Highline Excel 2016 Class 17: How to Build Excel Dashboard PivotTable, Chart, Conditional Formatting

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Welcome to HighLine Excel 2016, Class Video Number 17. If you want to download this Excel workbook file, Business 218 Video 7 Start. There's also the finished file. There's also PDF files, and the zipped folder with text files we're going to need for the dashboard project. You can click on the link below the video. Wow this is a video about how to build dashboards. We're going to have pivot tables, charts, conditional formatting. Our data will be stored in the data model. And we're going to get to see our first DAX formula, which are formulas for pivot tables. Here's our entire list of all the steps in building our dashboard. I want to go over to the finished file and click on the Dashboard Sheet. Here's what we want to try and accomplish. Here's a slicer And when I click on 2017, my line chart for revenue for all the months, my bar chart for the different sales reps and the revenue amount, and my cross-tabulated table with product and region, and our conditional formatting all will change when we click on the slicer. Not only that, but one of the hallmarks of a dashboard is when new data becomes available, I can simply refresh. And I'm going to use the keyboard Control-Alt-F5. And now there's a lot of data being imported. And there are data source has been updated with 2018 and instantly appears in our slicer and all of our charts, cross-tabulated pivot table, and our conditional formatting. All can see that. All right let's go and create this dashboard. We're going to go to the Start file and I actually want to look at the sheet notes just for a moment. A dashboard is simply a data visualization that presents useful information and metrics that will update automatically when new data become available. Dashboards can contain various types of visualizations from tables of data charts, data validation pictures, or other visualizations. Now let's go over to the sheet Dashboard. Now step one is connecting to the data source. And actually before we do that, let's go back to the topics sheet here. We have a lot of steps here in creating this dashboard. We have to import the data. We have to clean the data. We have to create four different pivot tables, two different charts, and some important formulas. So this is a lot of steps that go into creating this dashboard. Let's go over to Dashboard sheet. And step one is to import the data. And we are going to use data in Get & Transform. But before we do that, let's go look at Windows Explorer and look at the folder and files that we're going to import. Now when you download this, you download the zipped version of video 17 import files. When you unzip it, there will be a Start folder and a 2018 text file. I'm going to double click to open up and look at what's in the Start folder. Because these are the files that we're going to import to start building our data model, our pivot tables, charts and so on. Later we'll update this folder with the latest data. And then everything will update inside of Excel. Now, why text files? Text files are often used to communicate between data storage system or systems that use the data. So the 2016 and '17 data was exported into this text format. All right, I'm going to click the Back button. When we are over in Excel, we're actually going to point Excel to that Start folder. Right now there's only two files in there, but later when we add more files to that folder, Excel will automatically see them and import them when we refresh. All right let's go over to Excel. Now to import those text files, we go to Data. And Get & Transform. Now Get & Transform group in the new query we're going to use this is all new in Excel 2016. This whole group right here used to be a separate tab called Power Query. And you used to have to download it and install the add-in. But in 2016 Get & Transform is our Power Query. We go to New Query from File and down here from Folder. Our browse window will open up. Click Browse. Now there's our first folder. And we want to select the Start folder. What were telling Power Query is please import all files from inside that folder. When I click OK, click OK. If you get this intermediate step, click Edit. We get inside our power query editor. We get a list of all of the files and information about the files. Now we want to come over here and be sure and name it. We always want to name our query and the table that will be imported into the data model a smart name. So I'm going to call this something like Transaction Table and Enter. If we need to come back and edit our query, that's the name of the query. Later this will be the name of the table and the data model. Now we are importing only text files. If we had other types of filing we needed to filter them out, we would use this Filter button. But we don't. We're only going to have text files in that folder. So we're not going to need any of these columns. I come to the Content column. Right click, Remove Other Columns. And instantly they're all gone. Now watch this, our steps for our query are being memorized over here. Later when we need to refresh because there's new data, these steps will