Highway Patrol 30 in Desperate Men

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whenever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action it may be called the state police state troopers militia the Rangers or the Highway Patrol these are the stories of the men whose training skill and courage have been forced and preserved our state laws one of the most critical problems faced by police is that in which armed and desperate criminals are cornered but not yet captured the Highway Patrol faced two such men so precise was there split-second timing but in September and October of last year the team accomplished eight daring major robberies the report received at Highway Patrol headquarters was quickly relayed to units patrolling nearby and to Dan Matthews and Sergeant Williams within minutes patrol cars began to converge on the area cops already four of them come on this way we're closing in on a Steve you can't take much - really I mean either let's at a hospital and we can take one of those cards I'll see okay to make the trafficker are we gonna do another chance to go very far on foot the full places around another minute moving in towards the Senate you're going over there we're going in here watch yourself they kill the cashier the trip the alarm shot to watch and they won't be using I know Steve we don't stand a chance out in the open like this yeah you gotta get out of sight come on we're going inside inside where the hospital can lay low in the basement maybe we'll get stuck hey you men aren't allowed here that I hate them all the head what is this a stick-up game rascal you're making a mistake there's nothing down here but machine what do you want anyway peace and quiet cooperate you won't get hurt they point peep and I'll drop you anybody else go to show up here no except a night man and he comes on duty at 8:00 it's gonna be dark by then run over and sit down with a geek accompany go I get going e'tenday'eh hell if they start a fight I won't they started right here yeah they get notice big homes long fun and we kind of tough hey that was Larabee so much me up they've been spotted they're in the hospital are you sure a man have to hold up followed him when they ran and kept him in sight all away you're maybe so I'm go in the building and came looking for us I left you back there we'll go of it you get something around the building keep it down don't start a panic yeah I'm going to find the doctor in charge keep an eye on things Louie Williams gets it right guess what I went in that's right you better cover the back stay here mr. Matthews right the receptionist called said you want to see me I'm dr. Potter won't you come in thank you doctor we need your help we're pretty sure they're a couple of killers hiding in this building here in the hospital yeah they pulled a robbery a little while ago killed one man and wanted another they came through that Grove in the back around the side in the side door but why here any port in the storm they were cornered what can we do look doc we got to find on their arm they won't be afraid to kill again then you intend to search the building that's right with a little noise as possible but we need your help it's gonna be okay Gabe yes I'll send them in two of your officers are here all crime men are moving the position it's good well doctor this sergeant Williams of patrolman Larabee are you okay doctor our minute surrounded the building there's one thing working on our favor I don't think these guys want trouble I think they want a quiet place to hide I think you and I ought to visit the wards my men will check the basement good you mental need a set of keys no no that's all right we'll just check what's open right now we don't fight anything we'll dig deeper now look we just want to find these guys we want to find it unless we have to have you got it okay we'll be careful right come on Doc let's cool hey you all these gadgets working okay of course we are how can you tell get over and check them I don't even going wrong that might attract attention automatic caps two of them there's another way are you doing just waiting it was staking out the place it's filled up but it's no help to you and they know we were here I'm very guessing maybe searching the place take a look at the huh Steve they're right out there in the hall they're in the boiler room when they spineless you tell math you don't make a sound they busting you get it first they see you yeah we're in for it now they can hit us from two sides we can't hold out in here maybe a lot longer than you think I only stole the surgery in laboratory and the labs of possibility they down the boiler room they know we saw that's the word alone how many men you got new boiler room crew one man the engineer Logan they're probably holding him hostage the hospital standpoint they couldn't have picked a worse room what do you mean let's call the boiler room but actually it's much more than that it controls not only heat and water but the ventilating system and all our entire electrical power they can cut off the oxygen tents incubators why they can do a disastrous amount of damage from that room if they discover it they'll discover it as Dan Matthews and men of the Highway Patrol studied the problem of capturing the killer's cornered in the hospital boiler room Steve Dorn already was planning how to exploit his capacity for destruction in a bargain for freedom it's the patience I'm worried about some of the cases can't be moved even the noise of a gun pipe could be dangerous what about teargas no that's how the bullets are down in the basement with a tear gas coming through every vent in the hospital what's the worst that happens if the power gets cut off well it depends I've cancelled all but emergency surgery there's a boy in an iron lung I get ready to put that on battery break the rest of your staff these two guys are trapping they know what you can't tell what they'll do in retaliation I think it explode the boilers can we turn off the fuel oh there's a three-day supply held for emergency and a tank down there we don't have to worry about that for a while you guys