Hidden London Hangouts S2E12 - Island Tubes

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[Music] so here we are series 2 episode 12 of the hidden london hangouts my name is alex grumps and hello today our episode is so cool well certainly i think so this is the one that i've wanted to do for so long and it's finally arrived i don't do this on my own i've got three amazing people from the london transport museum to guide us educate and entertainers during lockdown first of all he makes a return after yep coronavirus chris nix is back well alex it's a relief to be back it was a pretty miserable week last week so it's good to be out the woods and back doing something enjoyable with you like i missed you well we missed you too absolutely and and what is really interesting is post covert you've come back with an extra duracell battery in there it's quite remarkable he's got more energy than ever and city holloway was just genius last week and she's back hello city hello i'm back i'm back in the uk as well i'm no longer behind that picturesque uh window uh i am i'm back in all blighty but delighted to be back and i don't really know very much about today's subject so i'm just as excited as you are oh this is amazing we're all going to be educated it's going to be fantastic and of course she was fantastic last week when chris couldn't make it laura hilton brown is back this week as well laura hello hello hello hello alex how are you you know what i'm all right governor how are you sounds like some kind of east end um like uh hello i like it um i'm good i'm i'm wearing a little sparkly top today because i'm thoroughly over the whole groundhog monotony of coronavirus so i've um i've decided to wear a christmassy jumper for every saturday um maybe there's five six i think there's six including today um let's find out um look yeah there's a lot of goodman going on there though babe i have to say there's a little bit of lane good with that six seven that was the seven seven seven so here she is she's gonna look spangly for the next seven or eight nine ten weeks who knows it's going to be fantastic now in the hangouts we talk about all sorts of bits and pieces we've done buses we've done loads of tube stations but today we're actually talking about a train the 1938 stock it was a remarkable piece of engineering and it started in service in 1938 it's got got its name and you might think it's been trashed not at all there are still trains from that vintage which are running on rails for passenger service as we speak and today it's a massive tribute to them i went to the isle of wight and i decided that i wanted to pay my own personal thank you to something which is so bloomin cool the london underground is as much a part of the capital as buckingham palace and black cabs and you'd be forgiven for thinking its trains can only be found here but some venture further afield this is a story about them i'm here on the isle of wight to say goodbye really to the 1938 stock tube train it was brought into service in 1938 that's how it got its name and it ran for many many years on the london underground and when it came to the end of its life on the underground in the late 1980s the isle of wightline decided that they wanted it after that these old trains have a driver and a guard who opens and shuts the doors and collects fares the london underground did away with guards in the 1990s when new trains arrived but the island has retained this rather charming quirk foreign okay just for a second without the mask so the 1938 stock actually ran on the london underground for many many years until the mid 1980s and then time came for them to be retired but instead they came onto the isle of wight they need to be work done so work was done on them to give them about a five-year lifespan but then the king's crossfire gave even more safety recommendations which meant that more money had to be spent on them so they actually lasted 10 years well after 31 years they're about to be retired off but that's not the end of the story because some of them are about to go back to the mainland to be on a preserved railway in essex what i really love about these trains is they made history because they were the first underground trains that had all of the equipment under the floor previous to that there was a little engine area that took away space where the public could be seats standing room and that kind of thing these trains were the first where everything was hidden away so they were big they felt spacious they felt modern that's in 1938 in the year 2020 they still feel quite cute one of the things you'll notice about these trains which i think is so quaint is the fabric that sits on the seats it's called marquette it's a french word for carpet these beautiful trains from 1938 actually use fabric from the metropolitan line the metropolitan line trains were brought about in 1960 and there was a lot of fabric made so they decided with the excess fabric they'd shove them on this train here and that is what i love about these trains in many ways they're a complete hand-me-down they are the little brother of every train that you've ever seen before but isn't that just so beautiful so there we are part one of my little tribute to the 1938 stock on the island still running at the moment getting tired now it has to be said but let's be honest this is a beautiful train and there is one at the london transport museum city it's just gorgeous isn't it yeah i mean it's such a beautiful train and it came about at this kind of turn you know a complete revamp of the underground of course they're all the new works program that happened in the 30s which you know had all these new lines and new architecture and a brand new tube train which kind of symbolized all of that together to kind of bring the underground to this new era of modernity and it's amazing how long it actually lasted as this kind of beacon of modernity and how how long it's been in service for it's it's amazing that it's still actually operating totally and laura you're our massive uh aldwich fan and i remember going down toward which tube station