Hidden Treasure Inside 17th-Century Mansion In Cambridge | Salvage Hunters | Trade Off

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] on salvage hunting at a 17th century mansion in cambridge drew goes for a climb he's like a monkey isn't it he visits a massive salvage yard and meets a tough negotiator three no good 350. no good in an antique shop he chances his arm can i put in a a very very cheeky bit and at an um in shropshire it's simply child's play sticks that was definitely mine drew pritchard is one of britain's leading decorative salvage dealers hello so this is not open to the public this thing no fabulous pieces in here he scours the country in search of weird and wonderful objects that's amazing that's an antique in his hunt for treasure here is our junk room well that's quite nice junk everything has its price 100 quid your jerky no 1500 i'll have a deal okay and there's nothing he won't buy i quite like that hello hello hello with help from his wife rebecca and a team of renovators he transforms thousands of items from junk to gems [Music] all right take care thanks alex a salvager drew pritchard is always looking for new places to pick up state-of-the-art stock for his showroom today he's lined up a visit to a 300 year old mansion owned by an eccentric entrepreneur and collector he's traveling 230 miles southeast to cambridge a city best known for its university which was founded in 1209 and is one of the oldest and most distinguished academic institutions in the world going to anstey hall to meet john and johnny father and son who run anstey hall as a des res b wedding location and country house hotel anstey hall is a 17th century grade one listed building which currently belongs to john de bruyne mr de bruni once owns swain adney brig the famous royal warrant holding luxury equestrian in leather goods business which still flourishes today in london's piccadilly he now runs the hall with his son johnny we are clearing out our audience stables next door we've i'm going to build some houses there it's a perfect opportunity isn't it bring someone in to clear them out make a bit of money hopefully i think the ideal day would be all the barns empty and a couple of million pounds really absolutely good morning how you doing welcome to anthony hall good to meet you drew john john the rooney john how are you doing what are you doing that's going to make life a lot easier for us that's fine that's fine come on in wow come on let's go there you go beautiful hallway nice so this is now a country house hotel yes it's a super b really okay we've got 13 bedrooms oh that is the season yeah yeah soon to be 20 rooms 320 yeah wow yes very nice so which uh so you've got a bar most important room well my favorite yeah my favorite place to be so what's what's all this about what's this here that was i had a a a country clothing business and that's for buying job person getting the lane trying so you hop on there and check the length of your job we had a chain of shops uh we had country clothing and we had one amazing shop in london which had been there since 1750 and with three royal warrants i was the queen's whipmaker by royal appointment one stage of my life that's very nice isn't it yes lovely this all came from one tree didn't it yes it was a walnut tree in the garden that fell over and they made it i asked the local wood carvers what it would cost to do today and he said no one knows how to do it there's a few few and far between yeah few and far between just the hours that go into it nobody pay for it now this bar was um a hat maker's bench in my shop and we made the hat for steven spielberg's radio the last art it was one of the things we did did you keep one for yourself i got one yeah you did one yeah that would be that's what i'd do as well okay fab yeah let's see some more please next john takes them upstairs to the gas batteries well that's pretty impressive isn't it fun isn't it yeah so people must feel quite special in that one good yeah yeah everything it's all good looking great mirror pretty wonderful so who's the antique buyer then who's me most of it's family i have to say well you know i'm here looking for stock yeah good i can i want to buy something i want to try and sell you something good um so where's where at the sort of have you got a store room we've got a collection of barns where all the bits for the next project is stacked up so that might be our best bet can we have a look absolutely let's go let's go i'd like to before they head outside something catches drew's eye so what have we got here these are the um whips i was telling you about made for the great exhibition in 1851 wow they are good aren't they and this was the family business it was it was a business we that's beautiful what's that wrapped in um quite often kangaroo it's a good beautiful easy for making whips out of a little hunting scene running around there and it's got the empire everything you want that's the empire on there yep british line recumbent on the top with a child on him there you go looking after the children of the empire sitting on top of the world how the world is draw first prize in the lottery of life is to be british and this we keep if we have difficult antique dealers coming we fed them off with that you'll be needing that today yeah you're good best hang on to oh it's lovely isn't it again all signed sterling silver yep so what age is this one that's modern this is a new one yeah probably so when did you stop making these they're illegal they got to be there was a court