High End GPUs for Stable Diffusion - Nvidia RTX and Apple M3 - Best Graphics Cards in Local Installs

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in this video we'll take a look at some recommendations for stable diffusion gpus in November December of 20123 with all the RTX 490s having seemingly disappeared now when you're using stable diffusion on your local system you have the option to create your own kind of workflows like I've done here fairly complex workflow I've gone ahead and selected three points at which the sample the image is it's been created so I can choose the exact version that I want um something inspired by OD Deco futuristic robot and I can take my time I can use different iterations to see exactly if I can get the precise version that I want now exactly a month ago I made a video on The Disappearance of the 1490s so this month we start off the recommendation with a recommendation for the Nvidia RTX 4000 small form factor Ada generation GPU this is a professional GPU is a small form factor meaning that you should take a look at some of the photographs I'll have links to to to all of these products in the description take a look at some of the photographs it is Tiny it's pretty powerful and at 1781 it gives you 20 GB of vram now this one small as it is can be adapted to fit inside larger standard PC cases single blow fan this guy here will blow air out of the back and that will cool on the system this is very different from the gaming gpus which run so hot they need 16 20 fans or blazing away to keep things cool they come with mini display port it comes with mini display port for mini display port almost all of these professional gpus come with display port or mini display port now as we come to the holiday season we have a longer return time so you can return it until 31st of January so you can buy it as a present if you want to $17.81 there are multiple Sellers and what I'm going to do is to link not just to the products but also to some sellers who I think are very good on amazon.com and the reason for that is because it is so painful to try to identify where these products are on amazon.com it can be so so painful next recommendation is the Nvidia RTX a6000 this is a Amper generation GPU and with this guy here $55,000 it is one of the most powerful professional gpus that you can get uh from Nvidia 48 GB of vram that's twice the amount of uh vrm that you can get in the RTX 490 and that's going to be essential if you're doing things like training your uh stable diffusion models or if you are doing inferencing it's also pretty good now you have the option of linking two of these together using what's known as an NV link and this allow ows you to get up to 96 GB of vram that's fantastic for any type of fairly intense model work with stable diffusion now at $5,000 this is one of the more expensive ones and it is one of the more powerful ones doesn't quite come in at the same power level as the RTX 490 and I should also mention that you can now get the a100 that's the 80 gb accelerator from Nvidia you can get that on Amazon and you you can also get the h100 hopper that's another 80 gb accelerator these are slightly different from the graphics cards that we're looking at and you either know about them or you don't but if you do know about them understand you can now get them sometimes at very good value on Amazon it's a good time to remind you that I've got a number of courses on stable diffusion if you want to learn stable diffusion from start to finish and we're going to be covering in these courses stable diffusion sdxl and comy UI and it's something which is going to be used ful to you if you're using the Windows operating system and you're using Nvidia cards I also have got some requests on these courses to cover apple and working with comfy UI on Apple let me know if you would be interested in a course for stable diffusion on Apple in the comments below I'll have a link to the courses below and if you're very quick there might be a discount maybe a bit of a surprise recommendation the uh MacBook Pro the M3 MacBook Pro from Apple the M3 chips turn out to be extremely fast and they are powerful enough to run stable diffusion more importantly we also now have software that allows you a decent user interface for the Apple system and of course you can use the kind of software that I showed you right at the beginning on Apple as well and that's the sort of thing maybe we're looking at adding to the training if you guys actually want that but for Apple I would recommend getting something with a 64 4 GB or 128 GB unified memory that will cost you either $4,200 or $55,000 and that's going to be about the same amount that You' pay for in an equivalent Windows laptop for workstation purposes this guy here is actually going to work at better value and there is no such thing as this kind of unified memory in the windows platform this is really something that you have to go to Apple for now Apple have got some discounts on the Amazon website I will link to some of these but honestly the Amazon website can be very difficult to navigate sometimes so you may want to prefer to use the Apple website itself the next recommendation is for the quadro RTX a4500 from uh from Nvidia this guy here is at 20 20 GB of vram uh and I've seen this at $15.99 and also at $13.99 from pretty decent third party sellers I'll probably go for 1399 one and for these ones you can also link them together in this dual configuration there's another one actually which is the A5 a5000 this one is at 24 GB it's actually 24 GB this is the generation where you can link them together