"Hiding In Plain Sight": Ron Johnson Ties Fauci To Gain Of Function Research Funding

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go ahead well johnson okay uh i want to point out that the evidence about a potential lab league theory has been hiding in plain sight for months you know the fact that our federal agencies under the direction of anthony fauci funded this type of research for years has been laying out there hidden in plain sight for months shame on the media shame the social media for not paying attention to it for completely ignoring it the the result of this 18-month gap of fully exploring the the true origin of the covert virus probably means we'll never get to the bottom of it china's had 18 months to destroy this evidence but make no doubt about it china is guilty they are culpable they knew they had a coronavirus they knew they had a deadly pandemic type virus in wuhan they didn't allow flights out of wuhan to the rest of china but they left let that virus infect the entire world so we already know china's guilty we already know they had to be held account to account i think we also need to hold the news meeting the social media accountable as well this isn't the only area suppression i i could list a long list of false narratives false stories that the drive-by media promotes and then never really adequately retracts but when it comes to covid i have personal experience with censorship and suppression that i believe has cost tens of thousands of americans their lives the nih guidelines as it relates to treatment of covid remains a compassionless guideline just to basically do nothing go home isolate yourself be afraid and if you just have to get sick enough where you have to check yourself in the hospital check yourself in the hospital maybe we can save your life i held two hearings on early treatment dr peter mcculloch laid out the four pillars of pandemic response the first one is try and stop the spread well china's guilty not doing that the second pillar is early treatment basically how we apply medicine to every other condition early detection early treatment then in hospital treatment and finally vaccine why did our health agencies why did anthony fauci why did the mainstream media suppress and censor doctors had the courage and compassion to treat patients early with cheap generic repurposed drugs why did that happen there is growing evidence it's not being reported on by the media mexico is having great success with ivermectin certain provinces in india are having great success cybermedicine where's reporting on that we've seen studies where 50 to 85 percent of lives could have been saved it prevents that much death apply that percentage to the six hundred thousand americans that lost their lives which is why i believe the news media will never admit their complicity and why they will never admit they were wrong here but it's not too late lives can be saved we're still going to need early treatment no matter how effective the vaccine is no matter how effective immunity from having been infected is other people will get infected other people are going to need early treatment so i am begging by employing the media pay attention people like dr corey dr peter mcculloch the other doctors they have the courage and compassion to treat patients it's not too late we need to start in really robustly explore early treatment now
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 308,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sen. Ron Johnson, Dr. Anthony Fauci, China
Id: dGtPrEY7Q5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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