case and um i know beautiful yeah yeah there you go especially getting on an airplane with that what what they do to you yeah yeah yeah the whips in the cabinets are not for sale so it's on to the storage barns lift this one a bit beautiful barn well come in come in thank you let me grab this cause this is the door good door yeah this is the job it keeps the horses out yeah oh now you're talking wow that's spectacular isn't it a couple of bits yeah got lots of shot sittings lots to look at lots to look at we're looking in one of the very old timber frame barns and as well as being pretty spectacular and ancient it's full of a huge array of period shot fittings which they used in their london store there's some really good pieces in here okay yeah they're all right aren't they okay all right no cracks in the glass i can see these are good shop retail display heavy we do an awful lot with the fashion retail business an awful lot with them and these are perfect for them they can display watches jewelry socks ties shirts you name it you can put anything in there a good looking piece these english retail stands with mahogany frames and parquet bases were made in the 1920s because of their excellent condition they could fetch up to 1 300 pounds so prices what sort of price are we looking at for um the two two of those two cabinets two how much each thing which you think ordinary roughly cool part i don't know um for the pair 500. at ansty hall near cambridge drew pritchard is in his element searching for stock in the huge owl buildings in the grounds of the estate yeah they're all right aren't they yeah drew has found a fine set of retail stands from the 1920s but is his bid high enough i'm for the pair 500. i think so that's all right yeah i think it's perfect that's fair that's fair because there's no work to do i should bring you up you don't have to you don't have to that's a fair offer i've bought the two vertical display cases and they'll sell quickly and we'll double our money that's the first deal fair price got them bought straight away now i can gauge now everything that i see from that one thing now that's a good thing for me ah now there's more things here that i like the look of too modern i like this this thing here yeah i think they're two of those this one sorry i think there are two of those there is okay fabulous big pull handles great color and then they turn around and say we've got two now that does really change things if i can get hold of a pair it's going to make a hell of a lot easier to sell incredibly desirable really cool this mahogany haberdasher's set of drawers with ebony and silver handles was made by the english company drew and cole in the early 20th century it has a value of 1400 pounds so you've got two yes that makes the difference you've got the pair yeah we're looking at more money yes yep that's what we need to see really to be honest with you and it's off to search for its twin over in another storage bar limey big barn where'd you want to start in here uh you started at the beginning yeah it's good always good yeah but the mission to find the draws is put on hold as drew gets distracted more disclosure sir more display ah soon up another couple there these look almost like they match the other ones they do don't they similar condition wise not as good these mahogany retail stands are similar to the first pair drew board but not in such good condition so they're worth less and need a lot of work once restored they could fetch 1 800 pounds these aren't as good as the other ones they're not not as nicely uh condition wise bit battered 250 okay yeah yeah it's all right i'll take it there isn't it indeed yeah and why don't you load them as well please have to be honest they look exactly the same as the pair down there they're in worse condition but at least i've still got four of them right next drew resumes his hunt for the twin of the haberdash's draws he saw in the previous barn somewhere [Music] he's like a monkey isn't he trained trained monkey trained monkey [Music] but it's not that easy to track down [Music] no it's not in here no luck in finding it drew heads back to the first bar to decide whether it's worth investing in the one piece have we got a price 600 is a minimum yeah i'll take it all right you're done thank you yeah we'll have that so if your chaps are able to sort of get that out that would be great i'll have that i'll have that yeah i'm gonna buy it all day at 600 pounds that had color originality cool handles great top what more could you want today i managed to buy a load of things i really didn't expect i would get i've come to a huge country house hotel and estate and end up buying shop fittings you know it's just whatever happens in this business you learn to just roll with it and take advantage of the situations that you get offered and make the most of it and that's what we've done today before we go here i hear that's a rare talent we have on board very well yeah yodeling i do yeah yodeling i do quick burst i think that's that's enough really sing that in the manner keep me going yeah we've had a lovely day it's been great fun meeting him and we didn't haggle i was surprised you know he comes up with a fair bit it's very fair that's one thing i will say he's very very fair prices and a wonderful experience really [Music] before leaving cambridgeshire drew wants to squeeze in another visit to a very different but hopefully equally lucrative location it's only a 40-mile drive to the market town of wisberg which lies along the banks of the