Hisoric Queen Anne Mansion ft. in Evening Magazine

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hi guys Rachel padalski here today on beautiful Queen Anne I have been watching the crown a lot lately and I thought wouldn't it be fun to tour a really old really cool listing that we have here in Seattle and I happen to know just the guy to help us through the home I'm going to go up and we're going to knock on the door and visit with my friend Wes Jones from Keller Williams thank you hi oh my gosh what a surprise come on inside but hey if you don't mind six feet preferably more it's a deal okay this home was built in 1902. wow yeah and here we are in kind of the grand entrance and the story behind this house goes that it was built for the president of sea First Bank which was the long-standing bank here in the area and it was built for his daughter now what we don't know in the story is was he giving it to her or was it built in her honor but it goes back to 1902. it truly is historic it's one of the older homes it's been expanded upon over the years so I'm super stoked to give you guys the rest of the tour wow I'm so excited to see it I know that we've got at tons of original Little touches all throughout a lot of the woodwork including the hardwood floors and what you're seeing on the sides that's original but when our clients came in to kind of give this thing a refresh they really wanted to maintain a lot of the original you know character of the home which involved bringing in a couple like wood Artisans it to kind of match what was going on throughout so as we're walking through you'll be able to kind of see there's like if it looks newer it's probably something that happened here in the last 20 years and there was also a lot of refinishing of the original woodwork it's really stunning I could tell right away my favorite features right off the bat are the incredible chandeliers that I see hanging from almost every corner of this house you can't you can't miss them and there are 21 original chandeliers from the home when it was built in wow that's incredible well give me a little tour of this first floor here so let's start here this is one of the first living rooms and over here you've got the fireplace this is one of Seven original fireplaces wow and we've turned turned this into a dining room and believe it or not this is some of the original wainscoting from 1902. The Story Goes they stripped it all the way down and they wanted to go with wood and it just didn't come out the way they wanted it to and they came off with this awesome green color and I just loved the way that it all what would you call this green color I green seafoam green I would call it what would tulip mint julep that's much better than seafoam I know yeah look at the detail it just beckons you to a time of the Great Depression yes let's not talk about that this room is right off the dining room and they've used it kind of as a little music room and this is where he would come and relax and play in here and what is that instrument isn't that a cello thoughts on if this is a cello please DM us I also noticed as we're walking through there are a lot of doors off of a lot of these rooms I mean but that's how it was back in the day and so much of this floor plan is the original it is the original floor plan back from 1902 and everything was compartmentalized you had smaller living spaces and everybody kind of had their own space so over here this is kind of another living room area it's right off of one of the kitchens one of the three kitchens so this was probably a dining room back in the day that is what that's what I'm figuring out this was probably the original dining room and then off of the living room or the dining room whatever you want it to be is they got another office but this also can serve as a bedroom uh I guess it doesn't have the closet so maybe not but it does have a full bathroom they've always used this as office Library it's stunning isn't it and this is some of the woodwork that was not original this is some of the stuff that they had their Woodworkers come in and kind of recreate the feeling of the original house when we first were over here my business partner and I the seller actually got up here and was shaking these to show us how sturdy these things does look like it's just always been there yeah it really is and it's really well done and yeah just it's a very impressive room and Library wow I think I read also as we're walking through that um there is over a million dollars of imported imported marble so both for the tile floors and as you go outside and you're walking away wow your way around uh that is the story that we were told was over a million dollars in imported marble uh horrible people a lot you want to see the kitchen yes okay not this way that's that's not the way the power of staging people sometimes you just can't get through a door because there's a chair there so that's the clue that's the clue yes that's the total clue right there okay this is um there are many kitchens in this home is that correct you do because you need the modern family needs more than one kid yes so believe it or not this is one of three kitchens in the home and I think that this was always meant to be the the standard kitchen uh but this is not what this family used as the primary kitchen this was more for parties uh and big entertaining type events and then they use the other one upstairs wow this is the biggest one and it's got absolutely everything that you need tons of space so if you're ready to throw a party this is where you're probably getting ready what kind of buyer is looking at this house who because I'm having a feeling right now like I could be a caterer having a wedding here this could be a huge kitchen where I'm doing all my stuff and then I'm entertaining and I know there's two floors of entertainment plus we've got kind of a cool movie theater and stuff downstairs but a lot of other things could be happening with this home right that's right when you think 10 000 square foot house automatically you're thinking well you need you're thinking of somebody who wants the space like it's got to be a large family right but immediately I thought somebody who wants to entertain and this might not even be a primary residence for them this could be somebody who's here part-time this could be a house that a corporation purchases or somebody who's just here kind of part-time and you know is doing entertaining here in Seattle wants the space because it just the more that you see there's parts of this house that truly feel like a hotel um and I think that entertaining is going to be behind whoever ends up buying this yeah I definitely agree maybe I will get married again and if so perhaps this is my venue I'll get back to you on that why would you want to do that [Music] okay so you had pointed this out earlier what's the story behind the stained glass so uh this is stained glass from original 1902 so this is something that hasn't been touched and I think it's just an awesome feature and really just lends to the history and you know as you're asking earlier this uh just opens up from right down here and somebody who's vertically challenged such as yourself you might be able to just walk on out and you might be the perfect person to enjoy this Julia balcony I think so yeah do you want to try it no let's not do that let's not get into that everyone knows I love a good balcony especially Juliet Balcony so this might be my spot rate this might be but we'll find out another time let's keep going we'll find that view I am absolutely Amazed by what I'm seeing right now is this even real this is real and this can all be somebody else's and what's crazy about it is this is not I mean the Space Needle is like right there it's in your