Hidden Gems At The Dollar Tree

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm doing a video that I've been wanting to do actually for a really long time but I've kind of just put it off because there's always videos that I want to do more so I'm finally getting around to doing it and basically it's just like hidden gems at the Dollar Tree I think that's what I'm gonna call it but I wanted to share with you guys some of my favorite products at the Dollar Tree that you just wouldn't expect to be there or maybe products that are just kind of hidden or tucked away or something that you just wouldn't think to buy and the reason I wanted to do this video is because I'm at the Dollar Tree literally all the time I love the Dollar Tree and so I kind of know what they have and I kind of know like what products and I bought in from then that has just kind of like changed not changed my life like ooh but like changed the way that I live my life you know in like a positive way so I'm going to share with you guys some of the things that I love at the Dollar Tree and things that I always buy or just things that you may not think to buy that are really really awesome so the first item that I wanted to share with you guys is this so these are baking racks or like cooking racks and I want to translate you use these for it's like you'll put them in your baking pan and then you put like whatever it is that you're baking on top that way it cooks all the way around versus like just on top so those are four but what I use this for actually it's a sink rack and I've never used scene cracks before but I think I saw one somewhere like somebody had one in a video or something and I was like oh my gosh like that's genius because you know if you have kids they don't ever finish their cereal or they don't finish everything on their plate or whatever and all the times you'll just rinse off the food and it'll go down the garbage disposal but it'll get stuck like all around your dishes like if you have a big sink full of dishes but if you put this in your sink first the food that you rinse off of the like plates and stuff go underneath the rack and underneath all of the dishes that way you don't have all this food that's just like sitting in your sink you know what I'm saying it just like goes all under the rack and under the dishes and down into the garbage disposal so this has been a huge lifesaver for me and it's been great because I don't usually get to my dishes right away just because I'm busy and the kids are always messing up dishes and stuff like that so because my dishes get kind of full and my sink this works really really great for rinsing off like dirty dishes so love those so these are the magic erasers and these were actually introduced to me by aprilathena7 we all know who she is but I've used the regular magic erasers that you can get at the grocery store and they work really really well but these ones are just a dollar and literally if you have a stain anywhere in your house and you don't know how to get rid of it try a magic eraser and it'll probably work because I use these for so many things cheap only a dollar and I think you get two in one pack so really worth the money another really cool hidden product at the Dollar Tree is this sucker and you're probably like what the heck is that this is a car garbage can and I always get the messiest cars I get gum wrappers and receipts and like those little Starbucks Stoppers and like my car always gets messy with like those tiny little pieces of garbage right I got this and I put it in my car not in my center console but I have like these lower cupholders so I put this down in that lower cup lever by my feet and it's right there so I can just you know put garbage in this little garbage can best invention ever it's like cup size such a cool thing for your car and I use it all the time so if you can find this at your Dollar Tree definitely pick it up I found it kind of over in like the kitchen area but it may be in a different area in your Dollar Tree I don't know but they're really awesome and one of those things that you wouldn't think to buy or maybe you just like bypass thinking it's like a water bottle or something but it's a car garbage can and it's awesome I love it next saying it that I discovered fairly recently that they actually didn't realize was at the Dollar Tree was the Arm & Hammer carpet odor-eliminators and I actually don't use this every single time i vacuumed my carpet because it can be really really strong so you don't have to use this every time and you don't have to use very much of it okay that's another key don't use a ton of this but if you just kind of sprinkle it on your carpet before you vacuum just like a little bit and kind of like the heavy traffic areas it can just eliminate odor and it smells really good and you guys know that I love smells the product smells good like my house always has to smell good so this is really great for people like me who just like your house to smell good or if you're having like guests come over or something like you're gonna have like get together using this maybe before they your house you know is gonna smell really really good before they come so like I said don't use this every time you vacuum but every once in a while it's really good just to make your house smell really fresh another thing that I love from the Dollar Tree and just something that is very easy to bypass are these little things and these are little like plastic containers that you can put like nail polish remover in or your toner or witch hazel or what else like micellar cleansing water you can put them in here and then you have this little thing and you just take your cotton round and you press it down like this and it fills up your cotton round and you can apply to your face or your nails or whatever and it's just really handy I use them all the time and it's so much easier than having to like unscrew the lid every time you know do all that you just have to pop open the lid do this with the thing and it close it and you're good to go super handy I love these things another thing that I love from the Dollar Tree are these stickups by air wick and these are awesome again if you're gonna have company or you're gonna have people over these don't last a long time as far as like scent goes like they're not gonna last you for like super super long time but what these are gonna do is they're going to give you freshness in your house for short periods so like if you're gonna have I get together or a Christmas party or a barbecue these are really nice to put in like your bathroom or in areas that are high-traffic stuff like that because they smell great and they literally do smell really good they kind of smell like fruity but I love putting these like in my garbage can or behind my garbage can or like behind my toilet and stuff like that because I always notice I don't know if you guys are like this but when I go to people's houses and they go into their bathrooms I can always tell like when their bathrooms smell good like it's something that I always notice and so I like my bathrooms to smell