river knee and is mentioned in the doomsday book of 1086. we're off to a place called patrick reclaim and this is somewhere i'd never heard of before i got a tip off saying that it was a very very large salvage yard dealing not only old materials they've got new stuff there as well in operation for over 35 years patrick reclaims and building merchants carries everything from building materials to victorian fireplaces and is currently run by mark patrick i've heard about drew i'll expect them into lighting materials architectural bits and pieces doors furniture what bits and pieces i've got i suppose well i think this is definitely the place morning morning hello hello oh hello nice to meet ya all good thank you very much this is this looks big how big is the yard um seven acres brilliant can we why do we go this way yeah yeah right i mean mostly stuff here lentils and bits and pieces but i mean so you do modern and old stuff here as well um anything and everything really yeah more or less yeah so these are all tiles there's nothing else seriously what's there just tiles and bits of pieces down here glass bricks certainly got a lot of stock yeah there's quite a bit here do you have any old shop fittings such as anything really cabinets bars see those if you had those an old version of that yeah no i haven't done anything too it's big isn't it the yard is yes this yard it's huge it's vast we're walking around the outside and there's loads and loads of roofing tiles and bricks and stuff like that and it's interesting but not really my thing oh wow nice talking it's a huge building yeah oh my god it's uh stored hayen's drawer years ago and just stopped timbering what have you in it since so you've always been merchants on this site for something yeah god this place is huge look at that this yard is fantastic uh this is the scale of it it's it's amazing as soon as we get into the buildings this stuff's been here years i'll dive in here for a second fireplaces bits and pieces in there one thing that i always do is go all the way to the back of every corner and here you're gonna have to because they've been on site so long they've put something there and forgotten about it that's what we're looking for anything no do you never know in places like this just how much they'd have a wonder through you're probably looking for the stuff that you've forgotten about if that is that way i don't know where they are then yeah i forgot about them to save time mark begins to point out objects that he thinks drew might be interested in a cup of tea nothing like that now no no no good marble bath over there ah that one there yeah yeah it's too new there's some nice oak doors down there that'll be too modern for you though drew i'll show you why you're here nice but no too modern too modern that's quite a nice fight so then this one here yeah now too new again no too plain [Music] you have to just keep looking because you've got to look through one layer and then another layer and then another layer my father is still still biting yeah he's still bowling he's 82. it's um it's a disease and i'm afraid it is yeah very nice i enjoy it if you buy something from over there drew you're bringing it back yourself if i ever get out of here careful i think i think it's part of the job you become a hoarder don't you yeah no this is just a really good collection this is good because you're selling it aren't you so you're not a hoarder yeah that's that's how drew's justifying it to him justify it to me yeah that's it despite the huge amount of stock nothing seems to appeal to drew so don't stand here for your drew [Music] this is more you sort of tried salvage yard in it this bit yeah can we get down there and have a look at that yeah have a look at last he spots something that's what i'm looking at that's a volkswagen generator yeah single port volkswagen yeah famously known for cars volkswagen also manufactured standalone industrial generators this one from the late 1960s was probably used to pump water or to power industrial lighting still in working order it could fetch up to 650 pounds there's a huge volkswagen community in britain huge and one thing i do know that this is incredibly original and i think that must be unusual i've not seen many of these so to find such a good original one i'm very fortunate what's it worth and you've got to get it out obviously yeah 700 how much 700. no no not 700. that's 700. um can i give you a bid and it's nowhere near what you're asking you can try i can try yeah 250. no good no good no 500 buy it now three no good 350. no good i can't pay five because by the time i get out and clean it up it's gonna owe me 550. and then there's just it's worth seven if it's worth seven i'm making 150 just just a history isn't it top architectural salvager drew pritchard is at patrick reclaims a gigantic salvage yard in whiz beach near cambridge god this place is huge look at that amongst the mounds of salvage drew has spotted a rare volkswagen industrial generator but will owner mark patrick let it go far enough far enough one done thank you all right brilliant lovely today was a very good day i really enjoyed it to be honest i really enjoyed just wandering around such a huge salvage shop this is a massive yard full of stuff never knew it existed fantastic i had drew down today look around the yard thoroughly enjoyed it overall we both had a good deal i think he's happy with what he's got i'm happy with what i've got done and it's all good [Music] so i don't think you've ever bought anything that heavy