High Rollers: Aerois #104 | Horizon Reunions

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hello friends dearest ones and welcome to another episode of high rollers d d with me your dungeon master mark shawl humes thanks for joining us it's good to see you i hope you're well anyway here are my friends we're gonna play some d d uh i'm joined by rhiannon tom katie trott and kim uh as always uh and we're gonna play our fun exciting very very cool g d campaign it's definitely not going to end in a tpk today so it's all good uh shakes heads uh nopers it's a big nope uh put the get those nopers in chat right now uh thanks very much for joining us uh here on this lovely mothering sunday uh big love to all your moms out there god's sake tomorrow he broke his mic on thursday he's broke his light now uh what else will everything went wrong in like three seconds his mother's heart because he said today his world literally crumbled around him yeah but yeah whether if if if you know if any mums watching high rollers happy mother's day um happy mother's day yeah happy mother's day um i do not have a lot of notes for this week uh the only thing i really had to mention was episode three of the recap is now out on our youtube uh another another wonderful chaotic mess by our lovely rhiannon gower uh who uh has provided us with more uh wonderful chaos and entertainment and very odd cutaways and and opinions to things um which is great uh there's an excellent crime bingo card that you too can follow along with at home now uh and see what crimes the heroist crew get up to incredible as you uh watch through the series um yeah those are all available on our youtube channel the recaps are a really good way of catching up obviously most people watching you've probably caught up already but maybe you've got friends and maybe they're like i'd love to watch high rollers but holy crap it's 104 episodes long i'm not gonna watch that well now you can send them to the recaps and get them hooked and then they'll watch the rest of them uh because there's only three caps out but do that i'll just do that that'll be really fun you know what you could do you could just tell them to watch this episode that is happening right now theories let's save those theories uh are there any other announcements that i've forgotten before buy much get the merch buy merch get the merch on today you've got the hoodie i've got our i've got our roll high this is a classic it's one of my favorite things yeah yeah well if i grow strong get strong like failing at pointing at that t-shirt very yes i was pointing in the direction but i was trying to get it on camera truck roll the intro roll the intro roll the intro he's do not get started on me and thomas at the minute like don't get started on it he's been a nightmare recently he's been he's been a disruptive child oh my god tom what would you like to say in response to that eat my own [Music] hello and welcome back to high rollers last time the crew of the storm chaser returned from the magitek weapon facility of shadowsong pinnacle with schematics and rewards in hand transporting back cargo for their own airship crew as well as helping captain orgrim dallas a dwarf an airship captain working for their old friend arvel returning to gust haven storm chases briefed the sky prince and what they had discovered including the dramatic plans of project vanguard presenting the schematics and at malateer emris a ganassi engineer who worked on the project malateer was taken into protective custody while statements and reports were made of their findings with only a day before the leadership summit on horizon the party quickly wrapped up the few remaining tasks and spent some time with their crew friends and family nova spoke with thalia whisperwind and each opened their heart about their feelings and concerns lucius visited his sister adeya who upgraded his prismatic gauntlet to help him protect himself as well as some tender uh family affection and now the time has come to travel to horizon and meet with the leaders of arrows my friends that is where we in today uh oh you are all called you are all uh requested uh to meet with the sky prince um before he travels via teleportation circle to the sky city of horizon if there is anything you want to talk about or anything you want to do before you travel before you leave gusthaven uh as a point only the five of you and then aridan and his entourage are going like thalia none of the crew as far as you guys know that they're not going with you it's just you five sky prince and his bodyguards that's it um so if there's anything you want to do or talk about now is the time that what you're saying right there really feels like a dialogue box which is like there's no going back from this are you sure you want to continue moonstar is coming with you but she's unofficially coming with you she's going to very quickly stay fine that's fine nice i think we mentioned in the last episode that we were going to try and get some um potions like whatever that was still in stock before we left because we didn't have much there are i will tell you now you can the maximum you can buy is uh four regular healing potions and it will cost 200 gold so if somebody wants to mark off 200 gold you can get four regulars and 2d4 200 away little baby boys i believe quill has other stock that he needs to divvy out yes uh i think i did divvy them out uh i gave one to lucious i think one regular potion of healing i've got two potions of healing well now six i guess um so i've got one then so who who wants them who wants them just take one and then if you take one each then quill's got two yeah yeah that works all right okay how much does this didn't have does nova still have we did it got one superior left yeah yeah and one regular now oh one superior and one regular now yeah i also have one greater oh i'm lying i've got a great i mean it makes sense that i think that did get used katie i think maybe it didn't get marked off because i freaking pretty sure you use that in the warehouse because i remember searching it and going i've gotten oh it says zero i marked off the quantity but not the actual didn't remove the item that's [Laughter] that's not what i ever watched is left by i think we should pull up so okay anything else do you want to talk to the crew do you want to talk to any npcs anything like that um um i'd like to commune with root before we go if that's okay that is more than okay i will bring up the spell just so i've got a refresher on it and ask up to three questions that can be answered with a yes or no or you can get like a kind of cryptic uh kind of general short phrase instead i prefer doing that then yes no because it's lame um okay sure uh perfect so mark off the charges for commune i can't remember exactly how many it is um and where are you gonna do this like sorry it says it has like three but it's like it's grayed out i can't like recharge it oh don't worry about that just we'll we'll keep a minute of it and i'll check it because that's probably me messing with i'm [ __ ] up the um recharge when it recharges okay no problem so where's essentially doing this are you gonna do this like uh in like your room or are you gonna go somewhere in the city like what's the plan i think i think she'll do it in her room before the day gets started heading out sure yeah you focus and close your eyes or kind of switch yourself off to the world beyond your kind of guardian body and instead focus on that energy within your chest and very much like the first time that you really connected with the matrix with the prime matrix you feel yourself almost like in a river like an ocean where you can feel presences you can feel minds you can feel voices all around you thousands of guardians who have lived and been reborn or guardians who have not yet had a chance for life new guardians waiting for new bodies and all of them seem smaller than one large presence that just sits the very center of this non-existent ocean this this sentient place there's just one presence which seems to shine brighter and stronger than the others and you feel that kind of familiar voice century what would you ask of me do you i i fear that the next location we could go to may be the last place i see and i just need to know something just in case the worst happens dude do you know about people i have not lived amongst these living beings for very long i knew the guardian of solvenwell i know guardians whether we would be considered people is a greater question but i know i feel i know enough that i understand the needs of living things so if i were to mention the name petal to you would that would that mean anything of course that was the name that you gave to genevieve's daughter is that correct the queen of astoria's daughter she spoke of her daughter often with great reverence a truly loving mother who wished only the best for her child it is through that connection that genevieve and i found kinship to build upon our relationship in developing the new guardian race do you know if is petal on a rowis i will scan my memories use the power of the matrix in your own body to see if i can locate her presence i will not be able to give you details only confirmation on whether she exists in your world or not you feel this almost energy almost drifting out of you century unconsciously you almost feel like root's presence seems to expand in your own body and then stretch out impossibly wide it takes an agonizingly long time in your mind as you just sit amongst the not silence because there's this constant murmuring and swirling of presences thousands of just whispers and voices of these guardians who have lived or not yet been born then eventually century the answer to your question is yes and then you feel yourself pulled away as the the power of this spell this this communication with root begins to fade as that connection drifts and pulls you apart and the commune ends i think yeah century will sit just staring like not knowing what to do but there'll be like a hope like a warmth in her matrix sure she's here you feel it just kind of pulse over you god damn excellent anything is that everything right that's everything yeah thank you nice yeah so century just kind of sits there with that hope resting in a chest that warmth kind of spreading through her just that faint trace of still a little bit of hope um yeah and yeah before everyone comes and gets you just enjoy that moment of feeling that uh quill was there something that quill wanted to do tom uh man he'd spent the entire night before in an almost nova-like panic of what's the right question to find the answer to not get the meeting completely destroyed by starbane will starvane interfere with the meeting how will starbain interfere with the meeting maybe it's not starving maybe it's zakira our starbain and zakir are involved in interfering with the meeting what if it's not starbain or zakira that's gonna get involved maybe it's a dar is her dog gonna get involved somehow is the meeting gonna be totally safe so many questions what's the right question maybe if i find out maybe i won't get any sleep if i don't get any sleep will i be able to be awake and alert enough to go to the meeting in a perfect fit mental state or will i just fall apart instantly and maybe the situation will happen anyway no matter if i know about the situation or how to solve the situation or how to stop the situation so what's the situation is there even a situation do we even know for sure that the meeting is gonna get involved it's gonna get interrupted anyway how do we do it so how do we solve the problem i'm gonna i'm gonna stop tom hazel there this is kind of a shockingly accurate representation of what goes in my mind on a daily basis it's like explosions aside but that pretty much is me on a daily basis i believe that's just called [Laughter] well my my question to then quill obviously we see quill in this panic state but is there anything you would like to do about it uh spells or abilities you wish to use uh okay yeah you know what i'm gonna use i'm gonna use uh my divine intervention in some way uh it's a chance to see if it works so if i was to ask about something in the future like guaranteeing something to happen in the future to say protect me would i have to use it divine intervention no divine intervention is kind of more like miracles in the moment so you can use it to ask like a question and get an answer to it in that regard you could also be like hesper send me something send like give me something that will help protect the meeting and then hesper will maybe you know maybe bequeath a magic item or maybe set like a temporary magic item or maybe send somebody to help you or give you some knowledge that might benefit you some sort of boon like it's more like a miracle in the moment it's not like the eye the eye is very specifically for things like trying to predict the future and see the past and stuff like that um but divine intervention can do a lot of things it can like replicate spell effects it can give you answers it can do things outside of normal spells um you know maybe hesper would create a magic barrier over the the city to try and protect it in that way like you could use divine intervention to do stuff like that yeah in that case it is a chance uh i know i know uh i'll um yeah i'll try to [Music] find some way for hesper to protect us during the meeting uh with divine intimidation uh all right so this is a role and your cleric you have to roll your cleric level or under one hundred is twelve there's a twelve percent chance let's see uh boom 99 you know we would this and this is a prayer right this isn't just like this is like quill kind of closing his eyes and beseeching hesper you feel that divine connection that link that binds you to the the divine power of hesper it's it's weaker if there's not enough strength there you feel hesper's attention too divided that he can he can answer this this particular call that's literally the opposite [Laughter] that's the worst you could possibly get [Laughter] you can't use that again today but you can try again tomorrow divine intervention you can try it once a day and then if it succeeds it's a week recharge right it was really good actually yeah yeah okay tom hazel tries it once my useless ability never to use it again just a 99 does not feel good um that's all i'll do for now uh did anyone else want to do anything anybody else yeah i have some i will but i think he's saving it i think he's saving it yeah don't forget you've got spells like commune as well as well yeah bit time sensitive um in that i want to cast scrying on starbain um but i want to time it so that it's closer to the meeting so i could maybe try and pinpoint where he is um like yeah i don't know how just close to the because that sounds like you want to do it later though not not now yeah yeah i was just wondering how long is it going to take us to get there and then get set up like how many days away is this meeting i mean it's today the start of this summer it's not one thing it's going to be like a number of days you're going to be doing talks and meeting with leaders and things like that but it begins today like this is the morning of the day you travel to horizon so so we've got lanyards where we arrive yeah maybe i forgot vib special guest so do you want to try that like now or do you want to wait until you're like at horizon and like the first sit down you know think of this like the un right like there's going to be a massive table and everyone's going to be sat there you know talking and stuff like that you could try it do you want to try it then or do you want to try it like now in the morning i guess i guess i want to time it for when the sky prince is there because i kind of just feel like i don't know i i just want to try and pinpoint sarbanes where he is and like um do you want to wait until you get to horizon yeah yeah yeah sure all right in that case lucious aurelia anything just just checking uh lucious is probably going around and telling everyone what's about to happen and then making contingencies of like speaking to a writer um that sort of thing we'll try and say i think you guys came up with a plan that basically as soon as the the storm chaser is ready they're going to fly to horizon yeah it's like yeah that's what's right if you need all unless you send them unless you message them and say hey we're cool don't worry about us we're coming back they're going to basically fly to horizon and come pick you up is the plan lucious goes and does that a few times to arrive like anxiety gets annoyed so is everything in place is everything is fine captain yes this is the third time you've asked everything is fine the repairs are still going underway as soon as we have everything we will come back and we we will come and pick you up it is fine yeah and he does that sort of you can always have quill you can always have quill contact us if you need to check anything you're right but what if he what if he can't you know it's just other then i'm sure that horizon will have mages there that can cast sending for you and you can message us true what else have i got to do and he looks at his sleeve and he's written stuff on his arm uh speak to the sky prince go and deal with that yes right well if i don't see you ever again that would be nice you you will see us again captain i hope so you see like the rest of the crew the rest of the crew will wave and give you the salute and you know there's kind of like a general kind of you know they they don't expect any trouble so um all right ayla i'm assuming nothing doing some last-minute like pull-ups and stuff just you know keep on top of the old one the old muscles and then um probably probably if she passes like lucius and quill through the day don't walk into any gas clouds just as an fyi all right does it go fly too far away from us because then we can't get to you you know if you're in trouble just like little bits of like just don't don't be squished that does not help illusions anxiety at all what do i do right in that case just be yourself just be yourself do the good man you know what i am anymore [Laughter] he's