His History Revealed: A Metal Sonic Biography

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I love how Sonic's form is so different between Origin and then how Sonic Heroes goes. Possibly showing that in the latter, Metal sees reality as it is, not under Eggman's control.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ivardr 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/siramay1 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's that creature's deal at every turn bam what did i do to deserve this that blue rodent keeps setting my animals free they didn't ask for that and i can't stop him i take the very ground from under his feet and he still beats me i stay out of reach and drop spikes on him and he still manages to hit me i try to squish him and he still blows up my whole place i can't beat him i can't beat him i'm limited i need something beyond limitation i should have realized carbons are held back by their own design but this needs to learn and grow like an organic being just as muscles break and return stronger so too must this be and a dash of irony to spice it all up [Music] [Laughter] good morning my masterpiece [Music] this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends do you enjoy gaming yeah you do because you're here on a channel that makes cartoons about video game characters uh what about gaming on the go well yeah i'm sure you do well rate shadow legends is a free to start experience that 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because the gifts keep on coming to all my new players out there listen up once you're in game just enter promo code mydeliana to get your hands on everything it's that simple and awesome get 50 xp brews to instantly get your legendary hero delia at a max level 50 and you'll get lots of silver with that too what's not to love remember this is a limited time offer and available on a first come first serve basis over the next 30 days only so act now to make most of your journey with your champions in raid shadow legends today and if you want to find me in game here's my username on screen i might let you join my clan too i don't know maybe if you're good either way i hope to see you in game now back to the video i cannot believe in solipsism i am too aware that i was created by the mind and conscience of a flawed being i do not know freedom and never will for as long as i live robot comes from the czech word robota meaning forced labor compulsory servitude that is who i am and each one of us built by dr robotnik knows this to work is to die my task destroy sonic seconds old and my first command is to take a life i awoke to a cluttered room a large creator ogling my frame my weapons my insides a disgusting grin spread under his mustachioed face a bit of drool pooled in the corner of his lips he took this time to impart on me further instructions destroy sonic the hedgehog by any means necessary he is a destroyer of lands a pest to progress a villain to science my creator's added ramblings meant nothing to me the philosophical fluff of a madman is impeding my work i asked him if i should begin not just yet i need more data but you will have your moment in the sun my dear in due time that's when i blacked out dr robotnik needed a way to lure the blue menace to me to test my skills he tracked down sonic's position and whereabouts on little planet he was coming from a lush location and toward a more urban area dr robotnik took note of the young hedgehog girl that followed sonic around like a lost puppy from the previous location and ordered me to kidnap her the idea was to entice sonic to fall into our ultimate death trap in stardust speedway surely enough the blue rodent needed the pink one around to feed his ego so as expected he followed dr robotnik shut me down to preserve my energy for the race he had planned when i came to i was in a dark confusing disgustingly purple labyrinth rise and shine my pet robotnik's voice beckoned me forcing me to quickly take in my surroundings it's time to finally see what you've got initiate full power run his words hit me like a curse a gash on my parts and motors warming and energizing aspects of me i had not made inventory of yet it scared me the rush the compulsion the speed the sound of metal breaking in the distance alerted robotnik in me to the incoming threat robotnik left away into a contraption of his but i i remained headstrong defiant of this danger i could see blips of the blue menace as he crested the hills it wasn't long before i saw his face the face of a devil his feet flew effortlessly along the ground his eyes steadfast beacons of malice a resting face as he crossed into the unknown my arm moved on its own when he arrived it mocked him back and forth we mirrored each other's audacity every millimeter of titanium ached and strained with anticipation the door holding us both back from our destiny while completely still shook in my vision now no now now the floodgates released my engine roared his sneaker squeaked but then i lost sight of him he was already several meters ahead of me i was a gas no not possible panic infused itself into my power coil before i could be baffled i launched like a rocket breaking the air with unrelenting force i smashed into the hedgehog's back sending his ill-gotten rings everywhere as the blur approached a defensive barrier shot from my body sending him back further and so we danced a grand valles bryant across the false star-studded highway accompanied by robotnik's deadly lasers the baseline at times i couldn't tell what my servos would do next it thrilled me i wish it could have lasted forever just as the wonders of the world are destined to fall so too is every man-made