Heston's Great British Food S01E01 Fish And Chips

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Britain is home to some of the most iconic fishes in the world from fish and chips to steamed pudding pie and mash to roast beef and Yorkshire now it's time for the roast our national favorites have been hundreds of years in the making and I want to reveal the untold stories behind them our roast beef fueled the building of an empire and fish and chips helped save us in the war to the great pudding robbery of 1718 I want to find out why they're so deeply rooted in our culture who's that first I'll be popping into my time machine to explore their secret histories tit looks too wrong looking for inspiration to create an epic culinary salute let the feast begin starting with fish and chips there's like that choice I want to reveal the incredible tales from our past if it had dried out it would have blown up along court that would've been the end of heavier and discover the origins of this brilliant British food that was here in New Jersey before serving a spectacular fish and chips upper two fisherman and chip shop workers who make them possible behold my monster of the deep fish and chips are a British institution Winston Churchill called them the good companions and 14 million of us visit the chippy every week I want to know why we love them so much and find out how they've become a treasured national dish all in a bid to create an amazing four-course fish supper right one large cotton tips please because I before you wrap it something the generous supply of vinegar please thank you how much I know how I like my fishing tips how did the great British public like theirs what would your ultimate fishing ship experience being this quarter have newspaper yeah absolutely Norfolk Broads on a boat wrapped up in paper nice fresh fish nice crispy batter it's all after the vinegar sheepies mushy peas sometimes I don't just buy the mushy peas its was it so after their mushy peas needs to be off for a long walk it's gonna be outside it's got to be by the sea great I don't Corre Salta my I think our songs are mushy peas yeah nice lot of salt no vinegar they're not really all that at all so I want to know where this love of fish and chips began and for that I need my time machine there it is it's a bit dusty but hopefully it's in full working order first off is Victorian Britain where the Industrial Revolution is in full swing we've been eating fried fish for centuries as we have potatoes but the Victorians put them together they became a mass-market meal for the poor thanks to another Victorian invention the steam train I'm hitching a ride on the Bluebell Railway with historian Rob Robinson so has really thanked us to the railways don't fish it's become one kind of national institution oh very much so Trench cover the country and of course we got a real way network with developed in the middle of the 19th century one of the things I did would you give us for the first time a means of moving perishable commodities like fish quickly from the coast inland to the big growing towns and cities it made fish an article of cheap mass consumption and we don't really know who but between 1840 and 1880 1870 probably some genius put fish with chips on the fish and chip shop as we know it emerged the idea for fish and chips is in fact part from British we've got Jewish immigrants to thank for the fried fish and French for the chip potatoes but the Brits can take credit for putting the two together arguments rage over whether northern trader John Lee's or cockney entrepreneur Joseph Mallon opened the first chippy either way they caught on and went from one to 25,000 in just 40 years fish and chips is the essence of the real wage if you think about it you're wrapping it in newspapers this is the first time when you've got mass newspapers all over the country because it is right because of the trains today fish and chips are the nation's favourite takeaway and an industry worth 1.2 billion pounds the my fish supper I want to pay homage to the chippy so I'm thinking an appetizer that puts the entire fish and chip shop into one giant chip to work out how on earth I'm going to do it I've come to London's oldest surviving chippy with my teammate Giles 1 cotton checks please the chippy menu has come a long way since its Victorian beginnings back then there was only one option fish and potatoes it's gotta be mushy face yeah mushy peas please how BIG's your saveloy they're dead the jumbo size oh you would say that wouldn't you oh look how that we might have a couple of slices of bread with some butter as well please right thank you thank you for my enormous appetizer I want to capture the essence our chippy in just one bite centerpiece absolutely wrapped in oh nice very good doing gay Irish appeal that I'm gonna get onto that yes please we've got to work quickly because if we keep this small and we fry it we only have to fry to crisp it