High End Dollar General Makeovers You Wont' Believe

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so hi guys welcome back to our channel it's yvonne from ginger chick rehab and if you're new and checking out this channel for the first time this is something i do with my husband chris not always but sometimes so in today's video you all like to watch dollar general flips so in our travels in a recent weekend away we i ca i'm still always surprised of how many dollar generals there are so we probably went past about a dozen stopped by about half so in today's video i am sharing the makeovers with you so i'm going to show you right at the beginning what items i'm doing what i'm going to be doing to them what they're going to what was done to them and how they were transformed and get get ready to resell yes these items have been selling for me they've not only been selling for me but even items that i don't have to redo not everybody goes into a dollar general so yes so i want to share with you yep i don't do this all the time i'm trying to do once a month for y'all but so let's get right into it so starting off right up with this basket this basket was let me see 14 not too bad so what i do is i'm going to be taking off all of this to update it a little bit and then i put them onto plant stands that i'm always looking for plant stands and something to lift baskets up so i will double the price of the basket and then i'll double the price of what the plant stand was trying to figure out my cost and then i will wire it onto the plant stand now this one this is just a nice rectangular so this has to change up because the plant stands that i have they're round so but i think this one was ten dollars great price so that gives me 20 just right here in the basket beautiful color i'm not changing it at all nothing to remove i do have some legs that i'm going to be attaching to this to get it off the floor i don't know about you but as we get older we really like to lift things up off the floor and then i have this plant stand yep just a regular old plant stand they have been working out really well for me now this one is in a good shape it was 409 so that you're getting in my area i'm just gonna go ahead and double the clock cost to figure out my final cost so yep just taking that price sticker off and i really once i get this cleaned up i don't even think this needs to be re-spray painted now personally i think this is a beautiful basket but i don't really think these are the best accents for this bag so i'm just going to go ahead and snip all these they're just tied in with some juice so when i was looking at them in the store i was trying to see how i could take them apart and if it was possible that i would not hurt the basket underneath so just snipping them off from the outer that way i'm not accidentally snipping the basket and then i can pull them out from the inside [Music] i'm just going to be using wire to attach this i want to make sure when you lift that basket up it's not coming apart so what i'm going to do here is i'm just double checking that it's going to fit that the basket is sturdy enough to withhold or stand up on just this plant stand alone that i don't need a piece of wood or anything like that so i just first cut off three pieces of wire i'm gonna work from the inside and poke them through and then wrap them around the top part of each leg but i'll also go back in and then hit three more of the sides too to make sure that this is good and secure because since it doesn't have a handle and it's something that sits on the ground i know people will just be lifting it up from the basket itself so i want to make sure that it's nice and secure and that you're not ripping that basket now for the second basket i'm going to need a piece of wood and i just randomly have this cutting board that i tried that wood burning on that i didn't think went so well so it's kind of been in a horde because it's a piece of wood and i'm not gonna throw it away i knew that i could use it on something and that is a perfect fit for the bottom of this basket that way i have something structurally to hold it and there's something to screw the legs into because if you try to screw into that basket part you're just going to split up the basket so i just need to get these cleaned so i can get them painted up so now i'm just going to get these painted up black on both sides of this board because you'll be able to see both sides of this board and including the legs just using some rust-oleum and the flat black [Music] and i'm also going to be using these screws and these washers to help attach that base to the basket so that way yet again that so i don't crack that basket part by trying to screw into it then to protect that black that i spray painted on i'm just using some poly acrylic as a top coat and i will be painting both sides of that board black now chris is just taking some measurements on how big these legs are so that way he knows where to drill the holes on the boards to pre-drill them so the one that does not split the wood and then two that all your legs are well pretty much centered [Music] so now that we have a little table top to set that basket on top you can just set the basket right on top of it and then use this a little bit shorter of screws if you notice the screws that go into the legs were long that way you know if it has any pressure it really stays in there and so yep just a little bit shorter of screws