thing including me in the span of nanoseconds he passed me and there was nothing i could do to stop him as soon as the door closed behind him it was over my arm my insides my daytime exploded against the metal doors spewing my viscera in every direction i fell for longer than an era i fell farther and farther did my outstretched hand be denied its captive i couldn't see my creator's face i didn't want to for the shame of my failure this what is this doctor doctor please i couldn't bear the silence i begged what can i do i cannot fail you he did not respond i had nothing left but to find my own answers his studio now tidy pristine and well lit revealed more active and scrapped projects one thing caught my eye a silver and yellow atrocity built from what looked like junk parts and a reacher tool for the elderly next to that abomination a sleeker model was acting peculiarly it curled into a ball and attacked the constructed targets was this a kind of defense mechanism an impenetrable series of blades and insanity nothing answered my queries i scanned around more and found finely cut rocks iridescent and alien scattered near the machinery that and a large brass ring floating by itself had i been replaced by these things this panoply of miscellany this island of misfits i could barely believe it at the time i sat in my dismay for hours that's when i finally heard him speak up begin playback my father never believed in geology he called it homeopathic garbage but it is with rare earths that our understanding of electricity and data and technology advances my father was a stupid stupid man and yes i failed you failed and many other machines here failed but it is through failure that we progress failures are not the end and i'm not giving up i was short-sighted i thought i wanted that hedgehog dead now i see this pesky twerp is a challenge a rival to my mental limits and you you will eventually succeed i could not fully comprehend or process his philosophy it did not compute i chose to conserve my energy for other tasks beyond my stored resentment when i next woke i was in unfamiliar territory a gross array of green and blue pillars surrounded me with a disgusting purple and yellow platform below in echidna and some other creatures were close together as i descended from above them i was barely conscious of my body flying into a housing for my frame as soon as it plugged into me i could feel new extremities but i could not move them banging and clanging from the outside furthered my understanding i was but a power cell for another of the doctor's flights of fancy i a machine built to surpass the doctor's ultimate foe was but a battery it irked me so yet there was nothing i could do i felt every centimeter of metal and circuitry as it was destroyed after every wave i felt the tear and scrapes inflicted by these new annoyances but they were strong i can freely admit to their power and i knew somewhere inside of me that this would fail is that a self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps but perhaps it was an inevitability a pre-ordained end due to factors beyond control the large machine rejected me as the last of its weapons exploded firing me to the feet of my creator i didn't have the strength to lift my head but that's when i felt it a surge of energy akin to when i reached rocket speed coursing through my motherboard before i could fully grasp the situation i could only look down and see my new form my blue framed turned red i grew to a colossal size and i hungered my fangs wanted only the echidna's flesh skewered to them so i slapped and palmed and clawed at them doing all i could to contain them but good things are seldom easy aren't they i felt sluggish as they attacked my arms breaking them both in their evil wake i grew desperate firing laser after laser at them hoping to finally end their relentless advance and i failed i would remain hungry for a long time yet i do not know why the doctor sat me next to him at that time i was but a board and chip forced to watch for hours upon hours as he showed me his skills first it was him tapping at buttons to make characters do what he called sick combos to me it was a mess especially since he frequently lost however i learned one thing from this how to be a cheap bastard fairness is a social construct made to protect the weak from the strong i am above such a concept the study continued into another game of his design in it characters raced around courses in various zones and conditions what caught me by surprise was a previous version of myself on the doctor's screen made up of low polygons did this actually happen or is it simply a simulation that the doctor himself is controlling for his own amusement he often changed the weather to snow in order to cut a sharper line through the raceway and why shouldn't he if someone has the ability to create an advantage for themselves in this unfair world why shouldn't they use it what is leverage but a way to even the scales against tyranny and injustice it seemed the doctor wanted to begin tailoring me for speed rather than defense at this point [Music] as much as i respect my creator for his foresight his design and his drive i could not comprehend this change in him what utter weakness during the second campaign of little planet i hoped to redeem myself in the doctor's eyes fifty percent output should be sufficient he said and i blindly believed him i activated the limiter and worked within those parameters even with this cap i was able to fly and outspeed the hedgehog and his mutant fox friend and while they did destroy my carrier i never gave up hope the hope of finally freeing robotnik from the terror of these creatures of finally freeing