HIGH RENT Has Many Americans Turning To RV Life | RV Tour

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I went from making 200 000 a year to nothing you know that's where I'm at I mean so I've lived both sides you know originally I'm from Chicago when I moved here it was just myself and back then my I called him my firstborn but I had a German Shepherd pup because I didn't know anybody or anything out here so I was like we're gonna wing it how long you been out here uh two thousand March of 11. so what 10 11 years whatever's beginning now what brought you out here um a lot of things of course the weather like everybody else and then uh the cost of living back then that's not so much the case now but it was it was cheap wasn't it Man compared it still is cheaper compared to Chicago you know but um it's not as much as cheap did you have family out here no I have no but for family to be honest I don't really have none um both my parents have passed they've been passed um how long uh my father guy we're going probably 15 16 years he died a month short of being 54. and then my mother died actually when this kind of covered stuff craziness started since I was in 2020. did you lose her to covet no no she didn't die of that but and it was kind of crappier because I mean it was already crappy I'm the oldest of four kids but that's not a nice scene anyhow but you know with the Kobe stuff and uh going on and the restrictions um I couldn't even visit her do nothing I mean I brought her in I drove her on a Sunday and the only reason they let me stay for a little is because nothing herself so I wrote and everything but after that they gave me the boot and uh that's last I seen over you know until I got the call at whatever time that morning that she passed and then uh yeah that was the worst because when I went there to take care of it of course of all times I went back and it was like January I think that was and I don't even have winter clothes no more so going back to Chicago got back out here so this you know took care of that business I got here I'm like I'm out of there and uh and they'll send me that I pretty much get back here I got a piece of paper in the mail and uh same it was such from CPS and it's something about in regards to here as you are where your daughter and I'm like my daughter I thought it was one of my buddies playing a joke on me back in Chicago so I called this number on it and I call it fun it was no fun but I refer that's where the fun began to say the least though um turns out that I do have a daughter how um how old is your daughter she just turned six October 29th when it was just that you got the news she was about three and a half so yeah right about the same time my mother so it would take about three years now she goes no sooner than my mother passed I got that letter and that's where that started went through the whole Court painting there and I'll tell you what being a man especially they were beating me up like I did something wrong and I thought I was doing the right thing but uh but you never even knew you had a daughter I had no clue I was went from being the single guy doing the single life and uh yeah what a change you know uh but it's been great it's just uh it's challenging because again I have no family and no support system nobody I could run to what's up with her mother uh do you remember yeah yeah she was she was diagnosed with it too she was truly crazy bipolar and she could find something else but um but yeah the day I was gonna get full custody regardless um I seen it on the news because I turned the TV on you know I wasn't getting ready and so on for work that day I seen something about an accident but then you say no names I just kept going and I get to work and sure enough I got a call it was hurt she was uh getting killed she was what hit and killed your uh her mother and my daughter's mother damn your baby mom yep she died yeah she's so she's dead it's February uh the 19th two years ago I'll never forget that day because that was going to be the last day for me to get at least stupid CPS custody so you guys were in a custody battle we're going through CPS in that yep and then you get the call and then yeah that day I was gonna get no matter what custody and then yeah that morning she was killed then a couple months after that I get served with some papers not what she's been passed now I got the grandparents they were disrespects they all lived in the same house they were going the sooties to people that were innocent but they hit and killed her so they were going after them for some money and technically we were married still so when she passed we were married so they went to their lawyer to start that lawsuit and by law they had to get my signature for anything so that's how I got involved in the one case and uh what with the flow on that I mean I know I got the run around there too but again I didn't get much out of it I just wanted some money from my daughter because now the money's in the trust so once you turns 18 hopefully she's smart enough and makes it to the best of her Advantage so but I got like they have to cash and all that just under 20 grand so I had to think what the heck was I going to do it's 20 Grands nothing especially now with rights on average two grand a month so I'm like okay what am I gonna do what am I gonna do because 20 grand