up this is now looking like vegetarian saveloy surprise now that can be our Center and then what we do for our coating that's our own butter almond batter on so pickle on your video onion vinegar vinegar definitely some more let's just give it over to you this person tartar sauce well perfect this lucky fishing chip meets big that's pretty good hehe we still got the final stage of trying to get this around the satellite Oh wowie look at last is it like a giant herb-infused hang up a little do you know it is the essence of a fish and chip shop a no chippy serving is complete without a good coating of batter quickly I sick they go it cuz I depth charge as is something it's disappeared without trace Wow look at that glorious glorious oh that's looking really good okay let's go for it it's a mix of everything we use on the mod I've got a safe what I think we're onto something here I should say so it is just so wrong but yet so right so that's the appetizer sorted but to conjure up the rest of my magical fish and chips supper I need more inspiration from the past next i unearthed one of Queen Victoria's favorite fish suppers your face a bit of tongue no really not find out why we fish and chips on the Fridays get you get you the old fishing gypsies and take a closer look at the science behind an optical starter I'm looking back in history to find out why fish and chips have such an important place in our hearts and to find inspiration for an amazing fish and chips on fish and chips first fed the nation's poor during Queen Victoria's reign and I've discovered that she was partial to a rather unusual fish fish it may sound disgusting but I'm hoping it'll inspire the starter for my own fish supper I've come to a Victorian folly cheating sting Carson - give it a try so the masses now were able to afford an eat fresh fish battered fried with potatoes but what they were tucking into that the gentry were eating very part of the fish you think you throw away this head there are many recipes in that period for stuffed cops heads so this recipe comes from something called franca telly from muffins 1861 and was apparently Queen Victoria's favorite recipe Queen Victoria lighter food legend has it that she could polish off seven courses in less than 30 minutes oh she's very technical incredibly complicated one handful of minced expensive veal one hollow Cod's head and you put one inside the other that's it it might involve bits of the fish that we now give to the cat I think Queen Victoria was onto something because of all the work the jaws done round the cheeks it's quite a dense meaty texture and it's got a lot of natural gelatine in there which means when you cook it becomes really juicy that is going to be fantastic right then the oven and give it a bit of a dusting with bread crumbs but halfway through I've also found a Victorian recipe for posh chips this is acnes potato ribbons potatoes butter salt cayenne pepper nothing wrong with that ketchup is Wiener it didn't land on our tables until 1907 but Queen Victoria could have tried this red sauce with her claws head made from chopped oysters and colored with crushed beetle shells not the most delicious looking thing that I've ever cooked hey guys through what dampers hairs on your chest but will this cot head tastes better than it looks time to try it on some 21st century taste buds starting with the eyeball can I offer anyone a rival it's part grunting oh boy right anyone fancy a bit of tongue no sir I'm really not come on you lot this was one of Queen Victoria's favorites okay stop bad bad you actually thought you wouldn't give us all of that yeah these are the cheeks hmm that's right nice isn't it it's much better than I thought it'd be and the I was surprised critic it I was really surprised they all loved it so I've got to take something from this recipe and carry it through for my grand finale I've already got the Tippie and a giant chip now I'm going to add an eye-catching starter to my menu inspired by one of Queen Victoria's favorite fish dishes I'm creating a super-sized fake fish eyeball filled with a Koz head cocktail so I've come to me animal eye specialist David wins for a few pointers on how to make it look as realistic as possible is the line Canadian termed a animal all of these listen to that through that crunch up on the chopping block is an eyeball once owned by a tuna fish look at that gloriously spherical lens there isn't that glorious amazing superb because the front of the cornea I think the key to pulling off my fake eyeball is finding the right texture and then there's the vitreous gel the closest food thing I can think to this is a very freshly laid egg white bite you know it gets something mucousy I'm gonna wash my hands now so I'll come back to you in a second - I don't like having surprising how's the casing of this it's quite it's quite tough very tough isn't it that's right yes it's almost it's got a slightly metallic finish to Earth