Hey Steve: The Questions You Don’t Ask

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hey Steve I'm a young professional single girl and I've been dating a while now you know what I'm a young professional single woman okay I've been dating a while now and I feel as though my intelligence might be off-putting to men because they tend to in the middle of a conversation or a date they get intimidated by my challenges I like to challenge people I don't have any bad intentions you know and they just leave they just leave in the middle of a date they find an excuse and it's like bye I'm wondering how can I change this situation without compromising Who I am as a person wait a minute so I mean let me try to understand what you say you're saying that men are intimidated by your intellect yeah I believe so okay if that's the case you should probably stop dating stupid me but now the second half of what you say you said you like to challenge them what what do you mean by that you know when I hear someone telling me things about either their life or their work I like to ask questions and dig deeper and see what they really think about things how does their mind work then they get up walk out they just don't yeah yeah like oh I'm sorry I have a thing to do like it's you ask a man of course about something he told you yeah and then they get up and walk out I was like confused myself let's let's let's have a conversation we should okay so I'm on a date with you okay okay ask me something so how do you feel about the confirmation of Judge Kavanagh to the Supreme Court [Applause] oh I see water you know I wonder what see remember now is some voodoo topics when you first meet a man see you can't you can't throw all of it out it was I took I dated a girl one time who had two college degrees and we're sitting there we hadn't met it was a long time ago and she said so what's your educational background I say at school I know what she told me no no so to start she looked at me and saying school she said what what do you have a degree I said I don't have a degree she said you don't have a degree I said no she said how are you planning on making it without a degree we'll be right back [Applause] hey I'm Steve Harvey you want more of that well don't just sit there go get it press subscribe or click on this list and you can see all the amazing videos you want press it press it
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 882,363
Rating: 4.9230971 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey, talk, show, relationships
Id: 450XHrG3UTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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