HH TV News - Space Race Report

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[Music] hello and welcome to the news at when when around 70 years ago when the United States of America and the Soviet Union centered around modern day Russia decided to try and settle the growing argument over who was superior in a way that was quite literally out of this world here with more details on this starry story is our very own space cadet Bob Hale with the space race report Bob thank you Sam well the year is 1945 World War two has just ended and after years of having to be battle buddies America and the Soviet Union could now finally embrace the fact that they don't much like each other you see these two superpowers run their countries in very different ways called chalk and cheese I mean communism and capitalism so I've grown to distrust each other intensely but luckily both of them captured some of the German rocket scientists who built Hitler's wartime missile which suggests a rather exciting way to settle which superpower is best technology to put a man into space yes the space race is on with an early lead going to America who to find out if it's possible for living creatures to survive space travel start firing monkeys don't spice and rhinos into outer space no not rhinos and with the Soviets following suit soon loads of animals are sent off into starry skies with many of them never coming back I guess they liked it up there oh right rest in peace guys anyway now the race really starts rotting up as both sides rush towards the next major milestone putting a man-made craft into orbit around the Earth with the points this time going to the Soviets yes in 1957 Sputnik won a radio beacon the size of a big ball becomes - thank you really helpful honestly yes Bartok becomes the first ever satellite but America's not far behind and in 1958 they launch Explorer oh wow this is about the size of a grapefruit don't even think about it I want its even-steven score wise the Soviets are now on a roll they send an unmanned rocket right around the moon launch a probe the photographic surface in 1961 after successful tests using a dummy yes very funny Russia's Yuri Gagarin becomes the first ever man in space and America starts getting pretty sick of second place so in 1961 US President John F Kennedy announced that America will attempt the impossible man on the moon not because it is easy but because it is hard the exact same reason why I keep trying to set the clock on my oven so a new series of rockets known as the Apollo program are dedicated to mooning I mean the moon landing but this after strikes when a fire during launch simulation kills the crew of Apollo 1 meaning Apollo's 2 3 4 5 6 become unmanned flights to perfect the design until finally in 1968 the USA get some badly needed points when the crew of Apollo 8 become the first man in history to orbit the moon than just one year later America is finally ready to do what mankind has always dreamt of teaching a pig to tap-dance Oh moon landing that makes more sense with all the lists I see in the verified so Michael Collins Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climb aboard Apollo 11 with the aim of beating the Soviets once and for all their mission is simple fly to the moon land on the moon walk on the moon leave the moon flight home and Bob's your uncle though only if your my nephews I mean what could possibly go wrong well since the navigation computer was about as powerful as a chip inside a modern toaster I'd say pretty much anything but the dates been set the cameras are primed in the eyes of the world watch with bated breath which is difficult for eyes as on July the 20th 1969 the lunar module eagle separate from the command module Columbia chattering victory to the US of A as Neil Armstrong takes one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind the Soviets accept defeat wait the back to a moon they never reached and turn their attention to building space stations leaving America to build a moon colony with a burger bar in the coffee shop right roll in fact only 12 people ever set foot on the moon and don't once being there since 1972 a tragic oversight that I'm going to rectify right now yes it's time to take one small step for Bob Hale but one giant leap for the good people at Bob Hale space rocket industries goodbye Sam I've always loved you will you wait for me No well I'm not going then
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Id: jQWmfzVAZ0Q
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Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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