net I mean almost like it's been was gilded that's actually the fish has a really silver the iris there okay and then the cornea is firm but squidgy that's human size to use a technical term yeah it's a bit like a sheet of gelatin sites outside yes and that's basically what it is well David thank you for that that was absolutely fascinating so it's back to my lab to put everything into practice this is a first part of my edible eyeball and this is going to be the iris which is the bit around the outside of the pupil I'm brushing gold leaf onto a disc plane set jelly this is going to give that beautiful metallic shimmering effect I saw in the tuner eyeball and then wouldn't be a self-respecting delicious eyeball without some blood veins with it so I'm just putting some strands of saffron and now I need to add the pupil which is another plane set jelly halide with squid ink also wanted to divert a little bit more richness so for the cornea which is covering over the eyeball I've made a jellied veal stock I was so excited and surprised that the reaction I got from that old stuff cause head recipe people loved the parts of the head the cheeks hadn't tongue and the throat so I thought right that's got to be at the heart of my own arrival so what I've got in here is a Cod's head cocktail just bound with a Mary Rose sauce alright I'm now going to put that into the fridge just to say so with all the elements ready all that's left to do now is cover the set mixture with my special casing and add it to its cocktail base and there you have it one Queen Victoria inspired fete fish eyeball my fish ice starter is almost in the bag I now just need a fish to serve it in and it can't be any old fish I wanted to look like a monster from the deep it's just huge sharp teeth with a massive under bite mm-hmm and then go into the mouth when you pull out these pieces of fish very good very good Hey and I was thinking you you get pickled onions and pickled eggs well pickled monster of the deep eggs and you stand under the back side of the fish because we catch this fish right in the middle of spawning season honey scoop out its row you don't even scoop out it just plops out that's right out of the jar ah that sounds delicious I'll get the whole I'll get one off to a great start now for my main course I'm going back over five hundred years to find inspiration in the roots of a great British tradition fishing chip Friday one-in-five Friday night takeaways is from the chipping canteens and schools and workplaces across the country all the sharp Friday fish and chips it's a British way of life and its heyday lies all the way back in Tudor England by next stop Hampton Court Palace home of party loving Henry the eighth the catholic church of band eating meat for almost half the year including friday forcing people to eat fish sneaking a ham Sahni could land you a fine prison sentence or time in the stocks henry was a man who liked his meat so his cooks came up with some clever recipes to make the best of a bad situation historian mark Melton bill show me one of them for your piety for your church you're not supposed to eat a large piece of meat if you've got money that's exactly what you want to do if you work in a kitchen like this and you're one of the chef's here you're gonna come up with interesting ways of making fish little bit different so yes it's a fish day but look what we've done add one nicely clean rib bone and you have a royal favorite a mutton cutlet albeit made out of salmon but it wasn't just salmon that Henry the eighth's Chefs used they thought anything that spent time in the sea was a fish so this dish could just as easily have been made with beaver porpoise or whale this cool isn't it it's great we've just created a dish for a fish day based on a mate dish designed to fool all the guests into thinking should I really be eating that so all we need now is the chips the common spud wouldn't arrive from South America for another 40 years and although the sweet potato had made an appearance it really hadn't caught on um not in cooking at least well one of the fun things about all new ingredients is when they're expensive and only the wealthy can haven't they're always aphrodisiacs so the potato starts off as its wonderful exotic vegetable the moment poor people can afford them actually we were wrong it's something else as there was no such thing as a tutor chip we're cooking a crunchy alternative side dish a 16th century waffle made with batter and fish stomachs tastes like slightly fishy waffle that yeah but that's that's what we were intending and that's what I find fascinating is this recipes 600 yeah yes original it's exactly the same as a waffle recipe today yeah apart from the fish roe and to complete Henry the eighth's fake fish supper green green some cheater prank peas fish eggs dyed with passed on water those tutors they certainly enjoyed a practical joke would you like to stir it in leave it on top see if