Hide and Seek Challenge on Livetopia! | Roblox

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hey guys it's janet and kate welcome back to roblox videos i'm playing liptopia and today we're gonna be doing hide and seek on liptopia and here are the boundaries so the boundaries are the zoo all the way over to the arcade and then over to the mall into the soccer area so just like this rectangle here right now let it go outside of this boundaries we're also going to make this a challenge and um whoever has the highest combined high tide is the winner and gets the gjk yep and we're each gonna take turns being seeker i'm gonna um be sick at first so um where should i seek um i'm gonna go just down to the metro a little bit okay you go in the metro because we're not gonna go down in the metro yeah i'm just gonna go right here and each minute you pull out something to help the seeker find you faster yep okay you guys have one minute to hide i'm gonna start the one minute clock in three two one no okay i'm gonna hide somewhere over here this way somewhere i don't really know where to hide oh no yeah i think i think i've had a really bad spot you found a bad spot well that's good to hide around in uh oh i don't really know to hide well 30 seconds left okay i'm just gonna hide here i know it's not like a good spot but it's not like a terrible spot okay um 15 seconds i think maybe i'll put my hair in here yeah okay three two one okay stop um searching for a spot i'm gonna come find you in three two one start your timer ten minutes is the max high time i'm coming now on my horse i'm like in a not the best hiding spot okay well i'm gonna check this area is it even low okay it's loading loading in oh no i stepped in a chair and then the first item is a stroller yeah we had to pull out the stroller first it's not that bad i'm gonna go in here can you tell me where you're searching first i'm not going to tell you you promise you won't move i promise i won't move because i'll probably just die like that i just get found i may or may not be in the mall area i need you such search there first so you're probably not in here right maybe i am okay one minute i'm gonna pull out my stroller okay oh wow i got a really nice spot for my stroller okay this place doesn't load in that good i don't really think anybody's in here so i'm just gonna you know someone else switches i'm gonna search here because i don't think anyone would hide there i'm gonna search over here where's over here over here it's the arcade area with the clothing shop and barbershop um okay these places are pretty small so i feel like i'd see you immediately unless you're like in a little heading spot you don't check oh you know the next item is like a huge painting and my spot is the best for it really okay 20 more seconds till you guys have to pull it out okay you guys know not over here unless i missed you guys but i'm pretty sure i didn't you can check uh this police station now um okay i'm gonna hold the painting now because it's been two minutes oh wow that's actually kind of good except for the fact that okay this horse is not really good indoors but like it's so much faster than walking on feet but you know yeah i open this i mean you can spray you can spray if you want you don't have to ride the horse you can just walk extra slow no thanks okay like seven more seconds i think until you guys have to pull out a what a companion okay and i'm gonna pull out this okay i'm gonna pull them out okay certainly check this area i know how to get back here you can get over here wait do we start to hold the painting okay i guess we said to hold the painting okay no one's there wow i'm doing really bad i feel like but not really bad it's only been like about three minutes my guy is over there i feel like you guys would be in the school are we oh oh wait oh wait oh wait somebody's elephant is crying i found you okay hold still no why is my elephant crying and i could see it out of the no i was trying to bring it in but why is my elephant crying it was like screaming i heard it you picked the wrong pet i know not to push the elephant i didn't know the elephant made noise like like like yelling yeah okay well elephant noises oh okay so i got three minutes and 34 seconds okay that's not that bad i know i'm gonna stand out front next to the wait ted i think i just saw you wait i had to make sure okay fine ted i got a good animal oh wait oh it's making sleeping sounds it's the dog oh all the animals make sounds i'm never picking the elephant oh wait and at four minutes um yeah the basketball and ted said i found him at four minutes in 16 seconds okay so that wasn't that bad i knew you guys would be hiding at the school i didn't hide at the mall because i knew that was gonna be like the first obvious place to hide at wait to make it fair i'll start over here too okay ready yep three all right let me start my time three two one go you know since i was seeking i got some i could look around more you know i think that's a kind of like good yeah good idea that i was speaking first you know where are you gonna hide janet if you tell me then oh i forgot to start my one minute timer