High quality brakes vs cheap brakes

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hey guys it's Chris winter auto-repair I wanted to give you a little bit information about brakes today and in New Jersey here why inspection is important yet we don't have it so for example behind me we have a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee came in had a steering and braking problem we diagnosed it as brake pad that actually fallen off fell off because of the quality of the parts that were used which is what we're going to talk about a little bit today the second thing and problem that we're having is without inspection there's nobody really looking these cars over so I think it see behind me that keeps in pretty good condition came an had a brake issue I'm going to show you the brake rotor itself so the brake issue here this brake rotor you can see where it was scored up the reason it was scored up because the brake pad actually fell off the backing plate and this was now rubbing directly metal-on-metal and grinding up rotors pretty ugly it's seen better days just to give you an idea of what a proper use brake rotor or brake pad should look like you got brake pad that still has some pad material left brake pad where the pad material actually came off this is things in Pennsylvania that would get checked at state inspection in New Jersey here we don't have state inspection any longer so these are things that are not being checked now when you come here to winter on repair when we go and change your oil we always do a check over we make sure that the car's got proper brakes we might make sure the car is shocks are in good shape tie rod ends just as a regular state inspection would be done and though most people think that's that we can sell you things for us here in this shop it's so that we can make sure you and your family are very safe I take your family safety at the highest priority here and one of the reasons we do that is a family man got six children of my own so I want to make sure that your kids are going to survive out on the road just like mine alright so I treat everybody like your family so what we're going to do is the process of the brake job you can add caliper brackets your pinions you're gonna have your brake rotors the the different components that we're going to be working on today so what we have here behind us is a completed brake job alright so you can see this is the brake rotor this is going to be a brake caliper this is going to be a brake pad this is going to be your caliper bracket now what we do is we completely disassemble this after we've assessed the situation and we're going to take off the brake rotors now a lot of times people say can I cut my brake rotor cutting brake rotors is literally a machine that would grind and take off the material here used to be able to do that back in the 80s and 90s brake rotors were really really thick they could be put on a machine called the lathe that could be cut off you could generally cut them two or three times before you had to replace them back then brake rotors were fairly expensive they were roughly about to $250 because they were so thick the reason they got away from that is the weight as this is rotating this rotating mass causes things like poor gas mileage and poor handling in a car so they make brake rotors typically as thin as possible brand-new so cutting brake rotors hasn't been done we haven't done it here in a very very long time sometimes you can get away with taking the glaze off of a brake rotor let's say it's a rear brake rotor it's pretty nice decent will knock the glaze off and maybe put some pads on it but for the most part here in our shop we would do a brake rotor replacement only so this rotor that was used you can see it was actually what we would call a white box rotor white box rotor means it comes in a white box or whatever auto parts store goes to whether it's an autozone or a Napa they stick their label on it and it gets shipped out brake rotors that are come in a white box will do this is called scaling where the rotor starts to rot out in the rust you're gonna get the veins are gonna start to rot out and rust when this starts to happen you lose braking ability and in addition to that if you've ever hit the brakes and gotten a vibration in the steering wheel it's from a warped brake rotor typically that comes from a white box type of a brake rotor white box rotors do come machine they do not come balance do they just come raw they're cheaper so most people will buy them or shops will try and sell them to you so that they can get a break job because they're gonna do it on it on a cheaper basis we don't want to do a cheap break job we want to do a good break job so a brake rotor like this typically lasts anywhere from 15 to let's say 30,000 miles this particular brake rotor my guess would be it's on the thirty thousand mile side it's pretty scaled up it's pretty rusted out now the back brake rotor also white-box this rotor only has maybe 10,000 or so miles on it I don't even know if it has that many and you can see that it's already starting to rust on the drum now this one because it's a rear doesn't have veins but you can see the rust buildup on the end and on the inside you can see the rust buildup and it's only maybe 10,000 miles old it's still pretty new we know that it's fairly new because still has a lot of Pat material on it you can see how much pad material there is versus a brake pad that's got let's say 30,000 miles on it all right so that's the difference there so we know that this brake rotors not that old but it's already starting to scale up the reason we're changing it have a little bit of a brake caliper issue