face but this is not even the best view in the house but we are standing in what the current owners have been using as their master bedroom okay so you've got master bedroom you got a big open room open space in here you've got tons of views marble floors again that's right you've got one of the two balconies that's located right here the closet just keeps moving back you've even got a wet bar so in case that kitchen isn't close enough for your midnight snack Rachel you could just go right in here what would you keep in here probably some chill tequila yeah and some of those extra Thanksgiving pies that you're trying to hand out you're lucky you got one to your clients to buy clients wait where are you going there's more there's way there's more okay I gotta I gotta show you the best part this just kind of goes into Master you know wow master bathroom master closet area would this be enough space this would probably do it for me um but I mean there's always I have a feeling there's room for more if necessary there's always room for more there's always room this is the bathroom here this is the bathroom and this is also one of my favorite features I already I already checked this out a little bit this reminds me of like 1902 like I've been like I said watching a lot of the crown lately I could just imagine somebody coming behind me and putting my tiara on anyway again I'm living in my own little fantasy right now why are you in the bathroom there well at first I'm talking about your fantasy of somebody else putting on a tiara but since I'm standing in here I wanted to show you my favorite part of this room which is one of three luxury gold-plated bidets gold-plated yeah only the best only the best if you want to get clean it's got to be gold-plated these are facts is this gold-plated too all on these fixtures absolutely oh my gosh wow this is really beautiful so we're still up here on the second floor and this is the second kitchen and this is what the current owners use as their primary kitchen and it's literally just hanging off uh the master bedroom [Music] around the very Upper Floor and it's almost like an entrance into a whole nother it is you guys but you're wasting your time over here just keep moving because this is what the house is all about foreign to focus on my nice conversation with Wes but honestly he pales in comparison to the absolutely stunning view out these windows this is for sale people this is for sale 8.7 this could be your view it can be and what's so cool about this space and why this view is so special is because when you look around there are no other houses like on each side of you down below it's unobstructed because this third floor whenever it was built was grandfathered in like if somebody wanted to build next door if you look next door you're looking at their roof this is the only house in the area that's this close to the Space Needle and that's also this high up and nobody's ever going to be in front of you this view is never going away which is what makes this so unique obviously we got to talk about the centerpiece of the third floor this is your third kitchen it's space it's a kitchen it's a bar and this is what's going to service this entire entertaining spot when I first walked around here and saw this I was like I felt like I was on top of the world I felt like that we are up here on the top of some like Swanky like old school Hotel bar like some salon and we do have dining room over here and I didn't even share this with you Rachel there is off the kitchen you know things get super wild you've got a bathroom oh another bathroom with a shower because you've got to have a shower off of the kitchen you never know you never know what's gonna happen things can get crazy can get wild I literally cannot believe this view right here right now I mean the Space Needle is like right in my face yeah I I think this has truly got to be the best view from a single family home of downtown Seattle it doesn't get any better than that so it's like special just over here this is what I was telling you about like the neighbors right here they have a rooftop deck where they can't go up any higher they've got to go up on their roof to get this feels like its own you know luxury condo up top here um oh and like another fun fact since we're talking about those guys if somebody wanted to if they wanted to go rooftop deck it's possible to do that here as well oh my gosh how much more could you possibly get I mean if you're if you're gonna go big you know go all the way I guess keep going yeah wow get your steps in today so this is the second staircase this will take you up to the second floor and then all the way up to the third floor that we were just in wow so this is the second so this could have been a service staircase it could have been something that was just a back staircase back in the day this looks like the front door but this is not the front door where we walked in no it's not so this is kind of the back door it gets used more often at the front but the front door is on the south side and it's probably the more formal entrance okay so here it is we are down in the basement and we got a pool room we've got kind of full kitchen that's not a full kitchen but Park kitchen I feel like I work at the movie theater like what would you like sir one of those please you're gonna eat it no why not listen they're new they're brand new come on just eat it let's have a bite [Music] sour actually they are fresh God only knows how long they've been sitting here this could be from 1902. I mean of all the things that you could have eaten if you are trying to hide from your kids not that I would ever do that no I wouldn't either this would be the spot it's big speakers it's all the feels of like an old school movie room it's got the right color walls it's got the amazing chairs it's got the huge screen and you've got the concessions out there I think it's got everything you need look what I found this is a beautiful wine room and there's a nice bottle of Champs in here the house just keeps going this could be a tap dancing room if you're into that sort of thing like Rachel tell us about your tap dancing history I tapped danced as a kid even as a young adult in San Francisco I even had a recital once I'll never forget my teacher Shirley but I told Wes when I saw this room this would be my tap dancing room I would throw a mirror up on this wall get my little tap shoes out and uh bring it back and just tap dead Tap Away tap away it's a pandemic so what do we all need a home gym of course I could not live without my living room right now but I can't imagine if I had this kind of space to do the old Beachbody in and when you get inside you've got this great room it's totally light it's totally bright and oh it's out of sight what more can you say thank you for coming out today we had an awesome time sharing this listing with your viewers and if you guys want any more go to Historic queenannemansion.com thanks guys tune in again soon and we'll try to bring you more fun properties if you want to see it check in with me or check in with me either way we've got you covered for all of your real estate needs even though we don't work together but we could here we can do it here no we can go that and then you can tap dance thank you
Channel: Wes Jones
Views: 7,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wes jones, real estate, home buying, home selling, market update, bellevue, Washington, Wes Jones & Associates, keller williams, Real estate agent, Real estate market, Real estate market update, Home buyer tips, Homebuyers, Home seller tips, Home sellers, Homeownership, Homeowner tips, Homeowners, WA
Id: 7svuxz2jUP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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