Hi Hat Cymbal Comparison: Sabian B8xPro, Zildjian A Custom, & K Constantinople

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three sets of 14in high hats ranging from the Sabian B8 Pro Rock series 14in up to the zilan a custom 14in series and then at the top of the range recently I've got this zilan K Constantinople 14in series of high hats now these sabians will run you on reverb about 150 bucks they've recently updated the range so you're going to have to get these used if you want this exact model the a customs will range about 400 to 500 bucks on Sweetwater and then of course the K Constantinople series if you're getting these brand new they run about $700 today's video I not only want to do a comparison of all three of these so that you can hear what they sound like but also want to give you a little bit of insight in my experience with the high hats as well my name is Chris Green my whole channel is about music production tips and advice if you're interested in stuff like this whether you're a drummer or guitar player or bass player or singer I hope you consider hitting the Subscribe button and if you're already subscribed please hit the like button it really helps put push these videos out to the algorithm Universe now with that being said let's get started comparing these three different high hat symbols just as a disclaimer this video is not being sponsored by anyone and I was not sent the symbols or any products in order to make this video I hope you'll consider subscribing I hope that builds some of the trust with me and you so that if I ever make a video in the future and I am sponsored or I have affiliate links I'll be sure to make that known in the video I'm not trying to lead you astray I'm just trying to let you know this is my experience and if you can learn from it that would be great so please consider hitting the Subscribe and the like button let's get on with these symbols the last disclaimer I want to make is that I do have the top and bottom symbols for all three sets of these high hats I'm going to do my best to be as consistent as possible between the different takes of high hats I'm not moving any of the microphones or the high hat stand at all I'm not adjusting the gain and if I do any processing you'll be able to see the plugins on the screen as we're going through when we're doing these comparisons it'd be great if you wore a pair of head headphones you'll be able to hear more of the nuances of the differences between the symbols but majority of the point I want to make with this video and what I'm anticipating between all three of the different sets is that you can certainly be using affordable sets of high hats there're just different scenarios and different situations where I might recommend you use one set over another it's really up to you at the end of the day which one you decide to go with and there are so many options out there probably the best thing you can do is go to your local guitar store or music store and look for the symbol room and have a play but in today's video let's start off with the Sabian B8 Pro Rock series we'll put these on the drum set and see what we hear as far as the description goes there's really not much on these Sabian B8 Pro Rock high hats this person just listed on RAV B8 Pros or aimed at drummers ready to move up in their first serious set of symbols and their brilliant finish and intensive hammering certainly makes them look like proper symbols the only thing I say about that is that these would be symbols that Sabian B8 series yes they are a good set of symbols if you're familiar with the zilan zbt series these are not necessarily entry level but definitely if you're somebody that's gigging or somebody that's playing live you at least need to be looking at something like the zbt series or the Sabian B8 series as well most of the time the symbols that you get with these Pearl drum sets or if you get a kids set and they don't have any brand listed on the symbols at all that's like bare minimum that's basically like just hitting a Campbell Soup can so yeah I would consider your bottom threshold is about 100 bucks if you're going to be looking at some high hats try to save up at least $100 and that's going to give yourself options you can be looking in the used market for high hats you might even just want to buy the top high hat symbol before you get a set of the top and bottom that's totally up to you so on the affordable side of it yes you probably need to save up $100 or so and like I said you can search Reverb make offers to people this is the Sabian B8 Pro Rock series let's take a listen on the drum set [Music] you know whenever you're thinking about microphones the most common go-to microphone that everyone says is the sure sm57 sm57 is just all over the place in fact I'm I'm using the sm57 on this High hack comparison because you all know what an sm57 sounds like well I would say that the go-to symbol series that you should probably be checking out is the zilan a custom series because just like an sn57 these aren't exactly the nicest symbols that you could possibly own but everyone knows what an a custom series sounds like like on the description on the Sweetwater website they say about the zilan a custom series it's not too dark not too bright symbols that are just right for modern music I know that sounds very generic but if you're describing a sure sm57 to somebody it just sounds like a 57 well the a custom series of zilan symbols number one they've been around forever it seems like you can