Hibernate Tutorial 16 - CascadeTypes and Other Things

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hi and welcome to this tutorial we've covered the relationships between entities the one-to-one one-to-many and minute one and many-to-many in our previous few tutorials in this tutorial we're going to look at a few concepts that are common across most of these relationships and you know we'll cover a lot of consider theories are the miscellaneous concepts which kind of fit at different places so just wanted to take a separate tutorial and cover some of these concepts here so okay let's go so the first one is the first one that I want to cover is this annotation here let's take this example say I have a mini too many here and let's assume this wasn't one too many let's take the vehicle object and take this error we need to one see this now and this was this would be a private user details user okay now assume that this car is not this vehicle is not having an owner okay they do I mean this vehicle is not yet rented or not it purchased so there's no user for this vehicle so now what would happen if you had a mini two one Association here and say you had the getters and setters forget get user and set user now imagine if your code would get the vehicle and try to do a get user and there was no association for this vehicle in the user mapping say there was no user for this vehicle then hibernate would throw an exception it would say hey I don't have a user for this vehicle so a get user for a vehicle object which does not have a user would throw an exception so there is a way we can suppress this exception so that you know it does not happen it does not come up with an error every time there you know the data is not there and if it's a common situation for the data not to be present at any point of time then you can prevent all these exception errors coming up by using an annotation here called that not found okay so what I'm doing is I'm saying if this is not formed if the user is not found then what do okay so if I import this you can see this is a ordered hibernated annotations so this is not a GPA standard this is a feature that hibernate provides but I have found this very handy especially if you are working on old systems where you didn't actually have data from the scratch that supplied by hibernate it was it was some legacy data and you might not have all the relationships available so in that case what you do is you can use this act not found annotation to treat to handle situations where there is no such relationship available so what you can do is add not formed you will have to give what is called as an action property so if the you know the relationship is not formed then what you need to do you need to do this action equals there is a not found action enumeration dot ignore so not found action has this ignorin immolation so what happens is if your user is not found then you're telling happening to just ignore it not throw an exception so this is something that I found very handy and just wanted to you know throw this concept in there so that if you feel that you might you know you might come across such not found exceptions if you wanna handle it gracefully this is one way you can you can actually handle that okay the next thing that we're going to talk about are the collection objects that hibernate supports so hibernate has its own internal data types that it maps to for the collection objects are you creating and there are a few semantics for collections that that are you know available in hibernate so the first semantics is the bag semantics hibernate has a bag kind of a collection object that it supports so what a bag means is you know it doesn't it's it's similar to you know like back it doesn't matter how you put things inside it you can you can we know put things into a bag in any order you can retrieve in it in any order so that is a bag semantics that happen it suppose so you can implement a bag semantics by using either a list or an ArrayList and similar to a bag we also have a bag with an ID again this is something that we can use with it is less than ordinary list so a list or an ArrayList will have an index property so what you're doing is you can you know pull up items depending on the ID that you're you're supplying so the next one is a list semantics so this is again a list or an ArrayList it's a it's a same thing the only difference that that is applicable from a list or a bag is that a list can be ordered you can have a sorted list whereas a bag you know it really doesn't matter which order in which you get the data the next one is a set semantics we've seen a set this is similar to a set data type in Java so I'm not going to go into much details and then finally a map again this is similar to a map data type of Java okay you don't have to actually worry about the semantics what what what usually happens is you'll be working on one of these data types here you'll probably have a list of objects or you know a set of objects or a map of objects so what's happening is hibernate is using one of these semantics behind the scenes in order to maintain the collection okay so the final thing that I want to talk about is something called as a cascade this is applicable to all the relationships be it one-to-one one-to-many many-to-one or many to many so we'll have a look at what cascade means here let me just undo the changes that I've done okay and it'll save this user details you haven't modified this so yeah what does cascade me say for example I have this you know this program where I have a user and let's say this user has ten makers or something like that so I will have all the ten vehicle objects and I will assign those vehicle objects to the to the user so now if I have to save the user so what I'd have to do is I'd have to first do a session dot save of user and I'll have to do a session dot save of all the vehicles of the user say I have ten makers or 50 vehicles saving all of them is going to make the code look messy and it's also a pain so it's not just for saving say for example you delete the user and you want to go ahead and delete all the all the vehicles associated with the user we haven't seen how to delete value we'll have a look at that subsequently but you know you should note that whatever operation you are doing for the user you will have to do all the operations you know you have to do the same operation for all the vehicles so a save or an update or you know creation will affect all the vehicles so you have to pass all these vehicle objects to a session dot save so there is a way to avoid this and we can use something called as a cascade so have the user details class and the rated class here this is the same two classes that we've been looking at in the previous tutorials the change that I've made and the user details classes have changed to a