won't even give me a full year of rent somewhere and then I'll be right in the same boat again so that's what I said you know what I was looking either at a mobile home or something like this and then uh I said you know what I could fix stuff I'm handy anyhow so I got an eye out and I came across this and uh got this for Seven Grand and then uh like I said now it's a work in progress but when I get done you know it's gonna be mine uh you know between having a kid and me ripping stuff apart right now it kind of looks like a disaster going on but it will eventually hopefully shortly after this year the school we're going to here um they're more of a private credit school that's why I like them because they not big old public school they don't get to know you I mean they know her I mean they love her you know she loves going there it's the only thing that's been consistent in here right let's try to keep it keep it as consistent as you can exactly half of her life just was turned upside down yeah exactly and that's what I don't know if that's what is making her more affectionate like she is um I hope but whatever it is I love it um but I can tell you I know for a fact she's got a separation issue because I mean one minute should be excited to go with her friends you know and as soon as you know it's leaving me to go wherever with her friends she's looking back and like you know like like don't worry I'm coming to get you you're stuck with me for a long time you know but you know I mean and I don't blame her because I could only imagine before I even came in her life and then but since I've been in her life you know all the things that have changed and so on so I could uh poor kid you know that's why I try to be consistent but I found that you know so far whatever I do I mean again she tells me I'm the greatest so we'll see how long that lasts so Jace how long have you had this RV uh give or take just a little after maybe seven months now seven months so how was life looking pre-rv before you got this RV what was the situation wasn't good um like I said Financial especially um uh I was kind of just uh I don't know where I meant to be honest but luckily I met this lady uh and she was letting me stay in her house um really nice of her but you know again you know it's not yours you know and then you know I just like I had to figure something out I didn't know what but I had to figure something like I said and that's when I was still waiting for the money and uh that's what I'm like you know I wanted to get out of there like sooner than later and again I had to think long term not just today or tomorrow but like I said I mean going through rough times and that now but at least there's a real forward ahead you know that's all that matters you know because I've been there before I've been sleeping in alleys you know again these days especially with a kid I would never do that I could never do that and that's what like I said with these people here to I don't know who the one lady is actually um I don't know how she found out about us or anything but all I know is I've some appearance here uh she did a good spot bought me a battery for the RV here and then for the little one bought her a whole bunch of clothes for Christmas and I still don't know who this lady is I've tried you know they won't tell me in the school but I've tried because at least I want to say thank you you know but they've done that and then this little friend she just made now uh yesterday actually they went to the zoo and the mom went out and I guess thinking got pictures I got to get more but uh bottom you know both matching outfits and all that so it was cool you know again I'm Dad I'm I think I'm kind of cool but nothing cooler than having to own friend here only Asian right especially being a girl well we're pulled up right now this is where you stay a lot of the time um yeah do the police are they all over you if you're not um it's a hit or miss you know it's funny like I said here when I first started even have a permission from the owner um I think I know who it is but somebody was out for me because you know I would park there in there and then you know actually cut the one card from One Cop he was cool he's like keep this in case you know somebody calls again but so that's why I try to stay here that way none of that headache that's why I want to get this thing looking a little nicer too because I don't want to be uh stereotyped as wanted on people and I tried to purposely stay away from any of those kind of areas that way I'm not drawn into that you know that's what I tell the cops too you know I'm like that's why I'm alone by myself here mean her yeah so do you have any type of uh history of drug use or yeah oh yeah you know and fortunately you know I've done in a little bit at everything almost in some point in my life um but Fentanyl that I mean I've never been addicted to nothing in my life but that one that one got me was it the the blue the blues or the uh Blues in 30s and yeah they're all the same yeah just call it different things yeah but I didn't smoke them um I the most I got further they had other than popping them uh was snorting them but when I see they're not lying those things are they're strong man and again I guess tolerance to that too but I could do easily and I probably have a hundred a day a hundred yeah I could do