automatically be repeated. Now content, there's this little double downward pointing arrow. We click on this to expand our text files and check that out. There's all of our columns. Now part of the import process is also cleaning our data and transforming it. Now there's a bunch of columns we don't need. Transaction number we don't need, so I'm going to click on that. Before I click on website, I'm going to hold the Control key because I don't need that column either. Then I'm holding Control units, discount, price. All of these columns we do not need. Particularly with big data, you want to remove any extra data that you don't need. Now I'm going to right click, Remove Columns. Now look over here. We have a bunch of steps memorized, including Promote Headers. It actually took the text file and the very first record it promoted as the headers. Now one problem is we have multiple files. And each one of those files have the same field names. So way down on the bottom of our data set, there are some rogue or extra field names we don't need. The field names down below in the dataset are being treated as a record. So we're going to come up to one of the columns. And I'm going to pick the column with the fewest number of unique records, and I'm going to filter out that extra field name. So I'm going to click the drop down. Now one thing that happens with large data is this filter list displayed, it says, list may be incomplete. So please click the Load More. For larger datasets that takes a while, right? But instantly now we see a unique list. And there's our field name that's listed down below. By unchecking this, we're going to filter out type in the Type column. It will also filter out the entire record which means it will filter out the extra field names in the tables listed below. Now when I click OK, that step is memorized over here. When we re-run this, anytime we add new tables, that step right there will filter out the extra field names. Now, there's one other bit of data we want to filter out. The Try Fly product does not very many transactions, not much revenue. And we don't want to analyze that particular product. But I'm actually going to make a mistake and forget to filter it out. And later after we create our charts and pivot tables, we'll notice our mistake. We'll actually come back to this query, edit it, click Refresh. And everything will update. So one amazing thing about power query is all of these steps for importing, transforming, and cleaning are memorized, whether we add new files, or need to come back here later to refine our cleaning and transforming. That makes power query amazing. Now we want to do one last thing, which is check each column. We want to check the data type to make sure we got the right data type. Date and time is perfect. These ones are text. Each one of them looks like text. And this one is decimal number. Now sometimes when you have numbers, you'll see that they show up as text and that causes big trouble later on if you try to build pivot tables. So you want to make sure and check that initially. If you forget, you can always come back and edit later. All right now we're ready to load this and I'm not going to click Close and Load right there. I want to click Close and Load 2, because we want to send this to the data model. Now by default it says Table. We do not want to dump this data into a table. We want to say only create a connection and then come down and check Add This to the Data Model. Now there's a bunch of advantages to the data model. In particular, if you have a lot of data, you don't want to load it into Excel sheet in a table, because it takes up a lot of space. Not only that but there's a lot of efficiencies and we'll see for the first time in this video formulas that we can create in the data model. You can build relationships between tables. We saw that in an earlier video. So we're dumping it into the data model, only create a connection data model. Let's click Load. We could see over here on the right there's our table, 5,918 records. Now we want to go look at the data model. We can either go to Data and there's our managed data model or power pivot and manage data model. And there is our table. One, two, three, four, five, six columns got imported. We can see there's our name. That's the name of the table on the data model it's also the name of our query. There's the number of records. Earlier in the class, we actually went to diagram view because we had multiple tables and we needed to create a relationship. In this video we have just one table. Now we're actually going to analyze revenue and we'll analyze it based on year, and month, sales rep region, and product. Now we'll come back to the data model later and look at formulas and also some extra columns that are going to be added to our table here when we group in the pivot table. Now I want to create our first pivot table. So I'm going to click this. I definitely want on a new sheet. Click OK. I'm immediately going to come and double click and name this sheet MonthReport and Enter. Now our first pivot table is going to-- and I'm going to drag the fill list over here-- is going to be a year and month revenue report. Now this table and all of the fields are from the data model. In