just okay cool so cool you guys eventually meet up with sky prince aradan in gayle crown the kind of head you know the the royal estate of gusthaven you were brought in you were escorted by uh two elite looking gust haven guards um and uh two mages as well uh squad of four guards they lead you into uh the main chambers where aridan is waiting for you this uh high elf very much like lucious long brown hair wearing sort of pale blues and whites uh he has his great sword um uh his very fancy looking great sword uh sheathed on his back um and then he has malachi his owl on like a gloved gauntlet as well with him um uh he doesn't appear to have any like major belongings he maybe has like a small bag like a backpack um and he just greets at you about like nods his head my friends i'm so glad that you're here are you all ready and prepared i believe that our timetable uh we have some time to arrive in horizon find our accommodations which i believe have all been prepared for us um and then the initial introductions will begin so uh unless there is anything urgent we we must be on our way fine um quick question actually the the man with the we detained now and he knows still ah well it is um uh strange he vanished from his cell we are currently looking for him oh and he gives you a knowing look well i assume the authorities are we'll be able to handle that one yes i've i i have um my best investigators looking into it my personal uh my personal majors are investigating the matter it kind of gives you that kind of smile uh that this is oh who could have done this um wink wink um before we do travel um just a little bit of information about horizon if you do have any questions please do let me know hundreds one thing that i should impress upon you is i have not whilst i was the one who requested this summit most of the organization has been done by horizon steward a woman by the name of danica bloodfire she is the best person to have orchestrating this danakura is one of the most powerful mages in a rowis she is near immortal and has significant amount of power and she's very beloved by horizon as well she's has considerable strength my understanding is that when we arrive we will be under strict uh horizon supervision and surveillance they've provided accommodations for sustain that i've been assured have been correctly warded but also all of us will be expected to treat one another with respect whether there are any there are sometimes disagreements amongst the different leaders of oros not quite conflicts but we are all expected to treat each other severely uh civilly and uh with respect whilst we are in horizon danica is assuming responsibility for all of her guests as such any infractions against another the visitor will be seen as an infraction against danica this is something which we should try and avoid danica is somebody we want on our side we want to convince her of this this grave threat and error and problem that is facing herois she's one of our greatest allies in this battle against uh this callus there will be others there of course my understanding is that we have uh representatives from the church of the the starborn faith um we have uh pretty much most of the major nations sending emissaries or their leaders uh the dragonborn have also sent uh some of their general dragons uh to meet with us um the messengers guild have sent an uh representative as well uh many many people will be there horizon as a city is safe i i believe it has a great reputation for being welcoming of all peoples you should find all of us will be treated equally there there are no nobility on horizon everybody works everybody receives a share of of the city's profits and benefits there are no special treatments for anyone uh regardless of races or lineages or ages this that is something i felt i should make clear to you all before we travel very useful thank you how do you think we should present ourselves you called us eros's uh greatest heroes or something along those lines but aside from you and the dragonborns unfortunately no one then knows us oh i'm afraid mr collar that is actually not accurate um in organizing this meeting there are several people who are aware of you the shelf mias gear specific with you as they are well aware of your activities with clearing the storms from mere skier uh the duke of hill jaden is also uh likewise familiar with your saving his kingdom effectively from the the terrible storms that racked mirski the dragons indeed i believe that also king telvin rook silva of savona of roxfield has been informed of your efforts uh in helping the people of savona uh an individual called arvel degas the head of the dagus trading company has spoken uh predominantly on your behalf you are invited quill not just as witnesses not just as people who can give us testimony towards the starbain threat but also as champions people that can fight who can who will be at the front of this battle that is your role in all this diplomacy and politics ah that's so cool you do not need to worry the diplomacy and politics leave to myself and the others you are here to provide testimony to speak of your encounters to tell us what is beyond the cradle but also of the threats that you've faced here on aroes but also you will be expected to participate in things like tactics planning uh battle strategy that is where we expect you to take the forefront individuals such as mr collar you are regarded as a significantly powerful priest in the faith of the starborn your connection with hesper is notable things like this i mean century sentinel prime represents all guardians of herois there will be an extent of you may need to represent these matters but politics leave to people like myself it is at least the one thing that i've been trained to do okay i mean i fear my connection with hesper is literally one away from being the furthest away it can be um so still you have been honest with incredible magical gifts and you are you wield incredible divine magic i'm not quite sure what you're referring to but i assure you you are 99 out of 100 i'm pretty sure you are one of the more powerful priests here on arise still let's go horizon is a beautiful city i hope that you at least have a little bit of time to explore it when in between these meetings and with that the sky prince will lead you to a private teleportation circle kept within gale crown itself um you all stand within the center uh a figure does emerge from the back of the room she appears that she's been waiting there for some time as moonstar nods to you all uh and steps in behind you uh just kind of you do i think quill would notice that she does brush past lucius and there is a kind of like patting of his arm as she kind of brushes past but nobody else would really probably see that very subtle maneuver um and yeah within a few seconds the mages conjure up the portal and you are led through you feel that familiar sensation that pulling of yourself being yanked out of space and kind of being hurtled across a great distance before you suck in a breath as you emerge into a very different room uh this appears to be a large square stone room you appear to be in the very middle of it and there is a big stone balcony up on the kind of second floor looking down into this large open space when you emerge you become quickly aware that there are perhaps 20 maybe more crossbowmen up on the upper balcony or kind of watching this teleportation circle armed and at the ready and there is a phalanx of maybe five or six elite melee looking troops uh stood around a magician who is standing waiting as well uh the mage uh the colours here where where gust haven is very blues and whites grays you know the colors of the sky here everything is a always very much coated in reds and golds and oranges uh the uniforms of the the soldiers all reflect that their armor is like a polished copper or brass like color um the mage wears thick deep red robes uh with flame-like patterns all around it uh halt must be inspected before you were allowed to progress any further state your name uh prince aerodan steps award prince aradan of gust haven i'm accompanied by my personal bodyguards as well as the crew of the storm chaser whom i believe you are expecting your majesty i will ask you and your bodyguards to step aside storm chaser crew please move to the other side of the room you will be investigated searched as well as with magical uh investigations i hope that you will comply easily without any undue fuss of course uh the sky prints nods uh he moves to one side with his bodyguards you see a kind of split of two or three of these guards and a mage make their way over to them and then the others gesture for you to kind of move to the opposite side of the room uh to speed things up and because unless you guys want to go through it they basically check your weapons uh you can see the mage uses a spell uh you recognize as detect magic and begins examining pretty much everything any items that you have if you've got the bag they ask you to open it they ask you to pull out everything in your equipment and they examine all of it so if there is anything and i don't think there is um like you know untoward uh the if you kept those explosive orbs from the weapons facility those are confiscated hmm they're wondering about my uh my tiny chest well they are well they forced me to spend a spell slot to open it no they wouldn't know that you have it so things like bags anything on your person they're like we need to examine this bag please is this a magical bag this is very tsa airport right they're like do you have any additional weapons on you do you carry any spell scrolls are you carrying any potions what are they blah blah you see the mage is holding up a pearl identifying every item that they can if it looks magical they identify it um they examine each of you one of the mage steps forward crew of the storm chaser uh please state your full names for the record we only have a limited record of your actual identities we have descriptions we have some first names nicknames provided to us on a basis i need to ensure that you are the people that you say that you are yes sir please lucious virion eloise too you are of gust haven mr alan astor yes do you have any family members or relatives yes living or deceased sir mostly deceased one alive uh who is the alive sibling uh family member sister oh i need to make a note of that uh and you are the captain of the stormchaser registered wrestle stormchaser yes we have yours records as being the the air captain for this yes [Music] excellent um you do not you are carrying a weapon sir we've identified it as magical do you have anything uh do you have any magical abilities are you a spell caster sir i am yes innate nate thank you all right thank you sir uh madam and he looks at ayla uh we do not have uh any record or name we only have a description for you could you please state your name for the record ayla just ayla yep just taylor excellent uh do you have any family members that we should be aware of any one of the important that i know of often uh do you have any innate magical abilities spell casting and on the like i have this thing where i can channel some lightning that's kind of a natural thing that happens but it's other than that nothing lightning magic and this hammer is your weapon do you have any other weapons on you madam i have a bow which is not magical some arrows some uh got javelin in the bag which i think you've emptied out non-magical it's fine i mainly wanted to uh make sure that we have the magical weapon on record thank you that's just the hammer noted uh sir or madam he looks at quill i'm sorry i'm i'm not quite sure so madam sir sir sir uh what a master of the storm you probably have me noted i wasn't elect that i did wish to check sir i wasn't i'm not particularly familiar with arachoka names i didn't want to uh incorrectly pronounce it kyleek ad cola yes we currently have you uh quartermaster you serve on the airship along with mr el ernesto i do managing inventories and plotting courses and you are also a priest of hesper i'm led to understand yes you wield divine magic i do and this spear is is yours yes recovered do you have any other magical abilities that we should be aware of sir um hmm i have a tone of understanding want to check that out i in fact actually it would just appear as a normal book they they kind of look confused because it's it's magic's being used up right because you used it so it doesn't actually have any magic so uh but no innate magical abilities that we should be aware of just the divine magic from your god from hesper it's all divine hesper given magic thank you sir uh they turned to nova miss avija is it we do have a record of you uh registered at atlas academy of vortensar um oh wow that's um very personal why do you need all these details by the way why do you need to know family members we are things well we are checking every single uh person who travels to horizon especially through the teleportation circles only those invited by danica bloodfire have been authorized to use this teleportation circle we're checking family members to ensure that you know we understand people's connections uh is often a case if we want to make sure that any of those family members may not be associated with current cults of the remnant uh or may have been involved in crimes or any kind of terrorist activity we want to make sure that the people that we invite here are safe and are not compromised in any way in terms of our research yes we have looked into as many of you as you as we could those of you who have official records individual accounts are more difficult to account for nova vega is full name yes yes uh you carry this magical weapon and shield do you have any other abilities spell casting abilities and the like you tell me you seem to know most ma'am you're being particularly difficult uh if you continue in this way we will restrict you from this meeting we will literally send you back to gusthaven we're not taking any chances we've been informed that this is a grievous threat to our city to our leader as well as the leaders of other nations i'm going to ask you again do you have any spell casting or magical abilities yes are they learned innate uh are you learned and wizard okay all right thank you madam finally uh sentinel prime um we do not feel that you offer any kind of security risk madam and we know that you have a lot of innate weapons and abilities my understanding is that you are now this this device inside your chest that is a part of you yes yes do you you are this is difficult we have tried to inquire in terms of our technicalities all guardians would be related to you but we're unable to check all potential guardians are you aware of any potential threats from other guardians towards you or towards the city of horizon not at all as far as i'm aware okay thank you are you spell casting abilities madam innate innate and we assume that you carry this weapon and whatever other equipment you have upon you yes yes yes i do okay thank you this uh we have made a record of all of this uh my name is uh rainn tel aviv i will be your liaison here on horizon i'm one of the arc knights of the velanar here we are the security force that looks after horizon my team has been hand-picked by uh our steward danica to prepare for this meeting there are a few restrictions i'm afraid that i must impress upon you firstly you must inform me in person if you leave the citadel of the reborn the complex that you are currently in this cannot be done through any sort of messaging spell you must see me in person if you need to acquire me and you cannot find me speak to one of the other velanar guards they will put they will put me in contact and i will come to you i would ask you spend as much time as possible in your prepared chambers we've prepared a marvelous suite for you it has been warded heavily it should prevent teleportation it will prevent scrying from the outside we will be keeping surveillance on you you will be monitored via scrying spells whilst you are in your residences we are doing this to make sure that everyone is safe and that everybody is exactly where they should be and doing what they should be you may leave we do not you are not a prisoner we ask that you inform us where you are going whom you are seeing and you are accompanied by well in our guards when you do so the meeting room itself we have a number of meeting chambers they have been prepared and each one will be selected at random before each meeting therefore we will come and collect you and take you to the meeting before it takes place is that understood understood do you have any questions so far where's the bathroom there will be one in your chambers we will take you there immediately after this discovery is that monitored the bathroom has been it is monitored in an audio capacity we are not trying to impede on your uh privacy however we do not want to have anywhere within the chambers that is completely private i assure you that our staff will be discreet in whatever they overhear i don't know what to do i don't know what i'm doing with my hands [Laughter] if you have no further questions i will gladly escort you to your residences as the next guard uh makes his way in as the next liaison for the next uh group very well i will take you to your court my family never mind no we already have your family on record miss video if you're referring to your uh mother or your brother's your father we have them all on record yours is actually one of the easiest families to keep a notice of as they are fairly mundane in a sense aren't we very disrespectful don't talk to neverland is the truth uh you are under no absolutely no authority to give me orders mr ellenstow we do not have nobility here on horizon as far as i'm concerned you are a visiting citizen i am in charge authority is one thing respect is another the respect is completely irrelevant it is simply a fact that uh miss vegas family live quite ordinary lives a mother is a baker i'd like to be a baker not a chef he corrects himself at the same time i should say chef well uh 12 quarters then very well uh you are led uh by