good when people come over so these are really really good for that and they're only a dollar and you get two in a pack so another thing that I love to buy at the Dollar Tree that you just may not think to buy is socks okay you guys this is so important and I've talked about this in past Dollar Tree halls but socks are expensive I actually just went to Fred Meijer the other day which is a Kroger like a Kroger brand and I was gonna go buy socks because Elena needs new socks they are so expensive I didn't ever realize how expensive socks were like I always thought they were gonna be like maybe like I don't know three bucks or five bucks or something they were like $12 for like a pack of four and I was like no way I am NOT buying these so I just get these this is like a pack three for a dollar and they're not too thick cuz I like really thick socks personally so I get these little thin socks and they actually are pretty decent I've never had them really wear holes in them and it's three gonna pack for a dollar like think about how many Dollar Tree socks you could buy for twelve dollars like seriously and then they have these ones for little girls I'm gonna tell you guys a little tip if you're a mom what I've been doing and it's been really really helpful is I buy Elena solid socks or like mostly solid and then I buy em rate pattern socks and this has made my life so much easier because I can instantly see them in the laundry because sometimes like Elena's clothes will get thrown in Emory's basket and Emrys in Elena's and so sometimes socks will end up in Elena's drawer and all of that stuff so when I buy pattern sucks for Emery and solid socks for Elena I know exactly whose drawer they go in just by looking at them you know what I mean I don't like open them and be like it's this Emory size like know so that's what I've been doing lately and it's been a huge help so Dollar Tree has been a really great place to kind of start that like organizing thing because I don't want to go and buy like $50 worth of new socks but I can just go to Dollar Tree awesome I love it I buy socks with olive tree for myself sometimes it's just good good for socks guys another hidden thing at the Dollar Tree that I love love it so does Emery are these these are these so natural Apple freeze-dried slices every time I go there these are almost always sold out like I think last time I went there was only one left I think mom's like swarm to these things because they're so awesome and they also have peach ones right here and I buy and out if they have a lot at Dollar Tree I will buy like a ton of these and these are so good for traveling they're good for like baby snacks kids snacks Elena loves them and seriously if you can find these at your Dollar Tree picked them up especially if you have kids and I personally really like freeze-dried fruit I think it's really good especially freeze-dried bananas but yeah these are just dollar tree versions and I love them and so does Emory so we always keep these around and a lot of times I can just split them up and put them into little baggies so that way I can just pull out the baggies and Emeric can just have like a baggie of these so yeah really awesome so while we're on the topic of food I wanted to talk about this because I never used to go to the food section in Dollar Tree like I just thought it would just be gross like junky icky food so I never like went to the food section but I have to say if you have kids go to the food section like the snack section you guys with Elena I have to pack a snack for her every day because they have snack time at school and I've been going into the snack section and it's nice because you can get things that you normally would buy because I kind of have weird brands and they come in like smaller bags so you can kind of like try different things so your kid is always kind of getting fun and unique snacks which I love and it's been really really fun because I would have never known that Emory likes those freeze-dried apples as much if I didn't try out some snacks at the Dollar Tree so so some of the things that I picked up this last time but I'm really excited to try are these cinnamon apple puffs which will be really really good they're kind of like those veggie straws I think but cinnamon apple so that's pretty cool I also got the easy side the sweet potato chips but that would be pretty interesting I could just split this up into like five bags for Elena and just you know let her kind of snack on these with like you know an apple or like a piece of fruit or something and I thought those would be really good and then also these HK Andersen peanut butter filled pretzels which I've got these in the past as well and Elena loved them and this is not something I would buy at my normal grocery store like I've never seen these there and so I decided to try them and Elena loves these she thinks they're so good and she shared them with her friends at school and they really liked them as well so this is another really good snack but they have so many things like veggie straws like really fun and unique snacks that you can get for your kids and let them kind of try some new and different flavors without spending like a fortune or like buying one of those giant family sized bags you know so snacks are really really good at the Dollar Tree and I was really I finally started shopping in the snack section so yeah guys I hope you liked this video these are just some hidden gems at the Dollar Tree that I think everybody needs to go and pick up or get next time you go there or keep in mind you know if you're ever need of socks or something like that yeah so I hope you like this and I hope you liked my funky hairstyle in this video something in my last video was like okay Cara it's time for a new hairstyle and I totally agree and I'm actually thinking should I go lighter like should I do kind of like a you know balayage blonde or should I do dark again I don't know you guys because I don't want to damage my hair too much with like bleach so that's kind of why I'm not wanting to do the bleach but at the same time I feel like it would be a nice change I don't know maybe you can comment down below and tell me what I should do with my hair I also thought about going a little bit more red like I used to do I used to do read a lot so I don't know what do you guys think so yeah I think that's it guys thank you so much for watching and let me know if you want to see more Dollar Tree type videos I hope you guys like my last video which was the cleaning routine video and yeah so I'll let you guys go I'm like blabbing now so I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,160,104
Rating: 4.6212473 out of 5
Keywords: Makeup, Fashion, Hair, Beauty, Cosmetics, Style, Trends, Carahamelie03, carahslife, drugstore, review, tutorial, dollar tree, cool things at the dollar tree, dollar tree haul, haul from dollar tree, dollar tree shopping, bargain shopping, thrift haul, thrifting, how to thrift shop, best dollar tree items
Id: vT_jAyNs7Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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