earlier versions before Excel 2016, we were not allowed to group a date field if it was from the data model. We actually had to build a calendar table and build a relationship. Now there are still huge advantages to building the calendar table and relationships. Because a lot of that time intelligence functions and for big data, it has some calculation advantages. But if you have a single table with a date column in the data model, it would be pretty convenient to simply drag this down to Rows and be able to group it. Well they added that feature in Excel 2016. So watch this. Brand new, if I drag a date field from the data model down to rows, watch this. It takes a second, because it actually creates a bunch of new columns over in the data model. But there it is, year and month. I can drag the quarter off. I don't need this date and time either. If I come over and right-click Expand, Expand Entire Field. There that is simply amazing that the data model can now group by month and year. Now in the last week of our class, we'll talk a lot more about the data model. And we will see the advantages to a calendar table. But if you have a single table in your data model and you want to automatically group by month and year, that is beautiful that they added this. Now let's go look at the data model. Alt-Tab, there it is. One, two, three, four extra columns. That is pretty amazing to simply drag and drop. We don't ever even have to know anything about these columns, right? We're just using the data model because it's efficient for various reasons. And boom, there it is. Now our next step is instead of clicking and dragging net revenue down to values and using the built in sum function inside the pivot table, which is by the way called an implicit calculation, we want to explicitly build a formula that will calculate net revenue. Now this is the first time we're going to see a DAX formula. These are formulas specifically built for pivot tables that exist in the data model only. The advantage that we will see in this video is that a new field will be added called revenue in our case, because we'll name it revenue. And we will create the calculation and add the number formatting. And when we drag this field to multiple pivot tables, it will automatically calculate and automatically have the number formatting. Now again later in this class we'll learn more about DAX formulas and different functions. But here, this is the Power Pivot ribbon tab calculations. And oh, they're called measures, which are really formulas. Now I want to go over to the notes because there's some terminology we want to talk about Pivot tax measures are really formulas for pivot tables. Now what does DAX mean? It means Data Analysis Expressions. Expressions is a synonym for formulas. And because what we're doing is data analysis or business intelligence, they call them D-A and the X comes from the second letter in expressions. Now you have to have Power Pivot to create these DAX measures. We want to mention the different words that mean formulas in a pivot table. You might see DAX formulas, as you might see DAX measures. You might hear just measures, just DAX. You might hear calculated columns. Because Microsoft in 2010 had an add-in for Power Pivot called measures. Then when they introduced Excel 2013, they changed the name to Calculated Columns. And now that we're back in the new 2016 Excel, they called it measures again. So any of these words you might see. But all they mean is we're building a formula for our pivot table. Now DAX measures are amazing because they calculate very fast on big data. We can create a formula once and add it to as many pivot tables as we want. The number formatting we actually add at the moment that we create the formula and then it actually gets carried around with the formula. So whenever you use it, the number formatting is there. And then there are many more functions in DAX formula language than there are in a normal pivot table. Now let's go back over to monthly report. Now, here it is, Power Pivot ribbon tab. We go to Measures, New Measure. Now there's the table name. And that's important because whatever table you attach this formula to, that's the field list that it will show up in in your pivot table field list. It also will be stored in the data model over below the table and we'll look at that after we create it. The measure name, this is the name that will show up in the field list. So I'm just going to call it Revenue. Tab, and description, DAX measure to add total net revenue. And then I come down here and I'm going to type S-U-M. Just like over in Excel, you'll get a drop down when you type the letter. We want the Sum function. I'm going to type an open parentheses. And check that out. Here down a little bit further, there's our table inside the data model. Notice table name and then in square brackets, there's our field names. This is just like our table formula nomenclature that we've been using with our Excel table feature throughout the class. That's the one we want. Once we select it we can hit Tab. You can also once we say Open Parentheses, we can use our arrow keys to arrow down. Once you find the field you want, you can hit Tab, then close parentheses. Now we come down here. I