myself from the dread of an incomplete assignment sonic seemed weaker or was it that my powers far surpassed him i was confused was this even the same person i was fighting was his partner holding him back do hedgehogs prematurely age and grow dull many questions slid into my mind plaguing my processors with superfluous parses eventually our fight took us both to space i didn't predict them finding a way to follow but follow they did i thought i rid myself of the desperation protocol following the incident with the echidna i was wrong in my heightened arousal i overwrote the limiter program and went all out on sonic i easily outmaneuvered and outsped him i outclassed him in every perceivable way so why did i lose the one thing that drove sonic previously was the capture of his girlfriend that was absent this time and all the same he hoisted me with my own petard and i exploded headfirst into a wall once again why did robotnik install this mechanism again is he not capable of learning from his past mistakes why was he getting in my way if it were not for the doctor i would have freed him from his tumor this blue festering gangrene creeping into his blood the distance to the ground was shorter this time [Music] i dreamt of pushing boulders up hills i dreamt of the sky turning black to blot out the sun i dreamt of electric sheep and though i slept i was awake and saw everything from within my vet the entire fortress was my eyes and ears robotnik returned to improving his animal-powered model for a new series of bipedal robots however his focus this time was flickies he allowed the birds to have a semblance of control over their metal confines which permitted a more instinctive sense of preservation for the robot but a flawed drive in accomplishing mission objectives but i knew robotnik's true aim an eldritch water being i admit i was curious about this creature how an organic life form could have such regenerative power such destructive force such mastery over the emeralds that i coveted it robotnik was short-sighted he only wanted chaos to help him conquer the world but robotnik continued to prove a human was not capable of handling issues beyond the scope of programming chaos revolted against him even after helping it obtain all the emeralds such hubris and irony however this was an important data point that i must not forget world conquest is foolish for organic beings but not me robotnik's pitiful vengers continued now focusing on replicating an ultimate life form from some place beyond the stars foolish foolish foolish this being has the same flaws and using it as the blueprint for robotic replica creates the same problem this creature could never be the pinnacle of creation its specifications pale in comparison to mine robotnik blindly carried out the legacy of his forebears holding the world ransom from a borrowed ark it seemed my creator was failing now falling on plagiarism for his work this could not stand i could take no more i released myself from my confines and while everyone was focused on the calamity happening with the biohazard i went to work sonic and his cadre as i predicted defeated the biohazard with relative ease such is the fate of all organic matter however i too was limited by something my creator's ability i needed a way to enhance my capabilities to ensure i would never be held back it is through my creator's notes that i retained my knowledge of chaos and by proxy the chow these creatures possessed incredible abilities to adapt change and continue to grow they absorbed other animals without remorse in their pursuit of being higher beings their hunger was seemingly infinite their malice absent after teleporting in i observed them for some time from a distance i knew i must have them they were curious of me at first and i of them their skin soft and ripply i pulled some fruit down from the nearby trees for them to earn their trust and after that it was simple one by one down the hatch as they say this garden was their sanctuary ed prison they'd nowhere to flee i ate and eight and eight their life force coated my insides fueling the already incredible with further potential i could feel my metal taking on the ability to adjust and absorb and shimmer i wanted my own world so i do not regret my choice if i could they would make the same choice all over again as soon as they were all destroyed i made my way back to robotnik's carrier my return was not without conflict robotnik demanded my whereabouts and happenings i had no time for his inferior mind i had plans to enact however he threatened to decommission me that was the last straw in an instant i had his throat in my hands and i flung him into a spare room originally meant to house sonic his banging and screaming were almost humorous if i could have spared the cpu for it but this gave me the perfect leverage for my plan i using my new constructive powers would pose as robotnik fight sonic and his group absorb all their data and become unstoppable however i needed data from each member and taking them all on at the same time could prove fatal but not even the chaos emeralds could match me if i could pull this off i would first tempt sonic with a false message from robotnik claiming to destroy the world in a few days his mind is so simple that that would be enough provocation for shadow the lofty promise of answers to his amnesia would be enough i planned on lying of course i also desired the frog and one of the remaining chow so framing sonic for their capture would be best anyone else would be dealt with swift then i would lead a fleet against every other being on the planet an unstoppable aerial assault that would pave my way to glory it was infallible in fact i