Hilarious Computer Pranks

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today we're going to have a little bit of fun rather than fixing computers I'm going to show you how to annoy people with them stay tuned so this channel is pretty much dedicated to fixing computer problems but while I was thinking of a video idea this week I thought why don't we break some computers for a change so today I'm going to show you 10 different computer pranks that you can play on your friends and family but first I got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor vipd key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber CPU for a 25% discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running an unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video so I have to give a warning at the beginning of this video that if you're going to play any of these pranks on someone make sure it's someone with a good sense of humor because I'd hate to be responsible for you losing friends and trust me some of these pranks can legitimately lose you friends so with that said some of these pranks you've probably seen before I know some of them I've known since I was in school so they'll be around they've been around for quite a while however there's a few that I'm going to show you today that are at least new to me also some of these pranks can be done fairly quickly with very little technical knowledge and others require a little bit of setup time so the prank you choose is going to depend on how much time you have with the computer so what do you say we jump on the computer and get started okay this first prank is one of my favorites however you're going to have to make sure that if you're going to play this prank on someone it has to be someone with somewhat of a cluttered desktop as you can see I've got a bunch of icons on my desktop here and I put these icons here specifically just for this prank typically I don't leave my desktop this cluttered especially not one that I'm filming a video on however this one here is to simulate essentially a frozen computer and the way you do this is actually relatively easy what you do is first off you're going to want to hide your mouse pointer somewhere so I would slide it over to the right hand side of the screen if you go to the Le hand side of the screen it won't go off the screen you see how it just kind of sits there so if you go to the right hand side you'll see that it almost completely leaves the screen so once you do that all you got to do is push your window key and print screen and you'll see it turn black like that and essentially what we're doing is taking a screenshot of our screen so what we're going to do is we're going to jump into our pictures go into our screenshots and as you can can see when we open this up we have a screenshot of our dirty screen now all you have to do here is just rightclick and go over to the bottom hit set as background and as you can see nothing looks like it changed because essentially all we've done is made the picture that we just took our background so if we move an icon out of the way you'll see that we have two of them now however this doesn't work with the icons in place so the way you get rid of them is just to right click on the background and then go View and hit show desktop icons and by doing that it essentially hides all the desktop icons but you have a picture of the icons that when people try to click of course nothing works it just essentially does nothing however your start menu and your taskbar still work as you can see right here so what you can do is you can actually rightclick hit taskbar settings now in Windows 10 this is going to be a little bit different but I'm going to show you how to do it in Windows 11 now go to taskbar behaviors and from here right here where it says automatically hide the taskbar go and check on that and it'll hide the taskbar and now as you can see once you click here it will show your taskbar it just won't show up now if someone moves their Mouse down to the bottom of the screen of course it will come up and work so if they just try to click on it like this of course it won't but like I said if you just move it down just a little bit it'll open up now this was easier in Windows 10 because you could actually relocate the taskbar up to the top of the screen and hide it that way so it's a little bit easier to hide unfortunately with Windows 11 they don't give be that option anymore so we're stuck with it the way it is so the Frozen desktop prank is a pretty old one it's one that I've at least been using for a really long time and I'm sure it's one that you've seen before however I had to include it in this list because it's definitely a classic and it still works really well however the next prank might be a new one to you and it's equally as hilarious however it's kind of mean let me show you okay this one here is the fake update prank and all you're going to have to do with this one is go to a website and it turns out that Chrome won't open of course because I've Auto hid the taskbar so let's go through and undo this real quick so we can finish the rest of the video look at that I actually fell for my own prank can you imagine that all right so if we open up Chrome right here we're going to go to the fake update. net and I'm going to leave these links in the description before but if you go to fake update. net it's pretty easy and it gives you a whole list of different updates that you can use right here and some of these aren't even updates some of them are actually fake viruses which are equally as bad however on this one we're just going to do a fake update and this is really easy to do essentially all you do is pick the operating system you're using so in this case we're going to be using Windows 11 so we click on the Windows 11 update and obviously this doesn't sell the update because it's in a window however if you push f11 it makes it full screen so that when the person comes back they look at their screen and doesn't matter how they click or anything else they hit if they hit Escape it also won't exit out of it what's even better though is if they hit enter it'll give them