it dies I'll leave it to your client as fancy have that colors in the Gorillaz ace well I think we've done is just made the row really unappetizing this pond water I have to say if you have to have a really really creative imagination but it was dark you know one candle might have worked could this tutor me will be the inspiration for the main course of my fish supper get you get you get you the old fish and chips ease time to find out what the people think first off my fishy cutlet it's nice just like fish game yeah very good testing good well done oh wow you know that thumbs up what about my waffles and although waffles nice gesture it's very tasty so far so good medieval prank peas anyone it's very salty and salty like seawater they look like peace you oh hey look I'm pleased you been eating yes would you be happy to seal these an efficient ship shop yes no no this is nice I'm excited see this anyway that's playing out is it yeah some mixed results but people love the fun of Tudor recipes this has given me an idea for my main course I love the fat me go back in history recipes were still playful food had that ability to do that and it still has so if I can capture some of that playfulness and disguise in my fish and chip experience has to be fantastic I'm planning to pay homage to the ingenuity of Henry the eighth's chefs and serve battered fish and disguise in a dish fit for a king this may look like an ordinary bit of fish to you but it's far from I love the skill of my fish in fish and chips some people don't so I've decided to do is to create a magical skin and something with a really special flavor the base of my fake fish skin is a very special gelling agent it's used in such a wide range of products biscuits kiddies potato shapes it's a lubricant and it's even used to cure irritable bowel syndrome and a good dose of moans I'm just using it to make some synthetic fish skin I've had the bespoke mold made if you look closely it's got the mottled effect of fish skin the first layer I'm applying squid ink I want to make my fake fish skin look like that chip shop favorite place place has the addition of these little orange dots so for my orange dots I'm going to be using these sea urchins and these are wonderful aromatic almost floor I've mixed the sea urchins with my gelling agent and I'm finishing with a layer of truffle and Madeira gel so now for the fish I'm using turbo Smee it's just the best its gelatinous its juicy a beautiful texture to it also withstands a frying really well by keeping the pieces of fish smaller they'll retain more moisture and be juicy and moist water way through because this is inspired by Henry's decadence I've just got to add some more truffle but unlike those tutors who light their fish fried in breadcrumbs I'm going to deep-fry mine in my amazing batter it took me years to develop this technique of using a siphon to perfect that light crisp texture batter keeps the fish moist so the steams but doesn't overcook it provides the perfect final element for my fish in disguise I don't think battered fish is ever gonna be more decadent than this so that's the fish throated what about the chips next I reveal the secret to the best chips on the planet how can discover how our favorite dish helps save the nation have you dragged up a live one of those you have been a bit bothered if it had dried out it would have blown up and try to recreate the smell of the chip shop with the appliance of science I want to discover I really love fish and chips so much the secret history of this British institution is inspired to create the ultimate fish dish but what about the ultimate chip baby the gyms are bigger the gyms be madly used tonight whether it's straight chunky crinkled or wedged Britain just can't get enough we the equivalent weight of 4,000 jumbo jets and chips every single year fueling a massive industry worth 434 million pounds for years I was obsessed with perfecting the ultimate chip I wanted a chip that was light and fluffy on the inside and a beautiful glass like crust on the exterior the triple cooked chip was the first recipe I ever invented the secret is simmering them till they almost fall apart and then fry them twice in very hot oil to make them super crispy but I also want to pay homage to the chip shop chip part of the magic for me of a fish and chip shop of chips I will the soggy bits that you get on the bottom they kind of sting and lost their cross and also they get all the vinegar gets soaked up inside them so what I've done here is I've made my own soggy chip it I've taken some chips from the chippy and then just pureed them with a particular malt that breaks down the start is so stops it going gloopy and then added some good old malt vinegar so for me by creating this dip I never got the best of both worlds and for the full fish-and-chip shop experience there is only one way to eat your chips and that is wrapped in newspaper with your fingers cheese but