and those washers see how you can hit in the middle of a hole and then that way you're not ruining the basket itself if it wants to be detached and also it's nice and sturdy so my next dollar general find were these canisters these jars these storage bins oh my gosh nice so it's got a nice seal on it it's a nice lid and then there's two different sizes so we have a smaller one so the smaller one was six dollars and then the larger one was seven if you notice they did kind of have a haze on the these probably just a manufacturer's thing so i'm just getting them cleaned up with some hot water and some dawn dish soap and hopefully that'll get rid of that haze so if you watched my rolling pin where i printed out some vintage labels from etsy and took us some photos and attached them to the rolling pins that's exactly what i'm going to be doing with these today so i'm just going into etsy i'm looking for some labels that have something to do with canisters or something that is appealing to me so i'm just showing you a few of the little options but i will have the links down below of what i did use and yes there's a little bit of a purchase it's a digital download that will always be there for your computer for you to use them and as long as you give the person credit for using them you you can resell them you just can't resell their images so now i'm just i've got my lint rollers holding my canister so it does not roll away from me that is it two stickies that really definitely help so whatever you can use so that your round object doesn't roll so my first one right off the bat i'm gonna go ahead and do the sugar so now i printed it out on two different like the plain white or then i used my antiquing paper that i purchased off of amazon trying to get a feel for what i wanted for these canisters but i definitely liked it printed off the white a little bit better so now i'm just going to go ahead and cut out that label making sure that i cut out off the white part so part of this video if you watched the horde the stash where viewer was so kind to give me a whole bunch of her items that she was not going to be using anymore was this mod podge so i thought you know it says it's good for exterior use and the chances of these getting wet i've never actually purchased it myself so i thought what a perfectly opportunity to use it on these canister set just going to be applying a thin layer of this on the back of this piece of paper and then attaching it to the jar since these labels are almost the perfect size for the front of it it's pretty easy to eyeball if it's crooked or not now i'm gonna set this off to the side and let that layer of mod podge dry first if i put it over the top of it now i find that a lot of times that's where it gets a lot of wrinkles and i don't want i want this to be more flat not as wrinkly so i'm going to let that dry first before sealing the top in just going to take a wet wipe and make sure that i got any of the excess mod podge cleaned off of the glass [Music] now for my next label i'm doing a flower now there's many many to choose from you just have to decide what you like personally so i'm just keeping that basic canister set of sugar and flour and so yep same thing just cutting that out making sure that i have all the white cut off so it looks like a label [Music] so this white paper is nothing fancy it's just your plain old copier paper so look at this is how nice these images print out and after an hour so i think it was probably a couple hours that is now dry and now i'm going in and just sealing that front now i know it's going to look a little bit hazy but this is going to end up drying clear [Music] my hopes were that these lids would match but i don't personally like it so i'm going to go ahead and spray them up just like i did that basket's legs but the only difference is after i got them sealed and that poly acrylic dry i'm going in and doing a little bit of distress in a little bit of antiquing so i'm just taking some 220 sandpaper around those edges just getting down to that wood that kind of will make that vintage vibe of that label and this vintage of the lid tie in together then i'll take some fine grit steel wool and open up all that polycrylic that i put on there to seal in that paint because yes i'm going to be applying some antiquing wax on the top of that that definitely is going to tie the brown of the label in with this black of the lid okay so for the next make dollar general makeover we're gonna do look at this it's just a piece of marble now they labeled it as a marble trivet and i think we can make a riser out of this the first thing i need to do is one remove the label the price tag and along with the sticky pads on the side so i'm just going to my heat gun definitely for this marble that'll heat it up and release that sticky [Music] so sometimes it does leave a little bit of sticky residue behind so as you see i spilled my goo gone bottle from the dollar tree store but so i've got plenty on here to wipe that sticky residue off so i would have need to clean this piece anyway i'm just using super clean today to clean all these items and yes i definitely need to make sure that i get that oil off of that when i saw these in the dollar general store i was like oh i know that i have these two candle sticks remember years ago that maybe they still sell those ginormous three-week candles there's a lot of bases that come in the thrift store for these items which are perfect