so we went ahead and we'll put and brake rotors and pads front and back on this particular gene all right now instead of a white box rotor I went to auto repair we use a high-carbon rotor high-carbon rotors some of the differences that you're going to see you can see the cross hatching this machining that cross-hatching what that does is that will balance the brake rotor make sure that it's perfectly machined smooth less chance of warping the other thing you're going to notice is the black where the surface of the pad is not touching so the drum in the veins and again on the inside of the Hat all done in black that's a high temp coating what that's going to do that's going to prevent that rusting the quality of the rotor is going to make this brake job last much much longer our rotors since I can't guarantee how long they're gonna last but our rotors quickly last two and a half times longer to four times longer for example a jeep like this if they got 30,000 miles out of a white box rotor they'll get right around sixty to seventy thousand miles out of our brakes we've our records right now in the front we get right around 90 I'm sorry ninety one thousand miles on the front and in the back ninety-eight thousand miles on one of our brake jobs one of the main reasons is because of the quality of the part that we're using here I would much rather charge you a little bit extra for a much better brake rotor because the labor cost is the same doesn't matter if we use a cheap part or not the brake job may be a few bucks more up front for example a white box great job on this Jeep would be let's say $350 where a good quality job like this is maybe four hundred and fifty it's a hundred dollars more because of the cost of the part however you are going to get two to three times the longer life out of it so instead of spending three hundred and fifty dollars three times you're gonna spend four hundred and fifty dollars once for that same amount see if you a ton of money over the long run alright in addition to that that keeps your family safer because we know we're putting a quality part on there the next thing that sets us apart from the typical brake job that gets done in the area this is your brake caliper bracket your brake pad goes in here and this is what where it would slide in this is supposed to be able to slide back and forth can't even move the brake pad just part of the reason why you saw this happen this we would take the caliper Hardware off which would be here this caliper has the hardware on this side we've already taken the copper off we're gonna then sand the whole caliper bracket down we're gonna remove the pins so these are the pins that go in here alright these are supposed to slide in and out you can see here it's rotting out where it sits on the rubbers that prevents moisture from getting into the pin and it seals it up so that it won't rust down into here this caliper pin has failed so we would throw this caliper pin away replace it with a new one this particular caliper pin was salvageable so we've sanded this one down you can see the purple this the purple color on here that is a ceramic brake grease that's good too 3,000 degrees when we install that in here that's gonna make that seal nice on the rubber we verify that it's got some smooth action in and out now we know that that's ready to go this caliper bracket was used we sanded it down we coated it it's ready to go we're gonna get ready to do that installation we're gonna check to make sure that our pads can come through here nice and smooth like this which we can so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put some purple on here we're gonna put our hardware in and we're going to install it on the car then after that we're gonna mount the caliper and verify that it's all good then we take the car for a test drive and we do what we call a bed brake pad bedding procedure it's where the brake pads actually get fit to the brake rotor makes them last a lot longer goes through a heat cycle something that I used to do in racing makes our brake jobs last a little bit longer so this caliper bracket would then get put on the car we're gonna verify that the fitment is perfect we're gonna use all brand new hardware we're gonna use a purple grease 3,000 degree grease once again this prevents any brake squealing this also keeps the pad moving properly so that you actually get good solid brake pedal feel and long life so again this is what the job should look like when it's done most people don't actually get to see this kind of work but I encourage you if you're going to a main brand store like a chain store ask them to see what kind of parts they use because it's definitely an apples and oranges situation you get a break price of $200 to get new brakes and you get a break price of $500 the guy doing the $500 brake job is most likely using a much better quality product so before you go and assume he's ripping you off ask him the product is it machined is it coded is it a good quality of hardened caliper this is a high nickel content caliper we use a very very good quality ceramic brake pad these brake pads cost us $90 so this combination here this truck will last and I know the person that owns this thing will be safe on the road many many years again this is Chris winter auto repair where I work it's done once done right guaranteed thanks guys
Channel: Winter Auto Repair
Views: 116,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brake, brake rotor, quality, high carbon, jeep, off road, jeep Cherokee, stopping power, long lasting, get what you pay for
Id: 8teh4QbsYqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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