it's not just the taste of the chippy I want to celebrate it's also the smell the ingredient in that delicious vinegary aroma is acetic acid which actively makes you salivate just just wafting what so I'm visiting professor andreas cellar hoping that he can help me find a novel way to disperse that now for Turing smell to my guests I love to create somehow discs on a cloud this mist this explosion of smell there reminds people of a fish and chips shop the trick is going to be to find some kind of happy balance between getting the smell but on the other hand not overdoing it it's about to go I think I can smell a little bit of Inger you got to be standing right here so Oh not fast enough after a whole morning of trial and error oh we still haven't found a way to spread my vinegar cloud so I'm leaving the professor to come up with a plan what I turn my attention to that classic fish-and-chip accompaniment mushy peas I'm looking for inspiration for a mushy pea dish so I'm visiting a man whose family had been serving mushy peas for over 75 years hey how's it going Gary's pistol in Great Yarmouth is unique no fish no chips it specializes in mushy peas it's funny because I always think about mushy peas in a teapot - fish and chips but just to tuck into mushy peas on their own over the years that's just evolved like that oh the big fat reason the mills are you to come there from Wallabies have all waited we're selling what they Street and it's just that me over the years what do people put on their mushy peas well love like mint sauce that's a big favorite but all I do is put a little bit vinegar and pepper on like no one knows exactly where mushy peas appeared on the chippy menu but like fish and chips that were first popular as a cheap source of protein for the poor time to roll up my sleeves okay hey want some peas it's big calm I you I'm come from having mushy peas with my cat thank you very much let's play game two ball rest my favor yelling two more I was born in going up bought misty back from Texas 5,000 miles to come try mushy peas Oh guys I have to slow down here cuz I like I do those are wonderful huh is that really what you're actually surprised no you have a life I didn't think you'd dare as well as this from this little experience you can see people who love mushy peas but the thing I'm really gonna take away from here is you can just serve about repeat that's it so I want to take the mushy peas out of my fish and chips and serve them as a separate fish I'm not gonna give my guess what they expect so I'm turning this savory accompaniment into a dessert so I want to try and capture that fantastic childhood memories of eating fish and chips by the sea I'm after the fish and chips what else do you have you think about guns some holiday it's ice cream it's all of it here is some milk some cream and bit of sugar and a bit of skim milk powder and then a very concentrated ultra smooth pea puree it's really refreshing surprisingly delicious I just can't resist adding a bit more magic to my dessert here we've got chocolate bars and for any crunch and that bit of childhood magic popping candy but for an extra twist I want to make my flakes look like chips so I'm dipping them in a mixture of dark and white chocolate as a kid what more you want the chip and the chocolate all in the same thing but tartar memory is also so much about context and things like packaging and stuff but just that really is such a massive part of the whole experience so I want to serve my chips and our fish and chip box line with edible newspaper and in the little cone there and to dip the chips in all you dip your gypsy tomato ketchup it does sound odd actually this isn't ketchup it's a rose hip and raspberry puree finish it off with a few shakes of real salt and there you have it chocolate chips with mushy pea ice cream so the menu for my ultimate for supper has all sorted but I still need to find somewhere to serve it so I'm thinking just like the recipes I might be able to find the perfect location in the history books by World War two fish and chips had indisputably become a treasured national dish it was so ingrained in our psyche that the government believed if fish was rationed morale would suffer so they bent over backwards to keep it off the ration card so I'm off to the war years to complete the story of why we've taken this dish to our hearts I'm in Brixham in Devon a vital frontline fishing port during World War two to hear the story of Britain's fishermen who helped us win the war ken is a third-generation fisherman whose father landed an 80-pound wartime catch a bomb capable of blowing a fishing boat to pieces so that's your dad yes what kind of fish is he caught there I'm not sure what that is I don't think he kept it very long I think deep fat fry that so I guess that was a bit of a occupational hazard as a fisherman if you dragged up a live one of those you could be yeah a bit bother Connie yeah it's a good job that