for riser bases so they have as they're shorter they can hold a lot of weight so these were perfect so 409 for the two of them six dollars for that this is actually probably the most cost efficient one that i'm doing because once i got them cleaned up i'm like oh i like that color oh there's no damage to these just the dust of me having them in our hoard in our workshop yep they're in our workshop and they get really dusty so it's not that i thrifted them that way they just have been sitting around waiting for the perfect item to use this on and they are solid wood so just once i got these cleaned up i'm like i just need to glue on these onto the base and voila i have a riser so now knowing that marble is a heavy it's heavy so i'm going to be using some gorilla glue along with the star bond ca glue the starbucks ca glue is going to give that quick hold and then for a little bit extra because the marble again is so heavy i'm going to be using the gorilla glue so i'm just trying to eyeball where i think center is and i'm going to be attaching the glue to the candlestick part all around the edges so i'm going to go in with that gorilla glue first and then then after i get that all applied and yes i do have a color tube twister on my gorilla glue bottle hey why not i'm retired hairdresser and i had them left over so they come in perfect for this i want to spray in the accelerator i'm going to be spraying the marble itself and that way that once that accelerator starts and touches the glue you have only 15 seconds so that's why you have to eyeball where your center was and then i'm going to be pressing it down but i'm also going to be putting a gallon jug of paint on this and making sure that it's good and adhere to each other okay so what do we have for the next dollar general clip i know you've been looking at these now these are some metal trays yes they do have it's a paper like a vinyl in there now the bigger one was ten dollars and then the smaller one it didn't have a tag and so she gave it to me for five dollars i don't know so let's see what we can do with these after getting these cleaned up with the super clean removing the tag that was left on letting them dry what i'm going to be doing with this paper i need to assess this paper because i'm not quite sure how i'm going to finish the inside right off the bat but i find it's easier just to go ahead and do a couple coats of shellac that way it stiffens up that paper i don't usually have too much problem if i'm going to go and stencil it or anything like that but if i just go in with my regular spray paint it just doesn't seem to seal that paper in and it this this vinyl this paper is on there so it's way too much work for the cost of flipping an item like this to try to remove it so i found it's better just to seal it in with shellac so for me i am a fan of black if you are new to our channel so i'm going in with some more rust-oleum and the flat black the paint and primer and spraying both sides of these but before flipping it to the other side yet again i will be sealing it in with a top coat some poly acrylic in the satin or matte finish whichever one you can find nowadays to seal that paint in just because you spray painted an item does not mean that it that it is a finished coat you need something to protect that paint underneath so unfortunately some of that did kind of bubble so i wasn't really happy with how that turned out usually it does not but you never know how an item that you're trying to flip is going to react so chris is measuring it so because he's going to be cutting out a piece of wood for insert to put into these trays this is a handy tool that you can pick up that helps you do your circles so it has those two metal pieces there you do your halfway point that way yep you can cut a circle so the other piece of metal goes into this point it sticks into your wood then you take a pencil on the other and then you trace your circle around that way you have your guide up doing your circle you can freehand if you want or cut out a stencil but this is definitely a very handy tool for cutting circles i was just going to go over with that piece of wood to the band saw and cut out that circle just trying to stay on his pencil mark or just a little bit you don't want to go into it you rather sand off some excess so just try to get as close as you can and then you can sand off the rest then now we have two perfect inserts for these metal trays and after getting them all sanded smoothly i'm just going to be doing some antiquing wax now i know that a little bit of the edging might show through the handles so i'm going to take some of the jolie black wax around the edges just to kind of tie it in so your eyes not drawn to that sticking above the handle part just to be safe it's just a wee bit but it just makes me feel better and then now we're just going to do some of the antiquing wax right on the top of it full strength right out of the bottle just using a piece of drop cloth to apply it but on the plywood you're definitely going to see a lot of that wood grain so you won't definitely want to make sure that you've got that sanded smooth and i definitely love how it pops i did antique both sides of these because i'm not going to be gluing it in i just want to leave it as an insert that way i don't have to mess around with any glue it is a nice tight fit but i am going to be sealing these with at least two to three coats of the polycrylic that plywood is