to um enjoy some of the london transport museum did years ago and lo and behold the 1938 stock was sitting in the platform with actors and actresses crawling all over it teaching us about war you know what it was and it was it was a lot of work to get that train on that platform but how good that we did because i think it was the icing on the cake wasn't it to actually have the 38 stock at that event on the platform and for me i mean i love the exterior the kind of red shiny curvy sleekness of it but for me it's all about the interior i love the green against the kind of uh red of the mocket the maroon and the red leather with the wooden paneled floors and then the really shiny kind of sleek ivory ceiling it's just oozes class doesn't it you know you can see why when ltn was able to put events on that the 38 stock was running at why everybody loved being on that train i think it's cozy and it's homely and it's classy and it's vintage loveliness it's fab and when you go to the isle of wight you just think to yourself it's like going back in time to a fabulous era and speaking of the isle of wight chris take us back to i mean let's just put a needle in the diary let's say the 1920s when railways were all over the place on that particular island not to mention everywhere else weren't they they were yeah do you want a bit of history on this house okay so um it actually winds back a long way that particular line that is now known as the island line on the isle of wight goes back to 1864 when the the first section was created between rides st john's road uh and shanklin and there was a tramway that then took you out to the pier head uh so the line didn't go all the way to the pier like it does now uh until um a little bit later on uh but in 1866 they pushed a bit further south through roxul to ventna uh and then in 1880 they pushed north uh with a new tunnel through to ride uh and the esplanade and to the pier head and that carried on being served by steam trains uh which of course were the prevailing technology of the day until 1966 when those steam trains were withdrawn and they took the opportunity to sort out a problem with that tunnel which was to do with the it flooding the drainage wasn't very good and also the gradient was quite sharp so they relieved the gradient and increased the ballast depth uh to improve the drainage and that meant that steam trains would no longer fit big trains would no longer fit and the other trains that would fit were tube trains uh and so the first train that went there was not the 38 stock it was the standard stock much earlier 20s and 30s design and when they went to the these were old xlu stock and when they went to the isle of wight they changed their name to class 85s in class sorry class 485s and class 486s now they carried on until the late 80s when they started being replaced between 89 and 92 by the 38 stock uh which is still going strong today oldest of them uh were built in 1939. i love this so there's an awful lot of information just had there okay first of all chris show us a picture of the 1938 stock from tom let's see the front of it in all its beautiful london transport museum glory look at that what a stunner and you can just see down there those numbers down the bottom left hand side 9.99 that was when the last time that train was lifted off its wheels wasn't it uh yes the um it was actually been lifted off since but yeah that is a that's a lift date lovely stuff and there we go you got the destinations you got your five lights to show i presume the signalman where the train was destined for isn't that it wasn't called the combination yeah um depending on how those were lit you could tell at a glance where that was going on the piccadilly line and it was also about the detail is it silly because right at the top of it you've got that arrowhead that lovely art deco arrowhead at the top yeah it sort of reminds you of sort of the old pullman trains as well it's got some of that kind of old old glamour to it which is so gorgeous i actually went on a run off of the 38 stock on the actual underground with some of our patrons last year uh was it this year honestly time means nothing to me anymore um and it was amazing because we went from acton we went down through sort of on the district line so it went through um embankment and all of these like very busy under you know central london stations obviously not stopping and people would just marvel at this like ghost of a train kind of coming through and just like couldn't believe and there were some people that were sort of getting ready to just get on the train and sort of startle themselves because it's so stunning it's it's something that you just don't expect on the underground anymore so it's beautiful it's glorious isn't it and chris um we talked about the island white let's have a look at the the the proliferation of railways on the isle of wight back then because it's not like that anymore sure so this is a um a line car diagram that would have would have been in a carriage on the london brighton and south coast railways you can see there at the top incidentally one of the joint owners of the line that was created um this is something which i i bought at auction um uh about three months ago and you can see it's in in slightly delicate shape but i've used the correct curatorial method of uh of restraining it and folding it out using two sticks of rock from the isle of wight um is quite remarkable in that um i i've actually never been to the isle of wight i'd love to go but you know i'm from an island myself uh and it's quite well shall we say interesting or maybe embarrassing that the isle of wight has far more trains than iceland ever has had well it's funny you should say that because that was then this is now and they don't have anything like that anymore yeah and when you look at how many though there were uh it's quite incredible but yeah from the 20s there's so uh there we go have a look at that in detail and the only thing that exists now this is the bit that only exists now is ride peerhead to shanklin all the rest of it is gone apart from a preserve railway um