that easily well I wouldn't want to do that right now because I haven't done so long now I probably would I will do but at the time you know I got to that you know because that's the thing I do have some serious back problems in that and that's how I probably elected to that because I was getting regular scripts and all that but it wasn't enough so then I ended up you know going on the streets and finding them and they're crazy on the streets to get regular scripts you know and they're like you know dollar milligram so that's a crazy price and then those things came around and hell now if you know somebody that you get the blues for like two bucks a pill at that point I was still working um I was functioning you know so I was working uh most of my jobs again back then and still I try to but our 1099 so you know I was gonna pay weekly no taxes um depending on the work or whatever you know so that was give or take about 1200 a week you know I'd make from there and then you know I was always finagling this or that you know how long have you been cleaned for man um I haven't touched the blue you can probably give or take a year or more because like since I started here going to the clinic congrats man yeah so the methadone helps you get off the blues oh yeah yeah I mean you make mentally with any drug mentally you got to be ready you know I mean with anything um and I was mentally ready um but I'll tell you I don't wish to ask what I'm nervous I might need to talk to the doctor about because now I've heard uh with the methadone supposedly if you don't do it the right way withdrawals are bad because when I tried doing it myself with the blues cold turkey oh my God I'd rather be dead I literally I for those three days I mean I was puking crapping myself um the going up and down with chills and all that it just you get kind of sleep I just I was terrible but I'm just done with all that that's why I need to talk to whoever here and what do we got to do just because I want to come off of this stuff um and I'm at a high milligram I'm at 185 milligrams and to be honest that doesn't do much for me either I could probably use another one actually this is my take home so it's a pink a little liquid okay but this is my only my take home normally when I go there though you do you do it right in front of them do you do it once a day once a day yeah okay so you have to go every single day and get one of those and you just drink yourself Sunday that's my take home you know you drink the whole bottle down yeah they give it to you in a little plastic cup or whatever and I mean I mix it with water a lot of people do but however we want to do it because it's not the best tasting but I just down it and get it over it you know whoa but yeah I mean again I'm going to try this homeschool thing for her for first grade and so on but uh I can find RV parks or Resorts either or um and they most of them some Do seasonal some dude around here um and again then families are not family but there's so much out there I have a couple or things I joined the apps but uh and there's a lot of family families that are doing this but you could get a job with them and then as far as payment they give you a free spot with the hookups so that's what I'm looking to do again because again two grand at least for rent and that's not counting electric and you know other stuff um it's crazy but if I could find something like that because my name in the game is either free or the lowest possible as far as rent well show me around man let's start on the outside and then come in yeah whatever we do yeah I bought it like that the guy must have he talked to me today but he had to hit something right down there I probably get on to help buy another one because that's pure steel right there's no way it's strong though man oh it's definitely strong it held me up I didn't know I've had a big girl come in there yeah you had a big one man oh yeah hey I don't discriminate big tall look any small to do them all hey but uh no that's the black stuff coming down that's the roof the guy didn't seal it like he's supposed to I got you'll see it won't go inside the big old bucket but now that I find out it's gonna rain I'm gonna wait until it's not gonna rain because it just washed right off okay then that I can knock out but this is you know stuff I do anyhow so that's why I picked it up for the cheap price that all right I see I see you got her uh bike on there too yep got that hot rod over here and then she's got the little one inside you'll see that okay I'm trying to get her I don't know why she's afraid she gets on that little one and gets going with no training wheels and I told her the big one is bigger but I don't know maybe that's afraid that door I don't know I gotta figure it out it keeps coming off so I just took it off for the moment right there yeah I saw those right there those are doors too yeah I'm gonna put eventually when I get there that's going to be for my shoulder so when I get to that point that's gonna be all because that's originally where the built-in generator was so I'm gonna make that the generator stop uh but I gotta I guess a lot to do it just I'm not gonna complain Arizona needs it but usually it's not so rainy and I could have done this already but I gotta reseal everything and all that now are you getting leaks in here at all I have one that