Hey Steve: Staying Friends with the Exes

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- So whenever I'm in a relationship and it ends, my exes, they always wanna remain friends. And as a matter of fact, I actually brought one of my exes here, today. (audience laughs) (Evangeline laughs) (audience claps) So my question to you is, I know that being friends with your exes is pretty sketchy, so for my future boyfriends, how do I not scare them off, and let them know that it's okay, me being friends with my exes, and just reassure them that nothing's gonna happen? (audience laughs loudly) - Is this real life? (audience claps and laughs loudly) This some new, millennial, 2000. (audience laughs loudly) This ain't happening. (audience laughs loudly) (audience claps) That's one of your exes? - [Evangeline] Yeah. (audience laughs) - Stand up, dude. (audience laughs) How old are you, bro? - I'm 18. - 18, oh, okay, what's your name? - My name is AJ. - Huh? - [AJ] My name's AJ. - [Steve] AJ, and your name, sweetheart? - Evangeline. - Evangeline. So you remain friends with your exes? - [Evangeline] Yes. - You really think this boy, right here, wants to be your friend? - Well... (audience claps and laughs loudly) Yeah, we've been friends before. - No. - Wait, Steve, Steve, we actually are. We're actually friends, we're good. I mean, we used to watch Hey Steve, all the time, and I thought that, hey, I got tickets, might as well. - I don't even know whatchoo talking about. (audience claps and laughs loudly) You, Evangeline. You really think that all AJ want is just to be your friend? You think he came down here, to the show with you, (audience laughs) in hopes of remaining your friend? - So how do I, what's your advice for me for my future boyfriends that-- - What future boyfriend? (audience laughs loudly) You think he trying to help you get a future boyfriend? - I didn't think he's gonna help me in any way. You know, whatever happens, happens. - No, he's standing there, blocking, as we speak. (audience claps and laughs loudly) So, alright. Here's the fix for this, I think. Are y'all going to eat after this? - Oh, I hope so, I'm hungry. (audience laughs) - This is what I want you all to do, though, 'cause you're young. Sit down and just enjoy a meal and talk, just talk. Tell each other the truth, 'cause RJ, you're lying to me. (audience laughs loudly) I love y'all, I appreciate your honesty, I hope you had a good time, dude. I hope I didn't say anything to hurt you. Y'all have a nice day. (audience claps and cheers) We'll be right back, everybody. (upbeat music) Hey, you made it to the end of this video. I got a lot more that you're gonna enjoy, so just click to watch the next one, and make sure you subscribe, to always know what's happening.
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 832,148
Rating: 4.9301381 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: rJFcXz4G-10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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