Hikaru Reacts to the Weirdest Moments at Candidates

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[Music] it is kind of very tricky structure I didn't see this before this is good look at this just few this is [Music] great what is this video craziest moments from the canid I don't think I've seen this one either what is this um there we go let's watch this [Music] one I mean You' probably this 100 times that's not even weird the problem for neppo is he actually he can't shake my hand though he can't shake my hand here because he's holding a trophy he's going to the trophy is going to drop and break if he tries to If he tries to shake my hand the trophy is going to drop and break so like this isn't actually awkward if he had nothing in his hand it would be awkward but he's going to drop his trophy and it's going to shatter like Max for stappen trophy when he won that uh one won one of the F1 Grand Prix so it's not actually that weird it's just not that weird I mean you've probably been asked this a 100 times before but um is there anyone you would like to face or not like to face um in the world championship match or do you literally not even [Laughter] care no obviously I care um I I'm J the CH so I have questions for you uh don't the Don by the way look at look at te te has a side eye here this actually I I hadn't seen this before I I didn't see this before but look at te's side eye there as as ding's getting asked the question don't when so right now I will talk in English when everybody in the stas so uh what you can recommend of the chess kids who want to be strong chess player uh sorry can you speak your again sorry I don't speak I don't know Chinese s uh can speak you I repeat your question again very sorry okay of our of our players of our Champions there's one of the Gladiators himself uh famous moment looking pretty in that in that suit I I I even have it right here I can just start taking out all my cards right start taking them all out right I can just start taking them all out um anyway yeah I didn't even I that's hilarious okay um yeah okay let's keep going metal detector you know that's like you got the C he car showing his credit cards ah he has a metal credit card yes of course that's what happens when you're rocking an American Express black card hiard when you got the black card it's a metal card so you have to give it all away that's what's happening now so I'm not going to lie Hikaru I know a Hikaru and that is not a happy Hikaru about what he is being grilled about right now he's like look it's a wallet it's a metal credit card I'm going through every single thing here I'm not too thrilled about the fact that I'm being tortured about this and also I think that F had a request for him to I I have it right here dress differently all right thank you so much and good luck for tomorrow M all right ding thanks so much that it was a tough game and uh see you soon yep game and uh see you [Music] soon oh here we go yes that was a good one actually that's that's very good that's a good [Music] one yeah I'm like why is neppo have a queen for Queen why why is neppo just winning here [Music] basically [Music] yep absolute disgust agree okay he's he's played Knight D4 he's played Knight D4 okay okay it's warming up do you think black's going to accept this sacrifice or is he going to play it safe by moving the night away I I would be very surprised if he doesn't play Knight Knight B6 here mhm let's go back just a bit what really happened which is quite unbelievable and right now Fabby cannot spend yeah the reason for this is because I saw Fabby I remember this was game against dingler and he was just up a pond better the whole way and then somehow I came back and look and he's suddenly losing the game I'm like what what's going on here time and energy blaming himself yeah I was like wait how do how do how do he turn from that will happen and it will be very hard to continue the attack so I never I really never like struct look like [Music] it is kind of very tricky structure I didn't see this before this is good at this just few this is great things will happen and it will be very hard to continue the attack so I never I really never like the structure [Music] like it is kind of very tricky structure no it's not H2 of course looks very strange but it's a plan i' I've seen in very similar positions [Applause] isn't two porns what's so weird about that that doesn't seem weird at all first who do you think is in charge here um if anyone I think having an extra Queen is pretty nice yeah uh and on another note you used to be uh streaming quite some do you have plans to resume maybe not not today tomorrow not tomorrow all right um have you ever fired a second why would you ask this thanks all again thank you his prep has been Stella throughout the tournament here once again night H4 rare move surprised by he saying I couldn't calculate anymore I played seven hours yesterday and lost what do you want from me leave me alone I'm not sure those are his exact words and the Arbiter is saying shut up guys still other games you might be leading doesn't mean you can disturb the others uh regarding the game uh what made you choose this opening today uh I don't know I just chose it in the moment I didn't um really look at chess after yesterday's game I didn't even open Chess base actually so I figured um yeah I saw that he played E4 E5 Knight F3 okay nice F F6 so I figured um it will be hard to lose in 15 moves if I protect the pawn desperation or some some some sort from my side of of trying to get a game without opening Theory that's good good so I guess you can do this any day on this level but usually it's not supposed to pay off so true oh there a reaction of humans earlier [Music] yeah you throw away his chance in that going to that last round so eight we have DT E5 the car with a little R smile there we have it he certainly expected it and why not and Yan and hikaro they're looking at each other he's sipping his se but this game is over and Yan pomu will move to eight and a half out of 12 Yan trying to at least wait for the photographers to leave before the game ends I don't think it's happening we're about to see a draw with the Queens going back and forth as we have been highlighting Qui draw White Queen goes here and the reason why this game is a draw is that Black's best bet is to follow the White Queen and wow I mean this is just this the result both players I guess W might repeat this tomorrow I mean he's got a second white and I think that iaru he's probably going to get the brunt of the negative fan reactions and the kind of form that he's in against the Sicilian there's drawing lines in virtually every variation of the open Sicilian we have our handshake there there is no opening save something incredibly dubious that would allow Hikaru to guarantee the ability play for a win and what I would say is it's not hi car's fault that Richard report Al of FIA went all in wait I I'm confused wait he say that I would get the run I'm the one playing the black pizzas what I must be missing something that's very strange take by Daniel I I had never heard that before that's very very weird very weird again TI pishi first report take a draw could have then ala FIA just threw his kingside pawns forward and found his King in danger so it's not way of the field and for a car he needs to do what's best for himself yeah a little bit strange little bit strange honestly I kind of confused by that take by Daniel I had heard that before um no Robert's absolutely right no it was definitely um that was definitely a situation where I could have taken a risk but if I if I had taken a risk with Oli Reser or Richard Rapport had against Yan and lost that game it would have been people would have been actually been like what are you doing why why are you playing like you just threw away a game just like everybody else everyone's throwing games in Neo for no reason so um but yeah anyway that was okay it wasn't wasn't uh super crazy it was still a video to watch [Music] so
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 224,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: L_Fg_2ReOWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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