dead were actually imprisoned in the dolores dungeons instead so lancelot briefly dips out on a side quest to break the enchantment on the castle then liberates the imprisoned knights claims lordship of the castle and renames it joyousguard as his quest nice reward the damsel leads into a tomb by the castle and tells him that only the person who freed dollar scarred could open it and it has the name and lineage of that person inscribed on the underside of the lid lancelot cracks that sucker open learns his name and his status as a lost french prince and also that this is his tomb and he'll have to be buried here when he dies eventually okay that's [ __ ] up this is also the castle where he hides gwenevere after the whole lancelot get down here with my wife i shan't the fair thing gets exposed at which point it gets renamed back to dolores gard because that's what happens when you live long enough to see yourself become a villain oh that's oh ah that's poetry percival and your ethies we talked briefly about parsival slash percival back in the original arthur video he was the og ground like galahad was introduced to the mythos and had a large number of adventures on his way to find the grail and heal the fisher king this particular story begins when parceval is embroiled in the grail quest and he stumbles upon a mysterious knight named pharaphus leading theraphis 25 assorted armies from africa slash middle knees oh 25 moorish and saracen armies theraphus is an african prince from the fictional kingdom of zazamag and he's basically doing the generic nightly thing of questing around for honor and glory well as you do so the jewels will shatter on any impact but i like to look at that as a demonstration of our fabulous hoping to bring glory specifically to his queen secondly who gifted him with some swanky decked out armor and an asbestos shield of all things anyway questing knights apparently work by pokemon rules because as soon as parcel and pharaphies make eye contact they immediately square up to duel so parzival and pharaoh is joust for a bit and then they get off their horses and start smacking each other around with their swords and they're pretty much evenly matched with pharaphus being maybe just a little bit stronger than parcel but just when it looks like participle might lose he remembers his lovely unpronounceable wife kunduramer khanwyrmer that's a welsh woman gets a major boost from the power of love parsival breaks his sword over fera fizz's head before dramatically collapsing but lucky for participle fera fizz is honorable to a fault and refuses to battle an unarmed opponent so they call the duel off and chill hey where'd you get that surname from i got it from my daddy yes well for a while and when they start talking about their family lines it turns out they're actually half brothers father being the wandering knight gamarat so that's cool when they take off the helmets it turns out they look really similar with one major difference ferrofizz is biracial but apparently the author of the poem didn't quite understand what that means so ferifice has black and white skin that would be uh that would be medieval literacy medieval writing i guess depending on actually when this was written he didn't say when these stories were written i'm gonna assume that these are the stories that were written in the uh medieval period i go maybe anyway therapist joins partisan on the ground quest briefly wows the court of king arthur with his swanky crystal-covered armor and eventually converts to christianity unlock with premium christianity just pay 5.99 a month because his status as a pagan worshiper of jupiter meant he couldn't actually see the grail which kinda bumped him out galahad the uncrowned king i've mentioned how arthur kind of got eclipsed in his own mythos due to the sheer volume of quirky nights and quests writers could focus on instead but that doesn't mean he was irrelevant by any means for instance one knight makes his memorable entrance to the mythos by conquering a huge hold on there's the thing in the butt i sure love my wife a lot arthur also my trusted knights arthur huge chunk of land 30 kingdoms to be precise and actually threatening arthur status's king through sheer military might the knight whose name is galahad is called the ungrounded king because he refuses to accept a crown until he conquers arthur's kingdom which in this story is called logrus he's also by all accounts an actually good king and is fairly well liked by his subjects which is neat and also not good for arthur is menacing his mother was a giant i will crush you little king um i would kindly prefer if you did not do that thank you it shows he's huge and intimidating and is having no problem overpowering arthur's forces at every turn but he's also timeout who is that that's lancelot works for me utterly smitten with lancelot and after being dazzled by lancelot's impressive battlefield prowess he actually surrenders in exchange for becoming lancelot's friend what the presence or absence of big rainbow air quotes around that friend is a matter of furious academic debate regardless of whether or not guy love that's all it is guy love he's mine i'm him this lot and galahad have more bro or more row in their bromance they are very close join the round table at the same time and galahad actually helped your romance will be the stuff of fairy tales oh thank you set up lancelot and gwenevere together which galahad you [ __ ] you know wasn't the best thing for camelot in the long run you know points for the bro move i guess yeah very bro move but also still very dick move towards king arthur your king i think he's it galahad would have sworn loyalty to him if he's one of arthur's knights anyways dina dan [ __ ] that name and lancelot wearing a dress got largely written out of the mythos in the 15th century when thomas mallory basically left him out of his rewrites but he does make a cameo in mallory's lamoured arthur during the wacky exploits of sir dinodon a night predominantly not into courtly love not into pointless fights why is he a knight he's good friends with everyone great sense of humor it's that great sense of humor dominantly known for being neither a lover nor a fighter who thinks courtly love is dumb hey bro want to smash into each other on horseback at 60 miles per hour sick sport is late and it's much more interesting and that's why i think we should rethink our stance of chevron goodness what is there something on my face waiting to prank his fellow knights of the table round and be an overall swell guy with a great sense of humor during the flight tournament the dean stop winning make me loser kadan is doing really well in much to everyone's consternation danadon pokes fun of the ever serious galahot by comparing him to a wolf and suggesting he eat a huge fish in order to prove he isn't actually a wolf because apparently both wolves and galahad are well known for their hatred of fish you probably had to be there for the joke to actually be funny it's possible oh yeah i was there i was it happened confused him for a wolf all the [ __ ] time my dudes crazy god didn't like it he didn't like being i mean he liked being he'd rather be a lion oh a lion big and strong a wolf fights in a pack wants to be on his own lancelot takes this what the [ __ ] is this what's wrong with me joke badly because in their