absolutely love this about our DAX formula is we can attach a number formatting I'm going to say, hey, zero decimal places, because this is a high level report. When I click OK, there's going to be a new formula that automatically gets dumped into our pivot table. It shows up over here in the field list. Let's see if I can drag down the bottom. And there it is. In 2016 they even have an icon to say, this is a function. In earlier versions they didn't have that f of x. And if we go look at our data model-- and I'm using Alt-Tab-- there it is, down below the table. If you click here, you can see the formula up here. You could actually just come over and create them over here. If you create them over here, you create the actual field name of colon, an equal sign, and then your formula. We will actually do that a lot in the last week of our class. All right, let's go back go over to our pivot table. So there it is. Now I'm actually not going to change the report layout to show field names. I'm just going to type the name, month, year, and Enter. Now this pivot table is actually not going to be part of our final dashboard. But the slicer that's attached to it and the chart are going to be used by our dashboard. Now I want to add a slicer to this. So I'm going to come up to the analyze. Insert slicer. And I'm going to select date, time, year, and click OK. Now I'm going to format this a little bit, change the size. And I'm anticipating that later I'm going to add more years. So I'm going to come up to Columns and say, two, three columns, resize it a bit. And now of course we can use our slicer to select only a particular year, filtering our data set. And our pivot table shows only 2016. We can un-filter it. Now we want to build a line chart. Let's go up to Insert over to the chart group. And I'm going to select the 2D line. Now I'm going to drag the chart over here, right click. I'm going to say Hide All Field Buttons on the chart. I'm going to click on the legend and delete. Click on the title I'm just going to type revenue and Enter. Now we can see of course this is a chart attached to our pivot table. So when we filter it, instantly the chart is filtered also. All right, now we want to make sure and come over to our pivot table. And we're going to actually attach this slicer to four different pivot tables. So we want to name each pivot table, right click the pivot table. Pivot Table Options. Up at the top I'm going to name it, MonthPivot and Enter. Now we have our two objects slicer. I'm going to hold Control and click on our slicer and our chart. Control-X to cut. I'm going to come over to the dashboard and Control-V Now all we're doing is loading up our two objects, the slicer and our line chart for revenue over month and year on the dashboard sheet. Later we'll create a couple more visualizations and bring them to this sheet. Now I'm going to control and roll the wheel on my mouse. Now we need to create our second and third pivot table on a new sheet. And I need to access the data model. Now I could go back to the data model and click that pivot table button. But watch this. This is an amazing new option in 2016. Insert Pivot Table, or we use our keyboard Alt-N-V. And there it is. It's even the default because we have stuff in our data model. Now in earlier versions this option wasn't there. You'd actually have to click here and go to Choose Connections. But I love that. Now we definitely want it on a new worksheet. So use this workbooks data model, new worksheet, click OK or hit Enter. Now I'm immediately going to double click and call this sheet SalesRepReport and Enter. Now here's the same data model table. I'm going to drag SalesRep down to row. Instantly I get a unique list. And watch this. This is amazing. There's our formula. I'm going to drag it down to Values. Instantly it is the sum DAX formula and our number formatting. Now I will change this one Design, Report Layout, Show in Tabular. Actually that doesn't matter so much because this pivot table won't show up in our Dashboard. But I like to be explicit and have the field name. Now we need to create a bar chart. Insert over to the column. And down here 2D Bar. We can drag this over to the side. Drag the pivot table, or PivotChart Fields list off to the side. Right click Hide All Field buttons. Delete the legend. Delete the horizontal axis. Come up to the green plus I want to say data labels. Now I'm going to click on the data labels, Control-1. I'm going to move this one over here, just for the time being. I want to say inside end. Now with those labels still selected, I'm going to go to Home and choose Font. There's a bunch of different places we can get font. I'm going to choose white. Now I want to click on the columns and over here I could see already have my gap width. I want to highlight the gap width. Now this is categorical data. So we cannot reduce it to zero. That's only for histograms where we have an upper and lower limit and nothing in between. But I do want to decrease the gap width, so I'm going to type 50 and Enter. Now I'm going to click on the vertical grid lines, Delete. Now I would like to attach this chart and this pivot table to that slicer. But any time I change the slicer, there's not going to be a label up here