very dry so it basically just absorbs right in that first coat so next in our lineup are this cute little stool i've actually done this stool before it is five dollars which is basically what goodwill sells them for so yes i'm not even gonna sand it it's a little bit of wood with some pressed mdf board and then we'll put some kind of a stencil on top of it just to bling it up a little bit i always laugh and wonder does dollar general know that we youtubers flip their items because how many tags can you put on a item for five dollars yes even though they are new purchased goods you still need to prep them and clean them they've been manufactured they've been touched a lot well yes even though i did not pick all three of these stools up at the same dollar general actually i picked them up three different dollar generals but for five dollars yes i'm going to get more to have in my inventory so just getting them spray painted up with that same process of the risolium and the flat black and then sealing them in with that poly acrylic on both sides [Music] so i'm going to be applying some grain sack stencils to this the top of these little stools like i said don't worry about the top where those scratches are because this is all going to be hidden underneath it's just the way the porosity of the paint took differently because that was opened up to the mdf board so for this tool i'm gonna be the using the smaller stripes now i had a little bit of difficulty the first time i used these stencils i just tried to freehand it and yes you do see red in my hand and i did i did a dresser that had some red tones in it and then i did another little a regular sized stool that had red in it and they are been good sellers for us but to attach the stencil down i'm going to be using some tacky spray some repositional spray to help so that that grain sac stripes does not move around on me i'm going to be using a stencil brush to apply the red paint to this now you want to do that dry technique where there's just a little bit of paint on this now i believe this brush is my one from the dollar tree store that it does work but sooner or later there's not going to be any bristles left because they do fall out really easily but to achieve the red color that i want so it pops through this black i might have to add multiple coats so i definitely wanted to make sure that this is not a lot of paint on and that this stencil is good and adhered on there so i did end up doing one more coat because you can see that it's not quite not quite red enough i want to make sure that my paint is dry so i'm just using the assistance of the heat gun to make sure it's dry because i'm going to be putting another stencil on top of these red stripes the jrv crackery stamps are a perfect fit for these little stools and i'll have everything i use and where i purchased them down in my description box below and i did a so i could see what the stencil was um i just did it on some copier paper so i knew for myself what i had but i want to make sure that i'm going to be applying paint over the red and i know red likes to make pink sometimes so i went ahead and sprayed that in before doing the stencil so now that that polyacrylic's dry i can go ahead and stencil on there and instead of using the white which was okay i'm going to try the mineral color a little bit on this stencil just so it has a little bit more of an aged look this stencil i did not use the tacky spray to adhere it down i'm just gingerly holding it making sure that i have a soft touch and i always have another hand holding it in place so that it doesn't slide [Music] now for my next one i'm going to be using the wider stripe so the same thing i use that tacky spray to hold it down that's definitely the smaller stripes are a little bit flimsy in the first time they used it they definitely moved around and really made uneven um grain sack stripes so it's that perfectly imperfect but i wanted a little bit more control because i knew i wanted to apply at least two coats of this red on and definitely this larger surface area is covering up those scratches so for my third stool i'm just gonna go ahead and offset just the little stripings just on the side i did some masking tape to cover up that middle section so i did not get it where i did not want but for this one because it's such a little bitty area i'm just doing that makeup sponge from the dollar tree store and there again i'm camouflaging those scratches up with another one of the crackery stamps from jrv so just a perfect little fit this one just fits almost inside of those stripings for this one i did use the tacky spray because when i washed my stencil off before you could see two of those little vellum pieces had lifted and they won't stay down so the tacky spray definitely came in handy to make sure that those were laying flat [Music] and i did switch over to my blow dryer to dry it before lifting off that stencil that way the heat gun didn't melt my stencil and after applying just a thin coat of that poly acrylic on the top of it and letting it dry i need to seal the apple barrel red paint in some i'm going around all those sharp edges with some 220 sandpaper and distressing it it's just a personal look that i like and i think it ties the whole piece together [Music] and then i'm going to go ahead in with some fine grit steel wool over the rest of the entire piece to open up that poly acrylic because yes i'm going to be antiquing waxing these also