apart from which we'll see in a minute but of course they have added a station also haven't they because there's like the parkway yeah yeah and it's i mean it's a beautiful little line it is absolutely charming thank you so much for the for the little description there chris and um and the little history lesson so it started off this train started off as t8 stock okay so the reason named so because it was brought into service in 1938 when those trains went over to the isle of wight chris hinted at it earlier which rail has a different system or had a different system for numbering trains it's called tops anybody know what tops means anybody total operation i know i bought it but you know no no not that no total operations processing system and it was where all trains that run all over the country have got a different type of numbering they're a class and then the individual train number that's how it's made up very very heavy going stuff but anyway this is where we are so we're on the on the line on the isle of wight and the 1938 stock became the 483 class four eight threes am i right chris so far the 38 stop 483 yes yes it did excellent i see i'm doing all right so far um and the thing about the 1938 stock on the island was that they they felt a little bit more robust than their predecessors as standard stock and part of that chris is because of sea water isn't it yes geez um it's uh it it's devilish stuff seeing water because it's got salt in it and it's generally very good at corroding certain metals standard stock were made largely out of steel and so they did not like the salt water um whereas the 38 stocks are made out of anybody yeah well done so a lot of aluminium in the body work so there is just more resilience in that kind of briny sea air atmosphere especially if you're running it directly over a pier and we were talking earlier about that tunnel that caused all the trouble because it raised and lowered and everything else and chris you better just show us yeah i'm not yeah so uh here's here's the train coming out of the tunnel so that's it that tunnel is where you've got two trains and that's the tiny tunnel at the far end that's it that's why i had to change simple as that so can i ask maybe a silly question go for it but i mean presumably this is quite a short railway i read somewhere online in my quick research before that it's only like 13 kilometers or something so was it like when it had all of those lines did it just serve holiday makers or were there a lot of people that lived on the island what was kind of the reason behind it it was always a little bit seasonal um because yeah obviously it's got holiday makers there but it does have a substantial population um i guess that's one reason why why it shrank in in the size of the system uh is that it just couldn't sustain uh the the you know the that level of service for the number of people using it but it was always a you know reasonably decent usage of it especially in the summer so you the 1938 we're talking about today was the second tube train to occupy the rails on the isle of wight and luckily the london transport museum has got examples of both of the types of tube train that have been there and actually they're side by side aren't they sids yeah they are and uh very different obviously the one the 38 stock that you see just there is been really fairly newly refurbished whereas the other one is a little bit worse for wear uh of course it's a lot older but uh yeah we've got them sort of side by side so you can compare and contrast what they look like and you talk about the sort of general state of um repair on the one on the right the standard stop is actually off the isle of wight isn't it so um it's a four-car train that one and a couple of the trailer cars are from isle of wight so um yeah they they um well we can have a look at those if you like yet so um this one uh is one of the ones that came to us in network southeast livery uh you can just see the the edge of the one up to the left of the shop as well but the one in the foreground you can see has been stripped back to its bare metal but just where it hasn't quite been finished on the edges you can still see bits of blue and red from the network southeast livery where they ended their working life before they came back to us because anyone who knows anything about the railways of great britain will know that in the south of england uh network south east was a massive rail company um that all subsidiary that um ran the services out of london down to the well north into norfolk and it went down into the south west as you went down to exeter and down to kent so all of this whole area was red white and blue trains and the isle of wight was included in this the iron line and they had red white and blue trains that were x london underground stock and it's a remarkable um history isn't there uh chris of tube trains on the island there is a it's it's such a sort of a simple reason of requirement that they end up being the best stock to be repurposed for for this use um quite a a decent number of them did go over to the isle of wight uh but then if i just go back to this this first shot that one is actually uh one that was a works train um stayed with london underground and if you look at the roof of it you can see it's corroded really badly and that's without the salt air so you can see why so few of them were in a fit state to do anything else after after they've been to the isle of wight and had a taste of the seer out on this um pier well i was going to say we've got footage haven't we and this is one of the loveliest journeys if you ever get the boat over from portsmouth to ride you literally get off the catamaran and you're greeted by a 1930s tube train which will take you down the island and one of the loveliest moments on that journey is clattering along the pier and chris managed to capture it when he went for an anoraks trip down to the island himself [Music] so um this photo here reminds me of uh one of the most challenging uh transport quizzes i've ever taken part in uh and there was a question in it um which um you you probably