Hiding in Someone's House.. Will They Find Me? (Minecraft)

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go up here it's gonna look a little odd like that i mean you think kian's gonna notice his base looks odd uh probably we're living in here this seems really really odd i mean i actually don't think he's gonna notice komodo yeah shh they're they're in they're in wait they're in the realm they're in the realm we're up and we're up in keon's house and he doesn't know we're up here i've been cramped up here for a week i haven't moved yeah me neither i've been eating pork chops up here might be a little stinky but it's time komodo we're gonna prank keen and brandon they're gonna be surprised just don't make too much noise they can hear it you don't think that brandon's doing something with that tnt wait the last episode do you don't pop out but you know i got an idea come look what we could spy on them oh we can yeah watch ready okay oh okay that that might be too much light are they in i don't see him in your house he's not in there okay back up back up go go back up we're good all right you know what we're gonna see if they figure out we're up here steal our pork chops and run back home hey keane and brandon yes hello hi where are you um we left uh you guys a gift inside of keon's house can i hear spy cake's voice coming from the sky here yeah where komodo and i are at our house building um building up the sides of the walls or something yeah it's so big oh watch out there's a creeper right outside your face and i'm carrying three stacks of tiana i hope that wasn't the gift you guys left us no that's not our gift remember last episode i had that tnt and i was going to blow up komodo's base i do recall that yeah i decided not to do it whoa guys we heard that from our house is that like six creepers there's a chest here yeah that's the gift you guys should open it yeah yeah open it hey they gave us torches i am going to read the book your guys bases lack one thing cool lights spiders lurking corners so we gave you some torches we are just trying to watch your backs can i call a timeout real quick but there is no way that you were just being nice and giving us torches there's something going on something here very very concerned but they did say that we should light up our houses so i am going to grab some of these torches i'm telling you they put something in your base and i don't know what it is i'm going to start digging holes in your base sorry kids they did say that my house is stinky so yeah it smells so is brandon digging right now i was but i couldn't find anything yeah you should really renovate that grass too it was kind of gross it looks horrible yeah you know you're actually right you're actually okay okay um yeah let's look so we should get rid of wait what wait i hear something there was a crafting table just popped up here oh it's not here before no like there was a crafty table like uncollected it was just floating what that doesn't sound good that's weird that's is that me okay what are you guys doing i'm getting scared and confused at the same time i'm i'm just i'm just kind of clearing out this wait here's a chest wait what wait a second what they're dropping things are they above they're above us this is our host go go you're living in my roof people are living no literally live in your attic come on i'll close it up i didn't even know i had in that close it up close it up this one too close no no no no no no no no no no no he's got tnt the problem with this tnt kid i don't have anything to like give us that tnt wait this looks funny i see you guys it's cozy up here how do you crawl up there how did you guys build that without kia noticing it don't go around the back uh that's not where our entrance is we don't go around the back okay yeah don't go around the back i'm not doing that right now i'm definitely not going around the back why is it always raining you have to officially be the least observant person in the world someone literally built a house in your house and you didn't know it oh good shot skeleton yeah guilty how did they get in uh no particular trap door at the top oh okay i'll hand it to you guys this is actually pretty awesome the gift was actually not us in your ceiling we built you an attic for storage yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see also i can't see anything i'm going to my old base komodo your old base is broken who did this to my face okay uh to my defense uh it was a creeper i didn't do it on purpose you led a creeper into my base well no no he was right out so right when i went inside i collected the tnt and i left and then a creeper was literally right here and i ran away but he exploded sorry uh-huh wow guys yeah there's a fire wait a second oh boys it's so elaborate you guys you set fire oh yeah yeah we totally did this this is impressive spy our base isn't on fire is it no but i might go check i killed a cow look day's coming come over let's go yeah guys we're gonna go save your base okay why losers please don't retaliate and attack our base don't retaliate okay i'm putting out the fires let's get some food too but we do need wall for beds so i'm gonna get as much wool as we can here yeah there's a lot of things we need i actually need to go make like proper tools because uh i may or may not be working on another base spot it's nothing against you oh i know what's gonna happen they're going to find our base and it's going to get obliterated so i have to have a fake well i guess that is our fake that is our fake base we should totally just fake him out you think they're following us right now i don't know but they might be don't worry that place is still on fire so it gives us some time to run away i am very hungry by the way you know what we're gonna secure our items in that base and then maybe do some mining somewhere we gotta see if they're following us though yeah we gotta get a basic setup but you do understand me building a separate base isn't anything against your