that's just going to really make where i opened up where i distressed those edges really pop and tie in that black and that red and just complete this piece so next up is something i've actually done before i know i've done those little stools before but not everybody has seen my dollar general flip so i actually found these little dough balls oh my gosh are they not the cutest little trays now this one is four and then this one is six and this color actually has sold for me but what i do to it it is so rough to the touch you wouldn't be able to dust it your cloth and everything would just get and it's not sealed so if you spill it water or anything it's just going to absorb the water and ruin it so we're going to start right off by removing the tags there's no cleaning it at the moment needed on these pieces i'm going to go ahead in with some 80 grit sandpaper yup some 80 grit and then i'm going to go ahead and just start making these smooth as you see it's going to go down to some of that natural that's underneath the manufacturer's stain but don't worry about that our worry right now is to get these nice and soft that they're soft to the touch and that no dust is going to be caught in all those little crevices so i'm just going to be hand sanding the entire piece now the orbital sander this is a it's not that hard of a wood to go in with a power sander you might take a little bit too much of the wood off then to smooth out that 80 grit i just take some fine grit sandpaper and that seems to do the job after getting both of these sanded to what i felt it was soft to my touch yeah i got it i got a lot of sandy dust so i'm going to go ahead and get that vacuumed up first [Music] and then yep i'm going to go to my go-to of waverly and if you look at the waverly it says it seals and protects so once this has cured it should be protected from water damage and then definitely the waverly straight right out of the bottle is going to tie in the manufacturer's stain that was on that along with it's going to give it actually some more interest with those lighter spots in the darker spots so yep i'm just going to go in and this is so raw that it just sucks it right in [Music] so as my pile is dwindling i thought i'd get the camera a little bit closer so now i found this which is already super cute it is a supply 10 it's not i don't know i think we're going into a little bit darker colors right now so i'm not sure and then the only you can't really see the supplies with what the color is so i'm going to paint this one up but keep these handles the same it was eight dollars so yep we're going to start right by removing any of those price tags including that one that's on the bottom using that heat gun see how many tags they put on these things this has a nice bottom to it has those nice little padding so what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead with the 2 inch dollar general tape and protect that bottom that way i don't have to worry about flipping and flapping both sides of this over to get that painted [Music] then going in with the same tape and doing those handles also even though i won't really necessarily get down on the side of the wood at least i'm getting the general most area of that handle covered with the tape the same process with that rust-oleum paint in primer but see where i said if i that bottom was nice i didn't have to worry about flipping and flapping i already have to try to get to the inside of this piece and underneath that lip [Music] and after that is dry i'm going in with that same poly acrylic to seal that black paint in so now i'm following that manufacturer's lead i just wanted to make these letters pop more than that green did so i'm just taking some 220 sandpaper just my fingertip just gingerly going in and just letting that sandpaper i am trying to go in the same direction back and forth you're going to see those scratch marks that you're revealing those letters so you kind of want to go into the same direction but very gingerly and take your time that way you're not accidentally getting onto the other the flat part that you don't want to show and distress and to die that distressing in i'll just randomly go along the rim along the handle along the bottom just removing any of it now this really hasn't cured very long so it's easily to easily removed with just that 220 sandpaper [Music] and it was definitely well worth my time protecting that bottom now i just have to remove the tape another was a dollar laundry sign that's in a package it was five dollars so i think if we put this on a piece of wood distress the wood a little bit make a sign for a laundry room and i'm i'm wanting to do a new laundry room in my house here soon so i may even make it for myself so one of the things i have been doing is working through my stash working through items that have been sitting around and unfortunately yes those signs i made when i first started the ginger chick they sell for nine dollars i half priced them still nobody wanted them so yes i'm going to be sanding those off and reusing them for the wood for this sign and along with this a piece of roofing metal is almost the perfect fit for this though it could be a little bit bigger but i am happy with what i see from behind it and when i made these signs i don't feel bad about sanding it all off i bought them it was somebody's docking that they had taken out and donated to habitat so i got it for like 25 cents a board yeah free would have