get the answer to but the answer is in front of you um which was uh where in the uk can you travel on a tube train over coastal waters right so answer right here yeah however i did have a quick word with the quest quizmaster afterwards because there isn't just one place there's another one so um not the railway line to anglesey nope city i reckon you probably get it i mean the only one i think i can think of is the brighton line but um i'm probably wrong there it's really really close to where you live the question was where can you ride a tube train over coastal waters and think about where the coast ends richmond hello richmond or even partner what do you right yeah so there's actually several places on the district line where where you're riding over coastal waters because the coast doesn't technically stop until teddington lock it's still title so um if you ever get that one in a quiz question the answer is wherever there's a bridge on the tube that's a really cool answer to a quiz question and speaking of which we must talk later about the hidden london quiz that's coming up on on zoom um back to the uh back to the train and i'm sure laura would you agree the whole joy of the 1938 was as much about the sound of it as the look of it yeah you know i totally agree alex and i think that just seeing that little clip there there's something um that reminds you of the tubes in london as well and there's that kind of rhythmic kind of clickety clack and i was just thinking i'm not a sleeper on uh any form of transport i just can't do it but my other half is he literally cannot stop himself as soon as he gets on a train or in a car or on a plane and i'm sure it's that kind of um that kind of rhythmic were that you get from vehicles and if i'm thinking if i was on that 38 stop maybe would i have a little snooze or a nap because it is just that really lovely flowing kind of sound i wonder if it reminds you of like a heartbeat from when you're you know a baby but i'm going way off track now i'm just gonna say when she was feet i was just thinking to myself have i ever been able to stop myself when i've got on board i don't know really but um there's two bits of sound that we're going to play you both examples from the island and the first one is watching one of these trains doors close and drive off and you're here every little bit and anyone who's lived in london certainly before the 1990s will remember that type of noise every time trains came in and out of tube stations let's have a listen to it chris it's seriously cute that brings back so many memories and it's not the only bit of noise we found either because when chris was on the island as well he decided to get off a series of stations and listen to the noises as you do and here he was at small brook junction with another noise from the train i mean it's late it's a little memory there from the sounds and of course anyone know anybody know what that noise was that click click click click i do but i'm gonna keep shush i thought i feel like you have told me but that i may have forgotten i'm just i'm i'm one of those sleepy people that i would fall asleep immediately if i went on that train um any mode of transport that remotely rocks me and in any way i'm just like i'm out i'm asleep um is it the seats of the s yes sleazy with some great alliteration if nothing else which is pretty fab so it's the pickup shoes underneath the train oh so it was an s word at least it was something sleep shoes it's something domestic okay leafy shoes sleepy shoes it's the thing that gets power off the rails on the floor they pick up the power to power the train and they go click click click click click it it's really lovely it's it's quite an enchanting trip on these lines if you get yourself down there let's go and look they had to be slightly modified on these ones because on the underground of course you've got two power pickup rails with the voltage divided between them here like much of the south uh south of england this is a three rail uh line so it's only got one power pickup rail so the trains have to be modified to do that they don't take make quite as much clattery skitter noise as the underground trains do when they're running on the full rail system still ever so cute though i'm still in love with them you know so there's there's uh another interesting thing which i found out about uh small bro junction in fact two the reason that i stopped there wasn't just to record that sound was to actually go on the steam railway but the other thing is um it's it's a station which you cannot get to except by railway you can't drive to it you can't there aren't any footpaths to get to it it exists purely to interchange with the with the steam railway um so if you if you miss the train to try to get there to go on the steam train you can't get a taxi better to catch it tough you've missed it who knew i didn't know that we ought to have a look at steam train really because that will please laura won't it laura loves a steam train i do take a look at that look at that that's what if you go to small smallbrook junction it's a very very pretty line as well uh quite comfy trains and where did that one go that was goes to um is it haven street or whatever yeah that's right um it's really cute and sydney haven't you driven one of these um yes i have well i worked on the foot plate of one of these uh and uh in my many lives as uh in my many industrial jobs of of my life no um i was invited once to the seven valley railway uh and uh and got to work on the foot plate so shoveling coal into into the engine and uh got to pull on the throttle a little bit i bet lovely stuff excellent well let's go back to the bigger loco than that as well the one that you were firing city that was a real hard work beautiful i mean there's nothing city can't do so we're not surprised in the slices but so let's go back to the island and see part two of my little tribute the thing which is so lovely about the 1938 stock is that the london transport museum have maintained one of the examples of those trains and they've done such a beautiful job in restoring it this is