High Rise in the capital – BBC London

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for 250 years some polls was the tallest building in London then came the 1960s now the post office house soaring to 620 Peaks but look what we've done since then today beachy towers not even in London's top 10 tallest as we climbed 60 70 80 floors high in London over 80 high-rise buildings are currently under construction over 20 stories and there's permission for another 233 this is the scariest part going over with all the buildings going up all the time and it's like you'll never be at work 80% of the new towers are residential London skyline changing forever and this is going to be the most spectacular place in London the new high life where a mere studio flat can cost over a million we're now looking at the casino elements of property we're going to end up with an oversupply of properties that nobody wants to buy [Music] who ever imagined there be a penthouse in Stratford selling for 50 million what a view this is 42 story high in Stratford something that just a decade ago would have been unimaginable it's a big day for Manhattan lost gardens they reach the top founder Harry Handelsman has the Midas touch we brought loss to Clark and well and Bankside when no one's thought them cool now it's high ride in Stratford high-rise living is become very much part of the London sky scene but to be honest it's one skyscraper next another sky thing but most of them a sword over see in touch for developers to make money and for those that speculated at the right period of time also to make money but I really wanted to see it you know how can we redefine the high-rise living so this will be a a high-rise nod this would be a garden and it would be a communal garden for the residents Stratford is actually a fantastic example were footwear for the billet exists Julia's here started half a million up to that 15 million pound penthouse so many won't be able to afford it and does that trouble you it does probably I think I think I think if you you know I don't I don't think it's what makes London good is the rich there was a customer at all at FERC like clients enjoy these views 15 miles away in Richmond Park protesters gathered to mourn how they strap the tower turn their historic sand Paul's view from this into this this is of the very sad day and being the he destroyed in this Lincoln it turns out no one granting planning permission for the Stratford Tower considered this historic protected view this is a 300 year old view we would love but they build it to be taken down but realistically that's not going to happen skyline battles are being fought across London built in 1695 these Wren design Whitechapel Arms houses face being overshadowed by a Sainsbury's development the proposal now is to build on the side behind an array of towers one which is 28 stories high it's wrong it's wrong I think everyone in Whitechapel should boycott Sainsbury's the only reason they want a towel is because they want luxury apartments with incredible views of central London ok good evening everybody decision time of the council the man from Sainsbury's warns them that if their towels refused the entire redevelopment will no longer be viable along with the promised 127 affordable homes will return for the vote later and then the neighbours came out quite a ways architect Barbara wife believes councils are being bulldozed into the 436 proposed new towers for London the boroughs of a strapped for cash the way it goes is as a developer suggests building a certain height of building and in exchange they will offer facilities and the facilities could be a school they could be could be a swimming pool it could be a library and then there's a lot of sports trading that goes on and the local residents have very little say such deals are totally legal the boom in skyscrapers is not something that really improves a lot of the average londoner the flats are much too expensive our suspicion is that we will have whole areas where there just a few flats that are going to have lights on at night and they can resell them as new in a few years down the line this is one Blackfriars in Southwark where the council aspires to 35% affordable housing in new projects yet here 50 stories of pure luxury a one-page studio sells for 1.15 million not one single home in this power is affordable instead the developers gave the council 29 million pounds to build that type of home somewhere else that's only six million more than they're asking for one single penthouse but the regeneration has created 1,000 jobs on a site derelict for over a decade the biggest problem with developments like this is that their safety aim is to increase the value of property in the area and that's not a good thing because people already struggle to find someone that they can afford to buy around here and it's going to make it either worse double-whammy is the fact that the council will take the money for the affordable housing and spend it in the south of the borough so people who need social housing in this area will have to move that's just not fair up river in box'll here's what developers want a recent investigation into this 50 story luxury block founded 214 flat had only 60 people registered to vote well somewhere out there it's even been reported that one Allah God has imported his own Russian Orthodox Chapel into his 51 million pound 10 house the developers wouldn't talk to us but George Turner tries to keep track it blows away the myth that the development industry has been peddling that this high-rise boom has anything to do with delivering this type of housing that London needs probably the majority of homes in this building don't have people registered the electoral roll which means that they're highly likely to be used as either holiday homes or by to leave homes that are there as an investment opportunity I think the only hope we have is that these developments are so speculative and so crazy from an economic point of view that the turning market will wipe a lot of them out all these proposed towers are worrying some investors very few people will lose any sleep over multi-millionaire foreign investors leaving money on property but what's the concern is it well it may well infect the wider market confidence is everything in the housing market and if we see the top end of the housing market starts as toppled that could have wider implications and as clans their 460 story towers while most developers remain camera shy others point out that their deals with councils still provide most new affordable housing even with their lawyers often having the upper hand local authorities need more resources at the average pay for a planning barrister is ten times what a local planner gets what's not so obvious is you know the amount of affordable housing that gets provided off the back of the scheme so the schema right here in dollar Bay has allowed 39% affordable housing and finally we're back to Whitechapel Sainsbury's warned if their high rides was refused 127 affordable homes would be lost can I see all those in favor of the offices recommendation to refute this application please that is unanimous one less Tower over 400 more still in the pipeline [Music]
Channel: BBC London
Views: 374,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inside Out, BBC, BBC London, BBC London News, high rise, buildings, London, capital
Id: T0hUHpZyU6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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