before strange ones though wasn't it yeah i wasn't expecting to buy a volkswagen generator engine let's see if it generates some money hey generating money hey there we go it's back to conway and first off the van are the items from anstey hall please come here so bowfronted parquetry base london maker all original glass all original hinges all original locks these are fabric these are absolutely yeah those upright display cabinets fantastic just knockout actually oh this is look at that oh not great that is stunning actually that chest of drawers are the handles the size of it the color i mean it's just wow a gem of a find but what will rebecca make of the industrial generator right you're gonna weigh it in no i'm not gonna weigh it in really i got this for the bargain price 450 quid it is a volkswagen stationary generator so what are we going to do then we're going to sell it to a volkswagen enthusiast you who needs a generator yes it's a hump of metal and i'm not interested in the slightest um anyway i'll leave him to it drew regularly drives for miles across the country in pursuit of top quality items but he knows it's equally important to keep his eye on dealers closer to home today he's taking the short trip to leak on the edge of the peak district a major producer of textiles from the industrial revolution until the mid-20th century leak is now an affluent market town with a large number of antique shops today we're off to leak in staffordshire to see a guy called steve ford who runs a business called odeon antiques um leak it's a sort of a bit of a stomping ground i'll come here every now and again you know at least once a month and have a good look around but what he's got he's got another warehouse as well just up the street from his shop which is round full of stuff my name's steve ford and we've been here for approximately 25 years we do quite a lot of painted work a lot of lighting industrial interesting items hopefully drew will find something he likes and we've got a fair range of things and keep my fingers crossed steve hi drew how you doing yeah i'll wait right thank you all right hi i'm team what are you doing um we're looking for stock just wonder what you've got in um we've got a bit a bit whether it's the right stuff or not well you never know i'd like to have a look though yeah because it's just restoration down here uh yeah mainly restoration okay are we right to have a look upstairs yes you want to show us through yeah [Music] the rooms upstairs are reserved for trade only and are not open to the public three thousands ah yeah good register it's good you can see everything which is tried to sort of you know chaotic but sort of so you can see things but it's it's about it's 50 times better than an awful lot of the places we go to together it has been worse yours yeah my warehouse actually was just you couldn't see anything we had a big clear up this is good because you're able to wander around see everything i can't tell you what a difference that makes it's so nice and he's sort of gone okay that's sort of toys there's mannequins there's industrial things there's you know stuff from factories it just makes your life so much quicker when you do this for as a living how big was the bottle why [Music] not it's never big enough though no this is really good you usually go places and you can't see anything and this is making it really easy to see everything isn't it organized organized chaos yeah [Music] someone's got a price yeah i think so sorry is it all metal yeah the whole thing have you painted it that's that's actually no i yeah does that work is that unusually deep it's this deep yeah just a deep one this english painted metal cabinet would have been used in an office the unusual design with the cornice on the top make it attractive and it could fetch up to 950 pounds hmm what what's the the trade on it is there a price on that i can't even read it yourself on it uh 250. that's fair price that's a fair price yeah yeah all right let's have that thank you you know that's great we'll have that there you go see massive and heavy nice thanks it's got a good retail vibe about that one that's for sure it can be sort of reused and go into a kitchen go into your living room going to a bedroom or a bathroom particularly steel furniture looks good in bathrooms asking price 250 bang on we're going to buy that we've got minor work and that can hit the floor and be sold quickly drew will buy all the things that have got lots of things in or on them all right that's fine that's a nice nice difficult access for you oh that's fine that's an interesting one how strange i've just bought one of those as well did you put it on the base yeah there's two of them they're all old bases they're all bases this bit yeah yeah these 1950s machinists work lamps were made by the well-known london company mecca lack and are a larger size than usual once rewired they could be worth up to 950 pounds what do these go for then sort of as is i could do with about 350 200 350 each that's too much fancy i know where you're coming from but it's just yeah but um i do like them they're both the same height aren't they yeah yeah they're identical i do like the paint on them as well i've got a figure in my head and it is away from yours i think it's a decent bit but it is a bit far away from what you're asking but i think it's the maximum i can go um it's 500 for the pair it's just i think that's that's where that's done i was gonna say straight away i'd do them for 300 quid each um just can't get that i think