like going into a museum that moves with the doors that open the seats that still feel bouncy and you can take a a real trip back in time when these trains run and they do occasionally on the london underground they are honestly the cutest trains with all the lovely adverts examples of how the northern line has changed from the signs it is truly wonderful and we talk about moket as well in these things this marquette that's on here is the moket the seat fabric that they use to re-trim to tidy up these trains many many many years ago and they still look fantastic now one of the things i really love about this trade is the technology that was used at the time was really pro comfort and they really made the suspension good the only thing is when they got to the isle of wight the track is a little bit bumpy and as somebody just said to me earlier you want to sit on the really longitudinal 6 that go down the carriages in order to really feel the bounce and even as we leave this station here sand down you can feel every bounce because all these seats are sprung and then there's a suspension and then there's a really bouncy rail as well so with all of those things added up trust me it's like riding a roller coaster to ride soon to be a distant memory and replaced by another underground train this time a souped up district line set from the 1970s the 1938 stock will forever be a public transport icon you know i'm slightly doughy-eyed actually watching that i i feel very very emotional about that and a special thanks to tom from at all the marquette on instagram for coming with me and filming that and making something so lovely but also sinking two bottles with wine with me on the island that was an excellent perfect juice excellent well done that's what we said something you know we were talking we've talked about before um that laura sometimes thinks if you say a certain thing she it makes her think of a song so i'll give laura the word of that but do you know that just watching that for some reason i'm thinking postman pat yeah good work i don't know could you imagine me with a sort of like the hat and the outfit yeah so easily alex yes worryingly so yeah driving around a little red van that'd be fantastic and i hinted at it earlier about um the bounce on the trains and actually chris it's a thing isn't it on that line it really is i i'd heard about it because i i'd not been before until i was like right gotta go and see these things before they go and um is it set off i thought oh i wonder if there'll be the bounce yes there it is there it is and yeah there is a very um well there's a very simple reason why it's bouncing oh that looks lovely in fact that doesn't look like the sort of rocks they normally put under rails chris no no normally you would find some like the finest swedish granite can uh laura siddi want to hazard a guess as to what quality aggregate has been used here anybody oh chris you need to ask me an easier question sort of front like driveway or something well i just had my phone there's a plentiful supply of it all around the island limestone limestone it's it's it's gravel off the beach isn't it shingle oh city we should have got that one and so and so that's the problem but there is a solution to it that they come up with yeah it's it's not the best material um because it's it's too rounded really it doesn't pack together very well uh so spend their lives trying to attempt the track properly but i noticed uh when i went past the depot there there is a nice mound of um proper gr what looks like granite ballast waiting for when they close the line uh at the end of this year to give it the upgrade for those new trains that you mentioned in your piece there alex we are loving the idea that that is gonna change big time aren't we and we're actually going to go back to the isle of wight when the new trains come in because as i said in that piece they're actually going to be ex-district line trains that we thought we'd said bye-bye to many many years ago when the new district line trains came in no no they're coming back and they're going to go onto the island because the island is a little bit of a hand-me-down service for trains isn't it really chris it's great we're calling road trip the four of us are going to go back um and um and see this grand tradition of tube trains uh running the isle of wight railway continued so yeah we can't wait um hopefully sometime in march uh is when they're suitable to be there and four of us gonna go and have some fun down on the island and and keep an eye out just occasionally if you're on the london underground because you might just see that beautiful red 1938 stock train thundering through with lots of very happy people on board and lots of vapor news people on platforms which is usually what happens it's absolutely beautiful um laura sydney chris thank you very much for coming with me and holding my hand as we've frankly rejoiced in an old train on a very small island in southern england that is absolutely beautiful but it really makes my heart sing and some notes queries and questions for you and last week's episode thank you first of all for watching it because it was um it was a challenge because we didn't have chris and i'm so glad he's better now um but we also did a really cool subject and sydney and laura properly explained the delights of kingsway tram tunnel and keith hales one of our viewers is this absolutely fascinating bit of um description that came he said i can recall traveling through this subway as a child living in highbury which is in north london and took the 35 tram from hybrid corner all the trams lined up in theobald's road at the north entrance to the subway and was signaled through one at a time sitting in the upper deck front seat it was exciting as a tram turn left and onto the ramp and plunge down into the tunnel love your way of writing um there were two stations in the tunnel hoban and aldrich though the latter no longer exists as strand underpass took over that part of the tunnel i distinctly remember that conductors used whistles to let the driver know to restart stations rather than