I know of um that's why I want to get to where I have to because one leads in the two and so on but as of now only one but I don't think that's from the rough even it's that window right there does that window close oh yeah okay yep like that one of them was open I felt the draft but but that's what I got to do I got to get my butt up there and uh clean the roof and then I'll get that bucket of stuff I'm gonna redo the roof and uh seal everything and uh yeah tires that's gonna be expensive you need new tires all the way around I'm gonna I want to because these don't look too bad but as long as I know they're brand brand new I'll feel better and then I'm gonna get the new they got a whole bunch of nice uh goofy stuff but as far as shocks in that I'm gonna get some of this new updated stuff because for the most part I mean honestly even right now it drives better than a car what year is this 97 all right yeah and I got it with only 42 000. yeah I see you rolling it man and uh it ain't tough or nothing to roll the drive oh I mean like I said pretty much it drives itself man um you just got to remember wider turns that's all you got to remember do you have to have a better uh uh the different driver's license with it not with this they're trying I doubt they do it but people have been complaining about it because like for semis obviously they got to have a CDL and they're trying a couple States California like everything but they're not you know this awning like I said everything's going to be done but right now I'm going to do the priorities uh right to now priorities to me are the roof and then the inside um and then I've been looking it's amazing how much stuff um they got portable and they're not portable but washers and dryers that's what I want to get because You Can't Always Get a washer in your dryer or yeah depending where you're going but I want to and like I said I'm gonna get the flooring once that comes in I could do everything from there but good old Home Depot's got me on back order don't mind the dishes I didn't get to those yet so you got this right here this is your yeah it used to actually have I think instead of slowly thrown away I only kept this for seating but there was the same thing like this right where her little unicorn chair was and then it would fold down because this comes down and this would turn into a bed and then when I first got it on this side was a fold down kind of like a futon Dean um I got rid of both of those because eventually like I said this is going to be gone too I'm gonna have it all open when I get the floor and I'm gonna find some new furniture I'm actually thinking about taking that chair out too and then I'm going to get all new furniture you think about pulling that chair out of there yeah okay because when I I think I'm gonna get like a lazy boy one of those uh I don't know what they call but the double wide you know big nice lazy boys so I'm gonna get Dad a new couch I'm gonna redo this I'm gonna get rid of that microwave does the microwave work oh yeah I don't have the power going right now but it does all work I mean the stove the fridge the microwave AC work it does it does but I'm gonna get rid of that one there's a split system a mini split they call them that's what I'm going to end up getting and then Mount uh outside unit on the back there and then run it in because so much more efficient and nicer but yeah this this one's antique and it just sucks to the juice down so get rid of that and this right here is your refrigerator this right here the good old fridge like I said nuggets in her ice cream so but yeah and I was thinking about maybe getting rid of XU and um bringing actually a regular normal uh size fridge in here because right next to it is kind of this is just a closet in there closet this is just closet and storage so I could do what I want with that to be honest all right so this is the bucket of my roof stuff that I guess it's gonna do all right now this is our kitchen yep it's our little kitchen and you say everything works fine microwave you cook here oh I do I just yeah all the time got the oven we got your stove top I got three burners you gotta cleanup I've got three burners oh yeah I cook all the time I love it um my filtration I'm gonna change it a little better but for right now what came with her they had this is filtered water and then this is just regular water so if I want or need for whatever filter water that would be this guy here because outside there there's an actual filter you can change the filter on it but uh yeah so I mean like I said it's a learning I'm I mean this is the color we're gonna go away and then I'm gonna do the back white which is like a bright white with this yep that's out here you know at least and then uh she wants I don't know she's a girl so everything's gonna be uh probably unicorn or rainbow colors back there in the room but at least we can keep that back there but the main thing which is nice I was checking that's the main thing but the floor looks solid so that was my biggest worry if I was going to have any surprises but knock on wood I don't have any soft spots and that's really good for me because that's less work that I have to do and of course I mean the window treatments and everything will be updated over time but that's how kids don't know she didn't know who this was is this kind of