- Hey Steve! So, I have this friend, and she just loves to brag, brag, brag. Now, we go all the way
back to Junior High, but now that she's on Facebook-- Facebook, it's gotten worse. She's talking about how
great her husband is, "Look at my new home", and now her lip and cheek fillers, okay? It's just gotten-- it's gotten out of hand. It's gotten to the point
where a lot of our friends are even un-following her now. So, I mean-- And it's emotionally draining to be her friend at this point. So, how do I tell her to eat a slice of humble pie, politely? - Well why don't you feed
her a slice of humble pie? See, what I do is-- See, once you braggin' to
me, I just out-brag you. Yep, that what I do. Go stand in front of cars
that ain't even yours (interviewee laughs) and just take selfies. Big Rolls Royce grill, click, click. (audience claps) Go in Beverley Hills on Rodeo, stand in front of house that ain't yours. Take a picture. I'm home now, click. (audience laughs) You should just out-lie her. Your life is fine, right? You look happy. - Oh yeah, yeah, it's just that
every time I go on Facebook, she's at the top of my feed,
and it's all day, every day. - Don't lie on social media. Too many people can bust you. But just send her pictures.
(interviewee laughs) Send her pictures. You seem like a nice lady. You're not going to do that, are you? - I might. (audience laughs) - You better go, girl. That's what you do. Start lyin'. Alright, where's Brandy? - Hey Steve! (audience claps and cheers) So, I was in a long-distance relationship for about a year. We saw each other about every week, and things were going good, so I thought. So much so, I introduced
my daughter to him. And, due to the distance, the
relationship became strained. I feel that there was no
rush towards a committment, so we went our separate ways. My daughter loved him, and she asked us for a younger sibling. But now that we are apart, she's still asking for a younger sibling. So my question is, when is
a good time to introduce your child to the person
that you're dating so we don't go through this again? - Well, okay, if you are a single mother, you have a child, you are a package. It's a package deal. There's no one without the other. So I suggest that as soon
as you think that this guy has potential, you should
introduce him to the child in a public setting, like at a McDonald's with a playground on it,
or something like that. So the baby can run in and
out, you can keep a eye on him. But you want to get an idea if
this guy even likes children. 'Cause what you don't wanna
do is go so far up the road with this guy and then discover
he don't like your baby. 'Cause, see now we got a problem, 'cause the baby come with the package. - That's right. - Look, you gonna have to explain to her, "Mommy has broken up with him. He wasn't what I thought she was. He would not have made a good dad for you, so he won't make a good dad for your little brother or sister, so let's wait until we
meet a really good dad so everybody'll be happy. (audience claps and cheers) - See how I fixed that? We'll be right back. (upbeat pop music)