mentally it's sort of he just fed such good money and they're just so so unusual just having a pair i hate bidding people i like just to say no no yes no you know it's sort of much easier 550 i'll take them as they are yeah okay yeah i'll go for that thank you very much appreciated understand that's a fair wedge off there these are big they're in the original paint they're undamaged and there's a pair and they're on period-looking bases they've got all the things in those items that we're looking for valuable items as well put in the right place to sell [Music] i think that's a dentist's one yeah it is yeah operating stool these are great teeth because they've got a sprung yeah so you can sort of move forward and backwards this english sterling operating stool was made by the amalgamated dental company in the 1930s its revolving and tilting ability makes it unusual and collectible so could have a value of up to 200 pounds how much would that be i need a hundred quid for that 100 yeah can we go 100 and do 80 quid this is what going to trade warehouses is all about i'm able to walk into one room and buy three things of one guy very quickly at right money that i can sell that's what it is go down the road and have a look at the shop yep now we're into the shop and hopefully there'll be a bit more because that could be where the really good stuff is or it might just be where the stuff that isn't viable who knows but next on the list good it's very good it takes an awful lot of work doesn't it to get them to this state it certainly does mr big old shop as well isn't it wow it's fabulous it's mainly focused on lights with sort of painted furniture and a bit of industrial stuff bit of everything bit of retro and vintage and things like that fantastic um they seem to sort of stick out like a sore thumb really like a pair of side tables though yeah um they're actually a customers that we get occasionally as you do with a shop can we sell them for them oh really they're not actually ours they're not actually yours yeah well that's a that's a shame because i quite like them yes no i quite like them as well they're not the best thing in the world but they've got a look and they're useful the amount of times i'm asked for pairs of tables it's nearly every other day by decorators these matching 1970s side tables are made of tropical wood and have tripod bases and red leather inserts on the top they could be sold for 650 pounds quite like them but they're they're on the scale yeah they are they're too much money yeah being that their customers can i put in a very very cheeky bit um yeah give her a ring and ask her 300 quid for the pair for the pair i'll give her a ring because i don't think they're that old but i've got something about them i like the color um but if she wants red yeah is that all right yeah that's fine okay all right i'll catch up with you in the middle okay i'll house it fingers crossed you never know you never know steve has gone off to talk to the person uh i put a cheeky bid in see what happens uh this happens occasionally he's gonna have to speak to the customer so i'll just hang around and wait all right i've got through to her she's she take 350 off for him definitely now she's going to give me a ring back in a minute um meet her halfway three two five buy him now pay you now done deal finished um that's what she's phoning for 350 now or she's just going to check what she's paid for them and then she may not be a bit more off let's get them out and have a look at them make sure that they're absolutely a pair hi how are you doing hi [Music] uh he wants to meet you halfway three two five architectural salvage expert drew pritchard is in league in staffordshire ah yeah good good he's had a good look through the stockrooms of oldie and antiques and he's made an offer on a pair of 1970s side tables owned by one of steve's customers but will his bid be uh accepted wants to meet you halfway three two five is that okay that's great no problem see you later bye-bye bye-bye that's it done yeah happy great let's get them out that'll do really good day today managed to buy four things uh all of them good i've bought two things with quite a bit of profit in them and two that don't need any work whatsoever and i can sell straight away so all in all a very very good day i'll definitely be back at least they're light yeah ish great color i think drew's done okay out of it i'm happy where we are up in lake it's always a little bit difficult to sell industrial stuff um i know if i was to go down to london i could get better money for it but at the end of the day that's what drew does and that's what it's all about you know you make some money i'll make some money and hopefully everybody's happy steve thanks so much really good stuff thank you and good deals glad you're pleased very pleased we'll be back did you enjoy that then i did that was a good one yes actually not bad at all i think it all tops up there's a few hundred good profit there on the day without a massive amount of work because we don't have the time we've got so much stuff going through the shop but two of those things are going to what you're laughing at what you're laughing at you're going always too much work from your comfy so far you're complaining again yes you've got the easiest job in britain today you have you've got the easiest punch about a shop going that's my thing i'll then get me to put it in the van are you telling me that's hard work i do all the hard work it's mentally it's absolutely frustrating yes it's mental i pay