that says sales rep, revenue, and the year. Because our year is not in the pivot table. So we're going to learn a little trick. Now remember the month report sheet and sales rep report sheet are not part of our final dashboard. They are just sheets behind the scenes, generating the summarized data for our visualization. So I'm going to create a second pivot table right here and only add the year field, Alt-N-V to open up our Create Pivot Table dialogue box. There it is. Use this Workbooks Data Model, Existing Sheet E1, Click OK. Now here's our field list. Watch this, I'm going to simply drag the year down to the filter area. Now right now, I could use the filter drop down and select various years. But that's not what I want to do. I actually want to attach both of these pivot tables to that slicer. So I'm very carefully going to name each one of these. Right click, Pivot Table Options. Up at the top, I'm going to call this SalesRepPivot and Enter. I'm going to click in this one, right click Pivot Table Options and we'll call this YearPivot, Enter. Now I want to go over to the dashboard because remember our slicer is over here. Right click the slicer. Report Connections. And now we have named our pivot tables. [? Right now ?] I'm going to check them all. Click OK. Now I'm going to select 17. Sure enough, of course it governed this. But it's also governing what happens over in this pivot table, In this pivot table, and in this chart. Now the problem, of course, is for this visualization I actually want a chart title that includes the year. So right in the cells over here, I'm going to type a label, ChartTitle colon, and then we'll make our formula that we're going to use in our chart as our chart title right here. Equals and then double quotes sales revenue space dash and double quotes ampersand. And I'm going to adjoin it to this pivot table. Now think about this. This Formula is linked to that pivot table, which is linked to the slicer. So when I hit Enter, any time I change the slicer, which will be on our dashboard right? 2016. That pivot table changes. That label changes. Now we can connect this chart title to that cell solid line around the chart title equal sign shoots me up to the formula bar. And I click on cell E5 and Enter. Now the slicer is going to govern everything. This is our finished visualization from this pivot table. All of this is just sitting on this SalesRepReport sheet, generating the data and visualizations that we want. All right I'm going to click Control-X, come over the dashboard sheet and over to the side. Control-V, And we're just loading things up. We still have one more cross-tabulated pivot table we want to create. Alt-N-V. Use this workbooks data model, New Worksheet, click OK or hit Enter. I'm immediately going to come down and call this CrossTabReport and Enter. Now our pivot table field list is right here. I'm going to Expand and I want to drag product down to Rows, region down to Columns. And there is our DAX sum function with number formatting. And I drag it down to values. And look at that. There is our pivot table. I immediately want to go up to Design, Report Layout Show in Outline. I actually want the field names, but I don't want any of the borders. Now I want to drag the year field. So right here, I want to drag it down to the filter. We're going to do the same trick. We're going to name this pivot table, which of course is part of that filter and connected to the slicer. So then this pivot table will also be governed by that slicer. We need to name this. Right click, Pivot Table Options. I'm going to call it CrossTabPivot and Enter. Now I'm going to go over to the dashboard and the slicer I'm going to right click, Report Connections, and check that cross tab pivot. Click OK. And so now when we go back over here, it should be sliced or filtered by that slicer 2016. Now our last step for this cross tab is to add conditional formatting for the top 20 values. I'm going to click in a single cell. Home, Conditional Formatting, Top Bottom Rules, Top 10. Now let's change this to 20. And I'm going to add some custom formatting, try to make it blue like the rest of the dashboard. Fill, I'm going to try something like that blue right there. I'm going to change the font to bold. Click OK. Click OK. Now it only appears in one cell, but that little smart tag only appears when you apply conditional formatting in a pivot table. So I click on that, and I can say Selected Cells, all cells showing revenue I want all cells showing revenue values for product and region. And instantly, the top 20 are highlighted. When we slice this, that conditional formatting will change. Now I want to leave this pivot table over here, but I do want to copy and paste it onto our dashboard. So we're going to learn how to copy in this case a pivot table in some cells. But you could highlight anything you want in Excel. Cells, charts, whatever. And when you copy it and go over to paste it, instead of using Control-V, I'm going to go up to clipboard paste drop down or right down here at the bottom, it says Linked Picture. That is amazing. This is just a picture here. Now notice when I move it it's got translucent. So I want to add some white fill. Click on that picture, Control-1 to open up