this individual by rain um you can see that rain's definitely it's kind of uh they have like little patches of like facial hair and the same like elves don't really grow a lot of facial hair like lucious has like his little goatee but there's like a kind of like scratchy patchy beard um very pretty eyes uh sort of curled ginger hair uh kind of shoulder length height um where's a mixture of armor and robes and you can see that they have a long slender rapier and a wand on their belt um and very athletic form but kind of very hard to tell you know you're not sure exactly you know more about them uh they seem to be a kind of very uh curious individual um very lithe and thin but also quite athletic at the same time they've kind of got this very unusual build um you are led uh through several stone corridors you see guards everywhere when you move about um as well as this kind of reoccurring uh tapestry and heraldry of a kind of uh flamed halo um over a uh a city um you don't see any windows you come across are boarded they are actually like blocked from the inside um you can see that kind of a paneling has been placed over them so it's pretty much dark it's all lit by torches or magical lights you are eventually led up several sets of stairs to a large set of suites outside of which there are posted two guards uh they use a key to unlock the door and lead you inside and it is a very nice well accommodated suite there are several rooms with beds for each of you there is a section like almost like a kitchen section where you can prepare meals there are you know fully stocked cupboards of all sorts of supplies and sundries fresh water a bathroom everything's basically prepared um and you are led inside rain kind of gives you the wants around he checks the they check the the room so he checks the rooms actually uh he checks all of the rooms and then comes back and just kind of nods his head everything appears to be in order prince aradan has been saying it has reached his own quarters i believe that the first introductory meeting will take place uh early evening if there is anything else i will come and fetch you here just real quick rain we appreciate the levels of security that are being displayed here it's it i mean it's a lot more than we expected but what security measures do you have in place or outside of horizon things in terms in terms of outside the city we currently have a fleet of airships patrolling uh scouting rings around in a perimeter around the city as we move they have equipped with mages who can give us early warning early warning symbols the city itself is fairly well protected the pinion towers are all equipped with anti-airship weaponry uh we also have strategies in this in the city to prepare the citizens in case of an attack but for the moment our focus is on this summit i don't believe that there is any real threat to the city itself from what we've been led to understand through our communications with the sky prince and everything else the greater threat is to the leaders who will be assembled here okay good to know is there anything else lucius runs to the bathroom baker if you do think of anything else uh mr adekala please do contact me i am here to be your liaison whether or not you approve of my tone or respectful nature i am here to help i'm here to make sure that you are safe to do so i may need to impede a few minor freedoms i hope that you can understand where i am coming from sure very well nazi's head bows quite deeply and then makes his way out and you hear the door lock behind him uh you are given a key you are given a key if you wish to leave okay you are not locked in here but they lock the door behind them when they leave so yeah it starts leaking from the vents aggressive negotiations um yeah well what does everyone think i mean it seems like they've got pretty much every scenario covered it does ease my mind a little bit but i think they are overlooking overlooking the one scenario of who is working for starbain or sarkira and we'll ruin this from the inside yes but we also can't do much about that right unless like they're gonna lie about it at least there's a record of them coming into the city this way i mean that's why we're here isn't it you know everything is monitored he sings as he pees we know we know nothing to hide ask the same things of moon star you didn't see what conversation you were separated from prince aradan's group is that kim to mark that was kim to mark yeah okay kim doesn't know kim wasn't there nova didn't hear what questions they were asking the other group so no one knows did i probably ask the same questions i would imagine they i mean you definitely saw them like moon star looked like she wanted to get away but like there was nowhere for her to hide like it was literally you arrived in the middle of like a you know 60-foot stone chamber with crossbowmen watching you from a balcony there was no way that she could escape so yeah she was pulled to the side and probably had to answer some questions ah it's fine lucious already said that day is alive he did did you say that it's cool or tom just then no no that was the cat tom my bro uh testing is this messengering working messenger rings yes does work it's on a closed closed circuit it's not ins it's not outside coming in right well this this might be optimum it might not be completely safe but uh i don't know what sort of technology isn't horizon they scanned everything they know that we have these the starters that's what i'm worried about yes yeah they identified your messenger rings they might have a way of deciphering it somehow or i don't think they're super worried about us though i feel like you know from what aradan was saying they know about us they know that i feel like we're kind of here not just to talk but to also help if any you know [ __ ] hits the fan we're kind of here yeah i said okay oh no [Music] good good with the uh the old yeah i'm saying it for the messenger ring i don't know how safe this is but it's okay look nova was clearly panicking as well she got really sassy get set panicking i was mad they were rude i don't like people having information on me starbain has information on me i don't like this i don't like that i like families my family is my family it's none of their business i like the fact that they didn't know my name they just had a description of me and they knew nothing that made me happy there's no record there is nothing you know nomad who walks around like the crazy um there is a knock at your door hello storm chaser crew this is rain television may i come in i know i just left uh there's been a there has been a request okay um you don't have to let him in as soon as there is a kind of like okay you hear the door unlock and the door opens and rain stands there again he looks a little bit sweaty like he's just had to run um my apologies for disturbing you so so quickly i was hoping to allow you a moment's rest uh the steward of uh horizon danica would like to speak with you herself she has requested you specifically oh sure um i haven't i haven't spruced myself up uh you know the stewards the steward does not mind this that you are always spruced yes the spectrum of spruce right okay and i'm wavering in the middle here but anyway needs must please follow me uh rain leads you out to the door is locked behind you uh rain accompanies you through several more of these kind of like very innate uh elaborate corridors and you notice that now you seem to be in more of like the public part of wherever you are before you felt like you were in a kind of fortress or a barracks you know it was all very uniform very much designed for like optimal kind of defense here things become not gaudy uh but definitely there is more personality here uh there are magical lights which are all rendered as these bright red orange flames that just seem to hover in the air but there's no expensive furniture in fact most of the rooms that you see you see several of them appear to be classrooms maybe you can see like school children taking lessons in them one appears to be some sort of like doctor's office as well um you see record rooms it's almost like this is like a public building almost um in this kind of section of it you are led up a series of stairs including a long tall winding spiral staircase and you emerge onto a large balcony the balcony gives you your first real look down onto the rest of the city which if you go on roll 20 you can see a map of um as you emerge onto the balcony you see stretching out before you like a great fan you see these huge tall stone arches that end in these big towers at the end of each one and then sloped down a little bit like minis tirith in lord of the rings is a city that kind of winds its way up towards the central area where you are uh behind you can't see behind you but you seem to be in the kind of like key point of this this this city uh you can see that there are more towers on each of these walls and each wall is built into a great arch shape and there appear to be buildings and housing inside the actual arches themselves as well as kind of scattered all around it you see that but something else quickly draws your eye as you see stood out on a kind of white stone alabaster balcony no decorations no seating or benches no servants you just see a woman and she appears to be looking up and uh you can see floating around this tower or wherever you happen to be stationed there are these giant chunks of debris and rubble and they are suspended floating in the air like a giant halo around this tower and they are all perpetually on fire the fire just burns and burns and burns and doesn't seem to be going out giving this kind of flaming halo effect of this like chunks of rubble like uh an asteroid belt around the planet like saturn's rings all this kind of rubble and chunks formed into this giant flaming halo and you see stood there looking up at it kind of holding her hands open and her arms are on fire you can see this flame coalescing up and down her arms and you see a long red dress with a kind of very simple kind of silk train descending down behind her long red hair that seems to become orangey at the tips kind of slight curls to it uh and a giant sort of collar of gold behind her head you see this woman just the flame goes out on her arms she lets out a breath and then turns around she probably is around 18 or 19. she looks quite young to all of you um but her eyes are not her eyes seem to glow with the embers of a fire that has not gone out there is there is age and power in her eyes they glow orange like the flames that were just conjured from her arms and she smiles so crew of the storm chaser i've been hearing a lot about you recently i wanted to meet you all before these the summit gets underway you've caused quite a stir on a ros my name is danica i am the steward of horizon hello oh bow instinct oh no we don't we don't do that here mr ellen aster i'm struggling to find a place that does honestly outside of gus taven pleasure to meet you oh there's a there are there are several monarchies still within the world of arrests uh i believe that gisella still has a monarchy uh the duchy of hill jaden the duke still relies on such formalities they'll both appreciate it if you show them those kind of uh formal greetings but here on horizon no we we abolished things like bowing and nobility back when well the nobles of this city tried to kill everyone else and she smiles oh i apologize if that would be disrespectful it's not disrespectful just uh something you couldn't have really known you're still young so i know your names but if you wish to be formal and introduce yourselves please do if not we can just get to business uh uh i am kila katkala a champion of hesper we've heard much of your incredible powers um hopefully you won't have to see it in action certainly i indeed a very wise thing to say i certainly hope not it is always i have not had to use my full power in a very very long time and i hope that that continues although from the sounds of what you have told the sky prince and your actions in mere skier i don't think that that's really going to be an option for much longer still hopefully we won't have to use them in the next few days i am sorry uh just ayla i'm way less interesting than central chrome i'm not at all i think that you're all very interesting i trust me ayla i would not have asked to speak with you if i did not think you interesting i am not bothered with any of these formalities and boring conversations with visiting ambassadors and the things like that i'm strictly here for business and to get things done that's why i'm organizing all of this and sentinel prime yes i've heard much about you there is something of a rumor spreading amongst the guardians who visit horizon people speaking of uh of their hope their their new coming their new life wandering the world they've heard of this herald who sends them to the city of glass where they are waiting so i'm sorry to pull you away from such important matters but i fear that i must ask a bit of your time oh it's not not at all it's the fate of rose is just as important as everything else i'm sure indeed and miss vega perhaps the one who has the most to share in our upcoming conversations i mean do i even need to be here at this point everyone seems to know everything about me my name's nova by the way nova from the house of the mundane ganassi nice to meet you uh you're unhappy with the investigations into your past and your family i assure you that your abilities came to me because you are here for a reason miss vijay you are here because we need your information your your knowledge that is why you are here so yes we've done a little digging would you prefer it if i did not investigate all of our visiting ambassadors and ensure that their family were not somehow connected to the remnant to this starbain or to these wind barons which i believe sky prince aridan has recently been dealing with would you have preferred me not to have asked these questions don't mind about you just you know just a mundane ganassi oh dear oh dear well at least people won't be accusing me of being the youngest one here for a while and you can see that like yeah she carries herself in a way that is not a 17 year old i mean she carries herself in the way of you know somebody far far older and wiser i am led to believe that you have had some intense conflicts with this starbain and his forces yes exactly yes and you've traveled beyond the cradle you've seen what is beyond our world we have influence yeah that was an adventure definitely involuntarily like like a huge detour quill you noticed that when she asked that question her focus was great like her focus became laser sharp like she's studying when lucius was kind of talking and when ayla was talking like she studies them very very intently i also um believe that there are some concerns aradan has mentioned that there is another threat perhaps a greater one this hadar miss vega i believe that you were most vocal about this being a greater threat what can you tell me about this being hadar appears to be something old something powerful a creature that was locked away by the titans and divines themselves but somehow has broken through and is back in this universe devouring entire worlds and that is why starbain is here he intends to use this planet as a way to stop hadar interesting there's something i think the the phoenix that resides within me it recognizes that name i don't often speak with it it's too alien too powerful too primordial but i get feelings from time to time it doesn't quiver at the name starbaim or callus or this valkyrian empire but it doesn't like kadar the phoenix can sense it as a threat makes my heckles gets my heckles up makes me want to burn something that's never normally a good sign and you say that he wants eros because starbain believes that aroses can defeat this thing yes there's something about hadar hadar corrupts we've met several beings and people who have been corrupted by hadar it tends to be linked to greed hunger a thirst for power interesting forgive me i certainly don't think that you're please mr ellenstein why did you call for us is this not the subject of the meeting anyway it is but i wanted to i've never been one for i don't like politics and i don't like i don't like structured conversations where i can't really get a read for people i grew up here just before the sundering i worked the streets i was a courtesan i used to know everybody on my street i would know the local baker i knew the shoemaker the seamstress choose to help repair my clothes when some of my clients would get a bit too aggressive i like knowing them you could understand people when you speak to them not as dignitaries not as soldiers but as people ask about their day ask about their lives that sort of thing when i died the first time it was at the hands of somebody i thought i could trust somebody i thought was going to protect me the nobles of this city were supposed to protect us but as soon as we were lifted up into the air by hesper's magic as soon as we were set adrift they started fearing that they would starve so they sent their soldiers down into the city told them to gather up all the food and water they could and to kill anybody who resisted people are a funny thing fire is easy i understand fire i've understood fire for nearly 500 years it's power it burns it can harm people but it's a simple thing but people are complicated i've heard a lot about you the gods have even spoken about you my priestesses of sayana have told me that hesper endorses you that sayana endorses you some of the other gods perhaps not so much palador endorses you the sky prince clearly believes you believes that you are some great hope for arrows but i had to meet you i had to speak with you i had to see you i wanted to look into your eyes when i asked you these questions i wanted to see whether you would grovel and bow and perhaps that's how you'd won aradan over but not clearly was not the case miss nova is quite happy to give me [ __ ] over my investigative matters certainly ayla is not scared of me mr quill and you speak honestly and sentinel prime