like Snow White Allison this is Allison but you know like our age group how the princess is back then compared to her now she's all the kids now but she's stuck on Frozen you know Frozen is tough though man yeah yeah that's good that's who she was this past holiday little Elsa but yeah go the bathroom back on your right sink right here they have the little bathroom sink and what's nice they got it done it because I would have been claustrophobic if I didn't know but both of these doors for the bathroom open so when you're there by yourself and not only privacy but they make it bigger for you so this one opens and then you know I let you go to it but this one opens in the top there okay so not only privacy but then you can get more room so chase this is all full functioning huh oh yeah oh yeah like I said other than just updating and regular maintenance kind of you know regular maintenance that's all it needs um like I said I got the original books on everything um the first couple it seems like they own it we're older so they took care of it really well um the guy I got it from uh he was a some Asian guy but he seemed like in the early late 20s early 30s somewhere and it seemed like he just liked to go out to the lake and have fun um he really care take too much time as far as maintenance net so so he didn't even use it it sounded like he would tell me he'd just go do that whole day and use stuff or whatever at the lake and that's all he would do so he didn't really care you know he'd get in it and go um so he kind of let things go like that rough and that but luckily he didn't go too far so now I'm gonna get in here like I said I just got to do this floor and then go from there to paint and everything else because for the most part everything that I want to do is kind of where I might I'm debating with that bedroom I might take those two little nightstand thingies out so I could switch the bed the other way but what's actually kind of cool with this bed too I never knew this for the longest time but the bed comes up so I got plenty of storage under there too oh you can lift this thing yeah go ahead but uh yeah that's where I put all those you can get in there okay there we go put all the stuffed animals and all our toys so oh wow yeah man toy box all that so this is storage yes yes there there's the Elsa here there's Elsa but yeah that's what I'm talking about you know that I gotta I'm still slowly figuring out where to do with the best you know storage and make the best use of it um again you know I mean slowly learning yes I'm proud of you bro yeah you put all the touches in here to make it a home the TV Works um it will work if I plug it in yeah so what do you need man you need like a generator to Rob to keep it going yeah that's what I've been trying to get money to get one but yeah generator would um ideally do it like I said when I got it it had one built in but I don't know it's worse the engine on this thing or that sucking the gas down um and it's loud but I got rid of that um I want to have a generator always a spec up but like I said my goal is I'm going to get the solar because right now um if I plug I got my little inverter box here I can plug that TV in but it's running off the batteries the car battery and that So eventually I've had to have because I forgot it'll kill a battery and I'm not trying to do that okay the little plant that's nice she got that from Christmas or something and tell you what that thing's actually going this little guy he's been through hell and back but what do you call those Venus fly traps that guy's still somewhat alive I don't know how he's made it he's going through hell and back but I haven't keep it in that serious God forbid that thing I gotta figure that thing now anything's funny but yeah it's just a matter of uh doing a little updating all that like I said I don't watch much TV anyhow I'm kind of glad I don't have it on a lot so I've kind of you've seen what I've done in her artwork put that on there and then uh slowly I'm going to bring it out I got to look things of her pictures uh I don't think she remembered some of her old pictures but her some have got her mom in there and that so I think I'll slowly maybe eventually bring them out I just want to keep them though because they are in good shape and that way knocking wood when my time goes just meet the maker I want her to have something and then you know like I said hard to upgrade the lights I'm gonna get the LEDs and all that make them brighter and is this a camera right here no no it's a night light but according to my daughter I got her believing it's a camera I got her believing that it's always on and watching her yeah it does look like one though yeah huh that's a good one anyone thought about that no it's a nightlight but yeah get the generator but like I said actually the satellite even inverter generator because I had a regular generator holy cow that thing's loud and you know you definitely couldn't use that if you're around people but yeah other than that just you know the regular maintenance I got to do the oil change and I'm just lucky like I said I happen to be handy and know how to do this stuff um so that you're able to fix some of this stuff yeah I was thinking about I mean I'm sorry I don't have to do it but maybe if the advertisement would be better because I have my own business