Hilarious - my 70 year old mom reacts to BMW M2 drifting... then tries to drift herself!

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hello everyone now I'm not sure if you've met my mother before this is my mother Sally hello so we've already done a couple of videos and we mom yeah the first one was you using autonomous Drive in a Volvo xc60 oh no this isn't real I like there oh that was nice the second one was do a launch in my hair the Auris fall that's it keep going mother that was exciting so we're here today because at the end of that video I suggested that the next thing you should do is to go drifting in or drifting is it's swinging about isn't about things bad it kind of yeah that's that's pretty much it so what I've got here is a course a very simple course when they drive around these cones are quite a slow place a slow pace slow pace while trying to drift or swing about yes so shall we do it yeah yes [Music] [Applause] come on all the nude mother don't be safe let me sing you write a bunch of code yeah we're gonna go figure things [Applause] [Music] you desire to do no I'm just incredibly frightened really hmm I'll give you hated for this I want you to do yourself oh yeah well I I can have a go I can't promise that I'll be successful at doing it so it's not going to be very interesting viewer I'm sorry it will be because I'm not gonna be teaching you oh I've got a professional to teach you yes you do it oh yes oh gosh hello Sally hello sir hi sir nice to meet you nice to meet you too so I'm gonna be your precision driver today okay and we're gonna do some drifting yes okay so this is the m4 competition so we've got 450 horsepower Matt said you driver say it lay on don't you wait yes that's got about 140 horsepower so if you imagine another 300 horsepower and obviously it's rear-wheel drive so that's gonna help you so the first thing I want you do is just to get used to the car spinning and a donut I just want you to floor it go les revs now let's keep it on keep it all okay perfect very good so now I want you to do that again and when the car starts sliding yeah I want you to back off to half throttle right it's ready okay go Oh so I didn't go to Hofstra clutter it's okay it's okay that's how this starts go again oh don't come off it stay on its down that keep on it keep on it go and stay on it stay on it stay on it good a little bit more a little bit more keep it there keep it there keep it there keep it there keep it there keep it there stop perfect while mom's busy trying to deep donors I want you to guess how many ties she's gonna burn through I've got a spare set here same courtesy of Michelin which are the original tires on the car click on the pop out banging the top right hand corner the screen to cast a vote and I'll let you know how many she used at the end of the video the best thing to do is pick a point anywhere and focus on that point that's right Bobby exactly yeah turn your head before we spin exactly the same now we're gonna do that again but what I want you to do is start winding off the lock right and what you're gonna find is we're gonna still spin in the same direction yes except we're gonna do it with opposite lock I want you to get one complete circle done with half throttle once it's spinning and then when I say start on winding the lock but don't start unwinding until I tell you okay so full lock to the right pull it up to the right and go keep it on keep it on don't announce that I'm winding well even on keep it on I'd stop brilliant very very good and don't forget to breathe don't hold your breath as you pass out I'm so wet wait to learn ready go Sodom windings not a mind and keep it on keep it on keep it on keep it on keep it on keep it on Oh brilliant no no no that was excellent we stayed on our spot is that what we're supposed to do right so what's gonna happen is we need a focal point now right yes because I'm I'm we're just doing it tonight yeah hey so when we got a cold that's when it gets more difficult let's change seats just gonna show you on the dawn that's all you don't heal bad don't wreck okay what's the shape of a donut it's a circle is nothing yeah so we need to do a circle to get into a circle so here's me looking at the car all right I'm gonna go to oversteer and catcheth I listen to the rose minimal revs and look at the steering wheel is doing nothing and you can I go the way OC as the color so when we do this donut here we go from here to full opposite lock because we're staying on one point okay feel good let's change it ready yeah go for it then go put it round fill it up and stop there perfect how much more is there to learn it's got it a bit so go down to the left oops we're a neutral oh yeah okay when you're ready you floor it and steer into the skid always staring at the cone um staring at the code never take your eyes off it [Music] super aggressive oh you backed off gotta stay on it and out out of it doing fine you don't do to delayed steering out was just gonna spin let me just think about it just like we were doing in the middle [Music] yeah floor it and then hands okay keep the power on go hang on a second let me just get the camera okay hands down it perfect good job that's better we're an opposite luck now where's the code over here for it sorry sorry everything came off no you haven't hit it that's good job that was a good entry that's very good so the reason we didn't get around that cone that timers we're still too delayed on the opposite lock you really literally as soon as your floor it you got to throw the wheel the other way try it so when you like this I want you to chuck it that way yeah yeah brilliant very very good do that again floor it chuck it excellent now after you've chopped it you got to get back on that power yeah and relax oh breathing whoosah your Adrenaline's gonna build and build and build because there's noise and smoke and everything just hold and you will relax in the drift so there's a big emotional burst when it goes just try and get through that and then we're gonna start controlling the drift right oh good that's a transition that's full like one way to full like another way brilliant okay yeah go and throw it power or go power let's go it's gonna flow it and I throw it faster you missed the cone amazing Chuck is brilliant now is it really good okay mom you've had a bit of practice now we're gonna give it a go going to see if you can do one donut joking available to look if it you care would you reckon Sam well I think I should have more enthusiasm than that so we're not gonna do full right full power throw the wheel two opposite lock hands a go to the three no progression on the throttle remember go throw the wheel throw the wheel at the corner trade and hold it [Music] give it up that's it [Music] good and now let it crap out like you did all that fool left and then a crab [Music] there you go I did it I did enjoy this video please click on our logo to subscribe to this channel or to watch more content on the bottom right hand corner however if you want to save money on a car click on the right to go to our deals page December 20 you can save a cola so I'm gonna actually used no tires because it's wet didn't burn through any did you guess correctly
Channel: carwow
Views: 826,000
Rating: 4.961751 out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, 4k review, bmw, bmw m2, bmw m2 competition, m2 competition, drifting, drift, bmw drifting, drift track, car drifting, performing donuts, bmw m4, bmw m4 competition, m4 competition
Id: zjHuLW8tuv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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