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I haven't done a Metallica reaction video in so long so first of all I apologize for that second of all we haven't even done unjustice for all in I don't even know how long so today we be reacting to tiivas to die by Metallica I'm looking forward to this one this was on a poll weeks ago with another song The shorty straw the shorty STW W and somehow I seem to forget about doing this one but we have to forget no further because it's here don't worry my opinions on this album 10 out of 10 so far I actually think I know people moan about the the album which you know we all have our own opinions but this has to go down as one of the greatest metal albums in history you can't even deny it there's so many good tracks on this album It's just unreal but yeah uh I'm I'm glad we're this far into the metal Journey we've been listening to heavy metal now since October recording the journey the Channel's growing nice so I can't wait to see what else there is we found a new band system of aone that we're getting into and it looks like they're going to do pretty well as well so I can't wait to just carry on with this [ __ ] man if you enjoy the videos please consider hearting that subscribe button uh I think we're at 28,000 today so so thank you so much for that I can't believe that and if you want to go patreon you already know the drill Link in the description I appreciate it so much we've also got a Discord if anyone wants to join that that will be in the description too other than that we go waffling let's get on with the shortest I was going to say the shortest STW let's get on with toiv is to die man let's go bro what are you talking about man I'm recording these videos pretty late today um not purposely you know by accident just didn't wake up when I was supposed to still a bit tired so yeah I don't know what's going on with the screen again as well it happened on the teror video where it's like shifted but nothing I can do about it anyway let's do this I'm pretty sure this is an instrumental so you're going to have to bear with me when I pause and stuff I know a lot of people moan but it's tough titties on this video mate [Music] this is beautiful so far though I can't [Music] lie [Music] [Music] oh Bo Lord [Music] o that has to be I you know I don't know actually I was going to say is it the heaviest or chunkiest Riff on this album so far but I'm not sure it's definitely chunky though I like that bro I like the way the tempo was speeding up a little bit as well when not the tempo I know the tempo would have obviously stayed the same but it seemed like the rhythm of it started to speed up a little bit I like that oh I need to rewind that a little bit though we've got 10 beautiful minutes of this Jesus [Music] Christ [Music] [Music] that snare [Music] drum rewind that a little bit please yo this is the thing about instrumentals bro you hear you end up hearing so much because the focus isn't all on vocals like the focus is on the instruments I don't know who that was playing a guitar if that was Kirk or if that was James but it's not even too basic as well like these little bit these little like rhythms that come in or it wasn't too basic but it sounded beautiful against them drums bro I'm this type of person that can't just listen to a song and enjoy it I have to listen to a song and just listen to everything like on its own my brain will pull it all apart and it'll all be singular and I just observe every bit it's weird but this is cold so far if anyone gets annoyed by the poison on this there's nothing I can do ready bro it's an instrumental for God's sake I'm not going to sit here for 10 minutes and not say anything cuz how entertaining would that [Music] be [Music] bro [Music] n [Music] y I can't deal with these [ __ ] songs man I need to hit that little bit of the guitar [Music] again [Music] [Music] n [Music] see bro now I feel like I'm watching an emotional film or [Music] something [Music] that part made me feel like I was watching some sort of emotional movie there's so many changes to these guys songs especially on this album like what are we hearing [Music] now [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] yo okay let me just have a minute why does the end of this sound so emotional we still got two minutes left I thought the song was going to be ending soon because of the way it's changed and SS bro I was sitting back there the goose from is getting everything just taking that in bro I don't know what I'll say bro okay Carry [Music] On [Music] When a Man Lies he murders some part of the world these are the pale deaths which men Mis call their lives all this I cannot bear to witness any longer they not theing of Salvation take me [Music] home that transition part of my French was [ __ ] unreal bro that was so smooth I almost missed it this one for me is just this this has to be one of the best things I've heard so far on this album [Music] bro [Music] I you know what I did [ __ ] RI is [Music] [Music] hard [Music] bro okay yeah we can end with this we can end with this [Music] what okay I don't like how that abruptly ended that to me was not just a song that was a whole piece of art that was toiv is to die by Metallica there was there was so many things in that that I wanted to speak upon and now I have I've like I've probably forgot half of them literally just because I like I prefer to wait instead of pausing through a lot instrumentals and solos and stuff but so I remember mentioning that the whole song to me well not necessarily the whole song but there was a part in the song where it sounded like it was from like a movie or something like an emotional part of a movie how people like this do it but how you can portray something into a song and make it make people feel different emotions from different noises that they're hearing on a [ __ ] song how how how I think out of all of their instrumentals that they've done the ones that I've listened to anyway this has to be my favorite I like the fact that there were so many changes in it and there was a transition I think it was towards the end before the main Rift came back in I did not even expect it to transition into that it was so perfectly just it just I just rolled into it so perfectly I didn't even realize it was happening part of me feels like this because of the emotion in it it feels like was it a tribute to Cliff I don't know to me the song felt like it was it was a song because something had ended but it wasn't the end like something it had to go on and that's where I'm getting the the the feeling of like was was it because Cliff died and then but it couldn't end there they they still went on and did great things I don't know but that's what I'm getting from it that's how it felt to me it's weird I just think it's crazy when a song can make you think all certain things I feel like I'm back at school bro I think I'm in I feel like I'm in my English lesson and analyzing just different things it was so perfect it felt like it could have been composed by an orchestra like they could have done it I don't even know if that's the right way of saying it but you know what I'm talking about that that's how perfect sanded I I don't know why I waited if I'm completely honest I just forgot about this to do this one and yeah but we're going to do it well we've done it now so man what a beautiful you know what I don't usually save instrumentals to my playlist but I think I'm going to cuz that was just crazy I'm going to leave it there cuz I need to record the second video but man they got me feeling some type of way if you did enjoy that video please make sure to hit the Subscribe button hit the like button uh let's try and get 30k by the end of this week if we can do that then I don't know I'll do something exciting for you guys uh you guys can decide yeah top comment decides anyway other than that it's been your boy Molly Boy TV and I catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching I keep messing up these outros bro peace
Channel: MollyBoyTV
Views: 21,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metallica, and justice for all, first time hearing, first time hearing metallica, best first time reaction, heavy metal reaction, hip hop fan reacts, rap fan reacts, rapper reacts, metallica reaction, first time metallica reaction, first time reaction, new metallica reaction, new heavy metal reaction, new music reaction, ride the lightning, to live is to die, to live is to die reaction, first time hearing to live is to die, metallica to love is to die, master of puppets
Id: h4DIrAV9TF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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