Hey Steve: Waiting For Him to Ask

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where is it ash Lee right here hey Steve so recently I met a guy through a mutual friend and every time we hang out in a group setting he always fights with me but we never really always was fights with me yes but we never exchanged numbers okay so like a few days ago a guy asked for my number in front of him and I didn't give it to him and when the guy left he I noticed he seemed like a bit jealous but I don't know what to do because I don't he hasn't said anything to me so I don't know if I should make the next move and take the initiative or wait and so he shows interest oh well I mean you don't really have a break you you you kind of like this guy yeah I do and you get defeat does he flirt with ya he farts he give me compliments okay and mutual exchange seemed like a music but he ain't asking for no because ask me for a number here's what you should do since you're in a group of friends yeah because women often ask me should I make the first move and I think that's kind of you and you you in that position yeah so here's it instead of making the first move ladies this is what I always suggest if you're in a group of friends why don't you break the news to one of your girlfriends hey you know what we're in this group but I'm really filling him and he ain't said nothing to me but he seems like he's always flirting with me and I like him I think the feeling's mutual why don't you just kind of put a bug in his ear for me just say hey you know I was talking to Ashley and Ashley kind of kind of likes you and if you feel that way you should say something to Ashley and then that way you don't get put out because what you don't want is the rejection so let a friend do it for you because you all a group of friends right so let them do it for you and then that keeps you in the clear and allows him to make the first move and uh a lady asked me one time Steve is it ever okay for a lady to make the first move you can do it but here's the problem it creates you immediately when you make the first move you telling a guy I want you that's what we hear you may not want him totally you just want to get to know him better but what we hear is she want me once you want us you know the pressures off we start performing from the aspect that you want us instead of the aspect of trying to get you to want us once you got a man once you take that on this off a man to have to prove that he wants you and he operating from you already won't meet you behind eight-ball you had a distinct disadvantage with the hunter so get a friend to do it I think that would be nice all right hey you made it to the end of this video I got a lot more that you're going to enjoy so just click to watch the next one and make sure you subscribe to always know what's happening
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 269,425
Rating: 4.9229765 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: Hb-ov-78lkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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