here is a guardian i have no doubts about central prime's motives or behaviors but do you have her trust she trusts you so yes i wanted to meet you ask you these petty boring questions that i'm sure you will have to answer all over again but this isn't in a room with ambassadors and diplomats this is with me this is with somebody who has fought who has killed who has defended something that she loves and i needed to speak to you on that level and i believe you i believe you about what you've said i believe you about this threat i'm more concerned about this hadar than i was previously seems that if it has you all worried it's something we should all be worried about i'm sorry for being brash and forgiving you [ __ ] i'm just a bit tired of people talking about my family recently especially in a threatening manner it makes me uncomfortable and it makes me angry and i'm tired we're all tired it's refreshing to find someone who is actually listening to us well i am listening but i'm also going to be honest with you miss vijay i take no offense at your brashness i applaud it i approve of it it's been a long time since i well too many people bow and scrape to me not the people of horizon they know who i am what i will tell you is that you don't have time to be tired you don't have room to be tired you don't have the luxury of being tired and your family i'm afraid that you are a known entity now nova vega your family will be probably asked questions they'll probably be tracked down people will want to know about them because you're known about it's just the way of the world if you want to protect your family i suggest you find them you take them somewhere that you can look after them and you keep them away from everybody else the way i'm protecting my family is the reason i'm here i'm here to fight on the front lines because until this threat is over with my family are not safe i'm afraid that that's not necessarily that doesn't doesn't play out i'm afraid yes the front lines absolutely but people are people are complicated like i said i'm not even sure if we can trust everyone we've invited here everyone has their agendas on that point is there someone in particular anyone in particular you want us to keep an eye on because you know we're not super comfortable with a large important meaning of important people you know even though you say everyone is as important as each other that kind of doesn't work in the real world is there anyone you want to they're not as important no they're not as important as they're certainly not as important as they think they are but they represent the they represent the populations of arrows people that we can count on to be fighters to be soldiers they represent our large cities cities where we trade where we have supplies food hospitals things like that they're not all as important as each other and in terms of keeping an eye on anybody else none of them have given me a reason to suspect them i'm just i'm a little bit of a paranoid person you have to be when you've died several times if anything the dragons it's not that i distrust them but they're zealous we know that they hate starbain they've never shied away from making that clear to everyone else i worry they're they're warriors they're soldiers they want to think and act like soldiers they don't think about the seamstresses they don't think about the bakers they don't think about the other people that have to survive and live in this world they just see arms that can hold swords and shields or make them that's all they know so i worry about them the orcs are difficult they have an adventurous spirit but i don't know if you know but there is an affliction for many orcs they call it the glint they can easily be swayed by greed and from what miss vega told me if this hadar preys on it i worry that they may be susceptible to this hedar's influence the rest they're politicians there's infighting amongst them the king of rook silver and the blood the blood lord of blood veil they'll be at each other's each other's throats they always have been gisella well if that if her royal highness attends she's going to be a pain in my ass but if she sends one of her diplomats probably won't get anything done this is why you should never get into politics trust me that's why i just decided to hit things with a hammer instead instead that seems to be working if we could all be such a simple warrior miss ayla trust me i wish i could just burn it all down sometimes miss video if i could ask because i think you have a handle on things it's hadar it's not starbane that's the threat starbain dangerous has said to us starbain has said to us that he offers a sort of peace where he will evacuate races from this planet and into indentured servitude in the valkyrian empire but it's a way to save dentured servitude does not sound preferable i would much rather die and serve some other then that was my question is if there was a way to save the people of aroes and defeat hidar that's his plan and would you do it but you've answered my question i i will be a slave to no one and i'm sure that the the dragons will not bow many people here will not become a slave swift death much preferable i've lived that is why i've lived as a slave i won't go back to something like that again it's easy for somebody who's never had to serve another be degraded humiliated punished tortured by another to think that that is preferable to death but i have lived i've lived both and i'd pick death i value that and i hope you didn't take my question as disrespectful it's just how stark why starbain is here and why starbain is crusading it's good to know it's good to understand our enemy it seems like he from the way that you speak of him you almost have respect for him is that true i don't have respect for him i just understand the logic of what he's trying to do senator prime you and i are from a time when he tried to conquer this world with war do you have any thoughts on all of this it's difficult i like anyone would love to see a rowis safe surviving thriving from this hedar threat but starbain doesn't bring peace he brings death we've seen it before how can we be sure it won't happen again even if he says that we're safe with him there's no telling that we will be from the sounds of it speaking with your friend nova even the looks in some of your eyes do you truly believe that he is an individual who would go back on his word do you truly believe that he is a somebody who would try and deceive us and i ask this genuinely i do not know this indiv you have met this individual this legendary figure that we only heard of in in rumor and i heard of from battle reports whilst i was living in a slum you have met the man do you think him capable of deceiving us that is something we must know before we enter these negotiations with the others i think his right-hand command is capable zakira she will do anything to get what she wants what of him i think he does have a sense i think he has a goal it's to defeat hada and i don't think he cares what happens to the people in between him and her that is interesting to know i do think he has a sense of honor but it is his honor and as quill says he will do what it will take to destroy hadar he will offer us a way out but it is on his terms and his terms only [Music] excuse me for one minute she turns around goes to the balcony and you just watch as she kind of crouches for a minute and flames to shoot up all of her legs down her arms and you just watch as she just into the air let's go she steams like smoke rising offer what apparently intense conversation yeah and it's and it's i mean lucious this is a sorcerer like she's a sorceress you can see that this magic is innate that some some power in her is giving her this immense amount of like magic that was basically kind of like a giant cone of cold but made of fire and she just was like burning burning the magic off ah sorry conversation is very stressful i like your way pretty cool yeah if you do have an ancient primordial spirit inside you giving you immense amounts of fiery magic sometimes you just have to use it don't you what yes yes you do ah my apologies mr lucius um my power comes from a primordial spirit called the phoenix it gives me fire magic effectively also seems to keep me alive keeps me keeps i heal from wounds if i if my body is destroyed i am reborn uh somewhere some woman in horizon gets pregnant and then i'm born again with all my memories coming back as i grow out of adolescence i i know it's it's a lot that's a lot that also changes perspectives somewhat i'm sure how so oh yes and living multiple lives i think this is my fifth reincarnation now what if fourth if you don't count my first when i gain the powers um but your perspective in fact the last time i ah my apologies yes the fact that you are able to be reborn you have this gift that others do not gives you a certain i didn't have i didn't know it the first time the first time i died i was terrified i was strangled in the very hands of a woman i trusted that i thought was going to protect me she killed me i was terrified it frightened me immensely but there was also a sense of relief to it well there was a i don't know but i don't know if this power will last forever who knows maybe the next time i won't come back i don't know what i have learned is that i can't control that what i can control is what i do here now what i can control is how i live and how i'm treated in the lives of all these people in my city i will tell you this if there's one thing i can understand about this valkyrian it's that drive to do something i would do anything to protect the people of horizon anything if i have to go back on my own desires to protect them i will i know what i prefer and i would choose that for myself but the people here i don't get to make that choice for them can i insight check her on there yeah it's a funny thing you can do that on anybody you like actually i'm gonna do that whenever you want i feel really comfortable on this an alien concept i've never done it before but here we go 16 16 i mean her body language she is confident she speaks with an assuredness she keeps eye contact she doesn't glance away like when she's when she was speaking to you she was dead locked eyes with lucious and you didn't see you didn't see anything that would betray that she was hiding anything like it genuinely seems like she was just speaking from her heart but she could just be very good at hiding it you don't know he's had many lifetimes to figure that out yep refine it like a dang avatar um i've got i've kept you in sight as well that's the other thing is like quill i'm assuming who has been quite quiet you know you've not been distracted you've been watching her this whole time yeah the way that she speaks matches up with a story like the way she holds herself the way she speaks it's definitely not a person who's 18 years old you know she's definitely kind of speaks with the with the weight of ages um you didn't see any kind of deception she doesn't show any signs of body language or like nervous tics or anything like that like um yeah you didn't spot anything out of the ordinary for sure okay danica you you speak very much of trust and the lives you've led the people you've met you must have been betrayed so many times as have we in such a short time since our airship crashed not too long ago i could ask you could ask us if we trust you and to be honest the answer will most likely be the same for all of us we don't know and i think the important question is the important question is do you trust us speaking with you hearing your thoughts and opinions i think i trust you as much as i trust anyone which is a compliment i'm paranoid person i told you i think that you have good intentions i think you are young but experienced i think that you have good hearts she looks at sentry when she says that especially and i think you have the wisdom to see that things are not always so simple and she looks at nova when she says that i think that this is going to be difficult i think that convincing our ambassadors and dignitaries is going to be a struggle but i think that we can at least align on several things and to that extent yes you have my trust [Music] i'm not going to ask you if if you trust me i don't need to because i know how i feel about you and i suspect the answer is very similar it is in that case i hope that we can work together to stop this as best we can or at the very least to help the people find the best solution i imagine that your eye casts a wider net to the people of arous mine is here but yes i think that that is what we need to focus on now do you trust us more than you trust the dragonborn in the orcs uh well they all it's not that i distrust let us be clear i do not distrust the orcs i do distrust the dragonborn i don't distrust the orcs i know that they are susceptible to a magical malady that makes them very greedy that is so so so dragonborn storm chaser crew approach to this uh yes i can i trust you more than the dragonborn if that gives you any yeah a fantastic one one thing you have a there's perhaps there will be some introductions later on uh to meet with you you have a few hours if you do wish to see the city it is a wonderful place it is a place that i dearly love and if you need supplies we have merchants and artisans here of of great value and skill i do suggest you go and seek them out uh there may be even be people that are here that you know a lot of travellers end up coming to horizon if you ever wish to find somebody i think horizon is the place to do it well your messenger guild is uh quite prominent here as well mr ad cola we have a very large uh institution yeah they do with your passive insight that you pointed out is 21 that the first time there's like a hint of there's something she knows but she's not saying this is the first hint of like there's like a little wink like but she didn't actually wink okay cool well let's go we'll see what the meeting i suppose yes it will be in approximately two hours the first the order of business is that we will do introductions um make sure that everyone gets acquainted tomorrow we will begin the the actual discussions about callus until then try and relax i know yes relax we have a we have a training room if every any of you do need to let wild and then she turns back and you can see her like kind of beginning to play with fire up and down her hands creating like little balls and birds made of flames i feel like this is your training yes it is it was built specifically for me it's built specifically to withstand my magic so it is uh very durable i wouldn't mind witnessing and training at the same time oh yes i believe that your magic is is innate as well is it not mr mr elena's you have an in natural magic i don't know if there's some strange primordial creature within me but maybe you can help me find that out certainly of course i'd be more than willing to help it's always interesting to meet another practitioner of powerful magic i do apologize if i send your eyebrows however oh i i can protect them good i'm not joking and she just gestures to the door i tweeze my eyebrows i hope you do not [Laughter] like a chat okay so uh we can go on a break and then when we come back from break you guys can head and explore a little bit of horizon or you can go and meet these other ambassadors and such um yeah i imagine a little think about what we can do yeah we've got no idea who's actually here or us no yeah no not yet yeah well you know i enjoy your sweets mine haven't arrived so we have some donations here from uh lebskull uh who says hi rollers i'm getting into creating languages i wanted to ask mark if he would like a language with pronunciation and runic alphabet for all spells and a guide on how to write slash say homebrew ones which is my first uh conlang idea language is it's kind of like there's a million words for snow um there's a vassar act just covers everything um arcanea has donated with hey rollers i've been a member of the vod squad for four years so i figured it was about time i caught something live and donated uh thanks for everything unique peeps do well thank you very much arcanea and thank you for sticking with us in the vod squad for so long and welcome to live gang for life i'm still i'm still doing it um joey jojo jr shabadoo has donated a triple quarter hundo 75 dollar reduce thank you very much and they say hey gang i'm on the vod squad still but i just got to episode 100 and let me say a belated congratulations mark you tell beautiful story thank you for helping me through tough times thank you you laugh when i think i may have forgotten much love raise century yeah race century i'm not sure if ree is there but praise century um joyous jam has donated hello hi rollers i just discovered you i just discovered you guys in december and i'm almost to episode 60. wow such progress thank you for the good vibes uh during my first semester in college and i can't wait to join you live soon lots of love from idaho thank you very much for joining us at joyous jam i look forward to seeing you uh soon-ish episode 60. there's you got a way to go you've got a way to go i will say that um but good progress uh jenny claire has donated hey rollers clear skies in niceville it's vod squad for me today because i'm starting my new job good luck very good luck um hope the meeting of the leaders goes well have a good day all and you too jenny claire thank you very much for the donation i'm i'm glad to hear niceville is still sounding very very nice um that is all for now and i will read the rest uh as they come in at the very very end of the episode but thank you very much i also saw a load of gifted subs as well uh let me have a little checky a little checky um we had a load of gifted subs from yorkshire dave being wolfie danke's prime cooper orc and polo colo man so thank you very much everybody for all of those thank you very very nice to see um yeah yeah man i i i was worried i was worried that she was going to be creepy this danica lady especially with the name danica bloodfire when you first said that name i was like oh great yeah okay that's the one that's