His supervisor writes him up for being late on a day he is only there to help. r/maliciouscompliance

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hey everyone i hope you had a great day let's take a look at some new malicious compliance stories i hope you enjoy them please let me know what you think about today's stories in the comment section below the first story is called you're hiring my very first job i got was as a card pusher at walmart almost 16 years old at the time i wanted to be a cashier so that i won't have to be outside so much after maybe five months of working there i noticed that they were hiring for a cashier position i went to hr and asked them if i could be enrolled in the training they told me no and said something along the lines of we are happy with having you where you are at i was a bit of a chaotic little prick at that age and the gears started turning but you are hiring new people to be cashiers right yes so if i was not employed here and i applied then i would be considered for the cashier position is that right well yes that is true ok then let's do that i would like to be a cashier so i would like to resign the hr worker was clearly baffled you would need to provide a letter in writings that you were going to resign i wrote a letter of resignation on a post-it and handed it to hr this was all at the beginning of my shift mind you near the end of my shift i was asked to speak with hr they were informing me that i had been enrolled in the cashier education classes a week later i was working indoors and had a one dollar per hour race the next story is called i help you and you write me up for it i used to work a manufacturing job that had some weird rules i'm not a morning person and manufacturing jobs tend to start very early because back in the day you could only work when it was light out while they still start at 6am is beyond me this particular employer had a rule where you would be written up if you were tardy 5 or more times in a month if you didn't show up it wouldn't count against you other than not being paid for those hours again i'm not a morning person and find it difficult to get myself out of bed and to work at those times monday to friday were mandatory days for us to work on most saturdays you could get an additional 4 or 5 hours if you wanted to and the work was available my boss god told me when i started that if i came in on a saturday i could start whenever i wanted and it wouldn't count towards being tardy since i would be having them out a few years later another supervisor bruce was hired and i directly reported to him and he reported to scott there was one particular month where i was tardy 4 times and i made sure the entire last week to get in on time so i wouldn't hear about it the following monday i was given a written warning for being tardy too many times i told bruce flat out that i knew i was only tidy four times and that i shouldn't be getting written up for it he told me no last saturday you showed up at 6 30 and we start at 6. i told him that scott told me that it was fine he said it didn't matter and those were the rules i told him i would never be tardy on a saturday again i then wrote in my response to the written warning that i would never be tardy on a saturday again i signed it bruce signed it and made a copy of it and filed his copy with hr a few weeks later we had some maintenance needed on one of our machines and bruce decided we would do it that saturday and asked if i wanted to come in and help it was a dirty job pulling a bad cable out of the machine and threading a new one through a tight spot that needed cable pulling lubricant in order to fit it i pulled up to the shop saw it was six on my clock and knew i wouldn't make it in on time so i turned my car around and drove home on monday bruce was complaining about how hard the job was and asked me where i was i told him that i was going to be tardy so i went home so i wouldn't get in trouble for it i hope you enjoyed today's video so far if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel and if you like the video don't forget to press the like button it really helps and now on to the next story the third story is called the carrots versus the bad workers a few months ago i was looking for a job i spent most of my day walking downtown for interviews at this point i'm in a horrible mood the only interviews that showed any interest were the ones that looked swifty most of the day is gone the whole thing was just a fast and i'm starving it was one of these days that nothing goes right after i was done i choose to grab a bite and choose a big local chain of fast food as they make decent food at quite a low price as i enter the first thing i notice is that it's kind of full but the register was empty aside as that usually means they have a lot of orders in the bag and my food would be kinda late i walked there and the employees teenagers probably part-timers or their first job were giggling on the phone one of them glances at me and says one moment alright i have no problem with that and i wait and wait and wait at some point i look at the clock behind them i was waiting awkwardly in front of two giggling teenagers for four minutes i decided to not make a big deal out of it i politely and discreetly clear my throat the same team rolls her eyes at me evidently very annoyed that i interrupted again the irritation of the day starts creeping out but as i have worked rita and most of my life i hold it in what do you want to order she asked in a very rude manner at this point i'm quite sure i have a vein popping out enemy style i swallow my tamper and order my food 2 small burgers and a cola totaling something like 5 euro 50. i have to point out that i am generally very polite in my social interactions especially