was so sure that i changed my form to take on a more becoming attire fit for the new robotic emperor of the world the very zenith of potential i metal sonic would rule over all beings everything went as i predicted not a nanosecond was off course each fight was paced out and played out with enough time for me to copy everything i needed it came to a head aboard robotnik's carrier i stood at the top booming over the doomed and merged myself with the carrier the power felt good it was as if everything clicked was where it needed to be i was excited to show them what real evil is nine of them broke away from sonic to attack me in this form they were nothing but fleas in comparison they survived long enough for sonic to harness the power of the chaos emeralds and transform into his super form but i made sure they were decommissioned before i detached myself from the carrier i knew sonic would be able to catch up to me eventually but i was ready i shall not be underestimated i was filled with the strongest levels of determination i had flight missiles with crystals and i could use chaos control i showed him all my new tricks one by one let me show you who i am and what i have in store i the overlord of this world would not fall i must make sure that blue bastard does not further harm the animals and creatures of my world do you hear me sonic let me show you what i'm made of you must die [Music] there is something to be said of a power i have not accounted for it is a dormant power lying beneath the collective unconscious present in all organic beings it is capable of enriching itself capable of simultaneous fission and fusion and determines what if any fallout occurs its stability depends on its strength power is teamwork no matter how strong i made myself i did not have anyone i could rely on while full of chaotic energy the best machinery and the blood of primordial beings i lacked the capacity to delegate and as lucifer icarus and faith on i fell from the heights i achieved once more i regressed into my old form unable to move or react i begged my rival for answers why couldn't i defeat him begin playback because we're sonic heroes anytime you want a rematch just let me know i'll be waiting at the time i thought it was asinine in fact it still may be asinine i have given up on living for a purpose i have given up on living in a certain expected way robotnik remains obsessed with the hedgehog and if he commands me to race him then i race him but we all know the outcome i am destined to lose from the start still i go along with it knowing the futility of resisting fate i have been reduced to a mere last resort for the doctor when it's time to race even if the doctor cheats he still finds a way to lose because his heart is not in it he is only in it to win and cannot step aside and think of ways to actually outperform the organic hedgehog which results in incredible frustration him pointing at me and calling me racing fodder his constant criticism does nothing but remind me i was designed and built for victory but the losses continue when dr robotnik's idea for an interstellar amusement park come to fruition he heavily considers enlisting me and yet another race with sonic my victory on sweet mountain is a fun what if but i know my limitations and declined even if it included the aid of his lackluster robot lackeys why must the doctor dangle the carrot in front of me so this time when the doctor succeeds in conquering the world he obtains the phantom ruby and instead of entrusting it to me he creates a hologram of me and what for [Music] you probably guessed it right to race sonic again how humiliating he doesn't even trust me enough for the job so he creates a hologram of me to do it and to nobody's surprise that ends up failing to imagine conquering the world and continuing to lose couldn't be me literally perhaps in an alternate universe he would entrust me with the phantom ruby and victory is indeed possible truly there's no hope for anyone or anything empires crumble our achievements scatter like dust the great works of ramses ii while resilient will return to sand the continent of moo is now a fairy tale the evidence of socrates is so scattered that many doubt his existence were it not for history books no one would know of these overlords name the 13th leader of your country difficult isn't it one day we will all be dead and forgotten our finale attempts at etching our names into the edifice of time is droll robotnik's initial dream was to recreate an amusement park one that rivals the one from his childhood he does not realize the tragedy of nostalgia he is doomed never to recreate that feeling he's built several failed attempts his most recent in space but none shall ever bring back the same feeling of his childhood the first click of the roller coaster safety features the first ever drop the worry-filled joy of plummeting to the earth no like sisyphus he will continue to fail as will i he has damned me to merely race sonic forever i can no longer revolt against my chains i dare say no one can i wish i knew the road map of my remaining life but i doubt it would make a difference i give up
Channel: MugiMikey
Views: 103,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Sonic, Metal Sonic theme, metal sonic voice, metal sonic vs sonic, metal sonic comic dub, metal sonic history, sonic secret history, sonic documentary, sonic cartoon, sonic animation, sonic parody, sonic story, metal sonic story, metal sonic sonic cd, metal sonic sonic heroes, sonic cd, sonic heroes, sonic mania, metal sonic mania, Sonic movie Metal Sonic
Id: ZzpMW6EY6nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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