one-to-many this was a mini to many you know at the end of our previous tutorial so I've changed us to one-to-many and I have a vehicle collection inside the user object and in the vehicle there's no backwards reference there's no inverse reference from the vehicle you cannot go to a user it's just from the user to the vehicle so this is a one-to-many relationship which is which is a classic scenario to study the cascading that we are about to learn so we have to saw make a collection they have implemented an ArrayList here now what I want to do is when I want to create here is a you know the test class that we run we have a user object here and we have to make of objects so we assign the vehicles to this user so car and Jeep are the two vehicles that have been assigned to the to the vehicle collection in the user so this collection here will have two values which are the two vehicles car and Jeep now when I save this I am saving the user the vehicle one and vehicle two which is you know the car object as well as the Jeep object so what happens if I just save the user is isn't that enough let's let's remove this in these two lines so the user has a reference to both the car object and the Jeep object but I'm not explicitly saving the car object in the Jeep object now what happens if I run this let's save and run let's see what happens so here you can see there's an exception that says object references and unsaved transient instance so it's asking us to save the transient instance instance before flushing so what this is saying is you have an object that you are trying to save but this object reference is another object that you have not saved so we need to make sure that those objects are saved as well so this is the problem why does hibernate not automatically save it we know that this user has two references one is a vehicle and vehicle two which is the car in the Jeep objects why does hibernate not save it directly that's because these are also entities this vehicle is an entity this vehicle is again another entity now hibernate cannot make that assumption and save the entity because you know that might be something that you would want to do differently you know sometimes you wouldn't want to save these entities automatically you would want to have control over it now if it were a collection object let's say this weren't an entity it was just a value tag then this vehicle would the whole purpose of this vehicle would be for this user so it makes sense when the user is saved you save that vehicle also but since it's not a value type it's an entity these two vehicles have a life of its own it's not really bound by the user so you wouldn't want an automatic save or an automatic any operation to happen so that's a reason why hibernate gives the the benefit of the doubt and then it does not do any automatic saving it you know it wants us to specify when and how this needs to be saved so which is fine we we did this earlier so what we did was we did a session dot save off both the vehicles now the problem is if you have a huge list of objects here you would have to do a session or save of all of them and that's a pain so that's what we're going to avoid by using the Cascade so what I do is in the user details wherever I have this reference you know I'm saying this is a one-to-many relationship with the vehicle so here that I will have to tell hibernate saying hey I do not want to save each and every object here if you come across this collection and you have unsaved objects when I'm doing a save for this user class go ahead and save all the objects in this collection as well so that's what I want to say and I say that using the Cascade so the one-to-many annotation has a property called Cascade equals and again there is a there is an enumeration that supplies the values so I have Cascade type dot okay so here you see there are a few options you have detach merge persist refresh and remove we will look at all the other things later but right now we want the cascading to happen on safe when you want to save the user it has to save the corresponding vehicle instances so I will have to select this persist so busses to tells hibernate that if you see any new entities inside this you know the vehicle collection which has not been saved when the user is being saved or and then saved them as well so this is what the Cascade dot persist means okay now we are actually all set to run this but there is one other small change that we'll have to make I'll make the change now and we'll learn a bit more about this in the later tutorials so here where we have a session dot save instead of a dot save I will call another method of the session which is persist now a persist kind of does the same thing as what I saved us but there are a few differences this is something that we'll explore in the upcoming tutorials but for now just make this change this change session drive persist Tizen with this change that we have made to cascade persist so whenever a persist happens a cascade needs to happen so that's what we are doing here we are saying hey hibernate passes this collection when you are persisting this entity and when we are actually saving this we are calling this session dot vs. that means that ensures that this user is persistent so again we will look at the difference between persist and save later on but for now let's make this change and save and run this up there you go you do not see that error anymore and even though we are not saving the vehicle objects it is inserting values into the vehicle and it's also inserting the mappings so this gasket I processed is one of the different gasket types now you can have a cascade type dot remove which you know there is a gasket for delete operations and again margin detach are things that we're going to explore later when we look at the lifecycle of of entity objects that's when we're going to learn a bit more about persistent refresh as well and the final thing is if you want all the persistence to happen I mean everything to happen cascaded all operations need to be cascaded whether it's a creation or a deletion or updating anything like that if you want all these to apply then you can choose a cascade type dot also what this mixture is that instead of specifying each and every individual operation you say cascade everything so no matter what happens to the user entity the same thing gets propagated to the vehicle entities as well so the Cascade type dot all it's kind of like a shortcut so that you don't have to enter all the individual cascade types
Channel: Java Brains
Views: 213,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hibernate, orm, tutorial, technology, computers, java, free, j2ee, ee, educational, eclipse, tomcat, javabrains, brains, koushik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2011
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