going to kill us is it annika blood well are you excited to meet um are you excited to meet uh blood lord commander of bloodline of the bloodlord um yeah yeah yeah danica's an mpg i created very very early before we started the campaign immensely he's called as hell i feel like that's pretty much what this episode is going to be right just all these npcs you had from the very beginning pretty much there's a writer no a lot of them i made up a lot of them have recently been made up all right some of them are old some of them have been around for a long time what i mean is this is main quest now we're on main quest the meanest quest the point of the mainstream before they all get blown up yeah exactly uh we come to love them and then we have to say goodbye bye bye danica bloodlord bloodfire like xx bloodlord 5000. um that's it it's cool you'll be back okay she's the molest she comes back exactly yeah yeah just like the avatar yep is that is that is that like a thing is that a phoenix power in d is that is that like a class path or something i made that up well i mean there was a phoenix thing for sorcerers but i did my own take on it come go get a drink a drinky or a weed i'm going to assume you want i think me mark and we are all just snacking on the sweets because you reminded me that they there's so many yeah there's so much of it and i think the thing is is me and nina because i got a bag and nina got a bag so we got two [ __ ] bags of it we're still on one bag double bag in here halfway through yeah double bang yeah i've hit all the sour stuff at the bottom so my face is just like this all the fizzy sour stuff now nice we decanted it so it's all mixed up yeah um yeah um yeah it's interesting like i basically ahead of this like ahead of you guys coming to horizon i had to dig into like old ass documents from like when i was originally gonna like do a campaign guide like digging out like [ __ ] like i gotta come okay who's who's the leader of this game right okay yeah get that guy in i had to go through and do all of that and then also going through some like some of your guys notes as well like some stuff that's happened since and yeah it's been a it was an interesting one for sure oh show full show also katie i totally stole your hair for danica i was just like she's gonna have to cater it's looking terrible and full of brown roots at the moment but you know in its private hairdresser's lol can't go home so weird i mean if you want to talk about roots let's talk about how this was up here [Laughter] mine goes from like weird brunette section to red to orange to yellow it's like yeah can't make up its mind you know it's everything now that's a year's growth right there yeah so i've been to the hair dressers i went in december last so it's not like too too bad for me i got five i need to get rid of this i was gonna say yours was funny yeah yours is growing a lot though mine was actually as well like mine was like i fully colored mine for a while mine doesn't grow very fast well that's it that's our break tommy's back hello um so let's jump back into it having come to horizon uh been quite you know not interrogated but you've had your your tsa security check on arrival um they're very aggressive about it but you know it's to protect you you've been checked into some accommodations but you've now also met with danica bloodfire the leader of horizon the steward of horizon a very very powerful sorceress infused with the primordial spirit of the phoenix um who has had a very frank and very honest conversation with you all about these upcoming talks and about starbain and about hada but now you have a few hours to either explore the city or to wait and then just you guys can just go straight into meeting all of the other dignitaries and the diplomats as there is a kind of informal uh meet up uh kind of like a meet and greet uh before the big talks begin tomorrow um what would you guys like to do is there any way you would like to like which is there anything in particular you want to go into the city for like you like we could do with getting more supplies i want to go and see if this npc i really like is here you could try and do that [Music] i think other than uh buying potions and more potions uh potions and potions yeah and then you want to do that i mean you could try and see if what was here yeah we could see what's available like we could do a casual like jaunt to see if there's any cool things in stock and then also just look for arvo so okay that was my next question are you actually i mean he is so rain when you finish speaking with danica and you begin making your way back off this giant balcony rain is waiting for you at the stairs like he hasn't left he's been stood there the whole time just waiting um he nods his head and uh rain is just like very well would you like to go back to your quarters or do you and would you like to step out into the city for a few hours what would you like to do next city for a few hours do you have anything in particular you are looking for i could perhaps make some suggestions for places to visit oh we have so many messages to send at the the guild don't we quill no we have exactly zero messages to send i can do all of that myself well if you do require the messenger guild services they can be found in the rose pinion the central tower to the south of the city there's pinyon thank you good to know indeed if you do not have any particular plans i would recommend that you the harp circle which is the upper sort of section the upper civilian section of the city is where you'll find most of our traders most of our artisans as well as art galleries museums horizon appreciates art very much so we being a we are a city that is patroned by lady sayana the goddess the song heart so we have many uh theaters museums even our temple of muses is partly an art gallery and performance space i do recommend visiting those it is a very beautiful temple to visit but there are also many traders places you can see if any of you would like some intimate companionship horizon is very well known we have the the companions guild uh they operate many fine establishments throughout the city that you may visit as you wish are there um are there any sky jousting tournaments held here sky jazzing we do have a we have a small arena sky jousting is is actually it is somewhat seen as a bit of a sport of the former nobility uh it has some connotations with horizon we do maintain a small arena as it is still a very popular sport uh but i do not believe there are any jousts at the moment i believe that the most recent ones were cancelled for ahead of this summit uh to make sure that there was no incoming traffic that we needed to concern ourselves about do you happen to have a list of visiting guests at the moment we want to see if there's any friends we can connect with it's difficult to track everyone coming into the city proper it is a large city we have lots of visitors throughout the day your best bet for general visitors would be to check in with the garnet pinion or the cardinal pinion the two airship towers that reside on the outer edges of the city they do keep records of everyone who arrives i could also we may be able to commission a mage to contact them and check for you we have been tracking guests into the city of the reborn and those attending the meeting but tracking the hundreds of thousands of people that come and go to the city every day is well it would be very difficult thousands of people i should say tens of thousands that's what i said i didn't say a hundred thousand that'd be ridiculous how many people yeah um um what about anyone yes some reputation maybe arvel dagos of the guild that he is in those names i've just forgotten vegas trading company there he goes if you would accompany me just a surname if you come with me we will stop by we will stop by the mages offices and we will inquire if they can send uh a message to the airship docks i think that that will be the fastest way to inquire fair enough yes please anyone else we wanted to see if we can meet up with i don't think so i don't really be here if there's no sky justing tournaments he's probably gone off somewhere else if you require any supplies or shopping we do have um several very talented artisans who create items that i think you may be interested in um i can recommend those uh if you wish as well but let's just let's just go and check and see if your your friend is in within the city uh rain will lead you down the steps uh into a uh it's kind of like you know a switchboard room in old movies where they have like people on the switchboards and things like that this is like that but if it was desks rows of mages um and they're all set there and you can see that they have this um like stone embedded into the desk and quill you would recognize the runes embedded into the stones are the sending spell and they touch the stone they close their eyes they write down like a message and then they recall or send a message back and then they take their hands off it and then they do it again and it seems that they're relaying messages throughout the city using this kind of like set of six desks and stones using this to kind of constantly communicate um this is one of our internal administration facilities we use it to contact training companies or uh if there is uh in need of special hospital treatments or if there are you know inquiries that we need to pass on we use this to do it you said the name was uh arvol dagan aval gas of the diego's trading income vegas hard to forget uh samia i need you to run a check can we inquire with the garnet and the cardinal [ __ ] docks uh if an arvol degus has been recorded as entering the city uh yes of course rain thank you um give me a moment yes hello this is sumir of the of the citadel do we have arvol degas on entering the city takes her hands off repeats the same message sometimes it can take them a little bit of time um rain it's fine they can it shouldn't take too long about sort of five minutes goes past and then she writes a message down writes another message down yes uh in fact uh they have been recorded as entering the city just uh two days ago uh they arrived via the garnet pinion um they said that they would be staying in one of the inns in the harp circle between ruby and rose uh near the temple of the muses very good thank you very much that's not that's not that's katie sorry there you have it wonderful you will be able to identify the the location the temple is an easy landmark but if you are ever in need and he points a map of the city most people describe their location by saying between cardinal and scarlet harp circle that indicates this particular wedge of the city or perhaps between rose and ruby in the sightless streets which indicates the section of the lower city um this is often how most people communicate their location so if you do need to find anyone it's very efficient very impressive it was designed this way it has been renamed and reshuffled around since the sundering but we've made it work for we do unlike a gust haven we do not have as much fresh water or food supplies sometimes the city does dip beneath the cloud limit the lower areas of the city become quite shrouded in cloud cover so if that does happen it is uh we try and give warning but sometimes uh the city does drift a little uh if it does happen there will be magical lights which should help you guide you but do not be alarmed if there is a dense fog down in the lower parts of the city if you remain in the harp circle this shouldn't be a problem thank you for the heads up you are welcome i will have uh rain gestures uh and two uh velinar they call them their kind of elite security the two velanar guards approach uh they will accompany you at a distance i ask that you do not try and escape their attention they are there to protect you and to make sure we know where you are we have no reason to evade them um good to know thank you you're welcome they're following us please enjoy them please enjoy the city thank you let's go meet it horrible that's gonna mean yeah so you guys just want to basically go straight for arvel right you guys are like beelining straight to your boy okay yeah pretty much all right sure it's not hard to track your way down into the city the temple of the muses is this enormous cathedral where whole sections of it appear to be made out of stained glass like an entire wall is stained glass it shimmers and skin colors kind of bounce off of it and you can hear incredible gorgeous music kind of cascading over the district from this uh immense cathedral-like structure um at the top of it kind of a golden harp uh is kind of stretched as like a giant emblem uh for sayana the songha uh the goddess you make your way down and finding a very lavish inn that i didn't name uh we will call it the alden no that's lame uh the golden canvas it's called uh the golden canvas um it's a very lovely film it's a it's a very wealthy looking tavern uh seems to uh appeal to a kind of richer clientele um as you are making your way towards this inn you're gonna get some just uh you kind of get some um directions you pass through what appears to be like a little market square uh with a couple of like little almost like little pop-up stores they they're not quite tense or canvases but they look like they're smaller kind of shacks that have been put together and quill you're the first one to notice this with your perception um you you see somebody else that you recognize uh you see because you hear them you hear this kind of heavy uh hoof like hoof marks on the ground and you hear a very familiar voice oh my goodness yes that'll be so delightful and you see uh a little pop-up store called rose meadows uh what is it rose meadows um marvelous medicines rosemary's marvelous medicines and it's a little pop-up store you see the centaur lady you see this she was at cali's rest yeah but you and it's it's unmistakably rose meadow uh blonde hair little flower crown uh you know centaur body i mean she's a centaur like it's she's unmistakably rose meadow um and she appears to be operating a small little pop-up alchemy store um [Music] it's like seeing an old friend for like the first time at ages and you're like oh my god but uh yeah like unless you unless you divert the party away quill you're the first one to see her like you ever you could try and divert the party so they don't see her but or like they're gonna see her when you like you know get closer i'll like turn around and stop and be like okay so do you remember in cali's rest before we got teleported away it is it is okay lucious like starts calling out to her um and you see she kind of hands over and it's again you know it's rosemary because it's like a little woven basket filled with like fresh flowers and like little bits of straw and then it's like a couple of potion bottles in there she like hands it over and she kind of looks up like she's heard her name and she's looking around but doesn't quite recognize the voice and then she sees lucious and sentry and you just see her like cheeks go pink and she's just oh my goodness i don't believe it oh it's so wonderful lucious wasn't it it was lucious yes [Music] you and like buries her face in your feathers oh wonderful hello everybody what are you doing horizon uh yeah oh well you know it's so funny i was just thinking about you all the other day so you left cali's rest and you helped me do you remember there were some people who were giving me a hard time in cali's rest and you you you helped me you you were gonna you spoke to them and told them not to trouble me anymore well you were so kind to me and i realized that the peoples of cali's rest were always a little well they were always a little off with me so i thought why not move somewhere else and i heard so many wonderful things about horizon that they're so welcoming that i just packed up everything and i thought i would just go out and see the world and travel and i got here and it's just been wonderful just people here are so lovely and they love music and they love all of my crystals and all of my ointments and i sell so many things yes by healing slavs they love them i'm so proud of you good for you thank you thank you look at all of you you look why you look even you look even more splendid than the last time i saw you your muscles they're they're huge thank you yeah i've been working out a bit if you ever want any nice muscle uh treatments or relax you know for if you get aching muscles after working out i have some wonderful creams i never get ak muscles not too strong for that no no no okay well if you do if you do that i'm there me right here and essentially you look you're you look more metally and big things have uh have changed for sure since we last saw you but it's so good it's so good to see you again yes yes wonderful well if is there anything i can get you i have a few potions and things if if you're interested i know that you you were interested in them before hmm yes that would be very useful what do you have oh well i have um in terms of healing i do have one very powerful healing potion i only have the one i'm afraid uh there's not a lot of i make the it was more sort of a personal project to see if i could make it rather than something i ever expected to sell a superior healing potion i also have several uh greater healing potions but i also have some other ones that may be of interest to you um let's see here i have a potion of of fire resistance and i have a potion of uh of poison resistance i have some anti-poisons which are if you become ill or sick you can take this and it'll make you feel better um i also have oh this potion will turn you into a gas and you can float through the air and be one with the wind uh gonna messenger ring while smiling and trying to nod like this i think the fire resistance potion might be very very very useful just in case um yeah yeah um maybe yes birdie uh oh um we we we would like the fire resistance potion i think and maybe some of the healing as well um what sort of price for these [Music] i am not well i would i'm afraid that the superior potion is it's very difficult to make it has a lot of rare