a fake blue screen so this one is kind of mean however if you hit f11 and close this let me show you another one here too if you have somebody that you know that really hates Windows 11 and there's still on Windows 10 this one you can use to really get them going and that one's installing Windows 11 so same thing you click on it hit f11 and it says they're installing Windows 11 and the cool thing about this is it goes through the same process it gives you a percent and if you hit enter it blue screens just like the last one did so one of the things that makes the fake update prank so believable is the fact that Windows is always updating at inconvenient times so most people won't get suspicious that they might sit in front of their computer for quite a while waiting for the update to complete that's kind of what makes the prank so funny I also think that the upgrading to Windows 11 version of this prank is hilarious when you're unsuspecting victim is someone who hates Windows 11 because as he's sitting there watching the screen he's thinking about the time he's going to have to spend to go back to Windows 10 extra points if he starts yelling profanities those profanities are going to get a lot louder if he hits the enter key and gets the blue screen and speaking of blue screens let's jump back on the computer and I'll show you how to create a fake blue screen of death okay so let kill kill this blue screen right here by hitting f11 and then we're going to go back a couple times and then for this one right here this is another website that you have to go to now this one here is actually a Microsoft program this is part of the CIS internals program and this is essentially just a screen saver actually and if you go ahead and download this it's a small little download file downloads as a zip and then if you go into your folder right here we're going to go ahead and extract this right here and then from here essentially all it is is a little executable file and when you run it it's essentially a screen saver but the screen saver is a blue screen and then to get out of it all you got to do is hit escape and it goes back to the desktop like normal so the thing is is on this one you have to actually run the program to get it to do the blue screen and that you know isn't as funny I mean you could run it and then just the blue screen is there when you're unsuspecting victim comes back to their computer however there's a better way to do it let me show you how to do that we're going to go ahead and close of these windows here and we're going to go ahead and open up task scheduler and then from task scheduler all you have to do is go into your task schedule or library right click create new task and then from here you can name it if you want you can name it blue screen and then go ahead and hit trigger hit new for the trigger and then essentially set this to whatever you want it to be you could have it monthly so it's kind of a long game prank or you could have it daily if you'd like and then all also you can also set it up to repeat the task every hour or even better every 5 minutes if you really want to drive someone nuts I'm going to go ahead and leave mine on five minutes and then we're going to go ahead and hit okay and then for actions you're going to go ahead and hit new and then you we want to start a program and then we want to hit browse and we want to go to wherever we saved that blue screen screen saver so we're going to go to downloads go into blue screen and select that hit open hit okay and then hit okay again and now every 5 minutes this thing will blue screen okay so the one thing that you probably noticed from the fake blue screen is that it wasn't a very very realistic blue screen for Windows 11 so for people that have any technical knowledge at all they're probably going to figure out really quick that it's a prank so you want to know how to make a real blue screen that will fool them well let me show you okay so the first thing that we need to do is delete this task right here otherwise our computer's going to be blue screening every 5 minutes while I'm trying to film this video so we're going to go ahead and close this and now the next one now this one right here I have to give you a warning on because it could actually cause damage to a computer so use this one with very much care but essentially you go to your start button go ahead and hit reg edit and then from your registry editor right here you want to go go to the local machine and then system and you want to go to current control set then you want to go to Services then from Services you want to go to there's two different ways to do this it's going to depend on whether or not you have a PS2 keyboard or a USB keyboard now I have a USB keyboard so that's the one I'm going to do but I'll go ahead and leave the registry paths in the description for the PS2 and USB keyboard so if you want to do it to either one so for USB keyboard we want to go to kbd hid so we're essentially this is all alphabetical so we go down to K's which I think I may have no there it is K kdb HID right here and then from this one we want to go into parameters and then from parameters we want to create a new dword 32-bit value and this is going to be crash on on control scroll and go ahead and hit enter we want to open this one up right here and we want to set it to one and then hit okay and then once you set this registry key you can go ahead and close the registry and it's done now all you have to do is hit the control key and hit scroll lock twice and it will give you a real blue screen now the only problem with that prank is that it requires a specific key combination to be pressed in order to activate I played around a little bit with a visual ual basic script that could use it to call the control key but I couldn't figure out a way to call the scroll lock key so you could probably make this one work if you installed a program like Auto hotkey and then just create a simple Auto hotkey script that would press control and scroll lock twice to initiate the blue screen once you created the script you could simply use the task sched ruler to execute it this prank though I admit