Hikvision camera motion detection settings [ STEP-BY-STEP]

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hello there let's talk today about hike vision camera motion detection settings I have hike vision camera here connected to my switch and the computer is connected to the same switch so I have the image here on my web browser so let's start learning how to set up for motion detection okay so the first thing that I have to check is that you have your SD card here on the camera ready to record because if you're recording into the camera you need to set up the SD card SD card first right so here on the camera I have this is slot when I can open and insert my SD card so it's already there it's already working right so make sure you have yours and then you start setting up other things right what one important thing for the recording part is to have the correct name of the camera as you can see I have the camera's name here so I know which camera I'm is recording right and also here I have the date and time you need to set up the date and time correctly so when you look for the video you have the video there based on date and and time so it's very very important so here in the web browser you just come here to the configuration and then you come to system and system settings and here you have the time settings here for example I have my time zone correct for me here is is third time US and Canada and I have the menu time sync what I usually do is just come here check this this box this box to sync with the computer time when I hit save the camera syncs with the computer and then I have the correct time for the camera you can also use ntp the network time protocol when you select here there's a server address then your camera is going to connect with the server and set the time correctly of course you need to have access to the internet right your camera needs to be connected to the internet here on network you need to come and set up everything here the IP address the subnames the default gateway and El DNS server make sure your camera can communicate with internet if you want to use here the settings for ntp time okay so make sure it's correct everything here for your camera also here on image OSD settings you can select the cameras uh information that you're going to have on the screen name of the camera for example and everything else and also just display what you want right so let me just refresh here because it's not working sometimes it doesn't work just need to refresh it so here we go I have the camera name let's say I want to change here the name for hike vision camera 01 okay that's better right then I hit save as long as I have the name here I can change the position if I want to to and let me just leave here and this information will will be recorded on the image okay so I have it here ready to go and now let's come to the storage part before set up the motion detection you need to come here to the storage make sure that you have the card here on the storage management here for example I have the my card here's the capacity capacity free space the status it's normal the type the formatting type here if you're using fat 32 for example it's readable or readable on a computer so you can remove the card and read on a computer later if you want to so it's pretty important to choose here the correct one and then as long as you have everything correct here then you come to the schedule settings and here you have the option to record by event okay which includes the motion detection for example analytics so make sure you have here based on event from Monday to Sunday 0 to 24 every single day it's based here on event now it's time to come here to the event settings and here you have basic events and smart event depending on the camera that you have you have analytics on the camera depending on the motor right basic event motion detection video tempering when you block your camera for example you put your hand in front of your camera like this you block the vision of your camera that's temporary right and here on Smart event you have different analytics you have scene change detection face detection intrusion detection Line crossing detection an attended baggage detection and also object remove detection okay set up here to working to work every day Monday to Sunday 0 to 24 meaning every day and you can enable or not depending if you want to set up this one right there is some extra things that you have to do here to set up here those analytics right right now you're just using the basic event which is motion so you need to enable motion here and come here and select the area to record right you have some things here to set up area arming schedule and linkage so first starting with area you select the area that you want let's clear all area for example here and start over right if I want to detect a motion on this box only I just select here draw area and select this area to be detected right and then I hit save and I'm good to go with the area so when there's motion here around the camera let's say on the top here for example when I'm moving my hand is not going to detect because it's not into the area right so I need to move my hand here inside of this area so the camera is going to detect that's the idea right and also there's the sensitivity you can adjust here if you go higher here the camera is going to be more sensitive if you go lower here up to zero that way the camera is not going to detect because there is no sensitivity here so usually you come here to 60 it's a good one and I also select your area let me say for example I want to draw another area here I can just draw another one and another one and then any area here that detects movement is going to trig trigger the recording right so let me just select all the area here and hit save now everything that happens here it doesn't matter if I have movement in front of the box or in the monitor or whatever is going to detect the motion okay and something also important here is the arming schedule when your motion detection will work okay so for Monday to Sunday again 0 to 24 every single day and here the linkage method also important if you forget here the camera is not going to record into the SD card at first it comes here uncheck it so we need to come here and check it right so when there's motion because it's enabled there the camera is going to upo to FTP site if you configure the FTP it's not our case here but it's also going to record into the memory card that's what we we want right then you click here you're good to go I'm not sending email right now you can set up that later if you want to but I'm just Ena enabling motion here and linkage method to record on the card hit save and now I'm good to go okay so now if I start making movement in front of the camera like this for example okay let me just come back here to the area settings so we can see that I'm moving my hand in front of the camera I have all the area there so it's going to detect my hand can move this box a different position for example then the camera is going to record all of this okay so later if you're ready to go you come here back to live video you see that you have your camera working and then you want to check the motion right which recorded there into the SD card I have a problem here with the Google Chrome that doesn't show a playback menu so uh work around for this is to use Edge so I have here Edge okay you see Edge has like huge Laten here it's still showing I'm my movement of the camera okay it's a huge Laten here comparing to to Google Chrome right but I'm using as a work around just to have a menu here uh to check the playback so but first it doesn't have the menu I just open Edge then I come here on this three dots and then I select here reload Internet Explorer mode then I just need to log into my camera again here we go and now when it loads you see that I have this playback option and also the latence is not that high anymore okay now it's better a little bit of latence that's normal but not that high you see I move my hand here take a little bit of time to show there but it's good enough okay and now I have this playback option and then now I can see here down here when I have movement I have here the colors to indicate when where's their movement and also the time here I have the date for example today is five January five okay 2024 then when I just click here I can search search for the this day and then I select here what I want okay so here I have some detection I can come here and increase the bar like this then I just click and hold my left the left button of the mouse and I move this right then I move here and I let it go and then I hit play okay now I see what's being played here at 11:31 today at 11:31 okay let me just move a little bit earlier where I did some movements there in front of the camera let's see if you can find some movement that I did before but basically when you set up the motion detection in the area is going to record everything that you do in front of your camera okay you you see here the hike vision camera 01 so it's recorded with the camera's name and also the time right let me just move a little bit here and here I'm just trying to find some movement here but it's there somewhere okay here we go I found my hand what I was moving my hand in front of the camera and then it's being recorded because I did the correct setup okay moving the box and I'm ready to go okay so it's basically working so that's the way you have to set up motion detection on your high vision camera just remember to insert the SD card go to the settings make sure the SD card is working there and then you you correct the date and time and Al the name of the camera and also enable here uh let me just come back here just to recap just need to come to the basic event enable the motion detection here select your area adjust the sensitivity come here to the Army schedule to make sure that are working every day link to the recording to the SD card okay as long as you have the SD card here working on your storage it's enabl and also it's recording by event okay you need to check all of this to make sure that it's working for your camera okay so I hope you like this video I hope it helps okay and if you like it please subscribe to this channel leave your thumbs up and your comments and I see you in the next one
Channel: Best Security Devices
Views: 1,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikvision camera motion detection settings, hikvision, motion detection
Id: jjqaK29wynY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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