ingredients that would probably need to be at least let me think i think 600 gold and the fire resistance potion would probably be about 300 and then the greater ones 200 each but i only have two of those uh i mean messengering we have 18 882 gold and only one life i say we take it and we help out rose meadow [Music] we'll round it up so hang on quite well it's about 1300 total so you could if you want to give them more you could give them all you know selling these potions would be such a help i'm trying to save up to buy a bigger store here on horizon so any if i can sell you this superior that would be a huge help [Laughter] okay uh well in that case rose meadow um we'll take the potions and also a tip on top you helped us greatly in cali's rest and she starts very useful no i can't possibly think it's good that's so kind of you know i really don't want to act cuter than i am but this tiny chest is my wallet [Laughter] yes and it's golden it's got gemstones on it it's so cute oh a few weeks ago we all had this collective dream where we were toys you would have loved that i think that she can't quite she's like why she said what do you mean yeah that's a whole thing at least you have to take and she like starts putting like all the potions together in this really ornate uh kind of like luxury kind of like a wooden kind of like container and it's got like flowers in it and then she starts putting in like shampoos and the muscle cream and she starts putting in like a feather ointment for quill and then there's like a plant growth for century she's like looking at nova and like maybe there's like something to like like you know i don't know like uh something for like cloud hair that's full rob no a menthol rub so i'm studying and i have a headache like yeah yeah yeah and for lucious there's an eye mask in there as well and like she's like putting all of these like cosmetics in do you have any um it's all natural ingredients do you have any like uh hair quick hair growth um ointments anything like that yes i have something like that yes i have something like that and she puts that in as well i'm like does it grow in a day oh no it can't grow in a day lucious no but if you put it on every night for a week you will begin to see it grow a little a good bit faster perfect thank you well here you go thank you so much i'm assuming you give her the gold i'll give it a go yeah and i have to use a fourth level spell slot to do it as well because you have to summon the check taken who's taking the gold i think thomas i've got it yeah i've got it all i've still got i've got 17 382 in my currency on dna beyond right now are you gonna put are you gonna put the potions in the chest as well or are you gonna keep those on you and divvy those out i think it's a divi situation yeah all right we can do that later you don't have to do that now just make a note of them all so one superior two graters pushing the fire resistance excellent now when we come see you next where is your new store going to be well i'm gonna try and keep it here in the harp circle because it's uh it's just you get better trade here but i don't think i'll be able to be as close to the temple of muses i'm i i really there's a wing here there's a part of the city called the rose wing and i thought that you know i'm rose meadow i should have my stores i don't see you so much [Laughter] it's so you don't you don't know what it means to me to see you all again and to know that you're all safe when you vanished from cali's rest your little dwarven friend he was so worried about you he came and was asking me if i'd seen you he was asking everyone in cali's rest um i i hope that did you have you managed to find him again the the very handsome dwarf man you won't believe this he's right here pretty much it's like just around the corner you know what i was reading my tea leaves this morning and they said it is a day for connections for that which was a part to come together again it's happening right a lot of people have the summit as well do you know about the summit in advance or yeah what are you talking about okay yeah do you have any readings for tomorrow uh well i can't do my tea readings for tomorrow until tomorrow okay true true true i just i i will if you come by i'll we could do them together [Laughter] why not why not yes stay safe okay we'll have we'll have we'll have uh coffee and i've got some little vegan cupcakes and we can do the tea leaves together and oh it'll be so wonderful it sounds delightful well you all have just a wonderful day now bye like a couple of streets down you see this uh the golden canvas tavern um you very clearly the the signpost is of this beautiful kind of golden field painting with an easel and the paint brushes and all of that kind of stood out inside is a very wealthy establishment a big plush long wooden bar uh various booths with leather and suedex seating but all over the place are pieces of art like actual unique local art uh there's a kind of little uh wooden inscription for each of the artists they're all for sale it looks like this is almost like a gallery and tavern combined together um it's quite busy you can see a lot of people kind of chatting and talking amongst themselves um you don't hear that familiar drawl when you first enter uh what would you guys like to see quill can you see him uh no no i know i'm going to say no mark hasn't said anything you don't see him immediately here no no uh he could be out i mean we could just ask the guy over there the inner keeper um big moustache kind of twirled around uh he's got like little spectacles on um slicked back hair uh he's behind the bar you can see him just pouring a few drinks mainly things like wine it's a bit more of a fancy establishment so he's kind of got like a very nice crisp white shirt on with a little kind of uh apron and he's pouring a white a couple of wine glasses for some travelers um if you make your way over to him he's just like hello there hello there my good travelers how can i help you welcome to the golden canvas if you'd like to purchase any of the art please come and see me and i can arrange it to be taken off uh and transported for you how can i help you well i had no idea that was an option we're here looking for uh aval dagos we believe he's staying here mr dagus of course yes you're friends of his we are yes old friends well would you just mind a bit of a bit of a company policy i i'll go and check with him uh what are your names i'll just make sure that you know you are actually friends oh uh the storm chaser well lucious nova sentry ayla lucius nova sentry ayla storm chaser very well just give me one moment just a few minutes just to go and speak with mr dickers if that's all right thank you oh you have incredible weather welcome sir more than welcome you hear his like little feet goes out the back goes up some stairs a few minutes later he comes down well mr mr degus is in room number six and he would very much like to see you um i'm gonna have some i'm gonna have he's asked me to bring up some food and some drinks we're gonna bring that up for you just in a moment there is that all right lovely thank you so much good boy oh bye okay bye he starts like going in and he's pulling out he's like sniffs like a box he's like no that's not the good stuff uh this one oh yeah he starts putting like bottles and things away and he's like mildred mildred we need to get all the best what cakes have we got have we got any cakes what about what about savories have we got any savories we've got that nice sausage yeah let's get that in and cheeses and like he's he's going off and trying to whip up some sort of like lovely little meal um it's very very horrible just ordering the best stuff please money man yeah i'm assuming you guys go up and find room number six yes now we leave oh yeah sure uh i figured room number six is the end hall suite um and it has its own little balcony that looks out onto the the cathedral the temple of the muses um and yeah the door is open and when you open it you step inside very opulent very well kept you see a familiar-looking crossbow uh left on a table side uh you see a big heavy bag like a traveler's backpack an explorer's backpack uh laden with all sorts of things um you can see there are all sorts of papers on the desk um and then just kind of the windows the doors sorry to the balcony open and stood there kind of looking out onto the onto the the temple uh you see a familiar dwarven back uh a kind of white crisp shirt a big cowboy hat uh big tall boots traveling cowboy boots um when he hears the door you see him turn around big thick beard braided kept immaculately uh gold gems studded little toggles around his beard he looks way better than when he was traveling with you you know you had crashed he'd been sort of like living as rough as he could when he was traveling with you but now you see vegas uh yeah he that seems he doesn't have a cane or anything he's he is this very handsome rich looking dwarf man and when he sees you he kind of tips the hat up and you can you can see that he is desperately trying to like keep his like keep his stuff together he's like trying not to cry and he's just like well look who it is it has been far too long oval far too long glad you're all alive centuries is gonna spring in and give [Laughter] gets both of you and picks you both up uh and yeah he's just like like slamming you in the back and he's just like oh my god i didn't know what it got you you are what happened jeez let's uh let's sit down i think this is going to be a long story well yeah this goes all the way to cali's rest it's a it's a pretty long story yeah yeah lucious it's really good to see you boy lucious will just walk up and put a hand out takes the hand and pulls you down he's like no no come here and he's like i was going to do the same to you i was ah good to see you come on so good to see you boy you both fall at the same time that's it it's just i mean when your message came in my head quill i didn't know if i was dreaming or or not you just vanished it's like you you went into that abbey and then just nothing and then they went up and a few days later they sent people up there to try and see what had happened there was just nobody there it was like the place is there's a ghost it was like it was a ghost ghost abbas empty tire abby whole place there was i mean there was blood there were signs of fighting but there's no bodies no people nothing [Music] what about vala where is she she's safe she's safe um starbain has her what then she ain't safe wha what do you mean that's not possible what it turns out it turns out she's star bane's daughter no no yeah yeah what this is a joke this is a prank or something you're you're marvelous you remember do you remember she had those abilities that we were never really sure where they came from [Music] a kid that that small having that kind of power you know oh she's just she's actually she's the only reason that we kind of made it because she saved our butts he takes his hat off and kind of sits down raja i right it's all a bit much for me i'm just a just a businessman this all seems well beyond me you sure you're not joking if this is a joke it's really bad one i don't like it it's not a joke and you are not just a businessman you have a very good reputation and your well your endorsement this is one of the reasons we're here uh thank you i'm glad that telvin listened uh some of the some of the merch some of the merchants of guild don't like me but telvin's always had a soft spot for me he's a good man if you're gonna be uh speaking with these leaders telvin's a good man he's a good one you can trust him don't trust the blood anybody anybody from blood veil don't you trust them they're uh they're slippery fellas okay yeah slippery blood blood they're all they're all about war and fighting and stuff so we we met some of your um employees actually recently uh dallas orgrim dallas yeah yeah yeah the man's like uh he's like a brother to me we kind of grew grew up together has he contacted you recently no no but then i literally came straight from gold throne brought you know as much credit and gold as i could and uh when telvin said that y'all would be coming to this meeting no i just i just came straight here oh wow so you're in the horizon i've been waiting i've been waiting it's been here a few days now but i had some business stealing go through but of course you all saved my life in that airship don't think i ain't forgotten cause i ain't and i won't we've missed you arvil we've missed you a lot me too kid me too kid i missed you all but the valor we got to do something yeah i i tell vince i heard tell there's something about this star bane but that's just a legend to most folks like us but if alice we got a rescuer we got to do something we're planning on doing that and yeah yeah we've somehow got whatever you need mixed up in the events of all of the rowers and beyond it turns out um when we got swept away at kaylee's rest we didn't know what we'll put on the front lines off but is at the center of it all and we are still determined to get her back whether she's at the center of it all or whether she's starbane's daughter or whatever i mean you know that kid she's just a she's just a good kid she doesn't she don't deserve to be wrapped up in all this we know of course good we'll get her back whatever you need you you need anything why i came to wait for you the the dagus training companies resources are yours whatever you need thank you speaking of i had to drag this i brought this here goes over opens up a trunk it's the [ __ ] one he pulls out this suit of one's pale leather armor now you can stop asking about it i picked i picked that up and go through it i've been i've been carrying that around with me for two months oh yes that's your problem now okay thank you um is it better than anyone's armor uh i'll tell you now it's studded leather armor and you get poison resistance when you wear it you don't get like an ac bonus but it does give you poison resistance you know what [Laughter] uh it's normal studded leather armor so your ac won't go up but you'll just gain poison resistance while you're wearing it nice yeah the bird wears the dragon there we go been dragging that thing all over the place i wouldn't believe it i thought you know i could i was like i could sell it i could maybe i'll just give them the gold if i sell it but well i wasn't sure if you'd need it so i've been lugging it around and i mean not like i've been lugging it around my staff's been lugging it around but you know you get the idea you get the idea yeah there's a knock at the door and the little halfling man is like oh oh hello mr d just got your drinks and your food here and it starts to bring it in laying out like a platter it's like a platter of like cheeses and bread and sausages it's like a little messy platter and then he's got like you know it brings in like a little barrel of ale with a little spigot and there's like a whiskey and all the glasses it's like anything else i could do for you mr vegas or your guest anything else he's like no no thank you thank you pierre that's very kind of thank you so much it will be fine just a bit of privacy to catch up with some old friends gets out the room can we very nice man very nice man pierre can we just like have a really nice conversation and drink wine and eat cheese and fade to black and then you know yeah that's it that's right tell him yeah that's it you've only got you've only got like a couple of hours so yeah you can literally like you're done no no no just yeah no yeah done we achieved the objective of get the armor that's it the rest of the story it's up to you to finish we're done where did we pick that [ __ ] up like literally [Music] [Laughter] literally 2018. oh my god that's the funny thing is that armor paid off big like it actually paid off like quill can actually use it we were just like oh thanks marvel but um no sentiment no we don't need it we can give it to a writer or something i don't know yeah exactly uh you could have used them but yeah uh no you catch arvel up you explain i'm assuming you guys don't do you hold back on telling him anything or you just like you know what aval here's the whole [ __ ] story like yeah with care and caution considering we are in an unknown place it sounds it sounds like lucius is being careful but nova is just like yeah but i think lucious careful is as honest as us um lucious secret banks i have a sister it goes over to the window and closes the curtains and like checks it's shut and then turns around yeah i've got a secret base he looks at you and he's like hey lucious you wanna know something else i've got a secret base yeah got a little uh got a little secret area built in my headquarters back in gold throne so uh welcome to the secret space club okay can we get shirts can we get t-shirts mate secrets oh [ __ ] [Laughter] [Laughter] just to bring it down there um yeah big party yeah you guys give him the updates you tell him everything else and yeah it's a this this man has definitely missed you a lot and there's a lot of love for marvel not just beyond like you think that those kind of like first little bits of traveling with him and saving his life and the bond with valor and stuff like that really means a lot to him so yeah yeah very nice i think we'd catch up pretty much very much you know the entire plan of going to get valor pretty much as well uh well not in its entirety but like it's almost next on our list right after this meeting yeah like those rebels you've got to make all right all aval's just like you got to make it a priority i know you've been busy i know you've had this astral space and you the magic the temple of lightning and all that and tiangong and all of that stuff but you've got to save that kid for me at least please so you don't deserve it good we just we just know that once we do it paints a even bigger target on our backs than we already have and a target on herois as well here's the thing quill about that i mean sure if he's a if if if if this callus is her daddy then sure he's gonna want to get her back but it sounds like from what you told me is his main focus