now there's a newer generation known as the Ada generation which does not have this capability and I think we can take a look at one of those if I had to choose between the a4500 and the a5000 I will go with this one for the larger amount of memory and for the also the higher performance level but we also have a number of cars which are referred to as the Ada Ada Loveless generation these are the very latest one the RTX a6000 for the Ada love lace generation costs $9,000 again very powerful this is one of this is the most powerful professional graphics card very very powerful you kind of get getting up there to about 4080 levels of performance in situations where you need that vram this can go up to 48 GB of of of vram great for training great for inference this kind of GPU will be fantastic for stable diffusion very fast much more VM than You' get obviously with u the 4080 or the 4090 you cannot link this one with another one the Ali love lace generation the newer ones you cannot link them together so that's a very strange decision from Nvidia to limit the ability to do NV links now the RTX 480 is available in the United States Supply here is limited just six six editions from Zotac Asus and PNY the cheapest one is the PNY one I think and the zot one they're the same cost um there not a huge amount of choice I would speculate that the supply is limited and I would advise not being too choosy not delaying your purchase if you want to get the RTX 480 this is the alternative obviously to the 4090 which is in very short supply and we also know that the 4090 is now banned in China and they're going to be going for the 480s over there as a substitute so I can see supply of this being limited or demand being so high in China I could potentially see supplies running out for for the 4080 so I wouldn't wait too long if you want to get one of these there's a lot of speculation about a new addition of the 4080 you can read up on that if you want to I wouldn't trust the speculation too much it can always go one way or the other way if you want one get one fairly quickly in the US um in the UK the situation is a little bit clearer we have got a few more available but sticking with the US for the time being you can also get the RTX 3090 24 GB this was the most powerful GPU a couple of years ago and at 24 GB it also has that massive vram that is is useful for uh for stable diffusion gddr 6X memory super fast memory and evj is a very good brand I will link to this one here it's a nice alternative moving over to the UK there are some Black Friday deals for the 4080 the RTX 480 this is the one that I generally avoided recommending because the 490 was much better value the value case for the 490 is difficult to make with prices having surged up about about $400 to $500 however the 4080 remains this one is the lowest price that it's been ever so it's pretty good value I'll link to this one this is the UK version It's a Good Friday deal so you may want to to rush and and jump in they also offering the Allen Way 2 special promo it's kind of surprising to see that because I I think supplies even in the UK are not at all very strong so surprising to see a promo there in the UK contrasting to the United States you don't don't get six options you got lots and lots of options this is what I would normally expect but we're seeing just six available on the Amazon site that's telling you something and when it comes to the RTX 490 on the United States site pretty much sold out couple of these do have stock coming in and I'll link to those in the description because occasionally you have stock coming in at the list price so about $16.99 about a couple of thousand for one of the more expensive ones and you might want to just check those occasionally to see if there's any stock in the UK we have got the MSI um RTX 490 this is the liquid cooled one pretty good value at say £1,800 it's currently 2,000 Vegas can't be choos us we have to accept at the moment that these gpus are probably going to stay at these slightly elevated prices for some time to come if the more expensive liquid cool cooled ones is not for you again in the UK we've got one the MSI Ventus at 1772 pretty decent value again it's gone up and these are the prices we're going to be paying for the time being I think with this one if you can make use of 4090 this one is perfectly reasonable to pay this kind of price we were paying more for this than the current price back in January February finally we have some very good news coming from AMD this is actually published quite some time ago but they used the Microsoft Olive system to accelerate the 7900 XT X and that gave a fantastic 10-fold boost in performance and that's something we've actually seen confirmed by third party so this is the kind of thing that will give us potentially the possibility of recommending AMD gpus maybe next year if this can be implemented and usable to the same extent that we can use the Nvidia cards and their support system uh on the Windows platform so I think in the past some users have said they had great success with AMD on Linux and I asked people for feedback they said on Linux it works fine but it is tough to to set up sometimes we're seeing developments on the Windows platform just as I'm seeing developments on the Apple platform that is very encouraging and hopefully we'll have more Choice next year
Channel: Pixovert
Views: 3,012
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Id: 8rsvbQevOCs
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Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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