base oh no no i'm gonna build another one too yeah it's just to fail safe because yeah you know what's gonna happen also people should hit the thumbs up button for some more minecraft yeah smack that like button and we'll prank those guys again all right here's our base okay run really quick grab everything in the chest maybe grab the chest like the whole thing oh how about there isn't anything in here hey we got one bed all right i'm gonna take these chests up here okay i'm gonna take the crafty table and leave that chest below us and it should look like we're living in here kinda okay come on let's go it totally doesn't look like it's a diversion because it's completely empty in there hey i'm gonna go back and look on the hill real quick make sure they haven't followed us okay i'm gonna go up on this hill uh i don't see anybody's spot i don't think they're on our tracks right now i think we're good okay that's kind of good all right so i don't think they're following us but let's maybe go a little ways from our house i don't know where you're setting up your base but i think over here there's some mines uh there's probably a couple little holes in the ground that'll lead into some decent mines this is oh here we go oh yeah there we go ah we got a cave all right so we'll set up like a little uh mining base here oh this is not bad there's some stuff uh there's a lot of things i need to gather i mean uh the first episode was me just not playing minecraft basically yeah yeah i need to get some food because i've been only eating whatever brandon gave us and that was nasty i'll get us some food going got plenty of coal in here ooh some iron nice yeah there's some good stuff in here yeah decent oh there's a lot of iron oh is there yeah i got like good five six wait they're probably laughing that i just now got stone tools oh i made fun of them last episode because they were getting stone tools commodore all right just clear this out this is going to be our mining camp this is spy moto hq number two this is our secret lair that is totally not the second diversion yeah this is the totally legit one so in theory we're gonna have a layer of bases and eventually we'll have our own real bases that he won't blow up after i spend hours doing we just need enough time to actually get some supplies well we could go back and check the secret diversion base eventually and see if they set anything up for us 10 bucks says they rigged that all right so do we want to close this off and maybe put like a little door or something down here maybe put some soil and dirt around it to kind of camouflage it a bit all right yeah i'll uh start putting some dirt up top nice uh-huh komodo is so advanced at minecraft you don't even know yeah all right we do have our little decoy base mining base set up again there we go oh this is nice i mean it's just something i think if we cover the top up they won't be able to find it but we got to make sure we can find it and boom a bed yeah i set my spawn point right here perfect so we got spawn points set oh it's getting dark oh yeah it's getting really dark would this be a good time to go check back in on them and see what they're doing here i'll put a torch up on the tree facing the direction of our base yeah there you go so it doesn't quite give away the location that's pretty obvious i just got to remember all right so this way me and remembering are not like one thing oh there's a cave here too that's nice okay let's see did they find our base oh oh i'm seeing names wait text oh i see them yeah go back go back they're right there go back go back hide oh they found it they totally found it wait did they already check it out they probably thought they were gonna get something good out of it don't they should we go sneak up on our base yeah let's see if they've done anything with it you know they're pro oh oh i hear that okay i think it's after me okay oh going down in the cave this is fine oh there's a lot of them all right there's a pretty decent sized cave down here just come down in the hole i'm just running i'm running to our house there's nothing in here i think they just scoped out our base what's up baby zombie run i'm getting attacked you think there's a chance they didn't actually see this because they were on the other side of the hill maybe they gave up and i don't know got lost i hope so wait yeah they didn't touch anything but i say we don't have an attic no oh yeah they are pretty useless aren't they yeah i'm gonna go and i'm gonna look to see if they're actually going going oh geez that doesn't seem like a very safe thing to do it's very safe they just bite they just fight yeah okay well they do seem to be aggroed on you never mind they're coming oh dear wait okay i see them they're running back to the house are they okay so we're safe we're safe i mean i can't believe they didn't actually do anything to this base well they were scoping out i think they're gonna plan something on us oh i'm sure they are wait are they gonna come back they might come back but you know what we should probably head back to our other base uh best say should we build an attic um in our own house yeah we could hide in it when they come back wait what no just kidding just kidding all right let's get the heck out of here
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 748,991
Rating: 4.9204979 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft smp, smp, smp pranks, smp prank, minecraft smp pranks, minecraft survival, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft multiplayer survival, minecraft gameplay, minecraft pranks, minecraft prank, spycakes, spycakes minecraft, spycakes survival, spycakes pranks, spycakes minecraft pranks, new minecraft smp, hiding in someone's house, hiding in someone's house without them knowing, hiding in someone's house without them knowing minecraft, hiding in someone's house prank
Id: -tRCJEftj4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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