his obsession is stopping this cidar now if she was taken by i know some rivals some killers sure i imagine he'd go to the ends of the earth he'd raise planets to get her back but he knows y'all right he's he's encountered you he's met you he's spoken to you he knows the kind of people you are and if i was him well there's not a lot of other people i would trust to have my daughter with even if your enemies he knows that you're going to protect her he knows that you're going to keep her safe right he knows that you care about her so maybe if he's so obsessed with this adar he's just gonna i don't know let it be for a little i don't know yeah that's just i don't know much about warlords and space wizards and all of that but i just know if she was my kid i wouldn't be too unhappy if she was with y'all [Music] still go and get her back you will good anyway you y'all over this meeting you got to be getting to i can't keep you too busy here but you want to come by i'm going to be staying right here but just contact me if you're going to leave you going anywhere you let me know where i will we want to well i will be in touch i feel like one of those people back at the tower sometimes on this ship i know y'all have got your own money in things but you know i've got a lot of good [ __ ] builders i know people that can work on airships you need some upgrades for yours i consider that a payment in kind you rescued me from one crashing airship least i can do is make you make sure yours ain't gonna do the same well i will be in touch about that it's being upgraded as we speak good well if there's if you need to go out into astral space i can't imagine it's going to be cheap to build something that can do that so whatever you need and lucious you know becoming a captain and having a crew and doing all of that stuff that's mad impressive i'm really proud of you well it wasn't me it was just uh i i i financed i financed it trust me lucious i financed a lot of projects in my time i worked with a lot of people who had a lot of money signing a check any idiot can do that but it tends to be that well they don't keep it together for much longer sounds like you've managed to keep it together you've got that crew and they like you they respect you they listen to you that that's not money doing that it's all you thank you have a sword too from your friend or your brother brotherly friends guys like a brother yeah you know all grin's a good fellow we grew up together uh but yeah you should learn make sure you give it a few swings i ain't no swordsman i can't teach you but uh get practicing anyway i should let you all go by the guards it's good to see you i will just so you know bad things could happen in the next few days we're expecting some sort of betrayal or intervention from starbain so you keep yourself safe okay i will do i got evangeline too over there and you know i can i can i know when to get myself out of trouble when i need to don't you worry about that i mean we do also get worship on the way just for free keep an eye out for the storm chaser sure all right we'll do will do now all day but i know i know needs money well i'm here tomorrow i'm here the day after so just come on by oh we will good yeah that was nice yeah i think that's time time's up we spent too much time with our boy yeah you guys make your way back uh the guards that have been they didn't come into the tavern but they're waiting outside when you leave uh one of them comes up to you a woman uh excuse me uh storm chaser crew uh they are requesting you to return back to the citadels as soon as you can please do not delay any longer here we go you guys make your way back yeah yeah would you guys just go back the same way that you came or would you try and like walk through a bit more of horizon first do you want to see more of the city what do you want the fastest place i mean i mean they're not like they're not like telling you like go go go they're not rushing you but they're kind of saying like you should be heading back now um lucious might suggest like a final you know uh enjoy the respite and the peace while we can because things are about to get tough and it's more just you you get like a sense of the city right like walking through the streets people are pretty happy here um people are happy in gust haven you've seen places where people are happy this is the first time you've really seen a place where so many different races all come together it's not just you know predominantly one predominantly other like this is a real you know mixed pot of people you see a few ganassi you see you know elves you see halflings you see gnomes you see like everybody uh kind of walking around and it's also a place where creativity is highly celebrated all of the stores are different and unique um the streets have colorful art painted on the stones it really creates this like very vibrant city like lifestyle if you've ever been to places like brighton it's kind of got the same vibe um there's a couple of just uh a couple of like merchants that you pass that you kind of take a mental note of if places that you might want to come back uh you see a blacksmith's called glories and it's noticeable because it looks like a normal blacksmith except outside appears to be a woman who is half tiefling and half asamar you can see that she has like this deep ruby red skin but almost like gold freckles all across her face and across her arms and body she has one twisted like devilish horn and then she has a bright gold hair that's almost like it's shaved on the side with the horn and then the rest is like this really beautiful long golden like spun hair and there's even like a faint glow of light where maybe a halo could have once been but there's nothing visible there it's just kind of like an ambience to it um and she's accompanied by what appears to be a miniature elephant with wings that is holding a hammer in its trunk and helping her work on some sort of weapon um you just kind of walk past and you're like that's cool you're kind of like making your way past things like that um she she gives you a big sort of wave when she sees you looking she's like yeah kind of smiles she's got this big kind of like really happy grin smile um wearing this beautiful armor the half of her that's tiefling is almost like a black and twisted and demonic and then the other half is this angelic golden silver like she's made it to like reflect these two halves of herself it's very cool um the other one quill and sentry you two notice this it's pretty it's kind of well established on a on a road but it seems a little quiet the store doesn't look particularly busy you notice it quill because you see the word solvent in letters across the the top of the the store itself you can see almost at first you mistake it for a florists but then you realize that tucked amongst all the plants and the trees and the leaves there are all sorts of magical ones and rods and scrolls and little magical trinkets and relics are for sale and the title of the place is called solving's legacy i mean you've got a bit of time i mean it looks quite quiet you know you've probably got like five five ten minutes you can stop by but then you're gonna really need to get back hey why are you two dwardling what are you looking at uh a shop down there century i i think it's best century goes there to check it out we've got some time we can stop for a second five seconds five minutes let's go check it out i wanna see if i can get a little present for uh someone let's go see sure entry if you want to okay oh yeah yeah let's go have a look okay yeah you make your way over it's a it's a really quite pretty little store it's almost like a little cottage little leaded windows uh kind of like brickstone walls made of white stone um essentially the white stone is very reminiscent of solving like you know the buildings would be made of this kind of like white gold marble it's kind of made from similar stuff um very pretty all these different plants uh the stenciled kind of uh name above the store when you enter there's a little dingaling bell um and that smell of plants like a florist smell that kind of heavy floral scent hits you but it's also tinged with there's something in the air magic or energy that just kind of seems to come alive when you enter you can see all these different little some of them are like little clockwork toys almost like little automatons that are kind of walking up and down and they're like arranging flowers you can see rods and wands uh beautifully engraved these kind of carved pieces of wood topped with crystals uh that look like something that a you know a very fancy mage would cur carry there's even like little satchels and even a set of robes on a mannequin that looked to be of hand-stitched and hand-created all emblazoned with emblems and and scenery that all all of you have seen you know either on centuries close or when you visited the ruins of the facility where root was found they have these traces of solvent about them and you hear a voice you know from bahak you know some back room at just a second and then a woman kind of steps out she must be sort of in her early 20s uh she has dark hair uh kind of high cheekbones she almost has like a very uh you know she looks out of place in the apron the brown apron leather apron and simple tunican pants that she's wearing and she kind of comes down she's carrying like a large you know urn with a plant in it and she just kind of like looks down she's like i'm so sorry i was busy plotting it potting out outside and she sees century hello you're you're she doesn't say anything it's just her her mouth just kind of drops and she's like tilting her head like she kind of like rubs her eyes i know takes a step closer hello i mean century it's yeah petal petal on that she just century i'm just gonna hug her i'm just gonna steps in she steps in super close and you can see she's trembling like she's shaking um she's wait this isn't like she's too old but it's you know now that you look at her you can see her kind of mother's face queen astoria's face you know she's you know kind of growing into that same royal figure and visage it's unmistakably the same girl she kind of like clutches onto you kind of get these memories of this young child just kind of clutching onto your legs holding your hand as you walked around the palace of sullivan and she's just shaking and you can hear these deep heavy heaving sobs and she just like puts her forehead against your chest plate i thought you were gone i you were destroyed we we thought you were destroyed when when the when the teleport worked you were left behind i just can't believe it's you i can't believe this i never stopped hoping i never stopped i never i'm sorry we stopped looking that's the thing century i i wasn't i when i the teleport took us to the city wasn't we were trapped we were trapped in some ruin the sundering must have collapsed something honest we were meant to go to an estate outside the city but something had happened the teleport went wrong or the sundering changed the world something happened i was still so young mother had a scroll one that she carried with her for emergencies it it put somebody into a sleep where they don't age they can't be harmed they only had the one and she she convinced me to let her put me to sleep and i was little i didn't understand what she was doing i woke up it's okay 500 400 and something years later not even their bones were still there it was just me in this cave and danica the i don't know if you know her she's she's the keeper of the city she found me and she knew who i was she said she'd seen pictures of my she thought i was my mother then she realized who i really was i'm so glad i can't believe i'm so glad you're here i i'm so sorry i'm sorry i couldn't protect you no you did you did protect us you if it wasn't for you we wouldn't they never would have got to the teleport room they never would have been able to get us out of there we should be sorry for you we couldn't take you with us you were supposed to come with us century and i can't believe you're still active how you shouldn't you should have gone what that light what is that i met root i met the prime he he gave me he gave me his matrix i'm i'm the leader of the guardians now there's nobody better so good to see you petal you need to get you need to get somewhere safe petal something something's coming i hate to say this to you he's coming back who starving ah that's that's not possible the the the cradle keeps them out that mother was certain that i'm gonna the safest place for me right now is with you that's always in the safest place then i will i will take you with me we we have we have a meeting and then afterwards you're you're coming with me i'm you're not leaving my side again petal i'm i'm not going to let that happen again i i i need to i need to arrange things here the the store i i'm i mean i i want to make sure that i i pack up my things and and maybe give it to somebody that's a an apprentice of mine he's been working for me maybe i can i'll give it i don't want to give it all away maybe i can have him run it for me um yes i'm sorry i'm sorry it's it's so it's so beautiful what you've made here is is beautiful i've i feel like it's something there's no you know that this you know about solving right you know that it's all gone i do okay well as long as as long as we're together we will be i promise i'm gonna hug her like just hug her so tight yeah yeah i don't know you said you have a meeting um maybe you should come by uh tonight uh i'll pack up my things and um we'll figure something out but or yes something i i need i need to think as well this is some this is a lot this is an awful lot i'll catch you up a lot a lot has happened since i last saw you there's it's i imagine i might have some things i can catch you up on as well i mean i've been alive for a little while now i've grown up a little bit so okay we need we need to we need to go but please i'll find you i'll i'll come back and find you tonight okay um yes do you have a way of contacting me is that is there any um i i i can i can i've got something i have a wand that i can use uh wand of scrying ascending sk not scrying sending i just didn't think to use it on you i i thought that i thought for sure that you'd been destroyed i should have i should have tried why didn't i try it's so stupid it's okay i'm sure we would have found each other at some point and we have i think we have we have we'll be at the citadel on i will i well i can't enter the city i don't think um well i i maybe i can i i've never tried i know danica danica knows me so maybe that will help okay if you okay okay and then with that we're going to win the episode well god damn god damn that almost got me almost got me that one always got me that's a long time coming now i think we almost just went straight to the meeting i know well yeah uh man i had a question as well hey do you want to end on a cliffhanger mark early in that reunion we'll probably wouldn't have handled it too well seeing as uh family returning for century brings back memories of family returning for quill so he kind of looks towards the rose pinion where this messenger guild is uh and then instead turns to the sale so they'll have the reborn that's where the meetings came taking place right yes it is cool can i ask the eye what this what where i'm standing now what this will look like in three days yeah okay so while century and petal are speaking and the rest of everybody's kind of watching this scene unfold you kind of take a back step you look out the door you take a back steps you are now out on the street and you look up at the citadel you ask the question the storm blows across your vision becoming the swirling mists of cloud and energy you see the citadel as it is and then rapidly night passes today day passes tonight you see people come and go see movement nothing changes oh that's even worse though that's even worse that's what you asked uh and that is where we end the episode for real i've got more reunions planned at some point by the way this is just the beginning all of that stuff everyone's saying you've been setting up for a long time it's coming back it's coming back oh eisen's like she's gonna meet her family yeah everyone's here horizon is like a central big city so yeah yeah god damn well you did ask for three days right you asked three days what will it look like i mean that's how long the meetings are right vaguely i mean i would have asked as long as there are meetings right like by the end of the songs are done okay sure all right no change no change you got more of that i was looking in the wrong direction fourth day should have been turned around two days ago [Laughter] damn that tower is totally fine project vanguard however is right stood right behind me i didn't see it what's that big shadow maybe and maybe what a cool ass episode holy crap i have so much in it i mean i mean first of all i think re and i are the [ __ ] worst for getting emotional in this [ __ ] like really bad like so it's like that was a whole [ __ ] message i was like expecting that it's like me and then kim and katie are a very close second like i feel like you guys kind of coming i couldn't look at you guys at the bottom so i had to just sit at home yeah i was looking away because i was like i could not look at you guys this is this is the thing right i'm not actually sad and i want chat to understand this i'm not actually sad or like anything when i start pretending to be sad i get like teary like you know how like actors have to like force themselves for santa i wouldn't need to do that [Laughter] fragile mood today so i think that that i was like no no no no because like anything will get in there today go back in there and suck it back in yeah that's not even always sad wait yeah yeah it's emotional though but it's only one episode to be feeling fragile for we remember rose meadow we remember anvil and we got our wives and armor back and we've had this big shock reunion like sure triple threat why not make us all cry one thing i know that like we should i i know we should read donations and stuff but i like