Highest Shinobi Killer In Naruto and Boruto | Most Wanted | (Anime Explained in Hindi)

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foreign legendary [Music] final now the messages [Music] every single member however she's a change fee after the death of Hitachi as it is implied actually number of kumas in nubi kumara therefore with the help of Team taka killer Pico capture nevertheless the first number go actually at least furthermore of course is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign therefore fighting at the age of Empire it is for killing hundreds of people however like the founder and the leader of root remember foreign [Music] [Music] should have been me not him if he actually pretty high ranking the third date and joining the group Akatsuki next time actually hundreds of students just to graduate from his class out of all seven Swordsmen As Told in the data book order for the 20 years let's be honest he actually insanely high he pretended around his 20 years of being mercenary just by his puppets who got just to make his puppet and puppets [Music] kumara [Music] maybe it was nice actually one of the most renowned Ninja for his time remember [Music] influence however missions [Music] 1839 missions and guess for a fact so just imagine 684 B rank 614 a rank or 138 S rank estimated numbers foreign [Music] thousands of that can actually real cause hair Ursula actually even konoha wife killing thousands and thousands of people they can however therefore technically is actually actually therefore as well for nearly 100 years [Music] [Music] since we're actually the second strongest kill count actually far more than hashirama foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by himself logically speaking at least 5 000 kills he actually died of chakra exhaustion similarly Hanzo could be actually same levels Nations foreign it is noted he actually most deadliest battle in the history it is foreign foreign [Music] at the early age [Music] is [Music] foreign actually hundred thousand people even again thousand every character we know and love actually is [Music] therefore resulting in everybody's death in fact therefore instructions [Music] actually 40 responsible extra 25 000 [Music] to consume it and of course there is
Channel: Anime Balls Deep हिन्दी
Views: 86,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto shippuden, naruto, boruto, sasuke, anime, boruto chapter 78, naruto kill count, Who has highest kill count in Naruto?, Sasuke kill count, Naruto kill count in Boruto, What is Naruto's kill count?, Naruto characters kill count list, Who Killed Whom in anime Naruto/Boruto, naruto and boruto characters with highest kill count, anime balls deep, madara uchiha, hashirama, minato, itachi, jiraiya, orochimaru, ranking naruto characters in hindi, anime explained in hindi, boruto manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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