the bills trust me it's the hardest job there is and agreeing to disagree the duo head back to base in conway north wales heads hello hello how are you doing hello yeah good time yes actually uh not bad at all ugh they're divine because amazing fantastic same length of each section so they're a mint exact pair pretty much untouched we're just going to give them a really good hand polishing clean so they're spotless the great big green floor lights um i mean amazing when they're done and they're on the website they'll just fly out they are so unusual i mean the size is just phenomenal it's nice very decorative decorative the quality is in place is good and the other place is bad i wish they hadn't done that around there the tops are fantastic color the shapes good could done with a little bit more curve there but just a really nice clean on those gav bring the color out that's it we can start selling those straight away not bad though not bad but can get rid of those gav it's not going to take you very long to go through those is it 20 minutes half an hour about a day a day today it'll feel like a day gav ollie i'll need you too as well this is heavy coal bunker from here it does it's not a coal bunker it's not the finest antique in britain i'll give you that no it's not even an antique let me spin it around see the front of it well it's over dale it's a dale that needs it's not a coal bunker it's not a good no that's really nice it is mind your feet guys uh nice old paint i don't know if he said he'd painted it or not it's got a cornice on it which is unusual you need to often see those it's very grand covered actually but no money to spend bit of time gav half a day get that ready max um and get it in the shop and i think double the money yeah i like it good let's get that one in there great day for drew um and for us actually because there's not a lot of restoration work to be done there's some nice profit in some of those items um so you know i'm delighted so and i know druids [Music] a few days later and salvage super emo drew pritchard hits the road to follow an exciting new lead it's a two-hour drive southeast to shropshire to a magnificent estate near the town of bridgnorth you see we come to shropshire quite a bit i come down here a lot an awful lot it's one of my stomping grounds for finding stuff uh it's got an awful lot of very big country houses have been down here a lot of money yeah a lot of wealth and still retains a lot of that today and we're off to see uh a lord gavin hamilton right and he inherited a huge estate down here seven years ago but what he's asked us to do is have a look at some furniture in a big shed that they've got from some of the houses and this sounds like the better stuff right owned by the hamilton family for nearly 150 years apley estate consists of some 8 500 acres 300 residential properties a station house and a large suspension bridge that crosses the river 7. the great hall and many of the family's antiques were sold but lord hamilton's hopeful that some neglected bits and pieces might appeal to drew we're looking forward to seeing drew showing him around the estate and also our furniture barn where we store the old furniture that we don't have used for anymore can't fit in just to see if there's anything that would interest him for his business [Music] nice nice classical english country house [Music] hello hello drew how are you doing to happily estate nice to meet you hi nice to meet you very welcome good good good i've brought tea with me excellent hello tea how are you you're very well thanks nice to meet you thank you lovely place you got here thank you very much gorgeous very much this is uh harrington hall where i have lived for the past seven years oh wow so where to first thanks i know we're here to look at some furniture um but um we're happy to look around anywhere you like yeah well we'll go and have a i'll give you a tour of the estate first just please um we'll i'll show you all that we've been doing and then we'll have a look at the uh furniture afterwards wonderful yeah the lead on let's have a look the first stop on the tour a building that was once aptly a state's private railway station so what was this this was the ticket office or the waiting room what was that yeah i think it was a combined ticket office and and waiting room it makes a really beautiful room now with a high ceiling so people can come and stay here people can come and stay here it's fantastic that is quite something that to have your own railway station well i suppose so shane the trains aren't here anymore true yeah next it's over to the suspension bridge built especially for the estate in 1905. food sticks poo sticks here we got right one two go that was definitely mine see that one in yeah it's beautiful isn't it yeah stunning one of the greatest pleasures of my job is meeting really interesting people and getting into places which you'd never get to and then seeing things like that station having his own station because i just want one that's great that's very british i like that while the estate is impressive drew is here to buy so as promised lord hamilton takes him to one of his storage sheds this is where i want to be really oh yeah a lot this is all the family furniture some of them nice old mirror [Music] i could have used this portrait or landscape couldn't they portrait the palette is portrait i see a painted mirror as soon as i walk through the door it's right on my right hand side down it's got nice old sort of ebonizing proper ebonising what's left