Hexagon Grill "easy" - Inventor 2021 Training - Part Design

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hi welcome to an inventor 20/21 video tutorial I want to do another hexagon girl but this time a simpler solution so if you take a look at my tree here it's a one extrusion bullets one grille that's the plastic part feature of in winter which is very nice to sketches for two lines and two bands because in Inventor in the part design you can bend apart and you can bend it in two directions so that's a very convenient and very easy solution to do such a kind of grill so that's a fun way the winter okay let's start with the sketch on the XY plane I need a rectangle a centered one to one Center and this might be 250 by 150 finish that sketch let's make an extrude make it 2.5 millimeters now I could do already the Phillips let's go for 10 millimeter on those four edges and confirm now let's copy that sketch paste it on to the XY plane again come to that sketch cut the graphics and you will see it's not constrained it looks like but if you go there and drag it there it will not be constrained so let's constrain it by projecting the center point and making this one coincident right here let's change the values to 230 and 130 let's add bullets maybe 10 millimeter and I want hexagons great therefore I will start with a hexagon even if I don't need it okay let's go here put it right there make it like this now let's align it horizontal give it a dimension maybe 15 make these for construction only I need another construction line which starts at this point goes in that direction and the length might be 11 times 15 and this point here should be on that line now I could go for another polygon add that constraint here as well and give it a dimension of 15 let's put this endpoint on to this point here now I need three lines like that and those three lines should not be for construction and now I want to bet on those three lines so cover a rectangular pattern geometry would be this line that line and this one first direction let's go here no sorry go for the direction like this make it maybe ten make it 15 millimeters make it known associative go for second direction that would be this direction go for two years and no not this direction sorry second direction would be of course this line turn around make it to make it fifty millimeters and check if it is non-associative yes it is now these should be pattern in that direction so before now rectangular pattern make sure it's non-associative otherwise you could not dream it geometry would be nice when you deselect the point deselect the line [Music] line a line to select the points if there are any and that end point here that line and of course this end point seems to be okay and the direction would be now this one go for 10 and the distance should be measured from this point to that point and confirm and again I've pattern points if there would be some sort of point felt that I could remove them but as far as I know there is no point filter okay now before a trim I want to get rid of some elements which I really don't need and now I can trim and I'm not aware of any faster way to do this because it's not AutoCAD and AutoCAD it would be quite easy to trim now these over here yes so this should do so I want to finish that sketch and now I could possibly go for my grill the grill would be in the plastic part group if it's not visible go here right click show panels select plastic part okay now let's try to select the sketch elements for that grill so go here grill boundary volume is 1 millimeter thickness 2 millimeter now 5 millimeter depth 1 millimeter offset to the top that's okay and the report be one-to-one let's go back to the boundary let's select the profile this would be this profile here let's zoom in a little bit and try to select the ribs seems to me it's sort of let's take a look let's autographic the profiles for the rib would be apart from those construction lines should be able to select it like this take a look this looks pretty good I only have to select some more elements over here so this didn't work why somehow didn't let's try once more now it works but it really takes a while to dis to select all those lines which is kind of annoying you have to wait so we'll pause the recording and we'll be back if they're all selected so finally it really selected all of those hexagons let's go and confirm and see if it works that's because sometimes you made a wrong selection and then it will not work so it will work I don't know why it took so long because I've done it before and it didn't take so long Oh crania this looks pretty good so the next step would be to bend this part therefore I need to sketches the sketches consistent level lines and let's give another sketch on the XY plane want to bend it here in the middle where to go or the band would be horizontal so make this the midpoint here finish that sketch and the second scratch again on the XY plane would be another Bend line around here that's a line this point to the midpoint finish that sketch and now for the band those pens will again take a very long time and depending on how this pattern is inside that framework sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it cannot bend in the second direction that's kind of crazy but it is like it is so which one to do first let's do this one first go for modifying of open part select the line at the last element so I want to go for let's say 800 millimeter and 20 degrees and I want to bend both sides now select the line and again it will take a while and again I will stop the recording and I will be back if it's completely processed you will get a preview but it will take some time it's the the rapid culture revolution the culture revolution is happening so fast it would make my jealous you know theater crystal ball is looking in the future and this is China for those that are familiar he be said they're being like wow I shall relish it [Music] let's add two months man there's a lot of really bad jokes about to make I can't make them no it's four months cuz they needed the pressure from coronavirus that's true maybe five months but Mao was watching some viral videos of police brutality like why didn't I think of tennis he didn't have the Internet at the time okay that's what he needed his crystal ball in our schools our newsrooms even our corporate boardrooms there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute Allegiance if you do not speak its language performance rituals recite its mantras and follow its Commandments then you will be censored banished blacklisted persecuted and punished not going to happen to us [Music] make no mistake this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution in so doing they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty disease violence and hunger and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement discovery and progress so the previous here and yet slightly bent that's okay so it will work now will confirm and it will take another while finally it's done so I hope you enjoyed this one hope it was helpful if you did like it please give it a like leave a comment if you want to see more just give it a like a leave a comment please subscribe to my channel please subscribe to my facebook a fan page would be very nice of you I want to get more likes and subscriptions over there as well thanks for watching see you next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Wolfgang Walden
Views: 8,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, training, cad, inventor video tutorial, hexagon grill, grill command, bend part
Id: m_iOzGz_pbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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