Hey Steve: Helping Out An Awkward Sister

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- We gotta get this heel game up. Now I didn't start this, so don't start emailing me, "Steve's sexist". No, I'm not, I'm not sexist, I'm sexy. - Oh okay. (audience clapping) - There's a difference. And all you trying to do, is get your sexiness up. - Yes. - So you gotta get your heel game up. Let me see, let me see how you, let me see just (laughing) Now just, come here, this cute, right here, now watch this here. Now, I want you to just go over here to me. Let me just, give me your best walk. Shoulders back, yeah. (funk music) (audience cheering) (laughs) - Girl! You been, Did they, did they show you that at the heel class? - Yes. - Oh that's where you got that from? - Yes. - She said, "Okay, wait a minute, shoulders back" and then she went, "Hit it" (funk music) (audience cheering and laughing) Okay so now, this what I want you to do. Halfway to me, this is a swagger move. Now watch, I'm gonna show it to you. Like sometimes when I used to walk in the club, cause we had to wear suits to clubs. There was no T-shirts, baseball hats, you had to wear suits. So I would come in the club and I walk halfway round the room, just so everybody get a look. (funk music) (audience laughs and cheers) One spin. You see the spin? You see that right there? All that's old school. Now come on, halfway in, let 'em see you! So you coming cross the dance floor, they got to know that you in the club! (audience clapping) Sitting up in here, picking all these other girls. They fixing to pick you, hit it. Shoulders back. (funk music) (audience cheering) Girl you better! Girl you better! Girl you better! Now, no, where you going? Now, when you dancing in the club. Give me some music, show me what you're doing. - Oh Steve, I don't know how to dance. - Awww aww aww aww (audience laughing) aww aww aww (funk music) Get it like this here, come on. Get it like this, hold your one hand still, aww! (funk music) Come on! You ain't gotta know a lot, I been doing this dance since 1974. (funk music) Now put your hand, play in your hair. Play in your hair. (audience cheering) - Yeah. Play in your hair. Now lick your baby finger. (screams) (audience clapping) We'll be right back! (giggling)
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 199,128
Rating: 4.9389758 out of 5
Keywords: STEVE, steve, comedy, humor, laugh, Laugh, funny, Funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey, awkward, advice
Id: Gs6weHTghWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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