anyhow I've started I got cars um but not for RVs but the the markup is just tremendous if you oh my goodness if you take it in the shop to do anything the cost is just out of the roof yeah I'm like wow I mean but you know I get it not everybody could do it but I also don't have the money like that to pay so I'm glad I'm handy like that with a whole RV thing is uh trendy right now yeah that's the other thing like I said especially because of the cost and everything and I didn't realize how many people families are actually doing this right now it's remarkable uh and like a soundtrack of families I only got me and one child but these people some of them got four kids young kids and you know two big dogs and cats and all the other birds yeah I've seen pretty elaborate setups too yeah yeah no and like I said I mean I don't have that kind of money and I think maybe you know the ones that are selling their houses and getting that so you know that's nice and they're fortunate so that's how they could get these you know two hundred thousand dollar RVs so you know I want to get some things like you know I've seen some of them where you know they're stationary somewhere for a little and I mean you see them they got like their patio set up like a regular house and all that um and I don't mind that I want to do that you know I got to make the best that I can with the space you know but I've had both you know like like this skill they're really really they've been really really nice um but most of these people seem like they come from they're doing pretty good in life which is good yeah but they're kind of like stereotype you know oh my God are you living there yeah what do you think I do hey just look at it but uh yeah I live in there you know you're paying how much for that house tonight you know you know because and I told so my daughter because this summer actually um lesson learned she had a little party or a little friend that said do you even know this girl you know you know who she played with her at school you know oh yeah you know kids are going to tell you and I end up pulling this big old thing into like a little gated community and these people tell them and that was the worst experience I've ever had in my life terrible for the parents to say because they're supposed to be the ones I we ring the doorbell and other than their mom going oh hi what's your name oh Diana hi that was it walked away I'm sitting there with my daughter and I'm like okay and then I told her oh go give it a gift to whatever her friends was and I watched my daughter and this little snobby kid kept walking away from her I'm like wow okay so then go to the backyard and got all these people the kids and those not one of them acknowledging me or they're high you know again people still in the party should at least should have said you know um there's food here hot dogs whatever you know if you help yourself never even did that so I'm like well let's do what we could do so I just put my daughter you know let's go swimming and we're in a little spot by herself and you know just doing her own thing and then I was gonna I was only doing it for my daughter again and uh as if it was you you yeah in your life that's how you do you know you introduce you to welcome people in that it wasn't that well it turned out to be because then at the end again only the couple parents that must have been really close before this they start doing the gifts and but they didn't even now say okay everybody you know um and I told him well they didn't see never to this day you know thank you or this and that and that's why I told her unless I see we know the people now you know we're not just going to some house and party you know it wasn't even about the money getting the gift but you know I wasn't even appreciate it you know yeah that's the thing on the parents like I said because they should have been the ones that you know like you said here we got hot dogs or whatever they were doing you know over here help yourself hey everybody we're going to do gifts you know not just the little group you know that the click so but that's you know that's seen by me dead and learning you know but yeah so and again it's you know I mean yeah I do the driving part but it's all for the little one I want her to you know be proud of the RV she lives in start checking this thing man give me a couple uh about two three days start checking it let me know if people start sending you some some yeah some help man that'd be appreciated like anything is helpful at this point in time get me going get the little one going so we could get more than a little bag of goldfish wish you could tell us they were in her school bag um on Friday they were doing something oh 100 days of school or something so you're supposed to get something small like this
Channel: Big Super Living In Arizona
Views: 428,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living In Arizona, Moving to Phoenix Arizona, Phoenix AZ, big super living in arizona, big super, rv, rv lifing, rv living full time, rv living full-time, rv living full time with kids, rv life, rv lifestyle, rv lifestyle full time, rv living full time with family, rv life full time, living in rv full time, living in rv with family
Id: gOdYqwAVAk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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