take another look send for your doctors and nurses would getting jumpy why don't they start because they don't know where to stud which is just fine yeah I know so it's Johnson I'll let you put them in position whining on the stuff gets here I'll be inside okay okay what's this pressure who was it take to get it up to here can't get up that high the safety battle opening suppose it gets stuck can't stick kids never had a boil is blowing up what's all that stuff over there switches circuit breakers you would want to see anything happen to you or always would they you want to sit on are you after an education you'll get us out of here without any bullet holes you better ask those cops for just tell those cops make a deal bill evil is sick people repeating upon all this stuff in us and he ready to smash it up will sit up and listen get my work it will work we need a floor plan on the blood a room are they got a phone down there yes one one eight in fact I was about to suggest it I felt that their situation these men might surrender if given the chance they'll get a chance we don't expect too much what I want to get it's a lot into thinking yeah never mind who this is mister Highway Patrol just speak your piece and the building surrounded get them got a chance to escape for your own sake and the sake of a lot of fitness and people come on out with your hands up very touching now you listen to me copper you and your men pull out of here I mean all the way out then we'll come out well I've Logan with us so don't try to follow us first sign of trouble we not walking off that's my deal and if I turn it down you and all those innocent people you're so worried about we'll be real sorry take ten copper tuck it open you've got to agree to what they say there's no choice you don't make deals with guys like that even if you did you still wouldn't save Logan that's one person's welfare against all these others at least they'd be away from the hospital plug doctor they've got all the vital controls down there now they may start blowing up things endangering your whole Hospital just to cover their getaway we can't take that chance maybe we can fake it make it look good well the rifles are here if they both come out of that boiler room at the same time we can get them all right can let's pull back maybe they'll take the bait I told you don't do that hey Steve come here it was a cop by that tree all the time he's gone yeah Ellen's going to-- it's been 12 minutes maybe they bought the deal didn't they tell you check the door no one's come on yet okay nothing yet there's nobody on the whole now they must have pulled out smile on your feet time take a little ride we all can't go at once you wait holy one of them's come on so far look there's an orderly what's he doing out here is it yourself killed hey you get back get back it's a trap as a patrol car over in the trees all right move the men back into position what's wrong looks like they saw us they went back in the boiler room see if they got that floor plan yet with you call all units get him here in the double you and Larabee come in here well it's wide open Hannah safety valves there's no way to do that you better think of a way Logan and fast it's ten they'll know we mean business I hear the boilers right here power panels over here don't risk a shot too far little left that's all you have to worry about Thanks see what's this out here and that's a pipeline of some conduit litem appointment take a look it's a whole bunch of you got water power in the phone cable if it works right here and sounds like a tunnel that runs right from the borders right out to the street take a look where it comes out in the boiler room right here now we can get one of them to go to the phone that'll be a shot for Larrabee and if at the same time we can decoy one a motor toward this outside door I'll be right behind him in a tunnel can you just want it I guess I did it that IC thing look at the manhole I'll see what I can do premier we're getting live steam from some of the hot water faucets getting an iron lung upstairs we should have thought of that emergency generator yes that's what it is all right they can knock it out any time they choose we've got to get them out of there a doctor's tunnel what cup is this end in the boiler room can be open from inside the tunnel it's just a panel in the wall I can't remember well we're gonna have to take a chance on seeding find somebody who knows something about it with Matthews listen we're gonna die anyway so we intend to take along as many as possible well is it going to full blast and safety valves a bullet boom maybe a terrible mess when it blows it's your responsibility you got a few minutes copper so think faster call me back robot said Larabee's gonna be on the other end of the line I'll be here and you'll be in the middle we're gambling you can open that panel from the inside hell I hope we're lucky alright you won't be able to talk in there but tap on your mouthpiece when you get to the panel repeat when you see your target okay you got that - Larrabee ready here sorry you got an angle on that boiler room phone how is it open and dead center well I haven't heard from Williams yet all right stand by hello you Internet the butters I pull all my min away you're free you can go now we won't try and stop you you try to Travis before how do I know you're telling the truth just take my word for it if taking a go check the door don't fire fire coffee on you think better on each wall not everything's okay downstairs how was it here no one complained an ulcer she demands you stop cars from backfiring in a hospital zone it's nerve-racking well she's got a point tell her we'll work on it with see Highway Patrol next week until then remember leave your blood at the Red Cross or your community blood bank not on the highway this is Broderick Crawford saying see you next week you
Channel: Foxeema Classic TV 2
Views: 172,898
Rating: 4.7716389 out of 5
Keywords: Highway Patrol (TV Program), 1950s, Classic
Id: RpE19-quNC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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