didn't dry out because if it had dried out it would have blown out oh my god that was really into him yet skipper Davidson was in his wheelhouse when two Messerschmitt zoomed down on him for 50 minutes they pumped the wheelhouse with incendiary bullet under constant attack from submarines and dive bombers more than 1,200 World War two fishermen lost their lives and many ports lost half their fishing fleet despite their best heroic efforts fish supplies fell short so the government were forced to issue this alternative fish recipe to have with our chips not fish if there was no fish around you made this dish which currently looks like this it's basically rice margarine flour and onion with a bit of anchovy to give it that fish flavor it looks like somewhere between porridge and rice pudding but with an anchovy smell by dishing it up with chips the government hoped this fish and chips supper would continue to keep families in good spirits there we have that classic wartime speciality Mach fish or this wartime recipe for my crew of salty sea dog's now mug fish mock-mock-mock fish is no fish I can be funny okay it's really really tasty isn't it yes well I thought it was fish I'm amazed by the bravery and dedication of Britain's fishermen and the contribution to winning World War two it's a little-known story of heroism and sacrifice has given me inspiration for the location of my event I've decided I've got to have my fishing ship experience right here in Britain to really make the most of this beautiful seaside location I want to conjure up a few magical extras to blow my diners minds or my fondest memories of the seaside was rock balling so I've decided I want to make an edible Ron Paul first up completely edible mussels I'm using a special sugar called mannitol often found in diabetic chewing gum if you heat it up to over 160 degrees centigrade as it cools it will very quickly crystallize and form a hard shell so if I pop this out of the mold I have one edible mussel shell finish off with some edible shimmer and now need to make a mussel filling which is a kind of mussel custard made from mussel stock double cream and heat-resistant gel the smells coming up announcer incredibly aromatics like a nice wonderful Malmo Nair a custard once set my muscle fillings are placed into their shells so are totally edible muscle but no Rock Paul would be complete without starfish a minor made of a special kind of lobster soup added to gelatine and dispersed into starfish molds now who said never play with your food next it's all hands on deck to pull off the most incredible fish and chips supper ever behold my monster on booty I've been on a voyage of discovery to reveal the secret history of one of the nation's most iconic dishes got very good fish and chips this humble dish helped build Britain by freeing the poor from groan and dripping boosting morale during two world wars and feeding millions of childhood memories today I'm serving up my spectacular fish and chips supper and I've sent invites to the fish fryers fishermen and fish mongers in the picturesque port of Brixham Devon really exactly it's amazing greetings to the lucky coder of this golden ticket from passionately motel oh wow in your wildest dreams you cannot imagine the fish-and-chip extravaganza that awaits you okay I wanted to celebrate our historical love and passion for fishing ships in order to do that I wanted to create the most spectacular fish and chip shop you could ever imagine so welcome it's an HMS shipping I've taken command of this galleon in Brixham Harbor it's a replica of the ship once captained by explorer Francis Drake the man we can thank for introducing us to the potato today it's giving my golden ticket holders of fish and chip experience they'll never forget time to get those mouths watering I finally come up with a novel way to disperse the smell of a chipping vinegar Laden cannons hey don't welcome on board it's the moment I've been waiting for time to get this show on the road first up is the starter I've gone fishing and this is obviously a very special boat so I've caught a very special fish behold my monster on duty over here we have a very special eyeball inspired by Queen Victoria's love of the fish head my prized peeper is filled with COTS cheek and tongue and covered with saffron-infused jelly but this law don't know that I always think it's best to start an eyeball through the pupil okay braver than me yeah it's got lots of different bits in there but it's a bit scary but no it tastes good the jelly is very tasty yeah I do that on a weekly basis get actually a delicious muscle chewing just like I should be oh it's not bad it tartar sauce it it's quite tiny I don't think it's gonna taste like that at all definitely they like the taste of the COS head but gouging it from a giant eyeball was maybe a step too far there are more surprises to come waiting in the wings is my show-stopping amused bouche so this is my rock pool