is absolutely diabolical and what would make it even more frustrating is if you had it trigger every like couple of minutes just long enough for your technically knowledgeable friend to not be able to fire up blue screen view to realize that the crash was manually initiated because yeah it really says that in blue screen view however once he figures it out you better run and hide in all seriousness though I would be careful with this one because I played with this one before and I have inadvertently broken windows installs with with it it's probably not a great idea to repeatedly initiate blue screens you know I'm just saying you know now the next prank I have to admit that I have thought about doing for years but I've never actually done it I'm glad I did for this video because I was going through the testing of all these pranks and this is one of the ones that had me laughing the hardest let me show you why it's seriously hilarious okay this one right here is a really really simple prank essentially what we're going to be doing is we're going to going to be manipulating the windows sounds and we're going to be doing it in a way that's actually quite hilarious so the first thing that you need is an actual sound and what could possibly be funnier than fart sounds so as I've got a website right here that has a bunch of wave files you have to do this with wave files you can't use MP3s so go ahead and find some wave files whatever sound that you want to use for this prank so for me it's going to be the fart sound so on this website you can go ahead yeah the these These are absolutely hilarious so I'm going to go ahead and click on the first one right here and actually I guess we have to right click and hit save link as all right we're going to save this into our downloads folder and for this one I'm only going to do the one wave but you can download multiple different ones and change the Sounds in Windows to correspond with different fart sounds if you want or different sounds all together you can have cats or dogs or anything that you want that you think might annoy you're unsuspecting friend or family member so I'm going to go ahead and minimize this and we're going to click on start and we're going to click on sounds we're going to click on change system sounds and that'll open up this screen right here now for this one the what I'm going to do is you can change any sound within Windows close program you can change and for mine I'm actually going to change the open program sound but you can do the print complete the program error you can do notification so every time they get a notification it farts but you can change any sound that you want here I'm going to do open program for the example right here so what you do is you select the system event that you want to change the sound for go ahead and hit browse go to your downloads folder and pick the wave file that you wanted to use and you can hit test and looks like it works now once we hit apply now every time we open a program our computer farts and look at that I did it again I'm sitting here clicking on icons and they're not opening and there we go and my computer's farting at the same time so we're going to go to view and we're going to hit show desktop icon so we can actually do this all right so now as we open up different programs as you can see they are all farting constantly and that's hilar I'm sorry that's hilarious now I don't care who you are but fart sounds make everyone laugh this prank I think would be best done to someone around lots of people imagine your friend sitting at Starbucks with their laptop with it constantly making fart sounds I'm sorry but that's hilarious see now the next one is a super simple prank and it's pretty effective let me show you how to do [Laughter] it okay so the first thing we need to do is turn off turn off the fart sounds because I'm going be laughing this whole video If we don't all right yeah exactly so the way you turn this off is go ahead and go to the event and click on none also if you want you can just go ahead and click on Windows default and hit apply to and then it'll put all the sounds back to default so if you change a lot of sounds you can just change it back to default and then you won't have to go through and change each sound because ultimately whoever you do that prank on is going to be quite upset with you okay so the next one that we're going to look at is essentially this one honestly is is kind of a stupid prank and honestly it's most popular with Android phones but this one here is just simply a broken screen and this one though is a really easy one to start if you want to set up a prank real quick that you don't have a lot of time on the computer so what you do is you just go to YouTube find a broken screen video this one happens to be 10 hours long right here I would make an animated one because it would kind of make it look more realistic and essentially all you do is just make it full screen and then walk away and it'll look like the person's screen's broken so like I said that one can be done really quick so you don't have to have much time with a computer all you have to do is play a video and make it full screen however that prank has been overplayed quite a bit I think mostly through smartphones but I think it's still has some time left on desktops and notebooks now the next prank is one that I have never never thought of before but it's probably one of the most hilarious pranks on this list yes even more hilarious than your computer farting constantly well it's kind of hard to top the fart sounds though really but this one does Come Close let me show you how to do it okay so we're going to exit out of our broken screen prank here and the next one is by manipulating the autocorrect in word and this one honestly is quite hilarious but for this you're going to need word or some other word process proc if you use another word processor you're going to have to figure out how to do this prank from that word processor this one I'm going to do this one from word so in word as you know if you type things it writes that just it's a Word document you know you know how word works I shouldn't have