been better but i still take the 25 cents and yes my time i'm making the signs but hey i don't know and people didn't want them i thought they were cute but yep i'm just taking my mouse black and duck sander and then getting the general of that sanded down making sure it was already smooth to begin with but i'm just taking the lettering off now to keep it so these all three stay together we're just using those paint sticks that you can pick up i think we picked up a pack of however many from menards so just nice thin wood so just putting some tight blonde glue to make sure that they stayed adhered and then bred and nailing them down they all weren't the same size board so we leveled them up on the one side and then now chris just took it over to the table saw to cut off that excess then the excess of the paints sticks just to exacto knife and then it'll just snap it's not very thick wood and then he's going to go in and some pre-drilling on that metal roofing just to make sure that that's good and secure first before attaching the sign out of the sign itself it already has pre-drilled holes in it and since we do a lot of black accents you can actually buy this screw container that has randomly sized screws on amazon and it's nice that they're already painted black so then we don't have to worry about painting little screw heads black now i thought i was going to like the distressed wood of this piece but it was more yellow and that really made that white of the sign stick stuck out so i just went along and taped off that metal roofing and now i'm just going in with the waverly white paint the chalk paint and just touching all this area up including the back that way that it's just a nice clean surface since we already had the sign attached i'm just going in with some very thin finishing wax something to seal that waverly chalk paint in now to add a hanging system the three boards make it pretty heavy along with that metal so i like to use these eyelet hangers that i get off amazon a whole bunch in a pack and some heavy gauged wire sometimes those little picture hangers that you just hammer in are not enough you definitely have to check the weight of your item that you're going to be hanging [Music] [Music] i do have a couple things that i'm going to make over a wee bit just a little bit that we're not dollar general now i was looking to see if walmart had their christmas stuff in yet well yeah you gotta go look for it early before it's gone and they had these little spritzer bottles oh my goodness now the tag said i think four dollars or something like that so i thought oh my gosh i could paint this out bla or leave this as is um because it's it's unfortunately not metal but this is glass and i thought i could put a little spritzer on it take the tag off but when i got to the checkout it was two dollars they were clearancing out a lot of their garden items so yeah so yes i'm going to do a few of these and just kind of bling them up a little bit and this was a target dollar spot just a little lazy susan i really thought that i was going to just vinyl out some lettering and just put these plain but as i was searching for those labels for that chemistry set i ran across these labels and i'm like oh god wink moment yes please i definitely like those though they're a little bit larger than what the container is that's okay i think that i can cut them down to pieces and parts to fit in what i would like so it's that same process as the canister set i'm cutting out all the white i just printed them out on the plain copier paper and so i'm just going in and cutting off first and then i will gingerly work off areas cutting off areas as i go making sure what is visually pleasing to myself so yes i the bottom says something i don't know i really couldn't read what the bottom says so i thought well that doesn't really matter but it does give the top the name of what the plant is so i definitely wanted to figure out how to adhere that on also so i'm just cutting out that that extra extra off there that i didn't need just keeping the labels kind of simple but they're definitely a beautiful image [Music] [Music] the same process i'm just doing the mod podge on the back and then i'm just kind of adhering the label this and that way depending on what's pleasing to the image and then i'll let that dry before sealing in the top of it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so what did you think of today's dollar general makeovers i absolutely love the fountains that i had found and i hope that you all when your dollar general travels can find any of these items to makeover like i did i definitely think that i have taken these dollar general items to the next level and so in the comments please give me a comment of what your favorite makeover was and if i have inspired you to look at dollar general fines in a new way thanks for watching today's video guys and i hope that you enjoy this kind of content and if you're new and checking out our channel for the first time and you did enjoy this kind of content hit the description subscription button along with a notification bell so you know when we've uploaded a new video and we will see you next time guys and you can see what i'm up to bye [Music] you
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 101,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MUSVocQx1sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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