next duel lancelot disguises himself apparently very convincingly as a girl unhorses dinadan while on foot stuffs him in a dress and parades him around the banquet hall which everyone thinks is hilarious especially dinadan it's a weird day side note in just about every modern interpretation dinadan has at least one really funny line which is a testament to how well his comic character is held up over the centuries walked across the channel gawain and the green knights everyone was [ __ ] i think i aside from landslide i think gawain's probably the most famous like he goes king arthur number one lancelot number two and then sergeant wayne but honestly you can make an argument that no with how intertwined lancelot is to the downfall of king arthur i feel like like he always is above going but also the bbc the bbc show did make the way and pretty important um and lancelot didn't really play much of a role in the downfall of king arthur they kind of from what i remember they got rid of that whole uh roman uh problematic romance sir gawain is probably the most boring of arthur's well-known knights what is there to say about gawain he's not as strong as lancelot not as good as galahad not as evil as mordred just kind of not much of anything malory said my strength increased to the sun rose nobody cares i care i care gawain i love it really he's generically chivalrous but not a paragon of virtue and he spends most of his time not quite living up to the ideals put forward by arthur gawain is largely known for one specific story a poem called gawain in the green night where going demonstrates that it's okay not to be perfect as long as you're still trying so the round table gang is that's a very wholesome message having a lovely christmas dinner when it is abruptly crashed by a large knight colored all green he's holding a holly battle hey folks anyone up for it he'd like to propose basically anyone who wants to gets to hit him with the fancy axe and in a year's time he'll be able to hit them back with it in the same way also they get to keep the axe and it is a nice axe but despite the appeal of free weaponry nobody seems too enthused at the prospect of maybe getting hit by it in the absence of any volunteers king i'm getting too old for this fairy nonsense arthur steps forward but gawain heroically volunteers with the reasoning that if anything goes wrong he's significantly more disposable than arthur points for self-awareness anyway gawain takes the axe and knocks the green knight's head clean off at which point the green knight picks up his head and his axe gives a cheery see you next year oh boy oh no no gleen good call volunteering that would have been bad and dips out so one year later going off to find the green chapel and get his head cut off on his way he finds this random castle ruled by this dude bertilak and his lovely wife who offer to let him stay with them for a few days before he gets his head cut off bertilak even proposes a fun game they can do in the meantime basically burlap will go out and hunt and at the end of the day he'll come back and give gawain whatever he gets and in exchange gawain will give bertilak anything he gets that day the wager doesn't make much sense until bertilak heads out to i'm not sure what he expects me to get by just sitting around a castle hunt one morning and his wife immediately starts putting the moves on oh i get it yeah i get it so gwen is between a bit of a rock and a hard place dealing with this on the one hand she's married so he's definitely not going to sleep with her because that would be wrong a lancelot on the other hand the rules of chivalry mean he's not allowed to insult her by completely turning her down so as a compromise gawain accepts a single kiss from her which he transfers to bertilak that evening the following day plays out about the same only this time gawain winds up with two kisses the last day he ends up with three kisses but bertilak's wife also insists that he take her girdle which she claims will make him immune to all injury since he's due to get his head cut off the next day he decides this is a good thing to hold on to and only gives birdlake the kisses he got not the belt the next day he takes his leave and heads off to the green chapel he finds the green knight waiting for him who's impressed he showed up at all and swings the x but stops when going flinches and makes fun of him for it swings again and going doesn't flinch but the knight doesn't hit him because he's just testing his nerve finally he swings for real and gives gawain the tiniest little cut on the back of his neck ah bummer looks like he couldn't swing right good game though if you're as confused as gawain is the green knight reveals that he and bertilak are the same and this whole thing was a ploy by morgan le faye who would hope that the initial party crashing would make gwenevere die of shock the rest of the story was basically the green knight testing gawain's nobility and even though gawain is ashamed of himself for hiding the griddle and flinching at the strike the green knight tells him not to be and that he doesn't lose any points for being human they part on good terms and gawain returns home securing the knowledge that he isn't perfect but he's trying and that's what really counts that's what matters i respect it also he kind of goes off on a rage field vendetta after lancelot kills his brothers while escaping with gwenevere then he drown what the [ __ ] lancelot drags arthur into a war with lancelot leaving the throne abandoned for mordred to seize control gets fatally wounded airline slot fix your junk i'm also sorry about the war and stuff forgives lancelot on his deathbed while begging him to return and help overthrow mordred so maybe the moral of gawain's life is that you don't have to be perfect but try not to screw up quite so spectacularly this video was requested by patreon patreon braxton [Music] [Music] in a tale that seems to predate arthur himself here in palominis saracen knights who appear in the 1200s telling of tristan agrivane the second most evil of our knights conspires with mordred and kills locally funnel man and general i can't speak with mordred and kills local funny man and general cinnamon roll dinner down no not dinner damn the second one you wayne the knight of the lion who rescues and befriends a lion who goes on adventure yo i want to hear about that [ __ ] story a dude a knight that goes on an adventure with a [ __ ] lion sounds sick i order summerlin the hare is going brother known for having one arm that's longer than the other and getting killed by lancelot you to the patron all right hold on we gotta get uh we need a fancy there we go that'll be the ending image moderate arthur and going that was legends summarized arthur's night i hope you guys enjoyed remember to hit that like button and subscribe for more and i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Ryan Peterson
Views: 8,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, historian, react, reacts, reaction, historian reacts, history reaction, historianreacts, historyreaction, historian reaction, legends summarized, arthur's knights, osp, overlysarcasticproductions, arthur, king arthur, animated, educational, trending, recommended
Id: WrIUxdswnbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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