to tell you however what you can do is if you click on file then go down to options all the way down here at the bottom and then you go into proofing and then from proofing you want to go to autocorrect options and then this right here is where you're going to have a lot of fun now for me I'm going to go ahead and write in my name and then it's going to be replaced with Rich is amazing and then we're going to go ahead and hit add and then hit okay and then okay again now as you can see now what I can do is every time I write Rich it's going to automatically say is amazing now there's a bunch of different variations of this prank that you can do like for instance if you go into options into proofing autocorrect we're going to put in U because U is a is a very common word that people use now what you can change this with is you you freaking and then hit add and then hit okay okay now when somebody writes you need to see the you freaking and essentially it will change it every time you write the word it will change it to the autoc correct that you just did now on this one as you can see it looks like it only does it once okay on this one obviously it's because the U has to be capitalized so it is case sensitive so you have to keep that in mind when you're doing this prank so that prank can actually get you into a lot of trouble especially if you played on someone that has a lot of work to do but what makes it even funnier is if they don't notice and they turn that work in okay now that I think about it that prank can actually really lose you friend so be really careful now the next prank I have actually I've had to do service calls because of so if you play this prank on someone don't just leave it so they have to call a technician to fix it let's jump back on the computer and I'll show you how to do it okay so we're going to go ahead and close word here no we don't need to save that now this one's a super simple prank and this is one that you can do with relative Ease on your computer now the ease in which you can do this prank is going to depend on the graphics card on the computer so I'm going to show you the way that works on every computer and then I'll tell you how to do it on certain systems but this one here is essentially flipping the screen upside down now if you right click on your desktop here go into display settings then from display settings you scroll down and you will see right here display orientation is currently landscape now if I change this and I go to landscape flipped it essentially reverts the screen upside down now with this one right here you have to actually say keep changes for it to keep changes otherwise it'll revert back to the regular way right away now at least in a couple of seconds like it just did there now the problem with this one right here is and the reason why this one can kind of be difficult to undo is because as I'll go ahead and do it again here real quick is that your mouse actually changes directions too so right now I'm going to move my mouse up and as you can see it moves down and I'm going to move it down and it moves up so you have to actually use the mouse in the reverse in order to push the keep changes button or you can push the revert button if you want to be a nice friend or if you want to be a me mean friend then hit keep changes now now that one right there there is an easy way to do this and that's going to depend on which graphics card you use now unfortunately on my system I have an Nvidia graphics card and it doesn't work on that but if you have an Intel graphics card then what you can do is you can hit control alt and then your arrow keys to change the landscape either upside if you hit if you hit Control Alt up it will be the regular default Control Alt down will go ahead and give you the landscape flipped but then you can also do portrait and portrait flipped as well and if you do that essentially all that is is sideways which hopefully didn't screw up my screen recording but if it did then I'll figure that out this one is actually even harder to use the mouse because it is really really weird ah there we go okay we made it go automatically now I'm sure that we all have at one point or another actually used that prank it's much easier on computers that have an Intel graphics card because you can just hit control alt and then the arrow keys to to initiate it or to fix it however if you do it with somebody that has an Nvidia or ATI graphics card then you have to actually use the mouse in Reverse to undo it and it's not fun as you saw from the video however this prank is not new with Windows 10 and 11 it dates all the way back to when I was in school however we didn't have simple settings in the windows in order to make it happen I remember years ago in high school in my computer class we had decided to play a prank on our teacher we found a program that you could use to put in the startup on Windows that would essentially do the same thing it would flip the screen upside down we thought this would be hilarious so before class started we booby trapped the teacher's computer and then sat and waited we would play pranks like this all the time and we had a pretty laid-back computer teacher however this one we would definitely get a reaction from at least that's what we were hoping for so he came into class flipped the switch on his computer to turn it on because back then you actually had at power supplies it booted up and the screen flipped as expected now we were expecting at least something but all he did was he stood up he picked up his CRT monitor flipped it over set it down and began class now that I think about it that reaction was probably the best it could have been he essentially owned us but if you want to truly irritate someone this next prank will definitely do it let's jump back on the computer and I'll show you how to do it all right so this next one right here I have to say is probably close to one of my favorites but just because it's an extremely trolling prank so what you're going to need first off is you're going to need to go to YouTube and find the Rick R video now unfortunately I can't play this video for some reason on YouTube