the usual bell maybe it was just too noisy for the drivers to hear the bell and chris you actually almost found aldwich station when you were rooting around in that tunnel didn't you yeah i've got to say having been into uh the subway a number of times down the years that i've worked at the museum i'd explored the long length of it several times and what i hadn't done was poke into one tiny little bit of it which i did this time and suddenly found hang on a minute i've got more glazed bricks around me here and that looks like poster frames and i found myself in this tiny really confined area that is the remnants of what must be old which station part way down it didn't know it was still there but um and did city did you have a poke around in that small place i sort of looked around i mean chris just suddenly disappeared and i was left with like half a torch and i was sort of like great this is how i go then and uh but i i no i didn't i didn't quite make it into that little confined space maybe next time kind of cool to know that it's all still there though so thanks very much indeed for that also um john uh his um who's also known as podgyasmatic on instagram um says excellent guys i've always wanted to see more of kingsway thank you again police hangouts they do mean an awful lot to us in these uncertain times and actually poggy asthmatic has done something quite remarkable with his um light up rounds or chris what's he done well this well he's done this i've got to say i think he's voided his warranty there isn't he oh chris you've got to ask him to you've got to borrow that one for your cocktail party with your cherry on a stick yeah absolutely oh yeah your cherries that would be beautiful won't it another insta watch one of our amazing fans of the episode mind underscore the underscore snap mind the snap his pictures are really cool and he's loving the hidden london hangouts as is kim who says feeling for you guys going into lockdown in london and facing winter here in brisbane we're in australia we're watching your hangouts summer is making itself known and we've relatively few restrictions well bully for you oh god you're so lucky guys well done for keeping keeping the infections down two right honestly well yeah we are still in lockdown and keep on enjoying the journey with us on this set of hidden london hangouts we're enjoying making them few and i hope you're enjoying uh watching us do them laura thank you so much as always for your presence and loveliness and your shimmer this uh particular hangout ah i like i like that you like the shimmer um thank you very much i mean what there's so much in that episode i was just literally going through it in my head then i love that we got a little picture of a steam training because for me if the 38 stock is kind of the classic classy loveliness then a steam train is the romantic loveliness like i love a steam train and so does my little boy as well um and i just i just think it's great like the names of the stations on this island i've been to the isle of wight and um i've played crazy golf there um so that was fun and dinosaur kind of themed crazy golf so if anyone goes also do that but shanklin um and all these lovely little names it reminds me of something from like a novel or a book it's kind of it's kind of otherworldly isn't it it's um it's kind of crazy i love that we did a section called on the joy of noise like that that's just genius and we did a section on bounce and i love that chris reenacted the bounce for us as well that was brilliant and alex i just think that your your enthusiasm every week is infectious but i don't know city alluded to this before as well it's particularly kind of infectious today i just i love that um the the kind of enthusiasm that you have for the 38 stock and your roving reporting is off the scale it's brilliant um and chris two pieces of rock as paperweights i mean i just i can't get over it that's just genius that's genius city holloway as always you have been divine in your stomaching my racking oh i love it you know it's uh it's my favorite part of the week is to get to anorak with you around an old railway um you know looking at all sorts of different things there's been a lot in it today really really beautiful and chris nyx as always i know the girls you know that if we take them to the isle of wight we need to take them for a very nice lunch because i think we'll get more out of sitting on trains than they will but you know it's been great to anarch with you today yeah i think you're right i i'm so glad that we made the pilgrimage on it before they went away but uh we're really good to do it i also just like say thanks to you guys for doing an amazing job last week thanks to all the fans who tilt sent well wishes uh while i was poorly as well but really well done i thought last week's episode was cracking and as a reward speaking of that rock thank you i was gonna say beautiful beautiful the other great thing about the isle of wight best fish pile ever ever have is in ventna on the isle of wight you have to get a bus off but enough alex enough so and follow us on instagram you've got alex grunden you've got chris nix you've got city holloway and then you've got hidden london law laura and so find us on instagram as well as at lt museum museum if you've got a question about anything to do with transport in london then drop into our dms and we'll get an answer for you also um on youtube just down below like subscribe and drop comments as well nice ones please um about the episodes would be rather nice and we can talk to you it's a very very intimate form of education because we get to understand you and you get to learn more about us and also next week we'll be back thank you very very much for this episode the 1938 stock we salute you have yourself a great day and stay safe [Music] you
Channel: London Transport Museum
Views: 8,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hidden London, 1938 Tube Stock, Isle of Wight, London Transport Museum
Id: _NGMweYUQag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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