Highest Shinobi Killer In Naruto and Boruto | Most Wanted | (Anime Explained in Hindi)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Anime Balls Deep हिन्दी
Views: 86,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto shippuden, naruto, boruto, sasuke, anime, boruto chapter 78, naruto kill count, Who has highest kill count in Naruto?, Sasuke kill count, Naruto kill count in Boruto, What is Naruto's kill count?, Naruto characters kill count list, Who Killed Whom in anime Naruto/Boruto, naruto and boruto characters with highest kill count, anime balls deep, madara uchiha, hashirama, minato, itachi, jiraiya, orochimaru, ranking naruto characters in hindi, anime explained in hindi, boruto manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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