because I'll get a copyright strike if I do so I won't actually be able to play the video but I'm going to show you how to be able to Rick Roll one of your friends or family members on their computer and you can do it pretty much whenever you want and as many times as you want which can kind of get really annoying so first thing you're going to need is you're going to need this website address right here so go ahead and copy that and you can go ahead and close YouTube now what you're going to want to do is go ahead and open up a text document so for this we're going to go ahead and open up notepad so we're going to open notepad up and then all we want to type is we want to type a specific command so that command is going to be start Chrome and Then followed by the website address for that YouTube channel if the person you're playing this prank on doesn't have Chrome then you're going to have to figure out how to start whatever browser they have from the command line This is how you start Chrome from the command line so we're going to go ahead and hit file save as and then this is really important right here you want to go ahead and save it in a spot where it's not obvious so you might even throw it in the downloads directory so from here you want to go ahead and name it first so for me I'm just going to name it rick R and then from there we want to change the text document to all files and we want to make sure that the name is going to be CMD and then go ahead and hit save and then we can go ahead and close that so now if we go into our downloads folder at as you can see we have a rickrolled script so when you run that script it Rick rolls you so now how can that actually be useful well it can be useful in the same way we set up a blue screen earlier so we're going to go ahead and hit start we're going to open up task Schuler from task Schuler we want to go into the task library right click and hit create new task from here we want to go ahead and name it I'm just going to name it rick r and then from there we're going to go to triggers hit new and this is going to be exactly the same way we're I'm going to set mine up daily repeat task every five minutes and then go ahead and hit okay and then for actions we want to go new browse and we want to go back to our Rickroll script hit okay okay and then when we run it it will Rick Roll whoever it is that we want to Rick Roll now the thing is is since I set this up for 5 minutes minutes it's going to continue to repeat that every five minutes or to whatever schedule you set it to do it at which is kind of what makes it funny now the nice thing with this prank is that it doesn't have to be the Rick Roll video it could be any YouTube video you want however getting Rook rolled like every five minutes is kind of hilarious in fact I left this one on for a while while I was testing all of these pranks for this video and it still made me laugh every 5 minutes now I saved the most diabolical prank for last I'm telling you use this one with great care because I'm telling you right now with great power comes great responsibility and this prank is absolutely diabolical let's jump on the computer and I'll show you okay so we're going to go ahead and delete this so we don't get Rick Rolled right in the middle of doing this video and we're going to go ahead and close this and close this now I'm I'm not even kidding this one right here this is a diabolical prank it is really messed up and it's going to really mess with someone's productivity if you do this to them but it's kind of one of the reasons that makes it so funny anyway go ahead and kick start we're going to hit reg edit we're going to go ahead and open the registry editor here and then it's saved in the last place we were we're going to go ahead and go to local machine we're going to go to system and then from system we want to go to current control set or control set 001 and then we want to go to control and then from there we want to go to CI and then from CI we want to go into policy and then from policy right here where it says skew policy required we want to open that and change it to one now if you've done this and if you restart this computer what you just did is set this person's computer into Windows S Mode which means they won't be able ble to run any apps that aren't signed by Microsoft and came from the Microsoft store yeah that's mean now remember if you play this prank on someone it's a lot harder to get the computer out of S Mode than it is to put it into S Mode so make sure you give them a link to my video showing how to undo this I'll go ahead and leave that link in the video description below so here's the thing there's two different kinds of people in this World there are those who can take a joke and there are those who can't so you probably want to know what kind of person you're dealing with before you play a prank on them unless of course you don't like them and if that's the fact then and they can't take a joke then it kind of makes it more funny doesn't it also it's probably not a great idea to play these pranks at work because it would really suck to get fired over a joke that would definitely be hard to explain on an unemployment application so what was your reason for being fired well I made a coworker's computer fart every time you click the mouse button you might think that's funny and I kind of agree with you however your it Department doesn't think it's funny but with all that time that you're going to spend fixing people's computers after you play these pranks on them maybe you should try to make a business out of it if that's something you're interested in then check out this video here where I show you tips and tricks on how to make money working on computers because if you're going to be working on them anyway you might as well make some money doing it as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 6,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows pranks, play pranks in microsoft windows, fun computer pranks, computer prank, computer pranks, funny pranks
Id: Nj-rSRuFe1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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