the Task pane. I'm going to move the Task pane over here. I'm going to say, Fill Solid, and change it to white. Now we can arrange and finish our dashboard. What I'd like to do is highlight a bunch of cells more than I'm going to actually need. And add a background color. I'm going to click the light blue here. Click off to the side. Now we can arrange-- and I see one little problem right here. I think I'm going to go back over since this is the picture, I'm going to go back over to that sheet. I actually want those cells right there to be the same color as these cells. So I'm going to go back over to cross tab report. I'm first going to turn off the grid lines, View Grid Lines. Then I'm going to highlight. And if I can remember what color I used, that's going to highlight those. Remember, this is just our input for our dashboard. Home, Fill Color. And sure enough, there it is, the actual fill color I just used. So boop. And now if I go back over here, of course because it is a linked picture, it updates. Now I'd like to make both charts the same size. So I'm going to click on one of them, go up to Pivot Chart Tools, Format. And over here I'm looking at size three inch. and I'm going to change this one to five inch and Enter. Now I'm going to click on the second chart and do the same thing, five inch and Enter. Now if I click on both of the charts, I could come up to Format and Align. I guess I'm going to Align Top. Now I'm going to move this picture. Now with this picture selected, I'm going to select this chart and say drawing tools Align and let's say Left. I'm going to move this chart a little bit closer. I should have aligned it first. Align and we'll do Top. I'm going to move the edge right so it's almost even, move the slicer over here, maybe right in the middle. And I'm going to add [? Boom ?] Incorporated period, Control-Enter. Change the font size to 20, Control-B. So we can control and roll our wheel. Close these task panes here. Highlight and we can go to View Zoom to Selection, or-- I do this all the time-- Alt-W-G. I'm going to click somewhere down below. And there is our slicer. We can slice and dice by year. And all of our visualizations are updating. Now I'm going to Control-S. And here's the big drum roll. Remember, one of the hallmarks of the dashboard is when we get new data available, all of this should update. So we're going to go back over to Windows Explorer. And there's our Video17ImportTextFiles folder. Inside was the start and if we look inside the start, we have those two years. And by the way, I kept this kind of simple, so we just had three files. You could have daily files, monthly files, quarterly, or whatever. But here's our new data we just got as a text file. I'm going to copy, double click inside of start and Control-V. Now remember, power query is looking at that Start folder. So anything inside there will get run through Power Query, all of the steps of removing the columns, organizing the data into the data model, and flowing into our dashboard, will hopefully update. Now I'm going to use the keyboard, Control-Alt-F5. If you want the location, you could say data, refresh all. Also a lot of times, I just have the query open. You could say show queries, you can just right click and refresh that query. But I'm going to use the keyboard. Control-Alt-F5. And just like that, there is our updated dashboard. When I click on 2018, instantly everything updates. It looks like we have a couple Top 20 in Africa region, 2017, one over here 2016. Now I can un-filter all of this. And there it is. Now one last thing. We're looking down here and we notice the Try Fly. We did not want that as part of our analysis. That's no problem. Here is the original query transaction table. Right click Edit. I'm coming back here, and I'm simply going to come and filter for the original query. There it is, Try Fly. Click OK. And now I'm going to close and load. And I can just click this button. Because it already has the location into the data model. So when I close and load, it is gone from all of our analysis. And we can slice and dice. Wow, that was an amazing video about building a dashboard. Here's the finished product. But back over on 1, 2, 3 different sheet tabs, we have our month and year pivot table. We had our SalesRep pivot table. Our pivot table to get the year for our chart title formula, and then back over here CrossTab with conditional formatting. Now in our next video, we'll talk more about cleaning and transforming data in Excel, not just with Power Query, but with some other amazing features. All right we'll see you next video.
Channel: ExcelIsFun
Views: 299,212
Rating: 4.9601479 out of 5
Keywords: Highline College, Excel 2016, Mike Girvin, Busn 218, Spreadsheet Construction, Highline Excel 2016 Class, excelisfun, Learn Excel, Free Excel Class, Intermediate Excel, Advanced Excel, Basic To Advanced Excel, Dashboards, Excel Dashboards, How to build Excel Dashboard, Power Query, Power Pivot Data Model, Data Model, Charts, Line Charts, Bar Charts, Format Dashboard, DAX Formula, DAX Measure, Conditional Formatting, Paste Picture Link, Excel Magic Trick 1379
Id: hYPwX_CfYv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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