of it and proper old gilding as well extremely worn this english ebonized and gilt mirror with original plate and backboards is from the early 19th century after a basic polish it could be worth up to 600 pounds the ridiculous thing if the frame if the mirror was more distressed it would be a lot more valuable to me all right so i should have left it outside a bit longer um i think it's worth to see a profit 300 300 300 [Music] 400 400 yes i'm not in an arguing mood today yeah that's good this is uh mirrors are something i always want big mirrors are good but not too big and that falls just in about the right middle it's not too big but it'll fit more or less anywhere as well and it's big enough to see most of your body and people like that with his first purchase made drew resumes his hunt but despite piles of antique furniture nothing is catching his eye what's that in there looks like a nice little cupboard [Music] this black and gold because that mirror is painted black and gold did you have that it's up from one bit of the particular bit of the house um i'm not sure actually i think it's probably something that came out of aptly he's got a black uh painted what would have been a wardrobe or a linen press but that black and gold painting that matches the mirror is on that too so i've now got another piece of furniture that matches that piece of furniture in a similar distressed condition this cupboard is from the late georgian period and has original black painted finish and guilt detailing once restored it could fetch up to 800 pounds i'm gonna have to put some shelving or something in it you have to be made into a useful piece of furniture okay it's a useless piece of furniture because hangers won't hang that way in it they'd only hang that way so we're going to put some shelves in there if we're able to buy it turn it into more of a food cupboard yeah would you give me a 300 for that um yes there you go we'll have that thank you deal thank you very much financially today as a sort of you know a house call because this is what this is um financial little payoff we're not that far away from home only a couple of hours and i bought two pieces but there's profit in both and enough to make it worth coming here today it's been a very good day for both of us he's found a couple of good items he's had a good look around the estate and hopefully he's had an entertaining day and i've enjoyed it as well so we had a fun day today then i have what we bought though that's all right mirrors not as distressed as you know me right no not at all but the frames nice you know the cabinet although looking a bit dull the paint's fab [Music] with two valuable pieces on board drew and team make the track back to base feet gilding it's lovely yeah it's right isn't it yeah not as um distressed as uh drew tends to like the mirror plate but very very commercial okay oh big old cupboard that's lovely original paint well done it's got all the right things to be an early 19th century one as well nice bit of rough oak on the top which gives it a nice date original paint original gilding original handles original base no interior so we'll shelve it it's original one [Music] the next day french polisher alex gets to work on making the shells for the georgian cupboard so we've got this nice old yellow pine which will be perfect for the interior so we just need to cut it to size and then we can fit it [Music] once the planks are cut gavin strips all the paint off to get to the original pie [Music] and alex stains strips of wood that will hold the shells in place [Music] see it just looks nice and aged [Music] so we're just beating up the edges of the repairs to give them an older look about them make them look a bit worn get a bit of a patina on them and then we'll just rough them up a bit more once he's satisfied with the look of the wood strips it's time to stain the shelves [Music] after their stain to match the colour of the cupboard the shells can be fitted the georgian cabinet is now ready for drew's inspection so we're all done got a nice shine on it for you very nice lost all the the knobs and the catches perfect a nice new brush fleet english we've fitted um new shelves in there are they all timber you support so yeah nobody would ever know has come up exactly how i thought in some way slightly better because alex has managed to find some old shelves and make them fit so the whole thing's good the lock's good on it's got a good quality english solid brass lock on it now that all works so it's a good piece of furniture now it's useful it's good looking it's the right color the finish is just perfect some of the wear is absolutely outstanding and it just sits well it's not too tall either so it's going to fit most places and it's not too deep so it's got everything going for it and there's a profit there all i've got to do now sell it [Music] you
Channel: Trade Off - Business & Trade Documentaries
Views: 246,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business documentaries, business stories, business, documentary, money, documentaries, tv shows, Salvage Hunters, antique restorations, furniture restorations, drew pritchard, salvage hunters classic cars, popcornflix, #popcornflix, reality tv, reality tv shows, shows like storage wars, antiques full episodes, collectibles uk, rare vehicles, salvage yard tips and tricks, antiquing, salvage yard, salvage yard cars, new salvage hunters, Salvage Hunters S4e5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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