everything is animal so we've got the coral hair green tea and squid ink sponge there's been Drive we've got sponges made from shiitake mushrooms there's a whole load of series and some of them are real series and other ones like this one code ian is jelly not forgetting my edible mussels and lobster flavored starfish all dipped in edible pore water made with soy sauce and citrus juices and finally your own edible miso and tapioca sandcastle Lisa we everything the whole thing yeah that's chewable yeah this stuff here you even smell that oh that was smells edible never 25 years on what I think I'd be eating the stuff that I've been catching as a child this is really nice it tastes exactly as you said with spam or so that make sense very tasty actually very tasty and go in front of the Bible I have not got a clue what this muscle is going to taste like looks pretty jelly this crazy sensation is just so on and there's one final resident for my Rockwall soft-shell crab things don't look like they should be eating them but yet they taste really nice feels so wrong eating a book in a Sun it's still fairly Mauri for the Coyotes now whet their appetites it's time to dish up my main course fit for a king here is a fish and chips shop counter of my seventies charters complete some dodgy illustrations salt and vinegar pots and a really poorly spell neglible fish dips in honor of Henry the ape who loved his food in disguise here is my battered turbot with truffle and sea urchin skin I expected something exceptional and this is exception along with my signature triple cooked chips are the best chips I've ever made graduating so with a special soggy chip bit you know soggy vinegar Laden chips yeah underneath yeah what we've done is squash them so much so we've made a little bit with them it's all you chip dip yeah now that does taste like it should be here if you see bucket and the flesh is gorgeous really tasting beautiful butter that the batter is really there any criticism the truffle in the skin that you made that's what makes it really envisioned it looks right but it's complete whole different twist on it it works tonight I just works as brilliant and I've a final surprise for the main course it's an entire chip shop in a chip right who's for a giant chip this incredible edible is my homage to the chippy including mushy peas and saveloy just one bite good oval boom all in one oh vinegar selfish mushy peas this happened yes we're we some alario satellite I want more peace Cheers and of course no fish and chips supper is complete without a pickled egg so my monster fish is dishing them out from every orifice its spawning pickled quails eggs listen oh yeah never tastes like about that now tastic something wonderful is happening on board HMS Chile a wave of seaside nostalgia has hit the decks it is a feeling about all the work that's gone into this because sometimes our thinking it's gonna work is it gonna work you're still thinking that when you're here on this boat all of this in this setting it's pretty special and last but not least a desert with a twist mushy pea ice cream with chocolate chips so with rose hip and raspberry sauce at the final element to my fish and chips offer with all the trimmings cranky sweet and then popping candy Barbra Jean's displays the fact is that Young's mainly remember when sauce is their nice little bag your final 15 yeah everyone gonna love popping candy chips tonight it's more effects of childhood bread and then all the delicious smells have been great that makes you back as well you just you walk onto the boat and you could just smell everything and it it was just great I won't be forgetting this in a hurry no not until something to tell the grandkids it is fish and chips on a different level I've been a fisherman for many years it just blew my mind away just fantastic Heston's done something today that well I'll tell you what on it Britain lost fish and chips I had no idea of the rich history and effect that it's had over the years on this country the fantastic thing is fish and chips is a great British tradition that's here to stay next time I'm looking at the roast beef dinner your support is delicately infused with a hint of smoke I'll explore the origin of this national dish direct and you guys could have got one over the French with this in your stomachs and create an amazing 21st century spit list now it's time for the roof behind the scenes of a West End retail institution facing up to a crucial Christmas Liberty of London available now on 4od while next here on actually on now tele-bears fallout in masters of sex Oh
Channel: whisk & braise
Views: 1,541,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fish And Chips (Dish), British Cuisine (Cuisine), French Fries (Food), Fish (Food), Heston Blumenthal (Chef), Haute Cuisine (Industry)
Id: GOXjtR4N524
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 22 2014
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