find so many of these on the used Market an a custom series whether it's high hats crashes rides to me everyone knows what these sound like because they're all over the place just like I said in the description I don't think they're purposely being generic or vague about this they genuinely sound they're not too bright they're not too dark they're going to cut through a mix and to me this sounds like rock music okay if you're doing modern drumming and you're wanting to be safe you want to make a purchase where you're not going to regret it for going too far one way too far the other way check out the a custom series of symbols so next let's check out the a custom series now on the drum set here's what they sound like [Music] many years ago my wife wanted to surprised me for my birthday so she called up a music store and she asked them what's the nicest ride symbol that you have they happen to have a used K Constantinople crash ride symbol I've never heard of the K Constantinople series and when I looked it up on the internet after it already got the symbol everybody that was playing the symbol was like a jazz drummer they doing all these jazz beats and I didn't know if am I supposed to be playing this on rock music or country music or worship music and I can tell you that a lot of times the language that they use when they're selling products like drums or symbols yes it's heavily oriented toward jazz music but that doesn't mean that you can't use it on rock and Country to me this is just a darker sounding symbol and to me that's a very pleasing thing when I'm recording a k Constantinople symbol I don't have to worry about those really harsh high frequencies that you hear a lot of times especially on ride symbols it does have a long Decay so yeah if you're doing thrashy heavy metal music this may not be the series for you but check them out in a music store if you go to a music store the great thing is you can hit a lot of these symbols and you don't have to worry about the verbage where somebody's telling you like okay that one's meant for jazz that one's meant for rock oh you don't want those cuz they're meant for Country a lot of times that's just language they're using to sell it to like an upper level Market I guess because let's face it if you're a jazz drummer you might be somebody that's being paid for sessions and gigs the K Constantinople series I think you're going to hear this as well whereas the a custom is more balanced where it's not too bright not too dark the Constantinople series tends to be a lot darker and by darker I'm thinking about this with a singer when you have singers you have Sopranos and you have Altos you have teners and bases a soprano and a tener they're going to be a higher voiced female a higher voiced male when you have an alto or a bass they are lower voiced as well that's the difference to me between this symbol and the a custom series but I want you to hear it for yourself so let's play a little bit on the K Constantinople 14in high hat [Music] [Music] now you've heard all three of the different sets of symbols let's hear them all back to back to back for a more quick comparison [Music] last thing I want to say just my personal opinion if you are somebody that plays drums for a living if you're getting paid to play drums or you're the drummer at your church you definitely need to go to some sort of Music store if they still exist and hit a bunch of symbols and find a series that you really like I definitely could feel a difference when I have the K Constantinople high hat paired with my ride symbol for so long I had a mismatch of having the a custom high hat and my K Constantinople ride symbol okay when you have the two that are a set together I really underestimated how valuable it would be to have all of the same Series so the same thing for you if you're looking at going to the a custom route you really need to consider getting a full set maybe not all at the same time but if you're going for an a custom set of high hats maybe the next thing you need to get is an a custom ride symbol and one or two crashes try to get a familiar set because they really do blend well together especially in a mix if you've got a mismatched pair of symbols it does tend to sound like something you'd hear like on Easy Drummer or Superior drummer when you go in and you just start swapping symbols and Brands all around it can sound kind of unnatural so that's my only recommendation to you that whatever series you do go with try to get a full set if you can and don't feel the pressure to spend more money than you're prepared to spend I'd be interested to know what kind of symbols to use in your set if you let me know in the comments section what symbols have you been having a lot of success with which one was your favorite out of the three the Sabian the zilan a custom or the zilan K Constantinople be interested to hear and of course please hit the Subscribe and like button if you haven't already thanks so much for watching this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Chris Green
Views: 419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zildjian, K Constantinople, Constantinople, Hi hats, hihat, recording drums, Sabian, Drum Recording, Home Studio, Presonus Studio One, Expensive Cymbals, Drum buying guide, 14 in. hi hats, new cymbals, Pearl drums, music, music production, recording at home, how to record drums, comparison
Id: BDHlX7-qpn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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