can you tell me yeah it's okay 20 seconds already if you tell me where you're hiding then we can make it um you know so you lose and then i can find you okay i think i'm in a good spot okay one minute is up i'm gonna come out of the subway alright hold on let me get my horse ready three two one go okay i'm gonna search this area first it's called the police station so if you're in here you better run an eye and be scared because i'm searching here okay you're not doing so good kate's only been thirty okay i get it i guess no one's here i don't pull out a stroller now because it's been one minute okay okay there stroller out i'll give you a hint if you don't know how to get there we probably don't know how to get there either why is there music in this clothing store did it oh my god i found janet oh my gosh i found you i thought for sure you wouldn't know how to get back here like through the back here you know you you thought i wouldn't know how to go through the clothing is ted in here yeah another check oh that's good that's a good spot i mean that's a good spot maybe i'll hide there because ted because yeah ted's sneaking next okay well i'm just gonna stand um can i stand on top of the playstation let's look around okay okay okay i'm in the mall now tag just just to let you know okay i'm gonna go up these escalators i feel like he's in the mall but you know i might be hiding at the school or something again oh in 10 seconds but um what is it uh painting okay can i go through here wait wait are you searching uh the mall i think i know where chad is hiding but i'm not a hundred percent sure okay i'm gonna write down my time which is one minute 11 seconds okay oh hello okay i think i searched them all well it was not even that big i thought it was bigger me too malls are usually much bigger yeah okay what's this place where did i just enter uh you wanna cut you want me to tell you yes to be a bank yeah i thought so because i saw bing stuff wait are you gonna go in the vault yeah yeah i think you need a key card but i'm not going in huh i'm not going in oh um pet companion okay three minutes ten might win i know he's doing pretty good so far you don't need to check around everything i don't think up there just saying it okay hold on you go around the back area and check these actually the food okay um how much time is past oh you stopped your oh yeah um three minutes 40 seconds okay i i think he's hiding is he heading like you're over here again like the school area maybe the water park um i don't know field that's not that is not a water park just so you know no the water park not the school the water park that is like a playground with a pool it's okay oh for you i think whatever you're drowning no i'm looking in the water to see if he's in the water oh it's been four minutes no basketball basketball okay here shoot out in the open look around for a basketball cape unless he's like in a room and then he shoots out in the room then you have to find a room you know [Music] he would hide it would he head at the school again oh my gosh i can't climb ladders you haven't checked this school no i didn't want to check the school because i don't know if he hid at the school again or not maybe he found some good place at the school whenever he was hiding there ted hit on the roof last time i know but maybe he what's that noise has it been 10 minutes testing you're here somewhere has it been five minutes i see i see that i found out i found him it just now became five minutes i don't know if his time hit five minutes but i heard ted's like pig noises that's five minutes okay okay the pet make noises yeah pets make noises and i heard his it sounded like a barking noises oh yeah it might have been dog i think the elephant's the worst and i would have found him in like five janet bye i would have found him in like five minutes because the next one would shoot a gun for yeah yeah okay so yeah 10 got five minutes so his final score is nine minutes 16 seconds so that's pretty good mm-hmm yeah you know i might hide in that spot that i saw earlier okay do you think that's um allowed do you think um yeah okay okay okay um chad you can start your timer in three two one go okay i'm gonna hide in that spot so you know okay okay that spot that spot gonna hide in this spot can you even hide in here oh my god yeah you can't even hide in here well you wasted your time oh no it's not good you know i'm gonna hide over here i'm gonna hide oh no i'm gonna hide in here maybe i said you know that i found you okay in the clothing store when you found that spot right oh okay well then i'm not hiding there okay 45 seconds that's fast and i don't have items but okay i have a hiding spot it's not the best okay wait one minute is up um are you ready chad we can start our ten minute time in three two one go okay i have a i don't know hiding spot i don't know where ted's checking first so that's the problem if like he's checking a certain area first then maybe i'm i'm not in a good spot but you know i'm just gonna look at the companions and see which one might not make as much noise this is terrible wow oh well can i look at your screen no please