doing this kind of like post show discussion stuff because i get to say things like you have no [ __ ] idea that ever since you guys found that [ __ ] sequester scroll the amount of theories of people being like oh that's a weird [ __ ] scroll for like to find maybe she made some more and i'm there like [Music] yeah no i've had i've had an inkling ever since that whole thing kicked off like ever since lucious had the susquehanna scroll used like it hasn't been enough in my mind for months yeah exactly as a point i had no idea rihanna was going to use commune for that question to start today's episode like i had bam oh my god it was just like when you did it when she asked that question i was like well uh but let's carry on this discussion absolutely on high rollers on high rollers d and d yes yeah absolutely parsnip powers there's classic panels are next so if you want to hear less emotions yeah uh come on over to high rolls but unless uh go see go say hi to parsec pals and we'll see you all yeah in a week's time sure bye [Laughter] bye everybody over there yeah bye still alive still lost your life welcome yeah no i just when asked that question i was like well well then so that wasn't just as a result of ree's commune that was always there no that's not like too good to be true so wild right sullivan's legacy this little magic shop run by petal you don't know her full name yet that has been in my notes since century gave me her backstory i've literally had that magic shop in my notes for horizon the whole time wow i've just been waiting just like sitting on yeah that character as well it took so long to get to horizon too oh my gosh like also it never came up like i mean i think things like i don't know starbane teleporting you across the world and taking valor and being transported to the castle yeah i think they had a big event where we were going when we met we were on the airship to horizon we just literally since that airship have not been able to get there however i'm trying to remember if you guys were going were you were you going to horizon were you coming from going to horizon i always get them together oh okay i trust your guy's notes way more than my memory so uh yeah so there you go so you would have like that could have been a thing damn yeah very first line in my note is uh going to travel to horizon yeah so that would have been so because the airship crash was planned so the idea was pretty much like you guys would get to gold throne like i imagine that once you got to gold throne you would have then been freed up to do your own stuff right like nova would want to go after tiangong shards lucius would want to go and see family and daddy century would want to go to like you know and but you guys would probably go to horizon because you were traveling there like that was the whole plan thing so that my idea was like gold throne and then you'd hit horizon so you probably would have got there at like level sevenish like seven eight level fourteen exactly no i'm that's not on you that's not a blaming on you that's like me knowing [ __ ] hell this campaign hell yeah yeah we had two teleporters and you got the wi-fi within your control because got the [ __ ] question and now is wearing it professionally coming in on this campaign doing d for the first time did you ever anticipate the storyline that you made would culminate in this amount of emotion two years later two and a half years later no i did i didn't think i'd be crying on multiple crying crying over dnd like just absolutely who does that geez [Laughter] i'm not someone that cries like particularly easily like but d and d man it's like it gets you it really tells you i cry more of you when any one of you go that's it i'm like well maybe hang on whoa hey let's back it up when any one of you go no when you mean me or kim or ree those two don't [ __ ] do it they're not gonna be these two never lower level than me that one that was close that was real close that time between people know that i i have feelings for characters no i felt it it just doesn't come to the surface yeah i felt it honestly yeah i did i i try so hard not to let it go but the whole petal thing like i was like i can't i just [ __ ] can't it's just it's there i can't do it the rosemary stuff then the then the arbor stuff and then the petals started chipping away yes yeah rhiannon's face when i said rose meadow and rihanna was just like she's my favorite yeah i love her so good would you like you need to read and donations yeah yeah do it yeah i would um we had a donation from varys with no message thank you very much as usual varys uh cereco has donated 20 dues and says mark enters his attic blowing the dust off of the box of documents finally the time has come he mutters removing character sheets old as time itself i can't wait to meet them all mark take it easy my dudes yep there you go a reference to all of the notes you've had this entire dang time um teflon live has donated i missed the last high rollers because i brought my girlfriend uh spudling to my parents last week which ended with me coming out as non-binary um didn't go perfectly yeah thinking perfectly luckily her parents are much nicer thank you for all the awesomeness well congratulations um yeah very very well done um marsh tomp has donated with early warning of marsh tom don't know and then marsh thompson's donated again with tim recap katie news kim troth and oh look a matalin must be the last one of the season munch tesla marshton you're supple boy i need a name for katie hmm on sky jousting i imagine lucious uh getting a chelsea as his hype man jose um i could do that i imagine kappa um yeah i remember chaucer from spelled clash from the united states jeffrey chaucer played by uh paul bentley no the guy that uh lucious went against in sky in uh spell clash i thought he was changing chelsea yeah i put in my notes chauncey okay who like sponsored questions honestly yes i don't want to hear the word spell clash indeed no we can't spell clash now we can't you're too high level it's really complicated and broken no more spell clash but it's it's gone it's it's going out of business we can go watch it though right we just couldn't no no no no no no no i don't want to see chauncey again can we announce merchandise that is the spell clash board game coming out from yeah that we can do i will i i would love to make a spell clash card game or something like that yeah what about why don't we just do an extra stream every week and it's just the magical people playing spell clash they're just rising the ranks in the tournament i don't hate that idea actually well no you guys could make your own mages like you know maybe not these characters what if it's not these characters but you all play like level three wizards and you're all in spell clubs yeah don't worry well you know the seed has been planted we have a rotating scene yeah yeah that'd be awesome could we um could we challenge starbane to trial by spellclash also he'd win but no yeah um anyway cerako has donated with rose meadow rose meadow thank you very much dick is now a gala noodle as donated skidaddle skadoodle your dick is now a gallon i'm gonna elf i'm gonna go noblin i'm a gallon double reference and you've been it's vods rod vod squad on vodka [Music] i'm curious having trouble talking there aren't you tom i know what you're gonna say i remember i remember very specifically your first outrage when i missed messed up my words oh look at him it's a very cool beauty literally [Laughter] i just you know anyway anyway frenchie has donated with i'm vote squad on episode 102 first time donator uh mark i'm a new dm and i have a home brew campaign based on an anime what are your recommendations for puzzles traps loot and balancing homebrew items thank you um that's so many topics to answer in very one short window uh cash's cauldron has a lot of different things for traps and stuff right no i would say there's an old third book called the book of challenges which is very good for like puzzles and encounters and stuff in terms of encounters um think of it like video games go find some really good boss fights named video games look at what they do and how they do it you know why you know in like a destiny 2 raid why is it fun that you use these certain things and do like you have to look at the whys this is the big thing about dming and writing in general look at the why why is this fun why does this work why do people like why is everyone crying again why is everyone crying again why do people like crying uh all of those kind of things it's cathartism um stuff like that's good to look at um good level design video games will teach you a lot about good level design in d d uh and battle design as well i uh also youtube channels youtube videos i'm gonna hopefully make more videos on that sort of thing come and subscribe stay tuned there you go nice um from the poll has donated nice plug john paul has donated with and tonight king is visited by the spirit of smeak to complete the trifecta of old friends brought back by mark to torture i mean delight tom no sneak is not in horizon uh please please make it in our hearts horizon oh does ayla does ayla miss meek yeah either misses me no she's okay she wouldn't miss me she wouldn't miss it i'd be like if you miss me i'll put sneak in i'll put him in i hate him but i'll put him in nice uh well hopefully not um sir king god has donated with hi guys vod squad for me tonight i hope you're all doing well as i as can be uh as always just wanted to say massive thanks to everything you do you're helping so many people can't wait to see tonight's video keep rolling hi thank you very much sir king god very very nice message jetpack justin watch out here he comes uh you may want to reread the second paragraph of the secret chess spell what do i oh sure all the contents get crushed when you make it small again i think it's if you don't cast the spell within a certain amount of times uh it like [ __ ] up or something like that oh if i there's a cumulative five percent chance per day that the spells effect ends that's all right it's only been like it's only costly you don't need to be crashed in the airship anyway so yeah um it's okay for now uh marsh tomp has donated again with okay matt i thought this episode couldn't get any better we've had rose meadow we've had our boy avril lavigne it was not complicated and then and then we got a holly fan i am a hundred percent without doubt team holy flying elephant there you go um newton in a guard disguise uh hello hello what's all this then an elf with a secret basement are you a member of the official guard secret basement dwelling enthusiast may i see your license wouldn't want any teleporting bombs finding your only remaining family tallyho thanks newton thank you man i immediately fell into that character that was amazing marsh tom has donated again with okay i thought hollypant was the best but then matt you hit us all with pedal the wholesomeness from warm plates to this sentry is the best sorry quill and a plumbus all right um hamster tickler take my field bullet real bullets that's amazing thanks thank you all for the wonderful episode like everybody in chat i'm crying for petal and century's meeting yeah someone's saying in chat that it doesn't take a spell slot to cast your secret to open your chest thing so you need to reach your spell man i really didn't read this did i you really didn't read it on the ethereal plane okay i'll read it later later minnie wilson 33 with a quarter hundo mark you are such an inspiration as a writer i love how the rest of the crew always plays off of it and each other so well being a long time fan and always will be okay nice message from minnie wilson uh daftday41 well ain't that just the most wholesome episode hippie horsey lady nova being that friend at airport security yeah and how about dumping 80 episodes of info on southern dwarven gentlemen and that bombshell at the end blimey yeah nova was a a little carry a little uh maximus i really hate i really hate the current term i think it's so sexist because there's no male equivalent to it but also also it's not very nice to people called karen yeah yeah my mom's called me too just like everyone's just bringing up her family and she's very sensitive about her family after zakira threatened her family i don't see a problem with that like yeah yeah it's you know the question on the forum is are you or anybody you know involved with a terrorist organization and see you know but to give turnover it's like why the [ __ ] do you want to know about my family what the [ __ ] you want to know about my family i'll kill you which is totally bad they've already got all the no it was more that they already got all the information and she hates that she hates that like you know welcome to the real world the last time i've cried was with the death of my dog but somehow these streams have gotten me closer to crying than anything else in these last years also mark is a real method dm thanks high rollers also much happy in short amount of time much happy yeah well happiness episode you're a real meth head dm mark a very loud screeching noise i'm literally crying this was so good and i love all of this so much laden has donated we've been watching episodes slowly over the past few years and only just caught up to watch live for the first time welcome couldn't ask for a better first episode to watch live loving the campaign thank you very much and welcome again laden night jar welcome why are all these people we love in one place i don't like it please know love why that was honestly i had that in the back of my head or while we're having all these lovely moments and there's more to come and i'm like kimmy you think it's bad now all sevens good titans mark that was just too much thank you very much sir dolphus damn it mark i'm a six foot two butcher from the midwest you've got me crying into my bud light so hard it almost starts right as a thing i do want to make a serious point and i know i may be sucking the fun out of the joke but it's okay like you know just because you're a six foot two butcher or you know you're a rugby player or you're a you know a lady or a guy doesn't none of it matters like if emotions are fine it's okay to have a bit of a cry it's okay don't worry about it yeah trot yeah yeah tom um i'm worried that if i ever cry uh it would just release all of the weird gunk that's inside my tear those crystals [Laughter] but varys has donated again this time with a message and it's a half hundo oh this um this episode it hit me hard in a good way um thank you very much varys thank you for the double donation very very generous um and fail of fail draws fame has donated i was prepared for a super stressful time and instead what i got was an extremely wholesome time and suddenly i'm sitting here crying with petal related feels what a super cool episode honestly there you go mark the feels ninja he's back in the room again you never know what i'm doing in ninja field shurikens yeah i'm coming behind you it's personnel it's personal kid speaking of everybody worrying that this was going to be like a big attack on the city by the way before we went live uh tom took one look at the map and went that's looking very attack on titan there mark oh would you be willing to uh share any missed details and lines at the end of the campaign i believe so at the end yeah yeah but yeah we did that we did it yeah that's what i love doing that that's fun yeah i think honestly there's not there's not as many in this in lightfall there was a load of stuff where like things got your wife shut up girly oh don't i never want to hear that name ever again what about that one cleric that was stunning [Music] [Laughter] rp uh first time watching live since lightfall so this was definitely the episode shame uh we'll never get a knight frost reunion oh god yeah you're right um come on very dead you know who else won't be in uh in horizon that npc that i played for like one fight and then killed um he won't be back the one in uh was it callie's rest no yeah the one before that piri that's what it was um anyway lark network or tourman he won't show up either lark network um has donated with just emailed you about our charity dnd sports stream there you go thanks network donation reminding us of an email um oh and sorry daryl has donated again with in all seriousness between this and strad and critical role this week has been full of emotional catharsis in lots of ways and i really appreciate it no spoiler but trot strad character is suddenly very important to me um and and that was ominous talking about ikea and names by the way if you ever need npc names ikea catalog man like you need a name for d character i'm now millsbo i'm havesta you know you can just open it up brims loads really generic just names for swedish people though it's john annis victok whitlock there you go um great name you want to go through bits jogs don't knows and everything as well just do a big like any major ones just shout out the names big names listen names all right trump yorkshire dave spudling gaming devious kitty cereco daftday41 annie stir and de beachy uh with some bits thank you very much and jilt with kicker dreadlord fallen angel thank you for those ace of thorns did yog don't know and that was so many memories at least these streams aren't dragging on they're a dragon you really shoehorn that pun in there really shoot yeah also donate with their message thank you very much and uh that is the lot spell clash competitor is a great idea night job anyway everyone plays top trumps they do round us out yeah thank you so much everybody for watching uh yeah endless man thank you so much uh we will be back on thursday for curse of strat and then back on sunday for more of ross um that's it that's it thank you very much big big cool episode more cool stuff next week it's gonna be good it's gonna be a good one take care be cool we love you everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 104,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 52sec (11872 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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