towards employees having worked retail most of my life she rolls her eyes again wow spanning the big bugs aren't we and the most condescending annoyingly bratty voice you can imagine at this point i just struck my shoulders my upbringing preventing me to make the remarks my brain was screaming at me i moved to a corner on one of those tall bar tables on the side to wait for my order and i take out my snow notebook to write some notes on the last interview i keep notes on the owner's attitudes and other small details i noticed during the interview as i mind my business avoid carrying encroaches are my personal space excuse me are you listening to me i'm speaking to you i turn around and i'm like what are you gonna take our order now are you gonna keep pretending to work i blinked then it hit me i was wearing a similar attire with the employees a red polo shirt and dark blue jeans of course one could mention the fact that my red shirt was a different shade than the store uniform all that mine lacked the store logo and the name tag not to mention the big leather bag hanging from my side but my years of experience taught me that karen's sides cannot co-exist with brain cells i tried to tell her that i don't work here and that she must go to the register after a while of demanding i set screws and i complied i took her order something to point out here the way ordering works in big franchises here is that you go to the register make your order pay and the server brings it to you very rarely would a server go to your table usually if you take a while to order alright ma'am where's your table she points at the five carrying table and i not i will be right there freaking kids all you know is how to avoid working you should get fired you lazy thing she says as she leaves i'm 30 no longer a kid but i do look very young 24 to 26 with a beard around 20 shaved which i was at the time i would not have it i was hungry in a horrible mood and years of self-discipline were crumbling as i was hungry for blood i went to the nightmare table that consisted of not one not two but six whole carrots i put my biggest fakers of smiles and i took the order i even suggested a few non-existent dishes while girls writing on my notebook and then pointed out that it was a big order and it will take a while i then left the nightmare of karen table and went back in a corner and waited for my order in a far better mood while waiting a server went to the table and asked if they had ordered yes we have are all the stuff here as lazy as you at this point i started grinning she had a chance to fully undo my master plan and she had failed to grasp it i wait for 5 more minutes for my order take it and leave as a happy man the last story is called she insisted on following the rules so when i worked for target i was over guest service and this included the registers and self-checkout we had a lot of issues with coupon scammers now normally i wouldn't care but it had gotten so crazy that we were losing tons of money due to it the manufacturer will only pay out if it's valid in most cases and only for the amount shown so we needed to crack down on it in order to avoid more issues one example is a lady applying a five dollars of a new swiffer at around 20 dollars but the machine would sometimes not catch it if they applied it to a four dollar item so they get one dollar free for whatever people do this kind of thing a lot and will just go resell their items or return them to a different store for profit the point of sale systems are smart but prone to mistakes for this reason the scammers loved safe checkout i was covering the break for the employee working safecheckout and i noticed a lady doing a lot of weird things inserting tons of coupons soon she got me over because one wasn't working i could clearly see a lot of high value coupons and not a lot of high value items she said not all her coupons were working correctly and asked if i could just manually enter the discount because we have to accept your coupons that it was the rules because these coupons were correct i said i would need to get the coupons out from the tray to confirm them and then i could i used my manager's keys to open the machine and took out the coupons inside luckily it was at the beginning of the day and hers were the only coupons as i looked through the coupons and looked at her stuff not backed yet i confirmed what i knew to be true lots of fraud on principle i acknowledge the cleverness of it all but people's job read wrist from the loss and i don't like to personally be scammed i told her i would correct all the coupons so i quickly went in and took out the ones that didn't apply and left the well at once i handed her a stack of around 15 coupons and i don't know they didn't apply i told her that i appreciated her calling me over to verify the coupons for her and that i would make sure to let the other stores in the area know of the error so that we can correctly apply our rules that say we take coupons in the end her total went up about 50 dollars and she left without getting anything thank god she insisted on following the rules she would have gotten away with three things thanks for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please leave a like and if you want to see more videos don't forget to subscribe have a great day and stay safe bye bye
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Views: 31,385
Rating: 4.8725276 out of 5
Keywords: maliciouscompliance, prorevenge, entitledparents, penguinstorytime, r/, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, reddit, rslash, funny, stories, His supervisor writes him up for being late on a day he is only there to help.
Id: ZfseUJm05KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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