i won't give it away you promised yeah okay you know i am no okay good i think i'm gonna pull out this pet maybe this one kind of matches my oh one minute oh okay when you hold a stroller okay stroller out let me zoom in all the way and just adjust myself my hair is so annoying okay that's my stroller spot in 10 seconds we had to hold a painting which i don't know if that's the best thing for me but it's kind of okay for you but if he like doesn't check okay i'm gonna hold my painting now oh my cleaning spot is great i just gotta adjust myself wow you wanna look in it can i look there i'm gonna see where you are you know where i am yeah do you think you'll check here maybe that's actually a good spot because you know you could go somewhere and you know she hit no no no no tad she is hiding you know somewhere inside or outside oh no oh next is a companion i've decided i'm gonna pull out this guy i think if i look here then i can see if he's coming okay you know i don't know where he's searching first like right now like whoever he's already searched but if you already searched my area that's good i know that's really good okay so three seconds we had to pull out the companion and keep up the painting i really hope it's not the good one okay that's it okay spot where am i okay i have to move around a little bit to make my companion hide beside me not like through a wall or okay okay please don't make any noise though mine is making noise can i see what animal you got yeah would you choose that one it's because i'm kind of blended in ish it's only making noise when it sleeps so okay i'm going to say ted's on me he found you yeah oh oh no okay you hit there yeah i hid behind the like the curtains in the auditorium area yeah did you stop your timer yep i okay i'm uh no i didn't i didn't do good at all okay my final score oh well not my final score i just shot my basketball okay well my score was three minutes 48 seconds oh five minutes out of shoot a gun for 10 seconds but i highly doubt ted's gonna hear it i don't know where he is right now i'll tell you tell you where he is but you promise not to move okay i'm not moving i like my spot okay i'm shooting a gun for ten seconds one oh there's head where is the school school and over to the zoo area okay um i stopped shooting my gun i'm just gonna hold my gun now because i don't know what else to do what was my original score um three minutes 34 seconds that means i'd be ted because i have a score of over 10 minutes right now because this um timer is 5 minutes 40 seconds [Music] yay where is he i don't see him and i don't want to move no maybe i will move just a little bit okay i have to blow my whistle ten times right now one two chad's like searching around the bank area he i don't think he knows where you are yeah i can tell okay i blew it 10 times now my guy's snoring i can give him a hint since you're already giving him hints well i'm giving him i know i know i'll just give him like a location-ish where i'm at yeah because i'm already one my hint is maul yeah yeah he's going to the mall okay okay um oh the glitter bomb oh no what glitter bomb it's just a bomb that glitters and like chinese it's like a c4 it's basically it is a bomb it's a bomb that glitters yeah that okay i'm gonna place it down okay i think ted's going upstairs okay i have to blow it up one time oh no my pet i'm gonna put it down come on pet come on come on now it's just gonna be glittering yeah and once it hits nine minutes i had to blow it up again because if you put it away it blows up and then i had to shoot my fireworks okay what was your time um eight minutes 43 seconds ted saw when dad came in the movie theater he saw the basketball oh yeah he didn't check up here first and it was glittering up here so i don't know because i tried going through this door a long time ago but the door didn't open oh you just had to teleport in yeah okay so the final scores are in last place you know me i think i hit the best time though which is four minutes 59 seconds in second place is tad with nine minutes 16 seconds and in first place is kate with 12 minutes 17 seconds so she gets the jk with champion bow yay here thank you thank you very much wanna explode your final yes yep it's a winner okay but i'm gonna see about them for today so that's what we have for today guys we hope you enjoyed the vm awesome day thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video big thumbs up i'll see you next video bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Janet and Kate
Views: 429,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Janet, and, Kate, Twins, Roblox, Asian, Identical, JanetandKate, Kate9001, HelloJanet, KittyJanet, Kate9071, TadTheMerchant, Tad, The, Merchant, Tad_The_Merchant, Asian Twins, Identical Twins, Janet and Kate, Kate and Janet, Janet and Kate Roblox, Kate and Janet Roblox, Tad the Merchant, Tad the Merchant Roblox, Tad Roblox, JK, JK Roblox, Livetopia, Hide, Seek, Hide and Seek, Roblox Hide and Seek, Hide and Seek Livetopia, Roblox Hide and Seek Livetopia
Id: 7vRZnrZbIKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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